Ejemplo n.º 1
    public static function main()
        $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
        /*   //                                                          //
         *  //--We start our form HERE ! this is for the whole app !    //
         * //                                                          //
        $task = $input->get('task', 'stuffer');
        $ecr_project = $input->get('ecr_project');
        $project = false;
        if ($ecr_project) {
            try {
                $project = EcrProjectHelper::getProject();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo '';
                //-- To satisfy the sniffer - aka: do nothing.
        //--Menu highlighting... set css class _active
        $actives = array();
        $tasks = array();
        $rightTasks = array();
        if ($project instanceof EcrProjectBase && $project->isValid) {
            //-- Left bar
            $tasks['stuffer'] = new stdClass();
            $tasks['stuffer']->title = jgettext('Project');
            $tasks['stuffer']->image = 'ecr_settings';
            $tasks['stuffer']->tasks = array('stuffer', 'stufferstuff', 'projectinfo', 'files', 'save_config', 'projectparams', 'projectdelete', 'tables', 'install');
            if ('package' != $project->type) {
                $tasks['languages'] = new stdClass();
                $tasks['languages']->title = jgettext('Languages');
                $tasks['languages']->image = 'ecr_languages';
                $tasks['languages']->tasks = array('languages', 'translations', 'searchfiles', 'langcorrectdeforder', 'langcorrectorder', 'show_version', 'show_versions', 'language_check', 'create_langfile', 'convert', 'g11nUpdate');
                $tasks['codeeye'] = new stdClass();
                $tasks['codeeye']->title = jgettext('CodeEye');
                $tasks['codeeye']->image = 'xeyes';
                $tasks['codeeye']->tasks = array('codeeye', 'phpcs', 'phpcpd', 'phpunit', 'selenium', 'phpdoc', 'phploc', 'stats', 'stats2', 'reflection', 'runcli', 'runwap');
            $tasks['ziper'] = new stdClass();
            $tasks['ziper']->title = jgettext('Package');
            $tasks['ziper']->image = 'ecr_package';
            $tasks['ziper']->tasks = array('ziper', 'delete', 'archive');
            $tasks['deploy'] = new stdClass();
            $tasks['deploy']->title = jgettext('Deploy');
            $tasks['deploy']->image = 'ecr_deploy';
            $tasks['deploy']->tasks = array('deploy', 'package');
            foreach ($tasks as $k => $v) {
                $actives[$k] = in_array($task, $v->tasks) ? ' active' : '';
        //-- Right bar
        $rightTasks['config'] = new stdClass();
        $rightTasks['config']->title = jgettext('Configuration');
        $rightTasks['config']->image = 'ecr_config';
        $rightTasks['config']->tasks = array('config');
        $rightTasks['templates'] = new stdClass();
        $rightTasks['templates']->title = jgettext('Templates');
        $rightTasks['templates']->image = 'wizard';
        $rightTasks['templates']->tasks = array('templates', 'tplinstall', 'export');
        $rightTasks['logfiles'] = new stdClass();
        $rightTasks['logfiles']->title = jgettext('Logfiles');
        $rightTasks['logfiles']->image = 'text';
        $rightTasks['logfiles']->tasks = array('logfiles');
        $rightTasks['help'] = new stdClass();
        $rightTasks['help']->title = jgettext('Help');
        $rightTasks['help']->image = 'ecr_help';
        $rightTasks['help']->tasks = array('help', 'quicky', 'credits');
        $rightTasks['sandbox'] = new stdClass();
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->title = jgettext('Sandbox');
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->image = 'sandbox';
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->tasks = array();
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->href = JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_easycreator';
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->class = ' external';
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->js = '';
        $rightTasks['sandbox']->rel = ' target="_blank"';
        $rTasks = array();
        foreach ($rightTasks as $k => $v) {
            $actives[$k] = in_array($task, $v->tasks) ? ' active' : '';
            $rTasks = array_merge($rTasks, $v->tasks);
        $helpActive = 'jhelp' == $task ? ' active' : '';
    <div class="white_box">
        <div style="float: right;">
            <a class="btn<?php 
        echo ECR_TBAR_SIZE . $helpActive;
" href="javascript:;"
               onclick="document.id('file_name').value=''; easySubmit('jhelp', 'help');">
        echo ECR_TBAR_ICONS ? '<div class="img32d icon32-JHelp_btn"></div>' : '';
        echo jgettext('J! API');

        echo ECR_DEBUG ? '<div class="debug_ON">Debug</div>' : '';

        <div style="float: left; margin-top: -7px;"><img
        echo JURI::Root();
            alt="EasyCreator Logo"/>

        <div style="float: left; padding-left: 0.5em;">
            <span class="ecrTopTitle" style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold;">EasyCreator</span>
            <span id="ecr_stat_project"></span>

        <div style="float: left; width: 0.5em;">&nbsp;</div>

        <div style="float: left;"><?php 
        if ($ecr_project && $ecr_project != 'ecr_new_project' && $ecr_project != 'ecr_register_project') {
                <div class="btn-group">
            foreach ($tasks as $k => $v) {
                echo '<a class="btn' . ECR_TBAR_SIZE . $actives[$k] . '" href="javascript:;"' . 'onclick="$(\'file_name\').value=\'\'; easySubmit(\'' . $k . '\', \'' . $k . '\');">';
                echo ECR_TBAR_ICONS ? '<div class="img32d icon32-' . $v->image . '" title="' . $v->title . '"></div>' : '';
                echo $v->title . NL;
                echo '</a>';

        <div style="float: left; width: 0.5em;">&nbsp;</div>

        if (false == in_array($task, $rTasks)) {
 <a class="hasTip btn<?php 
            echo ECR_TBAR_SIZE;
" href="javascript:;"
            echo jgettext('More...') . '::' . jgettext('Click for more options');
                  onclick="this.setStyle('display', 'none'); ecr_options_box.toggle();">
            echo ECR_TBAR_ICONS ? '<i class="img icon16-add"></i>' : '';
            echo jgettext('More...');
 </a> <?php 
        $stdJS = '';
        $stdJS .= "\$('adminForm').value='';";
        $stdJS .= "\$('file_name').value='';";
        <div id="ecr_options_box" class="btn-group" style="margin-left: 1em;">
        foreach ($rightTasks as $k => $v) {
            $controller = isset($v->controller) ? $v->controller : $k;
            $cJS = " easySubmit('" . $k . "', '" . $controller . "');";
            $class = isset($v->class) ? $v->class : '';
            $href = isset($v->href) ? $v->href : 'javascript:;';
            $rel = isset($v->rel) ? $v->rel : '';
            $js = isset($v->js) ? $v->js : 'onclick="' . $stdJS . $cJS . '"';
            echo '<a class="btn ' . $class . ECR_TBAR_SIZE . $actives[$k] . '" href="' . $href . '" ' . $js . $rel . ' >' . NL;
            if (ECR_TBAR_ICONS) {
                echo '<div class="img32d icon32-' . $v->image . '" title="' . $v->title . '"></div>' . NL;
            echo $v->title . NL;
            echo '</a>' . NL;
        if (false == in_array($task, $rTasks)) {
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var ecr_options_box = new Fx.Slide('ecr_options_box');
            </script> <?php 

        <div style="clear: both"></div>