  * Add a reply to an existing conversation. Assumes the creator is the currently logged in user.
  * @param array $conversation The conversation to add the reply to. The conversation's details will
  * 		be updated (post count, last post time, etc.)
  * @param string $content The post content.
  * @return int|bool The new post's ID, or false if there was an error.
 public function addReply(&$conversation, $content)
     // We can't do this if we're not logged in.
     if (!ET::$session->user) {
         return false;
     // Flood control!
     if (ET::$session->isFlooding()) {
         $this->error("flooding", sprintf(T("message.waitToReply"), C("esoTalk.conversation.timeBetweenPosts")));
         return false;
     // Start a notification group. This means that for all notifications sent out until endNotifcationGroup
     // is called, each individual user will receive a maximum of one.
     // Create the post. If there were validation errors, get them from the post model and add them to this model.
     $postModel = ET::postModel();
     $postId = $postModel->create($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $content, $conversation["title"]);
     if (!$postId) {
     // Did we encounter any errors? Don't continue.
     if ($this->errorCount()) {
         return false;
     // Update the conversations table with the new post count, last post/action times, and last post member.
     $time = time();
     $update = array("countPosts" => ET::raw("countPosts + 1"), "lastPostMemberId" => ET::$session->userId, "lastPostTime" => $time);
     // Also update the conversation's start time if this is the first post.
     if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 0) {
         $update["startTime"] = $time;
     $this->updateById($conversation["conversationId"], $update);
     // If the user had a draft saved in this conversation before adding this reply, erase it now.
     // Also, if the user has the "star on reply" option checked, star the conversation.
     $update = array();
     if ($conversation["draft"]) {
         $update["draft"] = null;
     if (ET::$session->preference("starOnReply")) {
         $update["starred"] = true;
     if (count($update)) {
         $this->setStatus($conversation["conversationId"], ET::$session->userId, $update);
     // Send out notifications to people who have starred this conversation.
     // We get all members who have starred the conversation and have no unread posts in it.
     $sql = ET::SQL()->from("member_conversation s", "s.conversationId=:conversationId AND s.type='member' AND s.id=m.memberId AND s.starred=1 AND s.lastRead>=:posts AND s.id!=:userId", "inner")->bind(":conversationId", $conversation["conversationId"])->bind(":posts", $conversation["countPosts"])->bind(":userId", ET::$session->userId);
     $members = ET::memberModel()->getWithSQL($sql);
     $data = array("conversationId" => $conversation["conversationId"], "postId" => $postId, "title" => $conversation["title"]);
     $emailData = array("content" => $content);
     foreach ($members as $member) {
         ET::activityModel()->create("post", $member, ET::$session->user, $data, $emailData);
     // Update the conversation details.
     $conversation["lastPostTime"] = $time;
     $conversation["lastPostMemberId"] = ET::$session->userId;
     // If this is the first reply (ie. the conversation was a draft and now it isn't), send notifications to
     // members who are in the membersAllowed list.
     if ($conversation["countPosts"] == 1 and !empty($conversation["membersAllowed"])) {
         $memberIds = array();
         foreach ($conversation["membersAllowed"] as $member) {
             if ($member["type"] == "member") {
                 $memberIds[] = $member["id"];
         $this->privateAddNotification($conversation, $memberIds, true);
     $this->trigger("addReplyAfter", array($conversation, $postId, $content));
     return $postId;