/** * @return array<list_Item> */ public final function getItems() { try { $request = Controller::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $questionId = intval($request->getParameter('questionId', 0)); $question = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($questionId); } catch (Exception $e) { if (Framework::isDebugEnabled()) { Framework::debug(__METHOD__ . ' EXCEPTION: ' . $e->getMessage()); } return array(); } // Here we must use instanceof and not getDocumentModelName to work with injection. $results = array(); if ($question instanceof form_persistentdocument_boolean) { $trueLabel = $question->getTruelabel(); $falseLabel = $question->getFalselabel(); $results[$trueLabel] = new list_Item($trueLabel, $trueLabel); $results[$falseLabel] = new list_Item($falseLabel, $falseLabel); } else { if ($question instanceof form_persistentdocument_list) { $results = $question->getDataSource()->getItems(); } } return $results; }
/** * @return array<list_Item> */ public final function getItems() { $request = Controller::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $form = null; $conditionOn = null; try { $conditionOnId = intval($request->getParameter('documentId', 0)); if ($conditionOnId > 0) { $conditionOn = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($conditionOnId); $form = $conditionOn->getForm(); } else { $parent = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance(intval($request->getParameter('parentId', 0))); if ($parent instanceof form_persistentdocument_baseform) { $form = $parent; } else { if ($parent instanceof form_persistentdocument_group) { $form = $parent->getForm(); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); } if (!$form instanceof form_persistentdocument_baseform) { return array(); } $results = array(); $excludeIds = $this->getExcludeIds($conditionOn); foreach ($form->getDocumentService()->getValidActivationFields($form, $excludeIds) as $field) { $results[] = new list_Item($field->getLabel(), $field->getId()); } return $results; }
/** * @param block_BlockContext $context * @param block_BlockRequest $request * @return String the view name */ public function execute($context, $request) { if (!$request->hasNonEmptyParameter('id')) { return block_BlockView::NONE; } $id = $request->getParameter('id'); $form = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($id); $user = $context->getGlobalContext()->getUser(); $attr = 'form_success_parameters_' . $form->getId(); $parameters = $user->getAttribute($attr); if ($parameters === null) { return block_BlockView::NONE; } $user->removeAttribute($attr); $message = $form->getConfirmMessage(); foreach ($parameters as $k => $v) { $message = str_replace('{' . $k . '}', htmlspecialchars($v), $message); } $this->setParameter('message', $message); if ($form->getUseBackLink()) { $this->setParameter('back', array('url' => $parameters[form_FormConstants::BACK_URL_PARAMETER], 'label' => f_Locale::translate('&modules.form.frontoffice.Back;'))); } else { $this->setParameter('back', false); } $this->setParameter('form', $form); return block_BlockView::SUCCESS; }
public static function configurePage(Template $t, $title, $bodyContent = null, $jsExtra = null) { $t->insertSlot("TITLE", $title); $currentPage = DocumentHelper::getCurrentPageName(); if ($bodyContent !== null) { $t->insertSlot("BODY_CONTENT", $bodyContent); } if ($jsExtra !== null) { $t->insertBlock("JS_EXTRA", $jsExtra); } if (SessionHelper::isAdmin()) { // logged in as admin $t->insertSlot("LOGIN_TEXT", "LOG OUT " . SessionHelper::getName()); $t->insertSlot("LOGIN_LINK", "logout.php"); } else { $t->insertBlock("LOGIN", ""); } // menu - highlight current page $t->insertSlot("CLASS_ABOUT", $currentPage == "about.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_BOOKINGS", $currentPage == "bookings.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_VALET_PARKING", $currentPage == "valet_parking.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_VEHICLE_STORAGE", $currentPage == "vehicle_storage.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_POOL_CAR", $currentPage == "pool_car.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_RATES", $currentPage == "rates.php" ? "current" : ""); $t->insertSlot("CLASS_VIDEO", $currentPage == "video.php" ? "current" : ""); }
/** * @param form_persistentdocument_mail $document * @param Integer $parentNodeId Parent node ID where to save the document (optionnal => can be null !). * @throws form_ReplyToFieldAlreadyExistsException * @return void */ protected function preSave($document, $parentNodeId = null) { if ($document->getMultiline()) { $document->setValidators('emails:true'); } else { $document->setValidators('email:true'); } if ($parentNodeId !== NULL) { $form = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($parentNodeId); } else { $form = $this->getFormOf($document); } if ($form === null) { if (Framework::isWarnEnabled()) { Framework::warn(__METHOD__ . ' the mail field document (' . $document->__toString() . ')is not in a form'); } } else { if ($document->getUseAsReply()) { $oldReplyField = form_BaseFormService::getInstance()->getReplyToField($form); if ($oldReplyField !== null && $oldReplyField !== $document) { Framework::error(__METHOD__ . ' Old reply field :' . $oldReplyField->__toString()); throw new form_ReplyToFieldAlreadyExistsException(f_Locale::translate('&modules.form.bo.errors.Mail-field-for-replyto-exists')); } } } parent::preSave($document, $parentNodeId); }
/** * @param form_persistentdocument_file $field * @param DOMElement $fieldElm * @param mixed $rawValue * @return string */ public function buildXmlElementResponse($field, $fieldElm, $rawValue) { if (is_numeric($rawValue)) { try { $document = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($rawValue); $fieldElm->setAttribute('mailValue', $document->getLabel()); } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); } } return $rawValue; }
/** * @see website_BlockAction::execute() * @param f_mvc_Request $request * @param f_mvc_Response $response * @return String */ public function execute($request, $response) { if ($this->isInBackoffice()) { return website_BlockView::NONE; } $form = $this->getDocumentParameter(); if ($form === null || !$form->isPublished()) { return website_BlockView::NONE; } $request->setAttribute('form', $form); $request->setAttribute('moduleName', $this->getModuleName()); if ($request->hasParameter('receiverIds')) { $receiverIds = explode(',', $request->getParameter('receiverIds')); $receiverLabels = array(); foreach ($receiverIds as $receiverId) { if (is_numeric($receiverId)) { try { $receiver = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($receiverId); $receiverLabels[] = $receiver->getLabel(); } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); $receiverLabels[] = $receiverId; } } else { if (f_util_StringUtils::isNotEmpty($receiverId)) { $receiverLabels[] = $receiverId; } } } $request->setAttributes('receiverLabels', $receiverLabels); } $agaviUser = $this->getContext()->getGlobalContext()->getUser(); if ($agaviUser->hasAttribute('form_success_parameters_' . $form->getId())) { $view = $this->getSuccessView($form, $request); } else { if ($request->hasParameter('submit_' . $form->getId())) { try { $form->getDocumentService()->saveFormData($form, $request); $agaviUser->setAttribute('form_success_parameters_' . $form->getId(), $request->getParameters()); $view = $this->getSuccessView($form, $request); } catch (form_FormValidationException $e) { $request->setAttribute('errors', $e->getErrorCollection()); $view = $this->getInputView($form, $request); } } else { $view = $this->getInputView($form, $request); } } return $view; }
/** * @param form_persistentdocument_hidden $field * @param DOMElement $fieldElm * @param mixed $rawValue * @return string */ public function buildXmlElementResponse($field, $fieldElm, $rawValue) { switch ($field->getIsRecommand()) { case 'site': return website_WebsiteModuleService::getInstance()->getCurrentWebsite()->getUrl(); break; case 'page': try { return LinkHelper::getUrl(DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($rawValue)); } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); } return website_WebsiteModuleService::getInstance()->getCurrentWebsite()->getUrl(); } return parent::buildXmlElementResponse($field, $fieldElm, $rawValue); }
<?php session_start(); $pageName = basename($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); require_once "classes/sessionhelper.class.php"; if (!SessionHelper::isLoggedIn() && $pageName != "login.php") { require_once "classes/documenthelper.class.php"; // echo "NOT LOGGED IN "; // exit; header("Location: login.php?from=" . $pageName . DocumentHelper::getQueryString(true, true)); exit; } header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
/** * @param form_persistentdocument_field $field * @param integer $parentNodeId * @throws form_FormException When $field is not inside a form * @throws form_FieldAlreadyExistsException When the name of $field is not available */ public function checkFieldNameAvailable($field, $parentNodeId) { $fieldName = $field->getFieldName(); $parent = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($parentNodeId); if ($parent instanceof form_persistentdocument_baseform) { $form = $parent; } else { $form = $this->getAncestorFormByDocument($parent); if ($form === null) { throw new form_FormException("Field \"" . $field->__toString() . "\" is not inside a form."); } } $query = $this->getPersistentProvider()->createQuery('modules_form/field'); $query->add(Restrictions::descendentOf($form->getId())); $query->add(Restrictions::eq('fieldName', $fieldName)); $result = $query->findUnique(); if ($result !== null && $result->getId() != $field->getId()) { throw new form_FieldAlreadyExistsException(f_Locale::translate('&modules.form.bo.errors.Field-name-alreay-used;', array('fieldName' => $fieldName))); } }
/** * @param string $receiverIdStr * @param mail_MessageRecipients $recipients */ private function handleReceveirIds($receiverIdStr, &$recipients) { $emailAddressArray = array(); // Let's check if $receiverIdStr contains a list of email addresses... $errors = new validation_Errors(); $validate = new validation_EmailsValidator(); $validate->validate(new validation_Property(null, $receiverIdStr), $errors); // Errors have been found: $receiverIdStr does not seem to contain // email addresses, maybe it contains contacts ID. if (!$errors->isEmpty()) { // try to get the component and get its emails $receiverIdArray = explode(',', $receiverIdStr); foreach ($receiverIdArray as $receiverId) { $receiverId = f_util_Convert::fixDataType($receiverId); if (is_integer($receiverId)) { try { // Merge the previously found email addresses with // the one of the contact with ID $receiverId. $emailAddressArray = array_merge($emailAddressArray, DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($receiverId)->getEmailAddresses()); } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); } } } } else { $emailAddressArray = explode(',', $receiverIdStr); $emailAddressArray = array_map("trim", $emailAddressArray); } $recipients->setTo($emailAddressArray); }
" value="" name="document_name_search" /> </li> <li> <div class="ajax_loader"></div> </li> </ul> <small> <span id="documents_matched"></span> <?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_DOCUMENT_MATCHES'); ?> . <?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_DOCUMENT_THERE_ARE'); ?> <span id="documents_total"><?php echo DocumentHelper::getTotalDocuments(); ?> </span> <?php echo TextHelper::_('COBALT_DOCUMENT_IN_YOUR_ACCOUNT'); ?> . </small> <?php echo TemplateHelper::getListEditActions(); ?> <form method="post" id="list_form" action="<?php echo RouteHelper::_('index.php?view=documents'); ?> "> <table class="table table-hover table-striped data-table table-bordered dataTable no-footer" id="documents"> <?php
private function __downloadPaper($paperId, $attachment, $documentType, $docid) { global $Opt, $Me, $zlib_output_compression; $result = $this->document_result($paperId, $documentType, $docid); if (!$result) { $this->log("Download error: " . $this->dblink->error, $Me, $paperId); return set_error_html("Database error while downloading paper."); } else { if (edb_nrows($result) == 0) { return set_error_html("No such document."); } } // Check data $docs = array(); while ($doc = $this->document_row($result, $documentType)) { if (!$doc->mimetype) { $doc->mimetype = MIMETYPEID_PDF; } $doc->filename = HotCRPDocument::filename($doc); $docs[] = $doc; } if (count($docs) == 1 && $docs[0]->paperStorageId <= 1) { return set_error_html("Paper #" . $docs[0]->paperId . " hasn’t been uploaded yet."); } $downloadname = false; if (count($docs) > 1) { $downloadname = $Opt["downloadPrefix"] . pluralx(2, HotCRPDocument::unparse_dtype($documentType)) . ".zip"; } return DocumentHelper::download($docs, $downloadname, $attachment); }
/** * @param Integer $elementId * @return Boolean */ public static function getActivationValue($elementId) { $element = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($elementId); return $element->getActivationValue(); }
/** * @param Integer $fieldId * @return Boolean */ public function hasCondition($fieldId) { $field = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($fieldId); return $field->getActivationQuestion() !== null; }
/** * Moves $field into the destination node identified by $destId. * @param form_persistentdocument_field $field The field to move. * @param integer $destId ID of the destination node. * @param integer $beforeId * @param integer $afterId */ public function moveTo($field, $destId, $beforeId = null, $afterId = null) { $fbs = form_BaseformService::getInstance(); $fieldForm = $fbs->getAncestorFormByDocument($field); $destDocument = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($destId); if ($destDocument instanceof form_persistentdocument_baseform) { $destForm = $destDocument; } else { $destForm = $fbs->getAncestorFormByDocument($destDocument); } if (!DocumentHelper::isEquals($destForm, $fieldForm)) { throw new form_FormException(f_Locale::translate('&modules.form.bo.errors.Cannot-move-a-field-from-a-form-to-another-form;')); } return parent::moveTo($field, $destId, $beforeId, $afterId); }
/** * @param block_BlockContext $context * @param block_BlockRequest $request * @return String the view name */ public function execute($context, $request) { $id = $this->getFormId(); if (empty($id)) { return block_BlockView::NONE; } $form = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($id); if (!$form->isPublished()) { return block_BlockView::NONE; } $form->getDocumentNode()->getDescendents(); $this->setParameter('form', $form); if ($context->inBackofficeMode()) { return block_BlockView::DUMMY; } if ($request->hasParameter("receiverIds")) { $receiverIds = explode(",", $request->getParameter("receiverIds")); $receiverLabels = array(); foreach ($receiverIds as $receiverId) { if (is_numeric($receiverId)) { try { $receiver = DocumentHelper::getDocumentInstance($receiverId); $receiverLabels[] = $receiver->getLabel(); } catch (Exception $e) { Framework::exception($e); $receiverLabels[] = $receiverId; } } elseif (f_util_StringUtils::isNotEmpty($receiverId)) { $receiverLabels[] = $receiverId; } } $this->setParameter("receiverLabels", $receiverLabels); } if ($this->isSuccess($context, $request)) { $view = block_BlockView::SUCCESS; } else { if ($this->isFormPosted($request)) { $fs = form_FormService::getInstance(); try { $fs->saveFormData($form, $request); $user = $context->getGlobalContext()->getUser(); $user->setAttribute('form_success_parameters_' . $form->getId(), $request->getParameters()); $view = block_BlockView::SUCCESS; } catch (form_FormValidationException $e) { $this->setParameter('errors', $e->getErrorCollection()); $view = block_BlockView::INPUT; } } else { $view = block_BlockView::INPUT; } } // Calls the BlockFormDecorator if present. $formId = $form->getFormid(); $matches = null; if (preg_match('#^modules_([a-z]+)/([a-z]+)$#', $formId, $matches)) { $extendClassName = $matches[1] . '_BlockForm' . ucfirst($matches[2]) . 'Decorator'; if (f_util_ClassUtils::classExists($extendClassName)) { $instance = new $extendClassName($this); if ($instance instanceof form_BlockFormDecorator) { $instance->execute($context, $request); } else { Framework::warn("\"{$extendClassName}\" is not an instance of \"block_BlockDecorator\": form \"{$formId}\" won't be decorated."); } } } return $view; }