/** * @return FieldList */ public function getCMSFields() { Requirements::javascript(USERFORMS_DIR . '/javascript/Recipient.js'); // Determine optional field values $form = $this->getFormParent(); // predefined choices are also candidates $multiOptionFields = EditableMultipleOptionField::get()->filter('ParentID', $form->ID); // if they have email fields then we could send from it $validEmailFromFields = EditableEmailField::get()->filter('ParentID', $form->ID); // For the subject, only one-line entry boxes make sense $validSubjectFields = ArrayList::create(EditableTextField::get()->filter('ParentID', $form->ID)->exclude('Rows:GreaterThan', 1)->toArray()); $validSubjectFields->merge($multiOptionFields); // To address cannot be unbound, so restrict to pre-defined lists $validEmailToFields = $multiOptionFields; // Build fieldlist $fields = FieldList::create(Tabset::create('Root')->addExtraClass('EmailRecipientForm')); // Configuration fields $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.EmailDetails', array(FieldGroup::create(TextField::create('EmailSubject', _t('UserDefinedForm.TYPESUBJECT', 'Type subject'))->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 400px;'), DropdownField::create('SendEmailSubjectFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.SELECTAFIELDTOSETSUBJECT', '.. or select a field to use as the subject'), $validSubjectFields->map('ID', 'Title'))->setEmptyString(''))->setTitle(_t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILSUBJECT', 'Email subject')), FieldGroup::create(TextField::create('EmailAddress', _t('UserDefinedForm.TYPETO', 'Type to address'))->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 400px;'), DropdownField::create('SendEmailToFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASTO', '.. or select a field to use as the to address'), $validEmailToFields->map('ID', 'Title'))->setEmptyString(' '))->setTitle(_t('UserDefinedForm.SENDEMAILTO', 'Send email to'))->setDescription(_t('UserDefinedForm.SENDEMAILTO_DESCRIPTION', 'You may enter multiple email addresses as a comma separated list.')), TextField::create('EmailFrom', _t('UserDefinedForm.FROMADDRESS', 'Send email from'))->setDescription(_t('UserDefinedForm.EmailFromContent', "The from address allows you to set who the email comes from. On most servers this " . "will need to be set to an email address on the same domain name as your site. " . "For example on yoursite.com the from address may need to be something@yoursite.com. " . "You can however, set any email address you wish as the reply to address.")), FieldGroup::create(TextField::create('EmailReplyTo', _t('UserDefinedForm.TYPEREPLY', 'Type reply address'))->setAttribute('style', 'min-width: 400px;'), DropdownField::create('SendEmailFromFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASFROM', '.. or select a field to use as reply to address'), $validEmailFromFields->map('ID', 'Title'))->setEmptyString(' '))->setTitle(_t('UserDefinedForm.REPLYADDRESS', 'Email for reply to'))->setDescription(_t('UserDefinedForm.REPLYADDRESS_DESCRIPTION', 'The email address which the recipient is able to \'reply\' to.')))); // Only show the preview link if the recipient has been saved. if (!empty($this->EmailTemplate)) { $preview = sprintf('<p><a href="%s" target="_blank" class="ss-ui-button">%s</a></p><em>%s</em>', "admin/pages/edit/EditForm/field/EmailRecipients/item/{$this->ID}/preview", _t('UserDefinedForm.PREVIEW_EMAIL', 'Preview email'), _t('UserDefinedForm.PREVIEW_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION', 'Note: Unsaved changes will not appear in the preview.')); } else { $preview = sprintf('<em>%s</em>', _t('UserDefinedForm.PREVIEW_EMAIL_UNAVAILABLE', 'You can preview this email once you have saved the Recipient.')); } // Email templates $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.EmailContent', array(CheckboxField::create('HideFormData', _t('UserDefinedForm.HIDEFORMDATA', 'Hide form data from email?')), CheckboxField::create('SendPlain', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDPLAIN', 'Send email as plain text? (HTML will be stripped)')), DropdownField::create('EmailTemplate', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILTEMPLATE', 'Email template'), $this->getEmailTemplateDropdownValues())->addExtraClass('toggle-html-only'), HTMLEditorField::create('EmailBodyHtml', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILBODYHTML', 'Body'))->addExtraClass('toggle-html-only'), TextareaField::create('EmailBody', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILBODY', 'Body'))->addExtraClass('toggle-plain-only'), LiteralField::create('EmailPreview', '<div id="EmailPreview" class="field toggle-html-only">' . $preview . '</div>'))); // Custom rules for sending this field $grid = new GridField("CustomRules", _t('EditableFormField.CUSTOMRULES', 'Custom Rules'), $this->CustomRules(), $this->getRulesConfig()); $grid->setDescription(_t('UserDefinedForm.RulesDescription', 'Emails will only be sent to the recipient if the custom rules are met. If no rules are defined, this receipient will receive notifications for every submission.')); $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.CustomRules', array(new DropdownField('CustomRulesCondition', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDIF', 'Send condition'), array('Or' => 'Any conditions are true', 'And' => 'All conditions are true')), $grid)); $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; }
function getFormField() { $field = parent::getFormField(); return singleton('DefaultEditableFieldHelper')->updateFormField($this, $field); }
/** * Import Gravity Form as User Defined Form */ public function importGravityForms() { if (!class_exists('UserFormFieldEditorExtension')) { throw new WordpressImportException(__FUNCTION__ . ' requires User Defined Forms 3.0+'); } //$list = ElementContent::get()->filter(array('HTML:PartialMatch' => '[gravityform')); // Get existing gravity form items $existingWpRecords = array(); $list = $this->applyWordpressFilter(UserDefinedForm::get(), array('posts', 'rg_form')); foreach ($list as $record) { if (isset($record->WordpressData['gravityform'])) { // Handle case where a Page was the only one using a Gravity Form, so // the gravity form data was just attached to that existing data. $gfData = $record->WordpressData['gravityform']; if (!isset($gfData['id'])) { throw new Exception('Missing "id" in "gravityform" data on #' . $record->ID . ' in its "WordpressData" column.'); } $id = $gfData['id']; $existingWpRecords[$id] = $record; } else { // Handle case where Gravity form was used in multiple locations, wherein // a new page was created. $existingWpRecords[$record->WordpressID] = $record; } } $gfDB = new WordpressGravityForms($this->_db); foreach ($gfDB->getForms() as $gfData) { $gfID = (int) $gfData['id']; if ($existingWpRecords && isset($existingWpRecords[$gfID])) { // Skip existing imported gravity forms $this->log($record, 'nochange'); continue; } $gfMeta = $gfDB->attachAndGetFormMeta($gfData); if (!isset($gfMeta['display_meta']['fields'])) { continue; } // Create array of EditableFormField's $fields = array(); $fieldsData = $gfMeta['display_meta']['fields']; foreach ($fieldsData as $i => $fieldData) { if (!isset($fieldData['type'])) { throw new WordpressImportException('Gravity Form field is missing "type"'); } $type = $fieldData['type']; $label = isset($fieldData['label']) ? $fieldData['label'] : null; $field = null; switch ($type) { case 'textarea': $field = EditableTextField::create(); $field->Rows = 4; break; case 'name': case 'text': case 'phone': $field = EditableTextField::create(); break; case 'email': $field = EditableEmailField::create(); break; case 'number': $field = EditableNumericField::create(); $field->MinValue = isset($fieldData['rangeMin']) ? $fieldData['rangeMin'] : 0; $field->MaxValue = isset($fieldData['rangeMax']) ? $fieldData['rangeMax'] : 0; break; case 'radio': $field = EditableRadioField::create(); break; case 'checkbox': $choices = isset($fieldData['choices']) ? $fieldData['choices'] : false; if (!$choices) { throw new WordpressImportException('Cannot find "choices" on ' . $type); } if (count($choices) == 1) { $field = EditableCheckbox::create(); foreach ($choices as $choiceData) { $label = $choiceData['text']; break; } } else { $field = EditableCheckboxGroupField::create(); } break; case 'select': $field = EditableDropdown::create(); break; case 'captcha': // No Captcha field comes with User Defined Forms. $field = false; break; case 'html': // Ignore literal field $field = EditableLiteralField::create(); $field->Content = isset($fieldData['content']) ? $fieldData['content'] : ''; break; default: //Debug::dump($fieldData); throw new WordpressImportException('Gravity Form field is unhandled type "' . $type . '".'); break; } if ($field === null) { throw new WordpressImportException('Gravity Form field is mishandled type "' . $type . '" $field isn\'t set.'); } if ($field) { /*$descriptionPlacement = isset($fieldData['descriptionPlacement']) ? $fieldData['descriptionPlacement'] : 'above'; if ($descriptionPlacement === 'above') { $field->Title = $label; } else if ($descriptionPlacement === 'below') { $field->RightTitle = $label; } else { throw new WordpressImportException('Invalid "descriptionPlacement" value "'.$descriptionPlacement.'"'); }*/ $field->Title = $label; $field->Placeholder = isset($fieldData['placeholder']) ? $fieldData['placeholder'] : null; $field->CustomErrorMessage = isset($fieldData['errorMessage']) ? $fieldData['errorMessage'] : null; $field->Required = isset($fieldData['isRequired']) ? $fieldData['isRequired'] : false; $field->Sort = $i + 1; $choices = isset($fieldData['choices']) ? $fieldData['choices'] : false; if ($choices && $field->hasMethod('Options')) { foreach ($choices as $choiceData) { $choice = EditableOption::create(); $choice->Title = $choiceData['value']; $field->Options()->add($choice); } } $fields[] = $field; } } // Get existing page record if only a single page is using a gravity form. $oneGravityFormPageRecord = null; $pageContent = null; if (isset($this->_classes_using_elemental['SiteTree']) || isset($this->_classes_using_elemental['Page'])) { $list = ElementContent::get()->filter(array('HTML:PartialMatch' => '[gravityform id="' . $gfID . '"')); $list = $list->toArray(); if (count($list) == 1) { $elementContent = $list[0]; $oneGravityFormPageRecord = $elementContent->Parent(); $pageContent = $elementContent->HTML; } } else { $list = SiteTree::get()->filter(array('Content:PartialMatch' => '[gravityform id="' . $gfID . '"')); $list = $list->toArray(); if (count($list) == 1) { $oneGravityFormPageRecord = $list[0]; $pageContent = $oneGravityFormPageRecord->Content; } } if (substr_count($pageContent, '[gravityform') > 1) { // If two gravity forms exist on the single page, don't make it write the UserDefinedForm // to an existing page. $oneGravityFormPageRecord = null; } /*if ($oneGravityFormPageRecord && $existingWpRecords && isset($existingWpRecords[$oneGravityFormPageRecord->WordpressID])) { // Skip existing imported gravity forms $this->log($record, 'nochange'); continue; }*/ // Create UDF if ($oneGravityFormPageRecord) { // If only one page is using a Gravity Form, transform it into a UserDefinedForm page. $record = $oneGravityFormPageRecord->newClassInstance('UserDefinedForm'); $wordpressData = $record->WordpressData; $wordpressData['gravityform'] = $gfData; $record->WordpressData = $wordpressData; } else { // If multiple pages are using the same Gravity Form, just create the UserDefinedForm page. $record = UserDefinedForm::create(); if (!isset($gfData['title'])) { throw new WordpressImportException('Gravity Form missing "title" field.'); } $record->Title = $gfData['title']; if (!isset($gfData['date_created'])) { throw new WordpressImportException('Gravity Form missing "date_created" field.'); } $record->Created = $gfData['date_created']; $record->WordpressData = $gfData; } foreach ($fields as $field) { $record->Fields()->add($field); } //Debug::dump($record->toMap()); try { $isPublished = isset($gfData['is_active']) && $gfData['is_active'] || $record->isPublished(); $this->writeAndPublishRecord($record, $isPublished); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log($record, 'error', $e); throw $e; } } }
/** * @return FieldList */ public function getCMSFields() { $fields = new FieldList(new TextField('EmailSubject', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILSUBJECT', 'Email subject')), new LiteralField('EmailFromContent', '<p>' . _t('UserDefinedForm.EmailFromContent', "The from address allows you to set who the email comes from. On most servers this " . "will need to be set to an email address on the same domain name as your site. " . "For example on yoursite.com the from address may need to be something@yoursite.com. " . "You can however, set any email address you wish as the reply to address.") . "</p>"), new TextField('EmailFrom', _t('UserDefinedForm.FROMADDRESS', 'Send email from')), new TextField('EmailReplyTo', _t('UserDefinedForm.REPLYADDRESS', 'Email for reply to')), new TextField('EmailAddress', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDEMAILTO', 'Send email to')), new CheckboxField('HideFormData', _t('UserDefinedForm.HIDEFORMDATA', 'Hide form data from email?')), new CheckboxField('SendPlain', _t('UserDefinedForm.SENDPLAIN', 'Send email as plain text? (HTML will be stripped)')), new TextareaField('EmailBody', _t('UserDefinedForm.EMAILBODY', 'Body'))); $formID = $this->FormID != 0 ? $this->FormID : Session::get('CMSMain.currentPage'); $dropdowns = array(); // if they have email fields then we could send from it $validEmailFields = EditableEmailField::get()->filter('ParentID', (int) $formID); // for the subject, only one-line entry boxes make sense $validSubjectFields = EditableTextField::get()->filter('ParentID', (int) $formID)->filterByCallback(function ($item, $list) { return (int) $item->getSetting('Rows') === 1; }); // predefined choices are also candidates $multiOptionFields = EditableMultipleOptionField::get()->filter('ParentID', (int) $formID); $fields->insertAfter($dropdowns[] = new DropdownField('SendEmailFromFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASFROM', '.. or select a field to use as reply to address'), $validEmailFields->map('ID', 'Title')), 'EmailReplyTo'); $validEmailFields = new ArrayList($validEmailFields->toArray()); $validEmailFields->merge($multiOptionFields); $validSubjectFields->merge($multiOptionFields); $fields->insertAfter($dropdowns[] = new DropdownField('SendEmailToFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.ORSELECTAFIELDTOUSEASTO', '.. or select a field to use as the to address'), $validEmailFields->map('ID', 'Title')), 'EmailAddress'); $fields->insertAfter($dropdowns[] = new DropdownField('SendEmailSubjectFieldID', _t('UserDefinedForm.SELECTAFIELDTOSETSUBJECT', '.. or select a field to use as the subject'), $validSubjectFields->map('ID', 'Title')), 'EmailSubject'); foreach ($dropdowns as $dropdown) { $dropdown->setHasEmptyDefault(true); $dropdown->setEmptyString(" "); } $this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields); return $fields; }