require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/ChurchManager.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/DefuntionManager.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/PersonManager.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../Backend/LanguageSupport.php";
//Get File contest from template
$string = file_get_contents("template/DefuntionInsertion.html");
if (!isset($_GET) || $_GET["id"] === NULL) {
    echo "<script src='../JS/functions.js'></script><script>href('main.php')</script>";
//Remplace the nav
$string = str_replace("|title|", 'Look Defuntion', $string);
$string = str_replace("|NavBar|", SessionManager::getNavBar(), $string);
//Get The Data of the Defuntion
$idDefuntion = $_GET["id"];
$defuntion = DefuntionManager::getSingleDefuntion('id', $idDefuntion);
$ownerId = $defuntion->getIdOwner();
$owner = PersonManager::getSinglePerson('id', $ownerId);
$churchId = $defuntion->getIdChurch();
$defuntionDate = DatabaseManager::databaseDateToSingleDate($defuntion->getDeadDate());
//Create a String of options of Last Church
$churchString = "";
$churchs = ChurchManager::getAllChurchs('name');
foreach ($churchs as $singleChurch) {
    if ($singleChurch->getId() === $churchId) {
        $churchString = $churchString . "<option selected> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n";
    } else {
        $churchString = $churchString . "<option> " . $singleChurch->getName() . "</option>\n";
$string = str_replace("|ChurchOption|", $churchString, $string);

require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/SessionManager.php";
require_once __DIR__ . "/../../../Backend/DefuntionManager.php";
if (!isset($_GET) || $_GET["idDefuntion"] === NULL) {
    echo "KO";
} else {
    $defuntion = DefuntionManager::getSingleDefuntion("id", $_GET["idDefuntion"]);
    if ($defuntion === NULL) {
        echo "KO";
    } else {
        if (!isset($_SESSION) || $_SESSION["user_church"] === NULL) {
            echo "KO";
        } else {
            //Check for permision
            if ($_SESSION["user_type"] == 'A' || $_SESSION["user_church"] == $defuntion->getIdChurch()) {
                if (DefuntionManager::removeDefuntion($defuntion)) {
                    echo "OK";
                } else {
                    echo "KO";