Ejemplo n.º 1
 if ($ui->smallletters('type', 4, 'get') == 'easy') {
     foreach ($general_cvar as $check_cvar) {
         if (!in_array($check_cvar, $setarray)) {
             $newconfig .= $check_cvar . ' "' . $ui->post[$check_cvar] . '"' . "\r\n";
     foreach ($game_cvars as $check_cvar) {
         if (!in_array($check_cvar, $setarray)) {
             $newconfig .= $check_cvar . ' "' . $ui->post[$check_cvar] . '"' . "\r\n";
 if ($ui->smallletters('type', 4, 'get') == 'easy') {
     $ftp->tempHandle = null;
 } else {
     if ($ui->smallletters('type', 4, 'get') == 'full') {
         $ftp->tempHandle = null;
         if (mb_strlen($ui->post['cleanedconfig'], 'UTF-8') < 16385) {
         } else {
             $post_lines = explode('<br />', nl2br(stripslashes($ui->post['cleanedconfig'])));
             $post_lines[] = "\r\n";
             $post_lines[] = "\r\n";
             $post_lines[] = "\r\n";
             foreach ($post_lines as $line) {
                 $ftp->writeContentToTemp($line == "\r\n" ? $line : $line . "\r\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private function correctProtectedFiles()
     $protectedConfigs = $this->protectedSettingsToArray();
     if (count($protectedConfigs) > 0) {
         $ftpObect = new EasyWiFTP($this->appMasterServerDetails['ssh2IP'], $this->appMasterServerDetails['ftpPort'], $this->appServerDetails['userNameExecute'], $this->appServerDetails['ftpPasswordExecute']);
         if ($ftpObect->loggedIn === true) {
             foreach ($protectedConfigs as $config => $values) {
                 $cvarsNotFound = $values['cvars'];
                 $fileWithPath = $this->appServerDetails['absoluteFTPPath'] . '/' . $config;
                 $fileAndPath = $this->getFileAndPathName($fileWithPath);
                 $path = $fileAndPath['path'];
                 $fileName = $fileAndPath['file'];
                 if (!$ftpObect->downloadToTemp($fileWithPath)) {
                     $fileWithPath = $this->appServerDetails['absoluteFTPPathNoChroot'] . '/' . $config;
                     $fileAndPath = $this->getFileAndPathName($fileWithPath);
                     $path = $fileAndPath['path'];
                     $fileName = $fileAndPath['file'];
                 $configFileContent = $ftpObect->getTempFileContent();
                 // We have one temp handle for all files to reduce the amount of needed ram
                 $ftpObect->tempHandle = null;
                 // Depending how the file was uploaded and written, there might be lots of not needed characters in the file
                 // A clean up will make the file handling lot easier
                 $configFileContent = str_replace(array("", "\\b", "\r", "\\Z"), "", $configFileContent);
                 $lines = explode("\n", $configFileContent);
                 $lineCount = count($lines) - 1;
                 $i = 0;
                 // iterate over all lines
                 foreach ($lines as $singeLine) {
                     // Set to false on each iteration to be able to detect config overwrites
                     $edited = false;
                     // For easier comparison make a string to lower
                     $loweredSingleLine = strtolower($singeLine);
                     foreach ($values['cvars'] as $cvar => $value) {
                         if ($values['type'] == 'cfg' and preg_match('/^[\\s\\/]{0,}' . strtolower($cvar) . '\\s+(.*)$/', $loweredSingleLine)) {
                             $edited = true;
                             $splitLine = preg_split('/' . $cvar . '/', $singeLine, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                             $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp(isset($splitLine[1]) ? $splitLine[0] . $cvar . '  ' . $value : $cvar . '  ' . $value);
                         } else {
                             if ($values['type'] == 'yml' and preg_match('/^[\\s\\/]{0,}' . strtolower($cvar) . '\\s+(.*)$/', $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                 $edited = true;
                                 $splitLine = preg_split('/' . $cvar . '/', $singeLine, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                                 $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp(isset($splitLine[1]) ? $splitLine[0] . $cvar . '  ' . $value : $cvar . '  ' . $value);
                             } else {
                                 if ($values['type'] == 'ini' and preg_match('/^[\\s\\/]{0,}' . strtolower($cvar) . '[\\s+]{0,}\\=[\\s+]{0,}(.*)$/', $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                     $edited = true;
                                     $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp($cvar . '=' . $value);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($values['type'] == 'ddot' and preg_match('/^[\\s\\/]{0,}' . strtolower($cvar) . '[\\s+]{0,}\\:[\\s+]{0,}(.*)$/', $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                         $edited = true;
                                         $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp($cvar . ':' . $value);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($values['type'] == 'lua' and preg_match("/^(.*)" . strtolower($cvar) . "[\\s+]{0,}\\=[\\s+]{0,}(.*)[\\,]\$/", $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                             $edited = true;
                                             $splitLine = preg_split('/' . $cvar . '/', $singeLine, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                                             $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp(isset($splitLine[1]) ? $splitLine[0] . $cvar . ' = ' . $value : $cvar . '=' . $value);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($values['type'] == 'json' and preg_match("/^(.*)[\"]" . strtolower($cvar) . "[\\s+]{0,}:[\\s+]{0,}(.*)[\\,]{0,1}\$/", $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                                 $edited = true;
                                                 $splitLine = preg_split('/' . $cvar . '/', $singeLine, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                                                 $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp(isset($splitLine[1]) ? $splitLine[0] . $cvar . ' : ' . $value : $cvar . ':' . $value);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($values['type'] == 'xml' and preg_match("/^(.*)<" . strtolower($cvar) . ">(.*)<\\/" . strtolower($cvar) . ">(.*)\$/", $loweredSingleLine)) {
                                                     $edited = true;
                                                     $splitLine = preg_split('/\\<' . $cvar . '/', $singeLine, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                                                     $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp(isset($splitLine[1]) ? $splitLine[0] . '<' . $cvar . '>' . $value . '</' . $cvar . '>' : '<' . $cvar . '> ' . $value . '</' . $cvar . '>');
                     // Write untouched content
                     if ($edited == false) {
                     // If we do not count, we would add a newline at the end every time, a file is edited
                     if ($i < $lineCount) {
                 $debug = array();
                 // In case of ini or CFG files we can add entries, which are missing from the file and should be protected
                 foreach ($cvarsNotFound as $cvar => $value) {
                     if ($values['type'] == 'cfg') {
                         $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp($cvar . '  ' . $value . "\r\n");
                     } else {
                         if ($values['type'] == 'ini') {
                             $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp($cvar . '=' . $value . "\r\n");
                         } else {
                             if ($values['type'] == 'ddot') {
                                 $ftpObect->writeContentToTemp($cvar . ':' . $value . "\r\n");
                             } else {
                                 $debug[] = 'Type is: ' . $values['type'] . ' and key value: ' . $cvar . '=>' . $value;
                 $ftpObect->uploadFileFromTemp($path, $fileName, false);