function __construct() { parent::__construct(); parent::init(); acl_helper::acl_redirect(steamauth_helper::get_role(), 'admin'); Display::instance()->set_template('template-admin'); }
/** * listener for error 404s * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ function error_404_listener() { header('HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found'); Display::instance()->set_template('template-error'); Display::instance()->add_data('page_id', 'page-not-found'); View::factory('common/error_404')->render(true); die; }
/** * render * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public static function render() { $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = ''; $content['content']->copy = Event::$data; $container = Container::instance(1)->render($content, null); Display::instance()->display($container); }
/** * render list of plugins * * @param string $copy * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ function render($copy) { $admin_container = Kohana::config('containers.admin_container'); $content = new stdClass(); $content->header = 'Containers Admin'; $content->sub_header = ''; $content->copy = $copy; $page_content = Container::instance()->init($admin_container)->render($content); Display::instance()->display($page_content); }
function __construct() { if (!User::instance()->id) { url::redirect('/auth/login'); } Acl::instance()->redirect(User::instance()->get_role(), 'admin', null, '/auth/login'); parent::__construct(); $type = '-' . Input::instance()->get('type', ''); Display::instance()->set_template($type == '-' ? 'template' : 'template' . $type); }
public static function item_html_listener() { $pid = Event::$data['data']['row']->pid; $cid = Event::$data['data']['row']->container; $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = Event::$data['data']['row']->title; $content['content']->copy = View::factory('pages/' . Event::$data['view'], Event::$data['data'])->render(); $container = Container::instance($cid)->render($content, false, $pid); Display::instance()->display($container); }
public static function add_map($data = array(), $args = null) { self::append_js(); $map = new View('gmap'); $map->set('result', $data); if (is_object($args)) { foreach ($args as $a => $v) { $map->{$a} = $v; } } $extraHeadContent = $map->render(); Display::instance()->append_data('extraHeadContent', $extraHeadContent); }
public static function item_html_listener() { $pid = Event::$data['data']['row']->pid; $cid = Event::$data['data']['row']->container; $content_template = Event::$data['data']['row']->content_template; $content_template = $content_template == '' ? 'template-0' : $content_template; $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = Event::$data['data']['row']->title; $content['content']->copy = View::factory('/containers/content_templates/' . $content_template, Event::$data['data'])->render(); Display::instance()->add_data('page_version', Event::$data['data']['row']->version); $container = Container::instance($cid)->render($content, false, $pid); Display::instance()->display($container); }
/** * Get plugins and show * * @return void * @author Dan Chadwick */ public function index() { Event::add('steamcore.aclcheck', array('acl_listeners', 'redirect')); $data = array('action' => 'admin', 'name' => null, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role()); Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data); Assets::instance()->add_css('admin'); $view = View::factory('plugins_list'); $view->plugins = PluginManager::instance()->getPluginObjects(); $content = array('content' => new stdClass()); $content['content']->title = 'Plugins Admin'; $content['content']->copy = $view->render(); Assets::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/display'); Assets::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/display'); Display::instance()->display(Container::instance('display')->render($content)); }
/** * listing * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function admin() { $data = array('action' => 'edit', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role()); Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data); $blog = URI::instance()->segment(3, 1); $nodes = ORM::factory('blogpost')->where(array('lvl' => 1, 'blog_id' => $blog))->orderby(array('date_added' => 'DESC'))->find_all(); $lvl = ORM::factory('blogpost')->level_column; $data = array('nodes' => $nodes, 'level_column' => $lvl, 'controller' => 'blogposts'); $copy = View::factory('blog/postslist_admin', $data)->render(); $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = 'Blog Posts'; $content['content']->copy = $copy; $container = Container::instance(3)->render($content); Display::instance()->display($container); }
/** * get content body * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ function getContentBody() { $blog = Blog::factory(); // var_dump($blog);exit; $data = array(); if (count(Router::$arguments) > 1) { Display::instance()->add_data('pageclass', 'blog-subpage'); $plugdata = array('content' => $blog->view(), 'comment' => $blog->comment(), 'p' => $this); $data['content'] = View::factory('blog/plugin-post', $plugdata)->render(); } else { $plugdata = array('content' => $blog->blog(1), 'p' => $this); $data['content'] = View::factory('blog/plugin-posts', $plugdata)->render(); } $data['comments'] = $blog->latest_comments(1, 5); $data['p'] = $this; return View::factory('blog/plugin-wrapper', $data)->render(); }
public function admin() { $data = array('action' => 'edit', 'name' => $this->name, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role()); Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data); $root = ORM::factory('pages_position')->where('lft', 0)->find(); $xml = $root->render_descendants('pages', false)->render(); $l = xsl::translate_string($xml, 'pages_admin', array(), array('pages_helper::check_acl')); $pages = pages_helper::get_pages($root = true); $move = View::factory('pageadmin/movepage', array('pagelist' => $pages))->render(); $c = View::factory('pages/pages', array('list' => $l, 'controller' => 'pages', 'move' => $move))->render(); $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = 'Pages'; $content['content']->copy = $c; $container = Container::instance(3)->render($content); Display::instance()->display($container); }
/** * initialise the container * * @param string $container_id * @param boolean $use_defaults * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ function init($container_id, $use_defaults = true) { $this->container_id = $container_id; $details = $this->model->get_container($this->container_id); if (!is_object($details)) { throw new Kohana_User_Exception("Containers Error", "Container id " . $container_id . " cannot be found"); } $this->title = $details->title; $this->template = $details->template; if ($use_defaults) { $this->add_block('left_column', array('column' => 'left-col')); $this->add_block('mid_column', array('column' => 'middle-col')); $this->add_block('right_column', array('column' => 'right-col')); $this->add_block('section_nav', array('column' => 'nav')); } Display::instance()->set_container(true); return $this; }
/** * display the tree * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function index() { Display::instance()->add_css('app/admin'); Display::instance()->add_css('app/apage'); // $filepath = Kohana::find_file( 'xml', 'sitemap', true, 'xml'); // $xml = simplexml_load_file( $filepath ); $xml = Sitemap::instance()->get_sitemap(); Display::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/tree'); Display::instance()->add_javascript('global/core/effects'); Display::instance()->add_javascript('global/core/dragdrop'); Display::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/Tree'); $js = new View('tree_js', array('struct' => tree_helper::create_struct($xml)), FALSE); Display::instance()->append_data('extraHeadContent', $js); $content = new stdClass(); Display::instance()->add_data('header', 'Pages Admin'); Display::instance()->add_data('sub_header', ''); $tb = new View('tree_body'); $content = $tb; Display::instance()->add_data('content', $content); Display::instance()->display(); }
/** * get list of comments * * @param string $post_id * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function comments_list($post_id) { try { $node = ORM::factory('blogpost', $post_id); if ($node->has_children()) { $data = array(); $data['post_title'] = $node->title; $data['nodes'] = $node->descendants()->find_all(); $data['controller'] = 'blog_comments'; $copy = View::factory('blog/post_comments_admin', $data)->render(); $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = 'Blog Post Comments'; $content['content']->copy = $copy; $container = Container::instance(3)->render($content); Display::instance()->display($container); } } catch (Exception $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); Kohana::log('debug', $e->getMessage()); } }
/** * list the containers * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ private function listing() { $containers = ORM::factory('container')->find_all(); $content = array('content' => new stdClass()); $content['content']->title = 'Containers Admin'; $content['content']->copy = View::factory('containers_list', array('containers' => $containers))->render(); Assets::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/display'); Assets::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/display'); Display::instance()->display(Container::instance('display')->render($content)); }
?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="middle-cols" class="column span-<?php echo $mid - 2; ?> prepend-1 append-1 surround"> <div id="middle-cols-container"> <div id="middle-cols-header" class="surround"> <?php if (!Display::instance()->get_data('show_maincontent')) { ?> <h3 id="sub-header" class="sub-header"> <?php echo $content->title; ?> </h3> <div id="main-content"> <div id="small"> <?php echo $content->copy; ?> </div> </div> <?php
public function find() { Gmaps::add_map(); $copy = View::factory('postcode_finder')->render(); Display::instance()->display($copy); }
/** * listener for showing item view * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public static function event_item_view() { Display::instance()->display(View::factory('pages/' . Event::$data['view'], Event::$data['data'])); }
/** * undocumented function * * @param string $page_req * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function video($page_req = false) { $data = array(); $model = ORM::factory($this->setup['model'], $page_req); if (!$model->loaded) { Kohana::show_404($page_req, 'common/error_404'); } $path = DATAPATH . 'uploads/'; $file = $model->upload->file_name; if (!file_exists($path . $file)) { Kohana::show_404($file, 'common/error_404'); } if ($model->status == 0 and !User::instance()->is_admin()) { throw new Kohana_403_Exception($file, 'common/error_403'); } if (!copy($path . $file, DOCROOT . 'cache/' . $file)) { Kohana::show_404($file, 'common/error_404'); } $data['id'] = $page_req; $data['path'] = url::base() . 'cache/'; $data['name'] = $file; $data['dimensions'] = array('height' => $model->upload->image_height, 'width' => $model->upload->image_width); $data['picture'] = url::base() . 'gallery/crop/' . $model->upload->image_width . '/' . $model->upload->image_height . '/' . $model->upload->id . '.jpg'; Assets::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/ffmpeg'); $c = View::factory('videoplayer', $data)->render(); Display::instance()->display($c); }
/** * returns the form html * * @return string * @author Andy Bennett */ function render($form_name = 'form') { // include the pagination css / js if there is more than one page set if ($this->is_paginated()) { Display::instance()->append_data('cssfiles', 'global/fabtabulous'); Display::instance()->append_data('jsfiles', 'global/fabtabulous'); } $this->form_data['fc'] = $this; // set defaults $this->form_data['rownum'] = 0; $this->form_data['pagenum'] = 1; // set the form, action tags $this->form_data['tag'] = $this->is_file_uploads() ? 'open_multipart' : 'open'; $this->form_data['action'] = (string) $this->form->action; // set the form class $this->form_data['form_class'] = isset($this->form->action['type']) ? (string) $this->form->action['type'] : ''; // set some default hidden items $this->form_data['hidden'] = array('nohistory' => 1, 'form_action' => $this->setup->form_name); $u = isset($_GET['ajax']) ? '?ajax=true' : ''; if (isset($_POST['current'])) { $this->form_data['hidden']['current'] = $_POST['current'] . $u; } $data = $this->form_data; $data['form'] = $this; $data['rows'] = $this->rows; return View::factory('parts/' . $form_name, $data)->render(); }
/** * event listener; show upload form * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ public function show_upload_form() { Display::instance()->append_data('cssfiles', '/cache/css/swfupload/default'); Display::instance()->append_data('jsfiles', '/cache/js/swfupload/swfupload'); Display::instance()->append_data('jsfiles', '/cache/js/swfupload/swfupload.queue'); Display::instance()->append_data('jsfiles', '/cache/js/swfupload/fileprogress'); Display::instance()->append_data('jsfiles', '/cache/js/swfupload/handlers'); $s = Kohana::instance()->uri->segment(1); Session::instance(); $gal = Kohana::instance()->input->get('gallery_id'); if (!is_numeric($gal)) { $gal = 0; } $u = isset($_GET['ajax']) ? '?ajax=true' : ''; $config = array(); $config['flash_url'] = "/cache/swf/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf"; $config['post_upload_url'] = "/" . $s . "/post_upload/" . $gal . $u; $config['upload_url'] = "/" . $s . "/process_upload" . $u; $config['session_id'] = session_id(); $config['cat_id'] = $gal; Display::instance()->add_head_content(View::factory('upload_head_js', $config)->render()); Display::instance()->display(View::factory('pages/' . $s . '_upload', array('gal' => $gal))); }
public static function edit_complete_listener() { if (isset($_POST['current'])) { Session::instance()->set_flash('user_message', 'Item edited successfully'); url::redirect($_POST['current']); } else { Display::instance()->display(View::factory('pages/block', array('block' => 'Item successfully edited'))); } }
<?php Display::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/inline_editor'); Display::instance()->add_javascript('global/tiny_mce/tiny_mce'); Display::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/inline_editor'); Display::instance()->append_data('extraHeadContent', ' <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> function init_inline() { loadInlineEditor("editable-content", "editablecontent"); $$(".form form").each( function( f ) { f.onsubmit = function() { if(!inlineEdit.saveToForm("' . $o->rp('name') . '")) { return false; } } } ); } Event.observe(window, "load", init_inline, false); </script>'); ?> <div id='editable-content'><?php echo $o->rp('cval'); ?> </div>
/** * add display events * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ private function form_appends() { if (isset($this->form->append_data)) { foreach ($this->form->append_data as $n) { foreach ($n as $k => $v) { Display::instance()->append_data($k, $v); } } } }
/** * list the containers * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ private function listing() { $data = array('action' => 'edit', 'name' => null, 'role' => User::instance()->get_role()); Event::run('steamcore.aclcheck', $data); $root = ORM::factory('pages_position')->where('lft', 0)->find(); $xml = $root->render_descendants('pages', false)->render(); $l = xsl::translate_string($xml, 'page_plugins_list', array(), array('')); $c = View::factory('pages/page_plugins_list', array('list' => $l, 'controller' => 'page_plugins'))->render(); preg_match_all('/{pid=([0-9]+)}/', $c, $matches); $count = count($matches[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $c = str_replace($matches[0][$i], plugins::page_plugins_admin($matches[1][$i]), $c); } $content = array(); $content['content'] = new stdClass(); $content['content']->title = 'Page Plugins'; $content['content']->copy = $c; Assets::instance()->add_css('/cache/css/display'); Assets::instance()->add_javascript('/cache/js/display'); $container = Container::instance('display')->render($content); Display::instance()->display($container); }
/** * show a list of the galleries * * @return void * @author Andy Bennett */ function show_gallery_list() { $data = Event::$data; Display::instance()->display(View::factory('pages/' . $data['view'], $data)); }
public static function render($content, $container_id = false, $dir = "containers/", $additional = array()) { $container_id = $container_id ? $container_id : self::get_container(); $kohana = Kohana::instance(); $c = new Container($container_id); $view = new View($dir . $c->get_template()); $view->header = $content->header; $view->sub_header = $content->sub_header; $view->main_content = $content->copy; $view->section_nav = current(self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'nav'))); $view->left_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'left-col')); $view->mid_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'middle-col')); $view->right_column = self::return_column($c, array('column' => 'right-col')); if (is_array($additional)) { foreach ($additional as $a => $v) { $view->{$a} = $v; } } Display::instance()->display($view); }