Ejemplo n.º 1
* This function imports a LimeSurvey .lsq question XML file
* @param mixed $sFullFilePath  The full filepath of the uploaded file
* @param mixed $iNewSID The new survey id
* @param mixed $newgid The new question group id -the question will always be added after the last question in the group
function XMLImportQuestion($sFullFilePath, $iNewSID, $newgid)
    $clang = Yii::app()->lang;
    $aLanguagesSupported = array();
    // this array will keep all the languages supported for the survey
    $sBaseLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iNewSID)->language;
    $aLanguagesSupported[] = $sBaseLanguage;
    // adds the base language to the list of supported languages
    $aLanguagesSupported = array_merge($aLanguagesSupported, Survey::model()->findByPk($iNewSID)->additionalLanguages);
    $sXMLdata = file_get_contents($sFullFilePath);
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($sXMLdata, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NONET);
    if ($xml->LimeSurveyDocType != 'Question') {
        safeDie('This is not a valid LimeSurvey question structure XML file.');
    $iDBVersion = (int) $xml->DBVersion;
    $aQIDReplacements = array();
    $aSQIDReplacements = array(0 => 0);
    $results['defaultvalues'] = 0;
    $results['answers'] = 0;
    $results['question_attributes'] = 0;
    $results['subquestions'] = 0;
    $importlanguages = array();
    foreach ($xml->languages->language as $language) {
        $importlanguages[] = (string) $language;
    if (!in_array($sBaseLanguage, $importlanguages)) {
        $results['fatalerror'] = $clang->gT("The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey.");
        return $results;
    // First get an overview of fieldnames - it's not useful for the moment but might be with newer versions
        foreach ($xml->questions->fields->fieldname as $fieldname )
    // Import questions table ===================================================================================
    // We have to run the question table data two times - first to find all main questions
    // then for subquestions (because we need to determine the new qids for the main questions first)
    $query = "SELECT MAX(question_order) AS maxqo FROM {{questions}} WHERE sid={$iNewSID} AND gid={$newgid}";
    $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query();
    $resrow = $res->read();
    $newquestionorder = $resrow['maxqo'] + 1;
    if (is_null($newquestionorder)) {
        $newquestionorder = 0;
    } else {
    foreach ($xml->questions->rows->row as $row) {
        $insertdata = array();
        foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
            $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value;
        $iOldSID = $insertdata['sid'];
        $insertdata['sid'] = $iNewSID;
        $insertdata['gid'] = $newgid;
        $insertdata['question_order'] = $newquestionorder;
        $oldqid = $insertdata['qid'];
        // save the old qid
        // now translate any links
        $insertdata['title'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $insertdata['title']);
        $insertdata['question'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $insertdata['question']);
        $insertdata['help'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $insertdata['help']);
        // Insert the new question
        if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) {
            $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid];
        $ques = new Question();
        if ($insertdata) {
        foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
            $ques->{$k} = $v;
        $result = $ques->save();
        if (!$result) {
            $results['fatalerror'] = CHtml::errorSummary($ques, $clang->gT("The question could not be imported for the following reasons:"));
            return $results;
        if (!isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldqid])) {
            $newqid = getLastInsertID($ques->tableName());
            $aQIDReplacements[$oldqid] = $newqid;
            // add old and new qid to the mapping array
    // Import subquestions --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (isset($xml->subquestions)) {
        foreach ($xml->subquestions->rows->row as $row) {
            $insertdata = array();
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value;
            $insertdata['sid'] = $iNewSID;
            $insertdata['gid'] = $newgid;
            $oldsqid = (int) $insertdata['qid'];
            // save the old qid
            $insertdata['parent_qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['parent_qid']];
            // remap the parent_qid
            // now translate any links
            $insertdata['question'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $insertdata['question']);
            if (isset($insertdata['help'])) {
                $insertdata['help'] = translateLinks('survey', $iOldSID, $iNewSID, $insertdata['help']);
            if (isset($aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid])) {
                $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid];
            if ($insertdata) {
            $ques = new Question();
            foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
                $ques->{$k} = $v;
            $result = $ques->save();
            $newsqid = getLastInsertID($ques->tableName());
            if (!isset($insertdata['qid'])) {
                $aQIDReplacements[$oldsqid] = $newsqid;
                // add old and new qid to the mapping array
    // Import answers --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (isset($xml->answers)) {
        foreach ($xml->answers->rows->row as $row) {
            $insertdata = array();
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value;
            $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']];
            // remap the parent_qid
            // now translate any links
            $answers = new Answer();
            if ($insertdata) {
            foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
                $answers->{$k} = $v;
            $result = $answers->save();
    // Import questionattributes --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (isset($xml->question_attributes)) {
        $aAllAttributes = questionAttributes(true);
        foreach ($xml->question_attributes->rows->row as $row) {
            $insertdata = array();
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value;
            $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']];
            // remap the parent_qid
            if ($iDBVersion < 156 && isset($aAllAttributes[$insertdata['attribute']]['i18n']) && $aAllAttributes[$insertdata['attribute']]['i18n']) {
                foreach ($importlanguages as $sLanguage) {
                    $insertdata['language'] = $sLanguage;
                    $attributes = new QuestionAttribute();
                    if ($insertdata) {
                    foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
                        $attributes->{$k} = $v;
                    $result = $attributes->save();
            } else {
                $attributes = new QuestionAttribute();
                if ($insertdata) {
                foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
                    $attributes->{$k} = $v;
                $result = $attributes->save();
    // Import defaultvalues --------------------------------------------------------------
    if (isset($xml->defaultvalues)) {
        $results['defaultvalues'] = 0;
        foreach ($xml->defaultvalues->rows->row as $row) {
            $insertdata = array();
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $insertdata[(string) $key] = (string) $value;
            $insertdata['qid'] = $aQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['qid']];
            // remap the qid
            $insertdata['sqid'] = $aSQIDReplacements[(int) $insertdata['sqid']];
            // remap the subquestion id
            // now translate any links
            $default = new DefaultValue();
            if ($insertdata) {
            foreach ($insertdata as $k => $v) {
                $default->{$k} = $v;
            $result = $default->save();
    // so refreshes syntax highlighting
    $results['newqid'] = $newqid;
    $results['questions'] = 1;
    $results['labelsets'] = 0;
    $results['labels'] = 0;
    return $results;