static function sync($threadID, $returnmessage = false)
     $message = "no comments on disqus server";
     $comments = false;
     $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
     $disqus = new DisqusAPI($config->disqus_secretkey);
     try {
         $comments = $disqus->threads->listPosts(array("forum" => $config->disqus_shortname, "thread" => "ident:" . $threadID));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         //user_error (  'Caught exception (probably cant get thread by ID, does it exists?): ' . $e->getMessage());
     if ($comments) {
         $message = "There are some comments on disqus server";
         // Debug
         if ($returnmessage) {
         DB::query("UPDATE DisqusComment SET `isSynced` = 0 WHERE `threadIdentifier` = '{$threadID}'");
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             //if ($c = DataObject::get_one('DisqusComment',"disqusId = '$comment->id'")) {
             if ($c = DisqusComment::get()->filter('disqusId', $comment->id)->First()) {
                 // Comment is already here, fine ;)
                 $message .= " | updating comment id " . $comment->id;
             } else {
                 // Comment is new, create it
                 $c = new DisqusComment();
                 $message .= " | adding comment id " . $comment->id;
             $c->isSynced = 1;
             $c->threadIdentifier = $threadID;
             $c->disqusId = $comment->id;
             $c->author_name = $comment->author->name;
             $c->forum = $comment->forum;
             $c->parent = $comment->parent;
             $c->thread = $comment->thread;
             $c->isApproved = $comment->isApproved;
             $c->isDeleted = $comment->isDeleted;
             $c->isHighlighted = $comment->isHighlighted;
             $c->isSpam = $comment->isSpam;
             $c->createdAt = $comment->createdAt;
             //$c->ipAddress = $comment->ipAddress;
             $c->message = $comment->message;
             // finaly, save it to DB
     if ($returnmessage) {
         return $message;
    function DisqusPageComments()
        // if the owner DataObject is Versioned, don't display DISQUS until the post is published
        // to avoid identifier / URL conflicts.
        if ($this->owner->hasExtension('Versioned') && Versioned::current_stage() == 'Stage') {
            return '<p class="alert">' . _t("Disqus.NOTLIVEALERT", "Disqus comments are temporary OFF in Stage mode. Logout or turn in Live mode!") . '</p>';
        $config = SiteConfig::current_site_config();
        $ti = $this->disqusIdentifier();
        if ($config->disqus_shortname && $this->owner->disqusEnabled()) {
            $script = '
			    var disqus_shortname = \'' . $config->disqus_shortname . '\';
				' . $this->owner->disqusDeveloperJsVar() . '
			    var disqus_identifier = \'' . $ti . '\';
			    var disqus_url = \'' . $this->owner->absoluteLink() . '\';
				' . $this->owner->disqusLocaleJsVar() . '
			    (function() {
			        var dsq = document.createElement(\'script\'); dsq.type = \'text/javascript\'; dsq.async = true;
			        dsq.src = \'https://\' + disqus_shortname + \'\';
			        (document.getElementsByTagName(\'head\')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(\'body\')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
            $templateData = array('SyncDisqus' => true);
            // Hide Local Comments -> we will use Disqus service
            $hideLocal = "\n\t\t\t\tfunction hideLocalComments() {\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('disqus_local').style.display = 'none';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\twindow.onload = hideLocalComments;\n\t\t\t";
            // Get comments
            //$results = DataObject::get('DisqusComment',"isSynced = 1 AND isApproved = 1 AND threadIdentifier = '$ti'");
            $results = DisqusComment::get()->filter(array('isSynced' => '1', 'isApproved' => '1', 'threadIdentifier' => $ti));
            // Prepare data for template
            $templateData['LocalComments'] = $results;
            // Sync comments
            $now = time();
            $synced = strtotime($this->owner->LastEdited);
            if ($now - $synced > $config->disqus_synctime) {
                if ($config->disqus_syncinbg) {
                    // background process
                    // from here:
                    // TODO: Windows check is not fully correct
                    // Debug
                    // echo "trying to sync in BG";
                    $cmd = "php " . Director::baseFolder() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "framework" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "cli-script.php /disqussync/sync_by_ident/" . $ti . "/";
                    // Debug
                    //echo $cmd;
                    if (substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows") {
                        pclose(popen("start /B " . $cmd, "r"));
                    } else {
                        exec($cmd . " > /dev/null &");
                } else {
                    $returnmessage = Director::isDev() ? 1 : 0;
                    DisqusSync::sync($ti, $returnmessage);
                // updates LastEdited data
                // saves the record
            } else {
                // Debug
                // echo "not needed to sync";
            return $this->owner->customise($templateData)->renderWith(array('DisqusComments'));