{ if (!$fm->isFriend($uId, $u)) //trying to view someone elses profile { header("Location: day.php"); } else { $uId = $u; } } $smarty = smartyInit(); $sId = $_GET['s']; $manager = new DcWebManager(); $user = $manager->loadUser($uId); $s = $manager->getSession($sId); if (!$manager->isSessionOwnedByUser($sId, $uId)) { //make sure session belongs to user $err[0] = "You do not have permission to view this session."; $smarty->assign('errors', $err ); $smarty->display('error.tpl'); } else { $device = $manager->getDevice($s->deviceId);
<? require("include/main/DcWebManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/smartyInit.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcUnitConverter.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcLoginManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcFriendManager.inc.php"); $lm = new DcLoginManager(); $lm->checkLogin(); $userId = $lm->getLoggedUserId(); $smarty = smartyInit(); $manager = new DcWebManager(); $fm = new DcFriendManager(); $requests = $fm->getFriendRequests($userId); $users = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($requests); $i++) { $usr = $manager->loadUser($requests[$i]); array_push($users, $usr); } $smarty->assign('users', $users); $smarty->display('friendRequests.tpl'); ?>
if (!$fm->isFriend($uId, $u)) //trying to view someone elses profile { header("Location: month.php"); } else { $uId = $u; } } $distUnit = "km"; $timeUnit = "h"; $velUnit = "km/h"; $manager = new DcWebManager(); $user = $manager->loadUser($uId); $smarty = smartyInit(); $startStamp = $_GET['t']; //the first day of the week. if (!$startStamp) $startStamp = time(); //default to today $year = date("Y", $startStamp); $month = date("n", $startStamp); $day = date("j", $startStamp); $cal = new ActiveCalendar($year,$month); if ($uId == $lm->getLoggedUserId()) $cal->enableDayLinks("day.php"); $cal->enableMonthNav("month.php?u=".$uId);
//handle friend param $u = $_GET['u']; if ($u) { if (!$fm->isFriend($uId, $u)) //trying to view someone elses profile { header("Location: day.php"); } else { $uId = $u; } } $numSessions = 10; $manager = new DcWebManager(); $sessions = $manager->getLastSessions($uId, $numSessions); $user = $manager->loadUser($uId); $smarty = smartyInit(); $convertedSessions = array(); $distUnit = "km"; $timeUnit = "h"; $velUnit = $distUnit . "/" . $timeUnit; foreach ($sessions as $sess) { $s = DcUnitConverter::convertSession($sess, $distUnit, $timeUnit); array_push($convertedSessions, $s); } $sessions = $convertedSessions;
if (!$usr) { $usr = $userId; //current user profile $fullProfile = true; } else { $fullProfile = false; //no effect yet if (!$fm->isFriend($userId, $usr)) //trying to view someone elses profile { header("Location: profile.php"); } } $manager = new DcWebManager(); $user = $manager->loadUser($usr); $smarty = smartyInit(); $distUnit = "km"; $totalDist = $manager->getDistanceSince($usr, 0); $totalDist = DcUnitConverter::convertDistance($totalDist, $distUnit); $firstSession = $manager->getFirstSession($usr); $firstTime = $firstSession->startTime; $totalTime = $manager->getTotalTimeSince($usr, 0); $totalTime = formatHms(sec2hms($totalTime),1); if (!$firstTime) $firstTime = "n/a"; $smarty->assign('distUnit', $distUnit);
<? require("include/main/DcLoginManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcWebManager.inc.php"); $u = $_POST['username']; $p = $_POST['password']; $lm = new DcLoginManager(); $manager = new DcWebManager(); $v = $lm->validateUser($u, $p); if (!$v) { header("Location: login.php?e=1"); } else { $id = $manager->getUserId($u); $lm->loginUser($id); header("Location: profile.php"); //TODO: change to home } ?>
<? require("include/graph/jpgraph.php"); require("include/graph/jpgraph_line.php"); require("include/main/DcWebManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcUnitConverter.inc.php"); $sessId = $_GET['s']; if (!$sessId) { die(); } $manager = new DcWebManager(); $session = $manager->getSession($sessId); //TODO: make sure session belongs to user $session = DcUnitConverter::convertSession($session, "km", "h"); $ydata = $session->velPoints; if (count($ydata) > 1) { // Create the graph. These two calls are always required $graph = new Graph(350,180,"auto"); $graph->SetScale("textlin"); // Create the linear plot $lineplot=new LinePlot($ydata); $lineplot->SetColor("green"); // Add the plot to the graph $graph->Add($lineplot); $title = new Text("Session Velocity"); //$title->SetFont(FF_ARIAL);
<? require("include/main/DcWebManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcLoginManager.inc.php"); require("include/main/DcFriendManager.inc.php"); $lm = new DcLoginManager(); $lm->checkLogin(); $userId = $lm->getLoggedUserId(); $form = "addFriend.php"; $email = $_POST['email']; $manager = new DcWebManager(); $fm = new DcFriendManager(); if (! ($email)) { header("Location: ".$form."?e=1"); } else if (! $manager->getUserIdByEmail($email)) { header("Location: ".$form."?e=2"); } else { $friendId = $manager->getUserIdByEmail($email); //TODO: not checking if already friends $fm->addFriendRequest($userId, $friendId); header("Location: friends.php"); }
<? include("include/main/DcWebManager.inc.php"); //test loadUser $manager = new DcWebManager(); $usr = $manager->loadUser(1); //print_r($usr); //test getUserId $id = $manager->getUserId("demo"); //print $id; //test saveUser $usr->weight = 200; //$manager->saveUser($usr); //test getSessions & velocity points $sessions = $manager->getSessions($id); $sess = $sessions[0]; $pts = $sess->velPoints; //print_r($pts); //test getSessions with datetime limits $earlyDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lateDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sessions = $manager->getSessions($id, "", ""); dump($sessions); ?>
if (! ($userName && $password && password2 && lastName && firstName && email && age && sex && height && weight && displayName /*&& displayPicture */ && description)) { header("Location: registerUser.php?e=1"); } else if ($password != $password2) { header("Location: registerUser.php?e=2"); } else { $user = new DcUser("", $userName, $lastName, $firstName, $email, $age, $sex, $height, $weight, $displayName, $displayPicture, $description,"", $password); //TODO: make sure user doesnt exist with that username or email $manager = new DcWebManager(); $manager->addUser($user); /* log the user in */ $id = $manager->getUserId($userName); $lm = new DcLoginManager(); $lm->loginUser($id); header("Location: profile.php"); } ?>