public function __construct() { $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); }
public function __construct($location, $name = null, $useOverride = false) { static $defaultWorkspace; $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); // Determines if this is a module section if ($location == 'module') { $this->isModule = true; $location = 'site'; } if (!isset($defaultWorkspace)) { $override = $this->app->getTemplate(); $defaultWorkspace = array('site' => strtolower($this->config->get('theme_site')), 'site_base' => strtolower($this->config->get('theme_site_base')), 'admin' => strtolower($this->config->get('theme_admin')), 'admin_base' => strtolower($this->config->get('theme_admin_base')), 'module' => null, 'override' => $override); } $this->workspace = $defaultWorkspace; $workspace = array(); // Internally, override is a location. if ($useOverride) { $location = 'override'; } // For specific template, else default template will be used. if (!empty($name)) { $workspace[$location] = $name; } // Because we can't do late static binding on PHP < 5.3. // Used by $this->override() method. $this->class = __CLASS__; parent::__construct('EASYBLOG', $workspace, $location); }
public function __construct() { $this->config = EB::config(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); // Determines if the current request is for debug $this->debug = $this->input->get('debug', false, 'bool'); }
public function __construct() { $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $config = EB::config(); $key = $config->get('integrations_flickr_api_key'); $secret = $config->get('integrations_flickr_secret_key'); parent::__construct($key, $secret); }
public function __construct(&$items, $cache = true) { $this->items = $items; $this->cache = $cache; $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->limitstart = $this->input->get('limitstart', 0, 'int'); }
public function __construct() { $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->acl = EB::acl(); $this->config = EB::config(); // Set the user project $this->user = EB::user($this->my->id); }
public function __construct() { // Get the config object $this->config = EB::config(); // Get app settings $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); // Assign the key and secret $this->key = $this->config->get('amazon_key'); $this->secret = $this->config->get('amazon_secret'); }
public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct($config); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->info = EB::info(); if ($this->doc->getType() == 'ajax') { $this->ajax = EB::ajax(); } }
public function __construct() { $this->config = EB::getConfig(); $this->jconfig = JFactory::getConfig(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->info = EB::info(); $this->theme = EB::getTemplate(null, array('view' => $this, 'admin' => true)); if ($this->doc->getType() == 'ajax') { $this->ajax = EB::ajax(); } parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // EasyBlog's configuration $this->config = EB::config(); $this->jconfig = EB::jconfig(); // Joomla's document object $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); // Joomla's application object $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Request input object $this->input = EB::request(); // Current logged in user. $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); // String library $this->string = EB::string(); $this->lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); }
public function __construct() { $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->my = JFactory::getUser(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->info = EB::info(); $this->jconfig = EB::jconfig(); $this->acl = EB::acl(); // If this is a dashboard theme, we need to let the theme object know $options = array('paramsPrefix' => $this->paramsPrefix); // If this is an ajax document, we should pass the $ajax library to the client if ($this->doc->getType() == 'ajax') { //we need to load frontend language from here incase it was called from backend. JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_easyblog', JPATH_ROOT); $this->ajax = EB::ajax(); } // Create an instance of the theme so child can start setting variables to it. $this->theme = EB::template(null, $options); // Set the input object $this->input = EB::request(); }
public function __construct() { $this->jConfig = EB::jConfig(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->input = EB::request(); $this->config = EB::config(); $this->apiKey = $this->config->get('integrations_facebook_api_key'); $this->apiSecret = $this->config->get('integrations_facebook_secret_key'); // Default redirection url $this->redirect = rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/administrator/index.php?option=com_easyblog&task=facebook.grant'; // Determines if there's a "system" in the url $system = $this->input->get('system', false, 'bool'); if ($system) { $this->redirect .= '&system=1'; } // Determines if there's a "userId" in the url $userId = $this->input->get('userId', null, 'default'); if ($userId) { $this->redirect .= '&userId=' . $userId; } parent::__construct(array('appId' => $this->apiKey, 'secret' => $this->apiSecret)); }
/** * Renders publish / unpublish icon. * * @since 1.0 * @access public * @param object The object to check against. * @param string The controller to be called. * @param string The key for the object. * @param Array An optional array of tasks * @param Array An optional array of tooltips * @param boolean An optional boolean of enforce disabled state * * @author Mark Lee <*****@*****.**> */ public static function published($obj, $controllerName = '', $key = '', $tasks = array(), $tooltip = array(), $disabled = false) { $input = EB::request(); $view = $input->get('view', '', 'cmd'); $layout = $input->get('layout', '', 'cmd'); // If primary key is not provided, then we assume that we should use 'state' as the key property. $key = !empty($key) ? $key : 'state'; $publishTask = isset($tasks[0]) ? $tasks[0] : $controllerName . '.publish'; $unpublishTask = isset($tasks[1]) ? $tasks[1] : $controllerName . '.unpublish'; $allowed = $disabled ? false : true; switch ($obj->{$key}) { case '2': case EASYBLOG_POST_SCHEDULED: $class = 'scheduled'; $tooltip = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_SCHEDULED'); $allowed = false; if ($view == 'blogs' && $layout == 'templates') { $class = 'unpublish'; $tooltip = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_GRID_BLANK_TEMPLATE'); } break; case EASYBLOG_POST_DRAFT: $class = 'draft'; $tooltip = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_DRAFT'); $allowed = false; break; case EASYBLOG_POST_ARCHIVED: $class = 'archived'; $tooltip = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_GRID_TOOLTIP_ARCHIVED'); $allowed = false; break; case EASYBLOG_POST_PUBLISHED: $class = 'publish'; $tooltip = isset($tooltip[1]) ? $tooltip[1] : 'COM_EASYBLOG_GRID_TOOLTIP_PUBLISH'; break; case EASYBLOG_POST_UNPUBLISHED: $class = 'unpublish'; $tooltip = isset($tooltip[0]) ? $tooltip[0] : 'COM_EASYBLOG_GRID_TOOLTIP_UNPUBLISH'; break; case EASYBLOG_POST_TRASHED: $class = 'trash'; $tooltip = JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_TRASHED'); break; } if (is_array($tooltip)) { $tooltip = ''; } if (is_string($tooltip) && !empty($tooltip)) { $tooltip = JText::_($tooltip); } $task = $obj->{$key} ? $unpublishTask : $publishTask; $theme = EB::getTemplate(); $theme->set('allowed', $allowed); $theme->set('tooltip', $tooltip); $theme->set('task', $task); $theme->set('class', $class); return $theme->output('admin/html/grid.published'); }
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Stack Ideas Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * EasyBlog is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Unauthorized Access'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $engine = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easyblog/includes/easyblog.php'; if (!JFile::exists($engine)) { return; } require_once $engine; $input = EB::request(); $option = $input->get('option', '', 'cmd'); $view = $input->get('view', '', 'cmd'); $id = $input->get('id', 0, 'int'); // Allowed views $allowed = array('entry', 'categories', 'teamblog'); if ($option != 'com_easyblog') { return; } if (!in_array($view, $allowed)) { return; } if (!$id) { return; } $type = 'entry';