Ejemplo n.º 1
     //$scormData[$value['users_LOGIN']] = $value;
 //$smarty -> assign("T_SCORM_DATA", $scormData);
 if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'scormUsersTable') {
     isset($_GET['limit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['limit'], 'uint') ? $limit = $_GET['limit'] : ($limit = G_DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE);
     if (isset($_GET['sort']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['sort'], 'text')) {
         $sort = $_GET['sort'];
         isset($_GET['order']) && $_GET['order'] == 'desc' ? $order = 'desc' : ($order = 'asc');
     } else {
         $sort = 'login';
     $scormData = eF_multiSort($scormData, $sort, $order);
     if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
         //this applies to branch urls
         $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
         $branchTreeUsers = array_keys($currentBranch->getBranchTreeUsers());
         foreach ($scormData as $key => $value) {
             if ($value['type'] != 'global' && !in_array($value['users_LOGIN'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
         $scormData = array_values($scormData);
     $smarty->assign("T_USERS_SIZE", sizeof($scormData));
     if (isset($_GET['filter'])) {
         $scormData = eF_filterData($scormData, $_GET['filter']);
     if (isset($_GET['limit']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['limit'], 'int')) {
         isset($_GET['offset']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['offset'], 'int') ? $offset = $_GET['offset'] : ($offset = 0);
         $scormData = array_slice($scormData, $offset, $limit);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get the list of users that are currently online
  * This function is used to get a list of the users that are currently online
  * In addition, it logs out any inactive users, based on global setting
  * <br>Example:
  * <code>
  * $online = EfrontUser :: getUsersOnline();
  * </code>
  * @param boolean $userType Return only users of the basic type $user_type
  * @param int $interval The idle interval above which a user is logged out. If it's not specified, no logging out takes place
  * @return array The list of online users
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public static function getUsersOnline($interval = false)
     $usersOnline = array();
     //A user may have multiple active entries on the user_times table, one for system, one for unit etc. Pick the most recent
     $result = eF_getTableData("user_times,users", "users.login, users.name, users.surname, users.user_type, timestamp_now, session_timestamp, session_id", "users.login=user_times.users_LOGIN and session_expired=0", "timestamp_now desc");
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         if (!isset($parsedUsers[$value['login']])) {
             if (time() - $value['timestamp_now'] < $interval || !$interval) {
                 $usersOnline[] = array('login' => $value['login'], 'formattedLogin' => formatLogin($value['login'], $value), 'user_type' => $value['user_type'], 'timestamp_now' => $value['timestamp_now'], 'session_timestamp' => $value['session_timestamp'], 'time' => EfrontTimes::formatTimeForReporting(time() - $value['session_timestamp']));
             } else {
                 //pr("interval: $interval, time: ".time().", timestamp_now:".$value['timestamp_now']);
             $parsedUsers[$value['login']] = true;
     $online_users = sizeof($result);
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'community') {
         #cpp#ifndef COMMUNITY
         if (G_VERSIONTYPE != 'standard') {
             #cpp#ifndef STANDARD
             $threshold = $GLOBALS['configuration']['max_online_users_threshold'];
             if ($threshold > 0 && $online_users > $threshold && time() > $GLOBALS['configuration']['max_online_users_threshold_timestamp'] + 24 * 60 * 60) {
                 $admin = EfrontSystem::getAdministrator();
                 eF_mail($GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], $admin->user['email'], _ONLINEUSERSMAIL, str_replace(array('%w', '%x', '%y', '%z'), array($admin->user['name'], $threshold, $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name'], G_SERVERNAME), _ONLINEUSERSMAILBODY));
                 EfrontConfiguration::setValue('max_online_users_threshold_timestamp', time());
     if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['max_online_users'] < $online_users) {
         EfrontConfiguration::setValue('max_online_users', $online_users);
         EfrontConfiguration::setValue('max_online_users_timestamp', time());
     if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise' && defined("G_BRANCH_URL") && G_BRANCH_URL && $_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
         $branch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
         $branchUsers = $branch->getBranchTreeUsers();
         foreach ($usersOnline as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($branchUsers[$value['login']]) && $value['user_type'] != 'administrator') {
     return $usersOnline;
Ejemplo n.º 3
$form->addRule('login', _INVALIDLOGIN, 'checkParameter', 'login');
$form->addElement('password', 'password', _PASSWORD, 'class = "inputText" tabindex = "0"');
$form->addRule('password', _THEFIELD . ' "' . _PASSWORD . '" ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client');
$form->addElement('checkbox', 'remember', _KEEPMELOGGEDIN, null, 'class = "inputCheckbox" style = "vertical-align:middle"');
$form->addElement('submit', 'submit_login', _ENTER, 'class = "flatButton"');
$form->disable_csrf = true;
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) {
    try {
        $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory(trim($form->exportValue('login')));
        if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['lock_down'] && $user->user['user_type'] != 'administrator') {
            eF_redirect("index.php?message=" . urlencode(_LOCKDOWNONLYADMINISTRATORSCANLOGIN) . "&message_type=failure");
        if ($_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
            $branch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
            $branchUsers = $branch->getBranchTreeUsers();
            if ($user->user['user_type'] != 'administrator' && (empty($branchUsers) || in_array($user->user['login'], array_keys($branchUsers)) === false)) {
                if (!$user->user['active']) {
                    eF_redirect("index.php?message=" . urlencode(_USERINACTIVE));
                } else {
                    eF_redirect("index.php?message=" . urlencode(_YOUARENOTAMEMBEROFTHISBRANCH));
        } else {
            if ($user->user['user_type'] != 'administrator' && !$GLOBALS['configuration']['allow_direct_login']) {
                eF_redirect("index.php?message=" . urlencode(_YOUCANONLYLOGINFROMYOURBRANCHURL));
        //Check whether there are any fields that must be filled in by the user
        $result = eF_getTableData("user_profile", "name,type", "active=1 and mandatory = 2");
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get course information
  * This function returns the course information in an array
  * with attributes: 'general_description', 'assessment',
  * 'objectives', 'lesson_topics', 'resources', 'other_info',
  * as well as other information, including professors, lessons, etc.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $info = $course -> getInformation();         //Get course information
  * </code>
  * @return array The lesson information
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
  * @todo refactor
 public function getInformation()
     $information = array();
     if ($this->course['info']) {
         $order = array("general_description", "objectives", "assessment", "lesson_topics", "resources", "other_info", "learning_method");
         // for displaying fiels sorted
         $infoSorted = array();
         $unserialized = unserialize($this->course['info']);
         foreach ($order as $value) {
             if ($unserialized[$value] != "") {
                 $infoSorted[$value] = $unserialized[$value];
         $information = $infoSorted;
     foreach ($this->getUsers() as $key => $user) {
         if ($user['role'] == 'professor') {
             $information['professors'][$key] = $user;
     if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
         //this applies to supervisors only
         require_once 'module_hcd_tools.php';
         $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
         $branchTreeUsers = array_keys($currentBranch->getBranchTreeUsers());
         foreach ($information['professors'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($value['login'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
     if (sizeof($instances = $this->getInstances()) > 1) {
         $information['instances'] = sizeof($instances);
     } else {
         $information['lessons_number'] = $this->countCourseLessons();
         $information['price_string'] = $this->course['price_string'];
     $information['language'] = $this->course['languages_NAME'];
     $information['created'] = $this->course['created'];
     return $information;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Get lesson information
  * This function returns the lesson information in an array
  * with attributes: 'general_description', 'assessment',
  * 'objectives', 'lesson_topics', 'resources', 'other_info',
  * as well as other information, including professors, projects
  * etc.
  * If a user is specified, the information is customized on this
  * user.
  * <br/>Example:
  * <code>
  * $info = $lesson -> getInformation();         //Get lesson information
  * $info = $lesson -> getInformation('jdoe');   //Get lesson information, customizable for user 'jdoe'
  * </code>
  * @param string $user The user login to customize lesson information for
  * @return array The lesson information
  * @since 3.5.0
  * @access public
 public function getInformation($user = false, $information = false)
     $lessonContent = new EFrontContentTree($this->lesson['id'], array('id', 'previous_content_ID', 'parent_content_ID', 'active', 'publish', 'ctg_type'));
     foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('active' => 1, 'publish' => 1)) as $key => $value) {
         switch ($value['ctg_type']) {
             case 'tests':
             case 'scorm_test':
                 $testIds[$key] = $key;
             case 'theory':
             case 'scorm':
                 $theoryIds[$key] = $key;
             case 'examples':
                 $exampleIds[$key] = $key;
     $testIds = array();
     foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent -> tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST), array('active' => 1, 'publish' => 1, 'ctg_type' => 'tests')) as $key => $value) {
     $testIds[$key] = $key;            //Count tests
     foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent -> tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST), array('active' => 1, 'ctg_type' => 'scorm_test')) as $key => $value) {
     $testIds[$key] = $key;            //Count tests
     $theoryIds = array();
     foreach (new EfrontTheoryFilterIterator(new EfrontVisitableFilterIterator(new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent -> tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST)))) as $key => $value) {
     $theoryIds[$key] = $key;            //Count theory
     //        foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent -> tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST), array('ctg_type' => 'scorm', 'active' => 1)) as $key => $value) {
     //            $theoryIds[$key] = $key;            //Count theory
     //        }
     $exampleIds = array();
     foreach (new EfrontVisitableFilterIterator(new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent -> tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator :: SELF_FIRST), array('ctg_type' => 'examples'))) as $key => $value) {
     $exampleIds[$key] = $key;            //Count examples
     $user ? $projects = $this->getProjects(false, $user, false) : ($projects = $this->getProjects());
     $direction = $this->getDirection();
     //$info['students']      = $this -> getUsers('student');		//commented out periklis for performance/memory reasons
     $info['professors'] = $this->getUsers('professor');
     if ($_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator' && $_SESSION['s_current_branch']) {
         //this applies to supervisors only
         require_once 'module_hcd_tools.php';
         $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
         $branchTreeUsers = array_keys($currentBranch->getBranchTreeUsers());
         foreach ($info['students'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($value['login'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
         foreach ($info['professors'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($value['login'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
     $info['tests'] = sizeof($testIds);
     $info['theory'] = sizeof($theoryIds);
     $info['examples'] = sizeof($exampleIds);
     $info['content'] = $info['examples'] + $info['theory'];
     $info['projects'] = sizeof($projects);
     $info['direction'] = $direction['name'];
     $info['active'] = $this->lesson['active'];
     $info['active_string'] = $this->lesson['active'] == 1 ? _YES : _NO;
     $info['price'] = $this->lesson['price'];
     $info['price_string'] = $this->lesson['price_string'];
     $info['language'] = $this->lesson['languages_NAME'];
     $info['from_timestamp'] = $this->lesson['from_timestamp'];
     $info['to_timestamp'] = $this->lesson['to_timestamp'];
     $info['created'] = $this->lesson['created'];
     //$info['shift']         = $this -> lesson['shift'];
     if ($info['professors']) {
         foreach ($info['professors'] as $value) {
             $professorsString[] = $value['name'] . ' ' . $value['surname'];
         $info['professors_string'] = implode(", ", $professorsString);
     if ($this->lesson['info']) {
         $order = array("general_description", "objectives", "assessment", "lesson_topics", "resources", "other_info", "learning_method");
         // for displaying fiels sorted
         $infoSorted = array();
         $unserialized = unserialize($this->lesson['info']);
         foreach ($order as $value) {
             if ($unserialized[$value] != "") {
                 $infoSorted[$value] = $unserialized[$value];
         !is_array($this->lesson['info']) && unserialize($this->lesson['info']) !== false ? $info = array_merge($infoSorted, $info) : ($info = array_merge($infoSorted, $info));
     return $info;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function askUsers()
    if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
        #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
        if (!isset($_SESSION['supervises_branches'])) {
            include_once $path . "module_hcd_tools.php";
            //Automatically fix missing branch assignments for supervisors
            //discover employee role in the hierarchy
    //	$_POST['preffix'] = "%";	// Useful for debugging
    if (isset($_POST['preffix'])) {
        if (mb_strpos($_POST['preffix'], ";") === false) {
            $user = $_POST['preffix'];
        } else {
            $user = trim(mb_substr(strrchr($_POST['preffix'], ";"), 1));
    $users = array();
    if (isset($user) && $user) {
        $preffix = $user;
        // Return active users for statistics:
        // - admins: all
        // - supervisors: all supervised (in Enterprise)
        // - professors: students
        if (isset($_GET['supervisors'])) {
            $users = eF_getTableData("users u, module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch wb", "distinct u.login,u.name,u.surname,u.user_type,u.user_types_ID", "u.login=wb.users_LOGIN and wb.supervisor=1 and u.active = 1 and (login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%' OR user_type like '{$preffix}%')", "login");
        } elseif (!isset($_GET['messaging'])) {
            if ($_SESSION['s_type'] == "administrator") {
                $users = eF_getTableData("users", "login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "active = 1 and (login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%' OR user_type like '{$preffix}%')", "login");
            } else {
                // Get students of professor
                $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_SESSION['s_login']);
                $students = $user->getProfessorStudents();
                $logins = array();
                $size = sizeof($students);
                for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
                    if (!isset($logins[$students[$i]])) {
                        $logins[$students[$i]] = $students[$i];
                $logins[] = $_SESSION['s_login'];
                if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                    #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                    // Append to logins array the employees of supervisor
                    if (isset($user->aspects['hcd']) && $user->aspects['hcd']->isSupervisor()) {
                        include_once $path . "module_hcd_tools.php";
                        $supervised_employees = eF_getTableData("users LEFT OUTER JOIN module_hcd_employee_has_job_description ON users.login = module_hcd_employee_has_job_description.users_LOGIN LEFT OUTER JOIN module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ON users.login = module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.users_LOGIN", "users.login", "(users.user_type <> 'administrator' AND ((module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.branch_ID IN (" . $_SESSION['supervises_branches'] . " ) AND module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.assigned='1'))) AND active = 1 GROUP BY login", "login");
                        foreach ($supervised_employees as $employee) {
                            if (!isset($logins[$employee['login']])) {
                                $logins[$employee['login']] = $employee['login'];
                $students_list = "'" . implode("','", $logins) . "'";
                if (sizeof($logins) > 100) {
                    // for performance reason
                    $users = eF_getTableData("users", "login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%' OR user_type like '{$preffix}%'", "login");
                    $logins2 = array();
                    foreach ($users as $value) {
                        $logins2[$value['login']] = $value;
                    $users = array_values(array_intersect_key($logins2, $logins));
                } else {
                    $users = eF_getTableData("users", "login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "login IN ({$students_list}) AND (login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%' OR user_type like '{$preffix}%')", "login");
            // Return active users for messaging:
            // - admins: all
            // - supervisors: all
            // - users: other users with common group, lesson, course (or branch in Enterprise)
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['s_type'] == "administrator") {
                $users = eF_getTableData("users", "login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "active = 1 and (login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%')", "login");
                $users[] = array('login' => "[*]", 'name' => _ALLUSERS, 'surname' => _ALLUSERS);
            } else {
                $currentUser = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_SESSION['s_login']);
                $grant_full_access = false;
                if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                    #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                    $currentEmployee = $currentUser->aspects['hcd'];
                    if ($currentEmployee->isSupervisor()) {
                        $grant_full_access = true;
                if (!$grant_full_access) {
                    // Used for correct handling in Enterprise and non-Enterprise editions
                    $myGroupsIds = array_keys($currentUser->getGroups());
                    //echo "Groups<BR><BR><BR>";pr($myGroupsIds);
                    if (!empty($myGroupsIds)) {
                        $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users JOIN users_to_groups", "distinct users_LOGIN", "users.active = 1 and users.login = users_to_groups.users_LOGIN AND groups_ID IN ('" . implode("','", $myGroupsIds) . "')");
                        $logins = $result['users_LOGIN'];
                    $myLessonsIds = array_keys($currentUser->getLessons());
                    //pr($result);echo "Lessons<BR><BR><BR>";pr($myLessonsIds);
                    if (!empty($myLessonsIds)) {
                        $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users JOIN users_to_lessons", "distinct users_LOGIN", "users.active = 1 and users.archive=0 and users_to_lessons.archive=0 and users.login = users_to_lessons.users_LOGIN AND lessons_ID IN ('" . implode("','", $myLessonsIds) . "')");
                        $logins = array();
                        foreach ($result['users_LOGIN'] as $login) {
                            if (!isset($logins[$login])) {
                                $logins[$login] = $login;
                    $myCoursesIds = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_courses", "courses_ID", "archive = 0 and users_LOGIN = '******'login'] . "'");
                    $myCoursesIds = $myCoursesIds['courses_ID'];
                    //echo "Courses<BR><BR><BR>";pr($myCoursesIds);
                    if (!empty($myCoursesIds)) {
                        $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users JOIN users_to_courses", "distinct users_LOGIN", "users.active = 1 and users.login = users_to_courses.users_LOGIN AND  users.archive=0 and users_to_courses.archive=0 AND courses_ID IN ('" . implode("','", $myCoursesIds) . "')");
                        foreach ($result['users_LOGIN'] as $login) {
                            if (!isset($logins[$login])) {
                                $logins[$login] = $login;
                    if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') {
                        #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE
                        $branches = $currentEmployee->getBranches(true);
                        //						pr($branches);
                        if (!empty($branches)) {
                            $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("users JOIN module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", "users_LOGIN", "users.login = module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch.users_LOGIN AND branch_ID IN ('" . implode("','", $branches) . "')");
                            foreach ($result['users_LOGIN'] as $login) {
                                if (!isset($logins[$login])) {
                                    $logins[$login] = $login;
                    $related_users_list = "'" . implode("','", $logins) . "'";
                    $users = eF_getTableData("users", "distinct login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "login IN (" . $related_users_list . ") AND (login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%')", "login");
                } else {
                    $users = eF_getTableData("users", "distinct login,name,surname,user_type,user_types_ID", "login like '{$preffix}%' OR name like '{$preffix}%' OR surname like '{$preffix}%'", "login");
            if ($_SESSION['s_type'] == "professor") {
                $users[] = array('login' => "[*]", 'name' => _MYSTUDENTS, 'surname' => _MYSTUDENTS, 'user_type' => '[*]');
    if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise' && $_SESSION['s_current_branch'] && $_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator') {
        $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']);
        $branchTreeUsers = array_keys($currentBranch->getBranchTreeUsers());
        foreach ($users as $key => $value) {
            if (!in_array($value['login'], $branchTreeUsers)) {
        $users = array_values($users);
    for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($users); $k++) {
        /*$hilogin = highlightSearch($users[$k]['login'], $preffix);
        	 $hiname = highlightSearch($users[$k]['name'], $preffix);
        	 $hisurname = highlightSearch($users[$k]['surname'], $preffix);  */
        $hilogin = $users[$k]['login'];
        $hiname = $users[$k]['name'];
        $hisurname = $users[$k]['surname'];
        $hiusertype = $users[$k]['user_types_ID'] ? $users[$k]['user_types_ID'] : $users[$k]['user_type'];
        if ($users[$k]['login'] == '[*]') {
            $formattedLogins[$users[$k]['login']] = $hiname;
        } else {
            $formattedLogins[$users[$k]['login']] = formatLogin($hilogin, array('login' => $hilogin, 'name' => $hiname, 'surname' => $hisurname, 'user_type' => $hiusertype));
        //$str = $str.'<li id='.$users[$k]['login'].'>'.$formattedLogin.'</li>';
    //changed for case that two users (without common appearance) returned  but one of them have common appearance with a third user (#1741)
    if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['username_format_resolve']) {
        foreach ($formattedLogins as $key => $value) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['_usernames'][$key])) {
                $formattedLogins[$key] = $GLOBALS['_usernames'][$key];
    $strs = array();
    $strs[] = '<ul>';
    for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($users); $k++) {
        $strs[] = '<li id="' . htmlentities($users[$k]['login'], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8') . '">' . htmlentities($formattedLogins[$users[$k]['login']], ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'UTF-8') . '</li>';
    $strs[] = '</ul>';
    echo implode("", $strs);