Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Retrieve the latest RDFA version of schema.org and converts it to JSON-LD.
  * Note: caches the file in data and retrieves it from there as long as it exists.
 private function getJSONVersionOfSchema()
     // Set cachefile
     $cacheFile = dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/data/schemaorg.cache';
     if (!file_exists($cacheFile)) {
         // Create dir
         if (!file_exists(dirname($cacheFile))) {
             mkdir(dirname($cacheFile), 0777, true);
         // Load RDFA Schema
         $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph(self::RDFA_SCHEMA);
         $graph->load(self::RDFA_SCHEMA, 'rdfa');
         // Lookup the output format
         $format = \EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('jsonld');
         // Serialise to the new output format
         $output = $graph->serialise($format);
         if (!is_scalar($output)) {
             $output = var_export($output, true);
         $this->schema = \ML\JsonLD\JsonLD::compact($graph->serialise($format), 'http://schema.org/');
         // Write cache file
         file_put_contents($cacheFile, serialize($this->schema));
     } else {
         $this->schema = unserialize(file_get_contents($cacheFile));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Perform the load.
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $chunk
  * @return void
 public function execute(&$chunk)
     if (!$chunk->isEmpty()) {
         // Don't use EasyRdf's ntriple serializer, as something might be wrong with its unicode byte characters
         // After serializing with semsol/arc and easyrdf, the output looks the same (with unicode characters), but after a
         // binary utf-8 conversion (see $this->serialize()) the outcome is very different, leaving easyrdf's encoding completely different
         // from the original utf-8 characters, and the semsol/arc encoding correct as the original.
         $ttl = $chunk->serialise('turtle');
         $arc_parser = \ARC2::getTurtleParser();
         $ser = \ARC2::getNTriplesSerializer();
         $arc_parser->parse('', $ttl);
         $triples = $ser->getSerializedTriples($arc_parser->getTriples());
         preg_match_all("/(<.*\\.)/", $triples, $matches);
         if ($matches[0]) {
             $this->buffer = array_merge($this->buffer, $matches[0]);
         $triple_count = count($matches[0]);
         $this->log("Added {$triple_count} triples to the load buffer.");
         while (count($this->buffer) >= $this->loader->buffer_size) {
             // Log the time it takes to load the triples into the store
             $start = microtime(true);
             $buffer_size = $this->loader->buffer_size;
             $triples_to_send = array_slice($this->buffer, 0, $buffer_size);
             $this->buffer = array_slice($this->buffer, $buffer_size);
             $duration = round((microtime(true) - $start) * 1000, 2);
             $this->log("Took {$buffer_size} triples from the load buffer, loading them took {$duration} ms.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @author "Lionel Lecaque, <*****@*****.**>"
  * @param string $namespace
  * @param string $data xml content
 public function createModel($namespace, $data)
     $modelId = $this->getModelId($namespace);
     if ($modelId === false) {
         common_Logger::d('modelId not found, need to add namespace ' . $namespace);
         //TODO bad way, need to find better
         $modelId = $this->getModelId($namespace);
     $modelDefinition = new EasyRdf_Graph($namespace);
     if (is_file($data)) {
     } else {
     $graph = $modelDefinition->toRdfPhp();
     $resources = $modelDefinition->resources();
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('php');
     $data = $modelDefinition->serialise($format);
     foreach ($data as $subjectUri => $propertiesValues) {
         foreach ($propertiesValues as $prop => $values) {
             foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
                 $this->addStatement($modelId, $subjectUri, $prop, $v['value'], isset($v['lang']) ? $v['lang'] : null);
     return true;
 protected function getTriples($file)
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         throw new Exception($file . ' not found');
     // validate the file to import
     $parser = new tao_models_classes_Parser($file, array('extension' => 'rdf'));
     if (!$parser->isValid()) {
         throw new common_Exception('Invalid RDF file ' . $file);
     $modelDefinition = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $graph = $modelDefinition->toRdfPhp();
     $resources = $modelDefinition->resources();
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('php');
     $data = $modelDefinition->serialise($format);
     $triples = array();
     foreach ($data as $subjectUri => $propertiesValues) {
         foreach ($propertiesValues as $prop => $values) {
             foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
                 $triples[] = array('s' => $subjectUri, 'p' => $prop, 'o' => $v['value'], 'l' => isset($v['lang']) ? $v['lang'] : '');
     return $triples;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected function preRun()
     $data = parent::getData();
     $resourceUri = JURI::base() . "index.php?com_content&view=article&id=" . $data["articleID"];
     $annotation = new EasyRdf_Graph($resourceUri);
     foreach ($data["entityIDs"] as $entityID) {
         $annotation->addResource($resourceUri, "sioc:about", "http://www.mni.thm.de/user/" . $entityID);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @ignore
 private static function statement2rdf(PDOStatement $statement)
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     while ($r = $statement->fetch()) {
         if (isset($r['l_language']) && !empty($r['l_language'])) {
             $graph->addLiteral($r['subject'], $r['predicate'], $r['object'], $r['l_language']);
         } elseif (common_Utils::isUri($r['object'])) {
             $graph->add($r['subject'], $r['predicate'], $r['object']);
         } else {
             $graph->addLiteral($r['subject'], $r['predicate'], $r['object']);
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('rdfxml');
     return $graph->serialise($format);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function toFile($filePath, $triples)
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     foreach ($triples as $triple) {
         if (!empty($triple->lg)) {
             $graph->addLiteral($triple->subject, $triple->predicate, $triple->object, $triple->lg);
         } elseif (\common_Utils::isUri($triple->object)) {
             $graph->add($triple->subject, $triple->predicate, $triple->object);
         } else {
             $graph->addLiteral($triple->subject, $triple->predicate, $triple->object);
     $format = \EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('rdfxml');
     return file_put_contents($filePath, $graph->serialise($format));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Imports the rdf file into the selected class
  * @param string $file
  * @param core_kernel_classes_Class $class
  * @return common_report_Report
 private function flatImport($file, core_kernel_classes_Class $class)
     $report = common_report_Report::createSuccess(__('Data imported successfully'));
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     // keep type property
     $map = array(RDF_PROPERTY => RDF_PROPERTY);
     foreach ($graph->resources() as $resource) {
         $map[$resource->getUri()] = common_Utils::getNewUri();
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('php');
     $data = $graph->serialise($format);
     foreach ($data as $subjectUri => $propertiesValues) {
         $resource = new core_kernel_classes_Resource($map[$subjectUri]);
         $subreport = $this->importProperties($resource, $propertiesValues, $map, $class);
     return $report;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Merge two graphs and return the resulting merged graph
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $graph
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $input_graph
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph
 private function mergeGraph($graph, $input_graph)
     $turtle_graph = $input_graph->serialise('turtle');
     $graph->parse($turtle_graph, 'turtle');
     return $graph;
Ejemplo n.º 10
echo form_tag();
echo label_tag('uri') . text_field_tag('uri', 'http://www.dajobe.org/foaf.rdf', array('size' => 80));
<br />
echo label_tag('format') . select_tag('format', $format_options, 'rdfxml');
echo submit_tag();
echo form_end_tag();

if (isset($_REQUEST['uri'])) {
    $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($_REQUEST['uri']);
    $data = $graph->serialise($_REQUEST['format']);
    if (!is_scalar($data)) {
        $data = var_export($data, true);
    print "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "</pre>";
Ejemplo n.º 11
     * @see https://github.com/njh/easyrdf/issues/115
    public function testIssue115()
        $triples = <<<RDF
<http://example.com/id/1> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#type> <http://example.com/ns/animals/dog> .
<http://example.com/id/2> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#type> <http://example.com/ns/animals/cat> .
<http://example.com/id/3> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#type> <http://example.com/ns/animals/bird> .
<http://example.com/id/4> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#type> <http://example.com/ns/animals/reptiles/snake> .
        EasyRdf_Namespace::set('id', 'http://example.com/id/');
        EasyRdf_Namespace::set('animals', 'http://example.com/ns/animals/');
        //  parse graph
        $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
        $graph->parse($triples, 'ntriples');
        //  dump as text/turtle
        $turtle = $graph->serialise('turtle');
        $this->assertEquals(readFixture('turtle/gh115-nested-namespaces.ttl'), $turtle);
Ejemplo n.º 12
     } else {
     // autmatically subscribe to local services
     $tiny = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime(true), true)), 0, 8);
     $user_hash = substr(sha1($webid), 0, 20);
     $query = "INSERT INTO pingback SET webid='" . $webid . "', feed_hash='" . $tiny . "', user_hash='" . $user_hash . "'";
     $result = mysql_query($query);
     if (!$result) {
         $alert .= error('Unable to write to the database!');
     } else {
 // write profile to file
 $data = $graph->serialise('rdfxml');
 if (!is_scalar($data)) {
     $data = var_export($data, true);
 $pf = fopen($user_dir . '/foaf.rdf', 'w') or die('Cannot create profile RDF file in ' . $user_dir . '!');
 fwrite($pf, $data);
 $pf = fopen($user_dir . '/foaf.txt', 'w') or die('Cannot create profile PHP file!');
 fwrite($pf, $data);
 // everything is fine
 $ok = true;
 // Send the X.509 SSL certificate to the script caller (user) as a file transfer
 if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'new' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'import') {
     download_identity_x509($x509, $webid);
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('adms', 'http://www.w3.org/ns/adms#');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('cnt', 'http://www.w3.org/2011/content#');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dc', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('dcat', 'http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat#');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('gsp', 'http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('locn', 'http://www.w3.org/ns/locn#');
 EasyRdf_Namespace::set('prov', 'http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#');
 $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
 $graph->parse($rdf, "rdfxml", $rdfxmlURL);
 header("Content-type: " . $outputFormat);
 echo $graph->serialise($outputFormats[$outputFormat][1]);
     if ($outputFormat == 'text/html') {
       $xml = new DOMDocument;
       $xml->loadXML($rdf) or die();
       $xsl = new DOMDocument;
       $proc = new XSLTProcessor();
       echo $proc->transformToXML($xml);
     else {
       echo $graph->serialise($outputFormats[$outputFormat][1]);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Merge two graphs and return the result
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $graph
  * @param EasyRdf_Graph $input_graph
  * @return EasyRdf_Graph
 private function mergeGraph($graph, $input_graph)
     $rdfxml_string = $input_graph->serialise('rdfxml');
     $graph->parse($rdfxml_string, 'rdfxml');
     return $graph;
<br />
echo reset_tag();
echo submit_tag();
echo form_end_tag();

if (isset($_REQUEST['uri']) or isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
    $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($_REQUEST['uri']);
    if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) {
    } else {
        $graph->parse($_REQUEST['data'], $_REQUEST['input_format'], $_REQUEST['uri']);
    $output = $graph->serialise($_REQUEST['output_format']);
    if (!is_scalar($output)) {
        $output = var_export($output, true);
    print "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($output) . "</pre>";
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Output data in RDF and Turtle format
  * @param array   $data       The items to output
  * @param string  $format     The output format
  * @param string  $predicate  The predicate for the list
  * @param string  $namespaces An associative array with the namespace, e.g. [ 'foaf' => 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/' ].
  *                            Note that EasyRDF already adds the standard prefixes, such as dc, foaf, etc.
  * @param integer $status     HTTP status code
  * @uses \EasyRdf_Graph
  * @throws \SameAsLite\Exception\ContentTypeException An exception may be thrown if the requested MIME type
  * is not supported
 protected function outputRDF(array $data = array(), $format = 'list', $predicate = 'owl:sameAs', array $namespaces = array(), $status = null)
     // how to: escape
     // array_walk($list, '\SameAsLite\Helper::escapeInputArray');
     if (!is_null($status)) {
     //end if
     // get the query parameters
     $symbol = $this->app->request()->params('string');
     if (!$symbol) {
         $symbol = $this->app->request()->params('symbol');
     //end if
     $symbol = $symbol ? urldecode($symbol) : false;
     $store = $this->store ? $this->store : false;
     $storeurl = $this->app->request()->getURL() . $this->app->request()->getRootUri() . '/datasets/' . urlencode($store);
     // EASY RDF
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     // namespaces
     // ----------
     if (!empty($namespaces)) {
         foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $uri) {
             \EasyRdf_Namespace::set($prefix, $uri);
     // result block
     // ------------
     if ($symbol && strpos($symbol, 'http') === 0) {
         $graph_uri = $meta_uri = $graph->resource($symbol);
     } else {
         $graph_uri = $graph->newBNode();
     $result_block = $graph->resource($graph_uri);
     // meta block
     // ------------
     $meta_uri = $this->app->request()->getURL() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     $meta_block = $graph->resource($meta_uri);
     // if this part is added, EasyRDF will merge the result block with the meta block
     // $meta_block->add('foaf:primaryTopic', $graph->resource( '_:' . $result_block->getBNodeId() ));
     $meta_block->set('dc:creator', 'sameAsLite');
     // TODO: maybe also add info about store (storename, URI)?
     if ($store) {
         $meta_block->set('dc:source', $graph->resource($storeurl));
     // $meta_block->set('dc:title', 'Co-references from sameAs.org for ' . $symbol);
     if (isset($this->appOptions['license']['url'])) {
         $meta_block->add('dct:license', $graph->resource($this->appOptions['license']['url']));
     // list
     if ($format === 'list') {
         // simple list
         foreach ($data as $str) {
             if (strpos($str, 'http') === 0) {
                 // resource
                 $result_block->add($predicate, $graph->resource(urldecode($str)));
             } else {
                 // literal values - not technically correct, because sameAs expects a resource
                 // but validates in W3C Validator
                 $result_block->add($predicate, $str);
     } elseif ($format === 'table') {
         // table output
         // data is in the form of:
         // [ [header1, header2, ...], [row1_1, row1_2, ...], [row2_1, row2_2, ...] ]
         $preds = array_shift($data);
         foreach ($data as $arr) {
             // if (isset($val['url'])) {
             //     $url = $val['url'];
             //     unset($val['url']);
             // } else {
             //     $url = $graph_uri;
             // }
             $resources = array();
             for ($i = 0, $s = count($arr); $i < $s; $i++) {
                 $resources[$i] = $graph->resource($storeurl);
                 // TODO
                 for ($k = 0, $t = count($preds); $k < $t; $k++) {
                     if (strpos($arr[$i], 'http') === 0) {
                         // resource
                         $graph->addResource($resources[$i], $preds[$k], $graph->resource(urldecode($arr[$i])));
                     } else {
                         // literal
                         $graph->addLiteral($resources[$i], $preds[$k], urldecode($arr[$i]));
     } else {
         // keyed = 'arbitrary' output format (e.g. for analysis)
         // Accepts data in the form of:
         // [ [ $key1 => $value1 ], [ $key2 => $value2 ], [...] ]
         // Will take key as predicate and
         // value as resource (if url) or literal
         $resource = $graph->resource($storeurl);
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             if (strpos($value, 'http') === 0) {
                 // resource
                 $graph->addResource($resource, $key, $graph->resource(urldecode($value)));
             } else {
                 // literal
                 $graph->addLiteral($resource, $key, $value);
     // ------
     // output
     // ------
     if ($this->mimeBest === 'application/rdf+xml') {
         $outFormat = 'rdf';
     } else {
         $outFormat = 'turtle';
     $data = $graph->serialise($outFormat);
     if (!is_scalar($data)) {
         $data = var_export($data, true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Saves RDF in Fedora.
  * @param string            $uri            Resource URI
  * @param EasyRdf_Resource  $graph          Graph to save
  * @param string            $transaction    Transaction id
  * @return null
 public function saveGraph($uri, \EasyRdf_Graph $graph, $transaction = "")
     // Serialze the rdf.
     $turtle = $graph->serialise('turtle');
     // Checksum it.
     $checksum = sha1($turtle);
     // Save it.
     return $this->saveResource($uri, $turtle, ['Content-Type' => 'text/turtle'], $transaction, $checksum);
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: index.php Proyecto: njh/njh.me

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Prepare app
$app = new Slim(array('negotiation.enabled' => true));
// Setup routes
$app->get('/', function () use($app) {
    $format = $app->respondTo('html', 'rdf', 'ttl', 'json', 'nt');
    switch ($format) {
        case 'html':
            return $app->redirect('http://www.aelius.com/njh/', 303);
            $rootUrl = $app->request()->getUrl() . $app->request()->getScriptName();
            return $app->redirect("{$rootUrl}/foaf.{$format}", 303);
$app->get('/foaf:format', function () use($app) {
    $format = $app->respondTo('rdf', 'ttl', 'json', 'nt');
    $uri = $app->request()->getUrl() . $app->request()->getPath();
    $foaf = new EasyRdf_Graph($uri);
    $foaf->parseFile(__DIR__ . '/../data/foaf.ttl', 'turtle', $uri);
// Run app
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * @see https://github.com/njh/easyrdf/issues/209
 public function testIssue209()
     $g = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $g->add('http://example.com/resource', 'rdf:type', new EasyRdf_Resource('foaf:Person'));
     $g->add('http://example.com/resource', 'rdf:type', new EasyRdf_Resource('http://example.com/TypeA'));
     $xml = $g->serialise('rdfxml');
     $g2 = new EasyRdf_Graph('http://example.com/', $xml, 'rdfxml');
     $types = $g2->resource('http://example.com/resource')->typesAsResources();
     $expected = array('http://example.com/TypeA', 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person');
     $this->assertCount(2, $types);
     $this->assertContains($types[0]->getUri(), $expected);
     $this->assertContains($types[1]->getUri(), $expected);
Ejemplo n.º 20
$uniqid = uniqid();
$suchbegriff = str_replace(" ", "+", $_GET["qname"]);
$rdf = "";
if (isset($_GET["rdf"])) {
    $rdf = $_GET["rdf"];
$basedir = dirname(realpath(__FILE__));
$root = $basedir;
$ldfu = $root . '/ldfu/bin/ldfu.sh';
$n3_programm = $root . '/n3-files/chefkoch.n3';
$input = 'http://manke-hosting.de/wrapper/index.php/explore/' . $suchbegriff;
$output = $root . '/output/' . $suchbegriff . '.nt';
if (!file_exists($output)) {
    $command = 'sh ' . $ldfu . ' ' . '-i ' . $input . ' ' . '-p ' . $n3_programm . ' ' . '-o ' . $output;
//$graph ->parseFile('/Users/raphaelmanke/Downloads/linked-data-fu-0.9.9/streuselkuchen3.nt');
//$me = $foaf->primaryTopic();
//echo $graph->dump('html');
$resources = $graph->resources();
$namespace = new EasyRdf_Namespace();
$namespace->set('rezept', "http://manke-hosting.de/ns-syntax#");
$rezepte = $graph->resourcesMatching('rezept:RezeptName');
if ($rdf == "true") {
    header("Content-Type: text/turtle; charset=utf-8");
    echo $graph->serialise("turtle");
} else {
    include 'results/rezept.php';
Ejemplo n.º 21
function convert_to_rdf($path)
    //get processed array
    $uris = get_uris();
    $result = process_spreadsheet($path);
    global $voc_keys;
    $root = new EasyRdf_Graph();
    $courses = $root->newBNode('rdf:Seq');
    //create container
    //iterate through array and create nodes
    foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        $resource_uri = $uris[$key];
        $temp_cours = new EasyRdf_Resource($resource_uri, $root);
        foreach ($value as $propName => $propValue) {
            if ($propName == null || $propName == "" || $propName == "id") {
            $predicate_url = $voc_keys[$propName];
            //add to resource predicate with property. probably addLiteral method
            $temp_cours->addLiteral($predicate_url, $propValue);
    return $root->serialise("rdfxml");
 public function testSerialiseByFormatObject()
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::register('mock', 'Mock Format');
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $this->assertSame("<rdf></rdf>", $graph->serialise($format));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 function del_friend($uri, $format = 'rdfxml')
     $uri = urldecode($uri);
     $path = $this->get_local_path($this->webid);
     // Create the new graph object in which we store data
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($this->webid);
     $person = $graph->resource($this->webid);
     $graph->deleteResource($person, 'foaf:knows', $uri);
     // write profile to file
     $data = $graph->serialise($format);
     if (!is_scalar($data)) {
         $data = var_export($data, true);
     } else {
         $data = print_r($data, true);
     $pf = fopen($path . '/foaf.rdf', 'w') or die('Cannot open profile RDF file!');
     fwrite($pf, $data);
     $pf = fopen($path . '/foaf.txt', 'w') or die('Cannot open profile TXT file!');
     fwrite($pf, $data);
     // get the user's name
     $friend = new MyProfile($uri, $this->base_uri, SPARQL_ENDPOINT);
     // everything is fine
     return success("You have just removed " . $friend->get_name() . " from your list of friends.");
Ejemplo n.º 24
<h1>EasyRdf Serialiser Example</h1>

foreach (EasyRdf_Format::getFormats() as $f) {
    if ($f->getSerialiserClass()) {
        if ($f->getName() == $format) {
            print "<li><b>" . $f->getLabel() . "</b></li>\n";
        } else {
            print "<li><a href='?format={$f}'>";
            print $f->getLabel() . "</a></li>\n";

<pre style="margin: 0.5em; padding:0.5em; background-color:#eee; border:dashed 1px grey;">
$data = $graph->serialise($format);
if (!is_scalar($data)) {
    $data = var_export($data, true);
print htmlspecialchars($data);

Ejemplo n.º 25
  * Transforms the statements of a StatementIterator instance into a stream, a file for instance.
  * @param StatementIterator $statements   The StatementIterator containing all the Statements which
  *                                        should be serialized by the serializer.
  * @param string|resource   $outputStream Filename or file pointer to the stream to where the serialization
  *                                        should be written.
  * @throws \Exception if unknown serilaization was given.
 public function serializeIteratorToStream(StatementIterator $statements, $outputStream)
      * check parameter $outputStream
     if (is_resource($outputStream)) {
         // use it as it is
     } elseif (is_string($outputStream)) {
         $outputStream = fopen($outputStream, 'w');
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('Parameter $outputStream is neither a string nor resource.');
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     // go through all statements
     foreach ($statements as $statement) {
          * Handle subject
         $stmtSubject = $statement->getSubject();
         if ($stmtSubject->isNamed()) {
             $s = $stmtSubject->getUri();
         } elseif ($stmtSubject->isBlank()) {
             $s = $stmtSubject->getBlankId();
         } else {
             throw new \Exception('Subject can either be a blank node or an URI.');
          * Handle predicate
         $stmtPredicate = $statement->getPredicate();
         if ($stmtPredicate->isNamed()) {
             $p = $stmtPredicate->getUri();
         } else {
             throw new \Exception('Predicate can only be an URI.');
          * Handle object
         $stmtObject = $statement->getObject();
         if ($stmtObject->isNamed()) {
             $o = array('type' => 'uri', 'value' => $stmtObject->getUri());
         } elseif ($stmtObject->isBlank()) {
             $o = array('type' => 'bnode', 'value' => $stmtObject->getBlankId());
         } elseif ($stmtObject->isLiteral()) {
             $o = array('type' => 'literal', 'value' => $stmtObject->getValue());
         } else {
             throw new \Exception('Object can either be a blank node, an URI or literal.');
         $graph->add($s, $p, $o);
     fwrite($outputStream, $graph->serialise($this->serialization) . PHP_EOL);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static function getBody($dataObj)
     // Query parameters
     $query_string = '';
     if (!empty($_GET)) {
         $query_string = '?' . http_build_query(\Input::all());
     // Links to pages
     $prev_link = '';
     $next_link = '';
     if (!empty($dataObj->paging)) {
         $input_array = array_except(\Input::all(), array('limit', 'offset'));
         $query_string = '';
         if (!empty($input_array)) {
             $query_string = '&' . http_build_query($input_array);
         if (!empty($dataObj->paging['previous'])) {
             $prev_link = '?offset=' . $dataObj->paging['previous'][0] . '&limit=' . $dataObj->paging['previous'][1] . $query_string;
         if (!empty($dataObj->paging['next'])) {
             $next_link = '?offset=' . $dataObj->paging['next'][0] . '&limit=' . $dataObj->paging['next'][1] . $query_string;
     // Create the link to the dataset
     $dataset_link = \URL::to($dataObj->definition['collection_uri'] . "/" . $dataObj->definition['resource_name']);
     // Append rest parameters
     if (!empty($dataObj->rest_parameters)) {
         $dataset_link .= '/' . implode('/', $dataObj->rest_parameters);
     if (!empty($dataObj->source_definition)) {
         $type = $dataObj->source_definition['type'];
         // Check if other views need to be served
         switch ($type) {
             case 'XLS':
             case 'CSV':
                 $first_row = array_shift($dataObj->data);
                 array_unshift($dataObj->data, $first_row);
                 if (is_array($first_row) || is_object($first_row)) {
                     $view = 'dataset.tabular';
                     $data = $dataObj->data;
                 } else {
                     $view = 'dataset.code';
                     $data = self::displayTree($dataObj->data);
             case 'SHP':
                 $view = 'dataset.map';
                 $data = $dataset_link . '.map' . $query_string;
             case 'XML':
                 $view = 'dataset.code';
                 $data = self::displayTree($dataObj->data, 'xml');
                 if ($dataObj->is_semantic) {
                     // This data object is always semantic
                     $view = 'dataset.turtle';
                     // Check if a configuration is given
                     $conf = array();
                     if (!empty($dataObj->semantic->conf)) {
                         $conf = $dataObj->semantic->conf;
                     $data = $dataObj->data->serialise('turtle');
                 } else {
                     $view = 'dataset.code';
                     $data = self::displayTree($dataObj->data);
     } elseif ($dataObj->is_semantic) {
         // The data object can be semantic without a specified source type
         $view = 'dataset.code';
         $data = $dataObj->data->serialise('turtle');
     } else {
         // Collection view
         $view = 'dataset.collection';
         $data = $dataObj->data;
     // Gather meta-data to inject as a JSON-LD document so it can be picked up by search engines
     $definition = $dataObj->definition;
     $uri = \Request::root();
     $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph();
     // Create the dataset uri
     $dataset_uri = $uri . "/" . $definition['collection_uri'] . "/" . $definition['resource_name'];
     $dataset_uri = str_replace(' ', '%20', $dataset_uri);
     // Add the dataset resource and its description
     $graph->addResource($dataset_uri, 'a', 'schema:Dataset');
     // Add the title to the dataset resource of the catalog
     if (!empty($definition['title'])) {
         $graph->addLiteral($dataset_uri, 'schema:headline', $definition['title']);
     // Add the description, identifier, issues, modified of the dataset
     $graph->addLiteral($dataset_uri, 'schema:description', @$definition['description']);
     $graph->addLiteral($dataset_uri, 'schema:dateCreated', date(\DateTime::ISO8601, strtotime($definition['created_at'])));
     $graph->addLiteral($dataset_uri, 'schema:dateModified', date(\DateTime::ISO8601, strtotime($definition['updated_at'])));
     // Add the publisher resource to the dataset
     if (!empty($definition['publisher_name']) && !empty($definition['publisher_uri'])) {
         $graph->addResource($dataset_uri, 'schema:publisher', $definition['publisher_uri']);
     // Optional dct terms
     $optional = array('date', 'language');
     $languages = \App::make('Tdt\\Core\\Repositories\\Interfaces\\LanguageRepositoryInterface');
     $licenses = \App::make('Tdt\\Core\\Repositories\\Interfaces\\LicenseRepositoryInterface');
     foreach ($optional as $dc_term) {
         if (!empty($definition[$dc_term])) {
             if ($dc_term == 'language') {
                 $lang = $languages->getByName($definition[$dc_term]);
                 if (!empty($lang)) {
                     $graph->addResource($dataset_uri, 'schema:inLanguage', 'http://lexvo.org/id/iso639-3/' . $lang['lang_id']);
             } else {
                 $graph->addLiteral($dataset_uri, 'schema:datasetTimeInterval', $definition[$dc_term]);
     // Add the distribution of the dataset for SEO
     $format = '.json';
     if ($definition['source_type'] == 'ShpDefinition') {
         $format = '.geojson';
     $dataDownload = $graph->newBNode();
     $graph->addResource($dataset_uri, 'schema:distribution', $dataDownload);
     $graph->addResource($dataDownload, 'a', 'schema:DataDownload');
     $graph->addResource($dataDownload, 'schema:contentUrl', $dataset_uri . $format);
     // Add the license to the distribution
     if (!empty($definition['rights'])) {
         $license = $licenses->getByTitle($definition['rights']);
         if (!empty($license) && !empty($license['url'])) {
             $graph->addResource($dataset_uri, 'schema:license', $license['url']);
         if (!empty($license)) {
             $dataObj->definition['rights_uri'] = $license['url'];
     $jsonld = $graph->serialise('jsonld');
     // Render the view
     return \View::make($view)->with('title', 'Dataset: ' . $dataObj->definition['collection_uri'] . "/" . $dataObj->definition['resource_name'] . ' | The Datatank')->with('body', $data)->with('page_title', $dataObj->definition['collection_uri'] . "/" . $dataObj->definition['resource_name'])->with('definition', $dataObj->definition)->with('paging', $dataObj->paging)->with('source_definition', $dataObj->source_definition)->with('formats', $dataObj->formats)->with('dataset_link', $dataset_link)->with('prev_link', $prev_link)->with('next_link', $next_link)->with('query_string', $query_string)->with('json_ld', $jsonld);
    print reset_tag() . submit_tag();
    print form_end_tag();
    print "</div>\n";
if (isset($_REQUEST['uri']) or isset($_REQUEST['data'])) {
    // Parse the input
    $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph($_REQUEST['uri']);
    if (empty($_REQUEST['data'])) {
        $graph->load($_REQUEST['uri'], $_REQUEST['input_format']);
    } else {
        $graph->parse($_REQUEST['data'], $_REQUEST['input_format'], $_REQUEST['uri']);
    // Lookup the output format
    $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat($_REQUEST['output_format']);
    // Serialise to the new output format
    $output = $graph->serialise($format);
    if (!is_scalar($output)) {
        $output = var_export($output, true);
    // Send the output back to the client
    if (isset($_REQUEST['raw'])) {
        header('Content-Type: ' . $format->getDefaultMimeType());
        print $output;
    } else {
        print '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($output) . '</pre>';
if (!isset($_REQUEST['raw'])) {
    print "</body>\n";
    print "</html>\n";
 public function testSerialiseByMime()
     EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('mock', 'Mock_RdfSerialiser');
     EasyRdf_Format::register('mock', 'Mock', null, array('mock/mime' => 1.0));
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $this->assertEquals("<rdf></rdf>", $graph->serialise('mock/mime'));
Ejemplo n.º 29
// Start building up a RDF graph
$doap = new EasyRdf_Graph($composer->homepage . 'doap.rdf');
$easyrdf = $doap->resource('#easyrdf', 'doap:Project', 'foaf:Project');
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:name', 'EasyRDF');
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:shortname', 'easyrdf');
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:revision', $composer->version);
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:shortdesc', $composer->description, 'en');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:homepage', $composer->homepage);
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:programming-language', 'PHP');
$easyrdf->addLiteral('doap:description', 'EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF. ' . 'It was designed for use in mixed teams of experienced and inexperienced RDF developers. ' . 'It is written in Object Oriented PHP and has been tested extensively using PHPUnit.', 'en');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:license', 'http://usefulinc.com/doap/licenses/bsd');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:download-page', 'http://github.com/njh/easyrdf/downloads');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:download-page', 'http://github.com/njh/easyrdf/downloads');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:bug-database', 'http://github.com/njh/easyrdf/issues');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:mailing-list', 'http://groups.google.com/group/easyrdf');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:category', 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/Resource_Description_Framework');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:category', 'http://dbpedia.org/resource/PHP');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:category', 'http://dbpedialite.org/things/24131#id');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:category', 'http://dbpedialite.org/things/53847#id');
$repository = $doap->newBNode('doap:GitRepository');
$repository->addResource('doap:browse', 'http://github.com/njh/easyrdf');
$repository->addResource('doap:location', 'git://github.com/njh/easyrdf.git');
$easyrdf->addResource('doap:repository', $repository);
$njh = $doap->resource('http://njh.me/', 'foaf:Person');
$njh->addLiteral('foaf:name', 'Nicholas J Humfrey');
$njh->addResource('foaf:homepage', 'http://www.aelius.com/njh/');
$easyrdf->add('doap:maintainer', $njh);
$easyrdf->add('doap:developer', $njh);
$easyrdf->add('foaf:maker', $njh);
print $doap->serialise('rdfxml');
Ejemplo n.º 30

include_once "./header.php";
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
require_once "html_tag_helpers.php";
$graph = new EasyRdf_Graph("http://localhost/lod/tcmdemoen.rdf");
echo "The count is: " . $graph->countTriples();
$data = $graph->serialise('ntriples');
if (!is_scalar($data)) {
    $data = var_export($data, true);
//print htmlspecialchars($data);
//$me = $graph->resource('http://www.example.com/Huperzia_Serrata');
$me = $graph->resource('http://www.example.com/fourGentlemenDecoction');
echo "<p>http://www.example.com/Huperzia_Serrata 的标签是: " . $me->get('rdfs:label') . "</p>";
echo "<p>http://www.example.com/Huperzia_Serrata 的中文标签是: " . $me->label('zh') . "</p>";
echo "<p>http://www.example.com/Huperzia_Serrata 的英文标签是: " . $me->label('en') . "</p>";
$hasMinister = $graph->resource('http://www.example.com/hasMinister');
echo "<p>http://www.example.com/hasMinister 的标签是: " . $hasMinister->get('rdfs:label') . "</p>";
$graph->allResources($me, $hasMinister);
foreach ($me->all($hasMinister) as $type) {
    echo 'start';
    $label = $type->label('zh');
    if (!$label) {
        $label = $type->getUri();
    if ($type->isBnode()) {
        echo "<li>{$label}</li>";
    } else {
        echo "<li>" . link_to_self($label, 'uri=' . urlencode($friend)) . "</li>";