  * check_comment_with_defensio()
  * @return
 function check_comment_with_defensio()
     global $pixelpost_db_prefix, $cfgrow, $parent_id, $message, $ip, $name, $url;
     require_once 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/defensio-php/Defensio.php';
     require_once 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/pixelpost/defensio_pixelpost.php';
     $defensio_result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `{$pixelpost_db_prefix}defensio` LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
     $defensio_conf = mysql_fetch_array($defensio_result);
     $defensio = new Defensio($defensio_conf['key']);
     $document = array();
     // store the $cfgrow['commentemail'] in a seperate temp variable and set it to no
     $tmp_commentmail = $cfgrow['commentemail'];
     $cfgrow['commentemail'] = 'no';
     // first update the comment in the database, assume it has failed.
     // sometimes the callback isn't issued properly.
     $query = "UPDATE {$pixelpost_db_prefix}comments \r\n            SET publish = 'dfn',\r\n            `spaminess` = '-1',\r\n            `status` = 'fail'  \r\n             WHERE id = last_insert_id()";
      * Only continue with Defensio if the API key is valid
     if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) == 200) {
         $document = array('client' => 'Pixelpost Defensio Addon | ' . $addon_version . ' | Schonhose | schonhose@pixelpost.org', 'content' => $message, 'platform' => 'pixelpost', 'type' => 'comment', 'async' => 'true', 'async-callback' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/callback.php?id=' . md5($defensio_conf['key']), 'author-email' => $email, 'author-ip' => $ip, 'author-logged-in' => 'false', 'author-name' => $name, 'parent-document-date' => defensio_get_datetime_post($parent_id), 'parent-document-permalink' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . "index.php?showimage=" . $parent_id, 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'author-url' => $url);
         $post_result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
         $cfgrow['commentemail'] = $tmp_commentmail;
         defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($post_result, true);
 public function process()
     $post = $this->getObject();
     if ($post) {
         $author = $post->Owner();
         $balance = $author->Balance;
         if (self::$api_key && $post->Content != self::SPAM_CONTENT) {
             require_once Director::baseFolder() . '/microblog/thirdparty/defensio/Defensio.php';
             $defensio = new Defensio(self::$api_key);
             $document = array('type' => 'comment', 'content' => $post->Content, 'platform' => 'silverstripe_microblog', 'client' => 'MicroBlog Defensio-PHP | 0.1 | Marcus Nyeholt | marcus@silverstripe.com.au', 'async' => 'false');
             try {
                 $result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
                 if ($result && isset($result[1])) {
                     if ($result[1]->allow == 'false') {
                         $post->Content = self::SPAM_CONTENT;
                         $post->Down += self::SPAM_DOWN;
                         $author->Down += self::SPAM_DOWN;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 SS_Log::log($e, SS_Log::WARN);
         if ($post->Content != self::SPAM_CONTENT) {
     $this->isComplete = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function check($api_key, $comment, $name, $email, $url = '')
     $defensio = new Defensio($api_key);
     $document = array();
     if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) != 200) {
         // api key is invalid
         return false;
     $document = array('type' => 'comment', 'content' => $comment, 'author-name' => $name, 'author-email' => $email, 'platform' => 'php', 'client' => 'Photocake', 'async' => 'false');
     if ($url != '') {
         $document['author-url'] = $url;
     $result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
     return $result[1]->classification == 'legitimate';
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Function: create
  * Attempts to create a comment using the passed information. If a Defensio API key is present, it will check it.
  * Parameters:
  *     $author - The name of the commenter.
  *     $email - The commenter's email.
  *     $url - The commenter's website.
  *     $body - The comment.
  *     $post - The <Post> they're commenting on.
  *     $type - The type of comment. Optional, used for trackbacks/pingbacks.
 static function create($author, $email, $url, $body, $post, $type = null)
     if (!self::user_can($post->id) and !in_array($type, array("trackback", "pingback"))) {
     $config = Config::current();
     $route = Route::current();
     $visitor = Visitor::current();
     if (!$type) {
         $status = $post->user_id == $visitor->id ? "approved" : $config->default_comment_status;
         $type = "comment";
     } else {
         $status = $type;
     if (!empty($config->defensio_api_key)) {
         $comment = array("user-ip" => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "article-date" => when("Y/m/d", $post->created_at), "comment-author" => $author, "comment-type" => $type, "comment-content" => $body, "comment-author-email" => $email, "comment-author-url" => $url, "permalink" => $post->url(), "referrer" => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "user-logged-in" => logged_in());
         $defensio = new Defensio($config->url, $config->defensio_api_key);
         list($spam, $spaminess, $signature) = $defensio->auditComment($comment);
         if ($spam) {
             self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "spam", $signature, null, null, $post, $visitor->id);
             error(__("Spam Comment"), __("Your comment has been marked as spam. It will have to be approved before it will show up.", "comments"));
         } else {
             $comment = self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $status, $signature, null, null, $post, $visitor->id);
             fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array());
             $_SESSION['comments'][] = $comment->id;
             if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) {
                 exit("{ comment_id: " . $comment->id . ", comment_timestamp: \"" . $comment->created_at . "\" }");
             Flash::notice(__("Comment added."), $post->url() . "#comment_" . $comment->id);
     } else {
         $comment = self::add($body, $author, $url, $email, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $status, "", null, null, $post, $visitor->id);
         fallback($_SESSION['comments'], array());
         $_SESSION['comments'][] = $comment->id;
         if (isset($_POST['ajax'])) {
             exit("{ comment_id: " . $comment->id . ", comment_timestamp: \"" . $comment->created_at . "\" }");
         Flash::notice(__("Comment added."), $post->url() . "#comment_" . $comment->id);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private function get_spam_level($content)
     if ($this->comment_settings['monitor_enable']) {
         try {
             $defensio = new Defensio($this->comment_settings['monitor_api_key']);
             // Invalid API KEY
             if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) != 200) {
                 return false;
             $document = array('type' => 'comment', 'content' => $content, 'platform' => 'Nibbleblog', 'client' => 'Nibbleblog', 'async' => 'false');
             $defensio_result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
             return (double) $defensio_result[1]->spaminess;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something fail, timeout, invalid key, etc...
             return false;
     // Spam monitor disabled
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 static function admin_bulk_comments()
     $from = !isset($_GET['from']) ? "manage_comments" : "manage_spam";
     if (!isset($_POST['comment'])) {
         Flash::warning(__("No comments selected."), "/admin/?action=" . $from);
     $comments = array_keys($_POST['comment']);
     if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $comment = new Comment($comment);
             if ($comment->deletable()) {
         Flash::notice(__("Selected comments deleted.", "comments"));
     $false_positives = array();
     $false_negatives = array();
     $sql = SQL::current();
     $config = Config::current();
     if (isset($_POST['deny'])) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $comment = new Comment($comment);
             if (!$comment->editable()) {
             if ($comment->status == "spam") {
                 $false_positives[] = $comment->signature;
             $sql->update("comments", array("id" => $comment->id), array("status" => "denied"));
         Flash::notice(__("Selected comments denied.", "comments"));
     if (isset($_POST['approve'])) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $comment = new Comment($comment);
             if (!$comment->editable()) {
             if ($comment->status == "spam") {
                 $false_positives[] = $comment->signature;
             $sql->update("comments", array("id" => $comment->id), array("status" => "approved"));
         Flash::notice(__("Selected comments approved.", "comments"));
     if (isset($_POST['spam'])) {
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $comment = new Comment($comment);
             if (!$comment->editable()) {
             $sql->update("comments", array("id" => $comment->id), array("status" => "spam"));
             $false_negatives[] = $comment->signature;
         Flash::notice(__("Selected comments marked as spam.", "comments"));
     if (!empty($config->defensio_api_key)) {
         $defensio = new Defensio($config->url, $config->defensio_api_key);
         if (!empty($false_positives)) {
             $defensio->submitFalsePositives(implode(",", $false_positives));
         if (!empty($false_negatives)) {
             $defensio->submitFalseNegatives(implode(",", $false_negatives));
     redirect("/admin/?action=" . $from);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function validate_api_key($key, $owner_url)
     $defensio = new Defensio($key, $owner_url);
     return $defensio->validate_key();
         // we always try to get the results here.
         defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($get_result, false);
     } else {
         die("The API key is invalid!!! Bye Bye.");
 //Check whether ADMIN has submitted a comment to resend to Defensio
 if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == 'comments' && isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'defensiorecheck') {
     // build $comment array used for testing.
     $comment_id = (int) $_GET['cid'];
     // get the comment info in question
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$pixelpost_db_prefix}comments` WHERE `id` = '" . $comment_id . "'";
     $defensio_result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
     $row = mysql_fetch_array($defensio_result);
     $document = array('client' => 'Pixelpost Defensio Addon | ' . $addon_version . ' | Schonhose | schonhose@pixelpost.org', 'content' => $row['message'], 'platform' => 'pixelpost', 'type' => 'comment', 'async' => 'true', 'async-callback' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/callback.php?id=' . md5($defensio_conf['key']), 'author-email' => $row['email'], 'author-ip' => $row['ip'], 'author-logged-in' => 'false', 'author-name' => $row['name'], 'parent-document-date' => defensio_get_datetime_post($row['parent_id']), 'parent-document-permalink' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . "index.php?showimage=" . $row['parent_id'], 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'author-url' => $row['url']);
     $defensio = new Defensio($defensio_conf['key']);
      * Only continue with Defensio if the API key is valid
     if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) == 200) {
         $post_result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
         // we always do a NEW request here.
         defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($post_result, true, $comment_id);
     } else {
         die("The API key is invalid!!! Bye Bye.");
 //Check whether ADMIN has submitted an empty quarantine request
 if (isset($_GET['view']) && $_GET['view'] == 'comments' && isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action'] == 'emptyquarantine') {
     $query = "DELETE FROM {$pixelpost_db_prefix}comments WHERE publish='dfn'";
     $defensio_result = mysql_query($query);
 * defensio_process_unprocessed()
 * @param mixed $defensio_conf
 * @return
function defensio_process_unprocessed($defensio_conf)
    global $pixelpost_db_prefix, $defensio;
    //There are three possibilities: it can have failed, it is pending or somehow the status is null
    //For each step there is a different approach.
    $defensio = new Defensio($defensio_conf['key']);
    $seconds = 1209600;
    //86399 is 24 hours, but in this case we approximately 14 days.
    // 1) first get all the comments that have failed or have status null for the last 2 weeks and process them again.
    $query = "SELECT *\n        FROM `{$pixelpost_db_prefix}comments`\n        WHERE (\n            (\n                `status` = 'fail'\n                OR `status` IS NULL\n            )\n            AND (\n                UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `datetime` )\n                BETWEEN UNIX_TIMESTAMP( DATE_ADD( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL - " . $seconds . "\n                SECOND ) )\n                AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP( DATE_ADD( CURDATE( ) , INTERVAL +86400\n                SECOND ) )\n            )\n        )";
    $defensio_result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($defensio_result)) {
        $document = array('client' => 'Pixelpost Defensio Addon | ' . $addon_version . ' | Schonhose | schonhose@pixelpost.org', 'content' => $row['message'], 'platform' => 'pixelpost', 'type' => 'comment', 'async' => 'true', 'async-callback' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/callback.php?id=' . md5($defensio_conf['key']), 'author-email' => $row['email'], 'author-ip' => $row['ip'], 'author-logged-in' => 'false', 'author-name' => $row['name'], 'parent-document-date' => defensio_get_datetime_post($row['parent_id']), 'parent-document-permalink' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . "index.php?showimage=" . $row['parent_id'], 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'author-url' => $row['url']);
         * Only continue with Defensio if the API key is valid
        if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) == 200) {
            $post_result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
            // we always do a NEW request here.
            defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($post_result, true, $row['id']);
        } else {
            die("The API key is invalid!!! Bye Bye.");
    // 2) get the pending comments. But those are a bit tricky: depending on the date we either have to GET
    // results or process them again.
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$pixelpost_db_prefix}comments` WHERE `status` = 'pending'";
    $defensio_result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($defensio_result)) {
        $document = array('client' => 'Pixelpost Defensio Addon | ' . $addon_version . ' | Schonhose | schonhose@pixelpost.org', 'content' => $row['message'], 'platform' => 'pixelpost', 'type' => 'comment', 'async' => 'true', 'async-callback' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . 'addons/_defensio2.0/lib/callback.php?id=' . md5($defensio_conf['key']), 'author-email' => $row['email'], 'author-ip' => $row['ip'], 'author-logged-in' => 'false', 'author-name' => $row['name'], 'parent-document-date' => defensio_get_datetime_post($row['parent_id']), 'parent-document-permalink' => $defensio_conf['blog'] . "index.php?showimage=" . $row['parent_id'], 'referrer' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'author-url' => $row['url']);
         * Only continue with Defensio if the API key is valid
        if (array_shift($defensio->getUser()) == 200) {
            // here is the magic to decide if we need to GET or process
            // if the difference is less than thirty days we can still get it from Defensio
            // if it is more, then reprocess the comment.
            $no_days = floor((time() - strtotime($row['datetime'])) / 86400);
            if ($no_days < 30) {
                $get_result = $defensio->getDocument($row['signature']);
                // we always try to get the results here.
                defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($get_result, false);
            } else {
                $post_result = $defensio->postDocument($document);
                // we always do a NEW request here.
                defensio_process_comment_pixelpost($post_result, true, $row['id']);
        } else {
            die("The API key is invalid!!! Bye Bye.");
    $defensio_comments_processed_at = mktime();
    mysql_query("UPDATE " . $pixelpost_db_prefix . "defensio SET defensio_comments_processed_at='" . $defensio_comments_processed_at . "'");