  * @param string $validation_error_message
  * @param string $model_name  name of an EEM_Base model
  * @param array  $query_params     @see EEM_Base::get_all()
  * @param string $input_field_name the input will be treated as this field's value
  * @throws \EE_Error
 public function __construct($validation_error_message = NULL, $model_name = '', $query_params = array(), $input_field_name = '')
     if (!EE_Registry::instance()->is_model_name($model_name)) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('You must provide a valid model object ', 'event_espresso'), $model_name));
     $this->_model = EE_Registry::instance()->load_model($model_name);
     $this->_query_params = $query_params;
     if (empty($input_field_name)) {
         $input_field_name = $this->_model->primary_key_name();
     $this->_input_field_name = $input_field_name;
  * Takes a entity that's ready to be returned and removes fields which the user shouldn't be able to access.
  * @param array $entity
  * @param \EEM_Base $model
  * @param string $request_type one of the return values from EEM_Base::valid_cap_contexts()
  * @param Model_Version_Info $model_version_info
  * @return array ready for converting into json
 public static function filter_out_inaccessible_entity_fields($entity, $model, $request_type, $model_version_info)
     //we only care to do this for frontend reads and when the user can't edit the item
     if ($request_type !== \EEM_Base::caps_read || $model->exists(array(array($model->primary_key_name() => $entity[$model->primary_key_name()]), 'default_where_conditions' => 'none', 'caps' => \EEM_Base::caps_edit))) {
         return $entity;
     foreach ($model->field_settings() as $field_name => $field_obj) {
         if ($model_version_info->field_has_rendered_format($field_obj) && isset($entity[$field_name]['raw'])) {
     //theoretically we may want to filter out specific fields for specific models
     return apply_filters('FHEE__Capabilities__filter_out_inaccessible_entity_fields', $entity, $model, $request_type);
  * After the form section is initially created, call this to sanitize the data in the submission
  * which relates to this form section, validate it, and set it as properties on the form.
  * @param array $req_data should usually be $_REQUEST (the default). However, you CAN
  * supply a different array. Consider using set_defaults() instead however. (If you rendered
  * the form in the page using echo $form_x->get_html() the inputs will have the correct name
  * in the request data for this function to find them and populate the form with them.
  * If you have a flat form (with only input subsections), you can supply a flat array where keys
  * are the form input names and values are their values)
  * @param boolean $validate whether or not to perform validation on this data. Default is,
  * of course, to validate that data, and set errors on the invalid values. But if the data
  * has already been validated (eg you validated the data then stored it in the DB) you may want
  * to skip this step.
  * @return void
 public function receive_form_submission($req_data = NULL, $validate = TRUE)
     parent::receive_form_submission($req_data, $validate);
     //create or set the model object, if it isn't already
     if (!$this->_model_object) {
         //check to see if the form indicates a PK, in which case we want to only retrieve it and update it
         $pk_name = $this->_model->primary_key_name();
         $model_obj = $this->_model->get_one_by_ID($this->get_input_value($pk_name));
         if ($model_obj) {
             $this->_model_object = $model_obj;
         } else {
             $this->_model_object = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class($this->_model->get_this_model_name());
     //ok so the model object is set. Just set it with the submitted form data (don't save yet though)
     foreach ($this->inputs_values_corresponding_to_model_fields() as $field_name => $field_value) {
         //only set the non-primary key
         if ($field_name != $this->_model->primary_key_name()) {
             $this->_model_object->set($field_name, $field_value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Gets the one model object with the specified id for the specified model
  * @param \EEM_Base $model
  * @param \WP_REST_Request $request
  * @return array
 public function get_entity_from_model($model, $request)
     $query_params = array(array($model->primary_key_name() => $request->get_param('id')), 'limit' => 1);
     if ($model instanceof \EEM_Soft_Delete_Base) {
         $query_params = $model->alter_query_params_so_deleted_and_undeleted_items_included($query_params);
     $restricted_query_params = $query_params;
     $restricted_query_params['caps'] = $this->validate_context($request->get_param('caps'));
     $this->_set_debug_info('model query params', $restricted_query_params);
     $model_rows = $model->get_all_wpdb_results($restricted_query_params);
     if (!empty($model_rows)) {
         return $this->create_entity_from_wpdb_result($model, array_shift($model_rows), $request->get_param('include'), $this->validate_context($request->get_param('caps')));
     } else {
         //ok let's test to see if we WOULD have found it, had we not had restrictions from missing capabilities
         $lowercase_model_name = strtolower($model->get_this_model_name());
         $model_rows_found_sans_restrictions = $model->get_all_wpdb_results($query_params);
         if (!empty($model_rows_found_sans_restrictions)) {
             //you got shafted- it existed but we didn't want to tell you!
             return new \WP_Error('rest_user_cannot_read', sprintf(__('Sorry, you cannot read this %1$s. Missing permissions are: %2$s', 'event_espresso'), strtolower($model->get_this_model_name()), Capabilities::get_missing_permissions_string($model, $this->validate_context($request->get_param('caps')))), array('status' => 403));
         } else {
             //it's not you. It just doesn't exist
             return new \WP_Error(sprintf('rest_%s_invalid_id', $lowercase_model_name), sprintf(__('Invalid %s ID.', 'event_espresso'), $lowercase_model_name), array('status' => 404));
  * Removes the "_calculate_fields" part of entity responses before 4.8.36
  * @param array $entity_response_array
  * @param \EEM_Base $model
  * @param string $request_context
  * @param \WP_REST_Request $request
  * @param Read $controller
  * @return array
 public function remove_old_featured_image_part_of_cpt_entities($entity_response_array, \EEM_Base $model, $request_context, \WP_REST_Request $request, Read $controller)
     if ($this->applies_to_version($controller->get_model_version_info()->requested_version()) && $model instanceof \EEM_CPT_Base) {
         $attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($entity_response_array[$model->primary_key_name()]), 'full');
         $entity_response_array['featured_image_url'] = !empty($attachment) ? $attachment[0] : null;
     return $entity_response_array;
  * Interally used to delete or restore items, using the request data. Meant to be
  * flexible between question or question groups
  * @param EEM_Base $model
  * @param boolean $trash wehter to trash or restore
 private function _trash_or_restore_items(EEM_Base $model, $trash = TRUE)
     do_action('AHEE_log', __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, '');
     $success = 1;
     //echo "trash $trash";
     if (isset($this->_req_data['checkbox'])) {
         if (isset($this->_req_data['checkbox']) && !empty($this->_req_data['checkbox']) && is_array($this->_req_data['checkbox'])) {
             // if array has more than one element than success message should be plural
             $success = count($this->_req_data['checkbox']) > 1 ? 2 : 1;
             // cycle thru bulk action checkboxes
             while (list($ID, $value) = each($this->_req_data['checkbox'])) {
                 if (!$model->delete_or_restore_by_ID($trash, absint($ID))) {
                     $success = 0;
         } else {
             // grab single id and delete
             $ID = absint($this->_req_data['checkbox']);
             if (!$model->delete_or_restore_by_ID($trash, $ID)) {
                 $success = 0;
     } else {
         // delete via trash link
         // grab single id and delete
         $ID = absint($this->_req_data[$model->primary_key_name()]);
         if (!$model->delete_or_restore_by_ID($trash, $ID)) {
             $success = 0;
     $action = $model instanceof EEM_Question ? 'default' : 'question_groups';
     //strtolower( $model->item_name(2) );
     //echo "action :$action";
     //$action = 'questions' ? 'default' : $action;
     if ($trash) {
         $action_desc = 'trashed';
         $status = 'trash';
     } else {
         $action_desc = 'restored';
         $status = 'all';
     $this->_redirect_after_action($success, $model->item_name($success), $action_desc, array('action' => $action, 'status' => $status));
  * Given the model object data, finds the row to update and updates it
  * @param string|int $id_in_csv
  * @param array $model_object_data
  * @param EEM_Base $model
  * @param array $old_db_to_new_db_mapping
  * @return array updated $old_db_to_new_db_mapping
 protected function _update_from_data_array($id_in_csv, $model_object_data, $model, $old_db_to_new_db_mapping)
     try {
         //let's keep two copies of the model object data:
         //one for performing an update, one for everthing else
         $model_object_data_for_update = $model_object_data;
         if ($model->has_primary_key_field()) {
             $conditions = array($model->primary_key_name() => $model_object_data[$model->primary_key_name()]);
             //remove the primary key because we shouldn't use it for updating
         } elseif ($model->get_combined_primary_key_fields() > 1) {
             $conditions = array();
             foreach ($model->get_combined_primary_key_fields() as $key_field) {
                 $conditions[$key_field->get_name()] = $model_object_data[$key_field->get_name()];
         } else {
             //this shoudl just throw an exception, explaining that we dont have a primary key (or a combine dkey)
         $success = $model->update($model_object_data_for_update, array($conditions));
         if ($success) {
             EE_Error::add_success(sprintf(__("Successfully updated %s with csv data %s", "event_espresso"), $model->get_this_model_name(), implode(",", $model_object_data_for_update)));
             //we should still record the mapping even though it was an update
             //because if we were going to insert somethign but it was going to conflict
             //we would have last-minute decided to update. So we'd like to know what we updated
             //and so we record what record ended up being updated using the mapping
             if ($model->has_primary_key_field()) {
                 $new_key_for_mapping = $model_object_data[$model->primary_key_name()];
             } else {
                 //no primary key just a combined key
                 $new_key_for_mapping = $model->get_index_primary_key_string($model_object_data);
             $old_db_to_new_db_mapping[$model->get_this_model_name()][$id_in_csv] = $new_key_for_mapping;
         } else {
             $matched_items = $model->get_all(array($conditions));
             if (!$matched_items) {
                 //no items were matched (so we shouldn't have updated)... but then we should have inserted? what the heck?
                 EE_Error::add_error(sprintf(__("Could not update %s with the csv data: '%s' for an unknown reason (using WHERE conditions %s)", "event_espresso"), $model->get_this_model_name(), http_build_query($model_object_data), http_build_query($conditions)), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
             } else {
                 EE_Error::add_success(sprintf(__("%s with csv data '%s' was found in the database and didn't need updating because all the data is identical.", "event_espresso"), $model->get_this_model_name(), implode(",", $model_object_data)));
     } catch (EE_Error $e) {
         $basic_message = sprintf(__("Could not update %s with the csv data: %s because %s", "event_espresso"), $model->get_this_model_name(), implode(",", $model_object_data), $e->getMessage());
         $debug_message = $basic_message . ' Stack trace: ' . $e->getTraceAsString();
         EE_Error::add_error("{$basic_message} | {$debug_message}", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
     return $old_db_to_new_db_mapping;