Ejemplo n.º 1
  * A method that can be inherited and used by children classes to get the
  * required date span of a statistics page.
  * @param object $oCaller      The calling object. Expected to have the
  *                             the following class variables:
  *                                  $oCaller->aPlugins    - An array of statistics fields plugins
  *                                  $oCaller->oStartDate  - Will be set by method
  *                                  $oCaller->spanDays    - Will be set by method
  *                                  $oCaller->spanWeeks   - Will be set by method
  *                                  $oCaller->spanMonths  - Will be set by method
  * @param array  $aParams      An array of query parameters for
  *                             {@link Admin_DA::fromCache()}.
 function getSpan(&$oCaller, $aParams)
     $oStartDate = new Date(date('Y-m-d'));
     // Check span using all plugins
     foreach ($oCaller->aPlugins as $oPlugin) {
         $aPluginParams = call_user_func(array($oPlugin, 'getHistorySpanParams'));
         $aSpan = Admin_DA::fromCache('getHistorySpan', $aParams + $aPluginParams);
         if (!empty($aSpan['start_date'])) {
             $oDate = new Date($aSpan['start_date']);
             if ($oDate->before($oStartDate)) {
                 $oStartDate = new Date($oDate);
     $oNow = new Date();
     $oSpan = new Date_Span(new Date($oStartDate), new Date($oNow->format('%Y-%m-%d')));
     // Store the span data required for stats display
     $oCaller->oStartDate = $oStartDate;
     $oCaller->spanDays = (int) ceil($oSpan->toDays());
     $oCaller->spanWeeks = (int) ceil($oCaller->spanDays / 7) + ($oCaller->spanDays % 7 ? 1 : 0);
     $oCaller->spanMonths = ($oNow->getYear() - $oStartDate->getYear()) * 12 + ($oNow->getMonth() - $oStartDate->getMonth()) + 1;
     // Set the caller's aDates span in the event that it's empty
     if (empty($oCaller->aDates)) {
         $oCaller->aDates['day_begin'] = $oStartDate->format('%Y-%m-%d');
         $oCaller->aDates['day_end'] = $oNow->format('%Y-%m-%d');
Ejemplo n.º 2
function getSpendingMoney($accountId, $startDate)
    global $badgerDb;
    $accountManager = new AccountManager($badgerDb);
    $account = $accountManager->getAccountById($accountId);
    $account->setOrder(array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'dir' => 'asc')));
    $account->setFilter(array(array('key' => 'valutaDate', 'op' => 'ge', 'val' => $startDate), array('key' => 'periodical', 'op' => 'eq', 'val' => false), array('key' => 'exceptional', 'op' => 'eq', 'val' => false)));
    $sum = new Amount();
    $realStartDate = false;
    while ($currentTransaction = $account->getNextFinishedTransaction()) {
        if (!$realStartDate) {
            $realStartDate = $currentTransaction->getValutaDate();
    $span = new Date_Span($realStartDate, new Date());
    $count = $span->toDays();
    if ($count > 0) {
    return $sum;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * A method to send the "midnight" reports during maintenance - that
  * is, the delivery information report, showing what the campaign(s)
  * have delivered since the last time the report was sendt.
  * @access private
 function _runReports()
     OA::debug('  Starting to send advertiser "campaign delivery" reports.', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     // Get all advertisers where the advertiser preference is to send reports
     OA::debug('   - Getting details of advertisers that require reports to be sent.', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $doClients = OA_Dal::factoryDO('clients');
     $doClients->report = 't';
     while ($doClients->fetch()) {
         $aAdvertiser = $doClients->toArray();
         // Don't email report by default
         $sendReport = false;
         // Has the report interval date been passed?
         if (empty($aAdvertiser['reportlastdate'])) {
             $sendReport = true;
             $oReportLastDate = null;
         } else {
             $oNowDate = new Date();
             $oReportLastDate = new Date($aAdvertiser['reportlastdate']);
             $oSpan = new Date_Span();
             $oSpan->setFromDateDiff($oReportLastDate, $oNowDate);
             $daysSinceLastReport = (int) floor($oSpan->toDays());
             if ($daysSinceLastReport >= $aAdvertiser['reportinterval']) {
                 $sendReport = true;
         if ($sendReport) {
             // Send the advertiser's campaign delivery report
             $oEmail = new OA_Email();
             $oEmail->sendCampaignDeliveryEmail($aAdvertiser, $oReportLastDate);
     OA::debug('  Finished sending advertiser "campaign delivery" reports.', PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This method check if time span for given dates is greater that daysIntervalThreshold
  * @param PEAR:Date $oStartDate
  * @param PEAR:Date $oEndDate
  * @param int $daysIntervalThreshold
  * @return boolean true if time span in days is greater or equal to daysIntervalThreshold, else false
 function _checkDaysIntervalThreshold($oStartDate, $oEndDate, $daysIntervalThreshold = null)
     if (!is_numeric($daysIntervalThreshold)) {
         $daysIntervalThreshold = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['performanceStatistics']['defaultDaysIntervalThreshold'];
     $span = new Date_Span();
     $span->setFromDateDiff($oStartDate, $oEndDate);
     return $span->toDays() >= $daysIntervalThreshold;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * A method for obtaining the targeting statistics of an ad or placement
  * for a date span, where the data is summarised by one of "day", "week",
  * "month", "dow" or "hour" as specified by the $breakdown parameter.
  * @param integer    $id          The ad or placement ID.
  * @param string     $type        Either "ad" or "placement".
  * @param PEAR::Date $oStartDate  The start date of the range required.
  * @param PEAR::Date $oEndDate    The end date the range required.
  * @param string     $breakdown   One of "day", "week", "month", "dow"
  *                                or "hour"
  * @return mixed Returns false in the event of incorrect input, or in the case
  *               of being unable to connect to the database, otherwise, returns
  *               an array of arrays:
  * array(
  *     [key] => array(
  *                  ['ad_required_impressions']         => integer
  *                  ['ad_requested_impressions']        => integer
  *                  ['ad_actual_impressions']           => integer
  *                  ['zones_forecast_impressions']      => integer
  *                  ['zones_actual_impressions']        => integer
  *                  ['average']                         => boolean
  *              )
  *          .
  *          .
  *          .
  * )
  * or:
  * array(
  *     [key] => array(
  *                  ['placement_required_impressions']  => integer
  *                  ['placement_requested_impressions'] => integer
  *                  ['placement_actual_impressions']    => integer
  *                  ['zones_forecast_impressions']      => integer
  *                  ['zones_actual_impressions']        => integer
  *                  ['average']                         => boolean
  *              )
  *          .
  *          .
  *          .
  * )
  * In the above "key" changes with breakdown type.
  * For the ad, or placement and date range specified, returns an array for each
  * $breakdown as required, consisting of the total number of impressions requested
  * by the ad, or all ads in the placement (for all zones the ads are linked to),
  * as well as the total number of impressions actually delivered by the ad, or
  * all ads in the placement (for all zones the ads are linked to).
  * The individual ad/zone impressions requested values may need to be
  * calculated as an "averge" value, in the event that there are multiple,
  * differing values for an ad in a zone for an operation interval -- in
  * much the same way as is done in
  * OA_Dal_Maintenance_Priority::getPreviousAdDeliveryInfo() -- before
  * the total impressions requested value can be calculated.
 function _getTargetingStatisticsSpan($id, $type, $oStartDate, $oEndDate, $breakdown)
     // Ensure the parameters are valid
     if (!$this->_testGetTargetingStatisticsSpanParameters($id, $type, $oStartDate, $oEndDate)) {
         return false;
     // Ensure that, if a placement, the placement has advertisements
     if ($this->_testGetTargetingStatisticsSpanPlacement($id, $type) === false) {
         return false;
     // Prepare the temporary results array
     $aResult = array();
     // How many days in the span?
     $oStartDateCopy = new Date();
     $oEndDateCopy = new Date();
     $oSpan = new Date_Span();
     $oSpan->setFromDateDiff($oStartDateCopy, $oEndDateCopy);
     $days = $oSpan->toDays();
     // Re-set the start date from the original date,
     // as PHP5 may cause $oStartDateCopy to change if
     // the time zone is not correctly set
     $oStartDateCopy = new Date();
     for ($counter = 0; $counter <= $days; $counter++) {
         // Get this day's data
         $aTemp = $this->getDailyTargetingStatistics($id, $type, $oStartDateCopy);
         // Merge in the data appropriately
         $this->_mergeSpan($aResult, $aTemp, $type, $breakdown);
     return $aResult;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * A method to return the number of days in the span, including the start and end days.
  * @return integer The number of days in the span.
 function getDaysInSpan()
     $oSpan = new Date_Span();
     $oSpan->setFromDateDiff($this->oStartDate, $this->oEndDate);
     return (int) floor($oSpan->toDays()) + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * A private method to caclucate the number of days left until a
  * campaign expires based on the impression, click or conversion
  * delivery targets & the delivery rate of the campaign to date.
  * @param array $aDeliveryData An array of two items. "delivered":
  *                             the number of impressions, clicks or
  *                             conversions delivered so far; and
  *                             "day_of_first": a string in YYYY-MM-DD
  *                             format representing the day that the
  *                             first impression, click or conversion
  *                             was delivered.
  * @param integer $target      The total number of impressions, clicks
  *                             or conversions required to be delivered
  *                             by the campaign.
  * @return array An array of three items. "daysLeft": the estimated
  *               number of days remaining until the campaign ends;
  *               "date": the estimated date of expiration; and "date_f"
 function _calculateRemainingDays($aDeliveryData, $target)
     global $date_format;
     $oNowDate = new Date();
     $aExpiration = array();
     // How many days since the first impression/click/conversion?
     if (!empty($aDeliveryData['day_of_first'])) {
         $oFirstDate = new Date($aDeliveryData['day_of_first']);
         $oSpan = new Date_Span();
         $oSpan->setFromDateDiff($oFirstDate, $oNowDate);
         $daysSinceFirst = ceil($oSpan->toDays());
     } else {
         $daysSinceFirst = 1;
     // Have *any* impressions/clicks/conversions been delivered?
     if (!empty($aDeliveryData["delivered"]) && $aDeliveryData["delivered"] > 0) {
         $targetRemaining = $target - $aDeliveryData["delivered"];
         $deliveryRate = $aDeliveryData["delivered"] / $daysSinceFirst;
         $daysLeft = (int) round($targetRemaining / $deliveryRate);
         $oSpan = new Date_Span();
         $oEstimatedEndDate = new Date();
         if ($oEstimatedEndDate->before($oNowDate)) {
             // Ooop! Wrapped into the past - get the biggest possible date
             $oEstimatedEndDate = new Date('1960-01-01 00:00:00');
         $estimatedEndDateFormat = $oEstimatedEndDate->format($date_format);
         $aExpiration = array('daysLeft' => $daysLeft, 'date_f' => $estimatedEndDateFormat, 'date' => $oEstimatedEndDate);
     return $aExpiration;
 function testGetEcpm()
     $revenue = 10;
     $clicks = 10;
     $conversions = 5;
     // Test each type with 0 impressions.
     $impressions = 0;
     // CPM
     $expected = 10;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPM, $revenue, $impressions);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // CPC
     // eCPM = default click ratio * revenue * 1000
     $defaultClickRatio = null;
     $expected = 50;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPC, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, null, null, $defaultClickRatio);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     $defaultClickRatio = 0.05;
     $expected = 500;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPC, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, null, null, $defaultClickRatio);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // CPA
     // eCPM = default conversion ratio * revenue * 1000
     $defaultConversionRatio = null;
     $expected = 1;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPA, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, null, null, $defaultClickRatio, $defaultConversionRatio);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     $defaultConversionRatio = 0.01;
     $expected = 100;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPA, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, null, null, $defaultClickRatio, $defaultConversionRatio);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // Tenancy
     // eCPM = 0.
     $expected = 0;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_MT, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, '2009-01-01', '2009-01-14', $defaultClickRatio, $defaultConversionRatio);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // Test each type with some impressions
     $impressions = 100000;
     // CPM
     // eCPM = CPM
     $expected = 10;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPM, $revenue, $impressions);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // CPC
     // eCPM = revenue * clicks / impressions * 1000
     $expected = 1;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPC, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // CPA
     // eCPM = revenue * conversions / impressions * 1000
     $expected = 0.5;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_CPA, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // Tenancy
     // eCPM = (revenue / totalDaysInCampaign) * daysInCampaignSoFar / impressions * 1000
     $now = new Date();
     $startDate = new Date($now);
     $endDate = new Date($now);
     $endDate->addSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 10);
     // 10 days in the future.
     $span = new Date_Span();
     $span->setFromDateDiff($startDate, $endDate);
     $this->assertEqual(10, $span->toDays());
     // Total revenue for tenancy.
     $revenue = 10000;
     $revenuePerDay = $revenue / $span->toDays();
     $this->assertEqual(1000, $revenuePerDay);
     // Beginning of campaign (no imps served)
     $impressions = 0;
     $expected = 0;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_MT, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, $startDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO), $endDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO));
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // Half way through campaign (40,000 imps served)
     $impressions = 40000;
     $startDate->subtractSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 5);
     // We are 5 days into the campaign.
     $endDate->subtractSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 5);
     $span->setFromDateDiff($startDate, $now);
     $this->assertEqual(5, $span->toDays());
     $span->setFromDateDiff($endDate, $now);
     $this->assertEqual(5, $span->toDays());
     // eCPM = (revenue / totalDaysInCampaign) * daysInCampaignSoFar / impressions * 1000
     $expected = 125;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_MT, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, $startDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO), $endDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO));
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
     // End of campaign (70,000 imps served)
     $impressions = 70000;
     $startDate->subtractSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 5);
     // We are 10 days into the campaign.
     $endDate->subtractSeconds(60 * 60 * 24 * 5);
     $span->setFromDateDiff($startDate, $now);
     $this->assertEqual(10, $span->toDays());
     $expected = 142.857142857;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_MT, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, $startDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO), $endDate->getDate(DATE_FORMAT_ISO));
     // Is this the correct margin?
     $this->assertWithinMargin($expected, $result, 0.0001, "Outside of margin");
     // No dates given
     $expected = 0;
     $result = OX_Util_Utils::getEcpm(MAX_FINANCE_MT, $revenue, $impressions, $clicks, $conversions, null, null);
     $this->assertEqual($expected, $result);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function getWeeks()
     $span = new Date_Span(new Date($this->get('dato_start')), new Date($this->get('dato_slut')));
     return round($span->toDays() / 7);
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Calculates the effective CPM (eCPM)
  * @param int $revenueType revenue type (CPM, CPA, etc) as defined in constants.php.
  * @param double $revenue revenue amount, eg 1.55.  CPM, CPC, CPA: the rate. Tenancy: the total.
  * @param int $impressions the number of impressions.
  * @param int $clicks the number of clicks
  * @param int $conversions the number of conversions.
  * @param string $startDate start date of the campaign. Required for tenancy.
  * @param string $endDate end date of the campaign. Required for tenancy.
  * @param double defaultClickRatio click ratio to use when there are no impressions.
  *                                 If null, uses the value in the config file.
  * @param double defaultConversionRatio conversion ratio to use when there are no impressions.
  *                                 If null, uses the value in the config file.
  * @return double the eCPM
 public static function getEcpm($revenueType, $revenue, $impressions = 0, $clicks = 0, $conversions = 0, $startDate = null, $endDate = null, $defaultClickRatio = null, $defaultConversionRatio = null)
     $ecpm = 0.0;
     switch ($revenueType) {
         case MAX_FINANCE_CPM:
             // eCPM = CPM
             return $revenue;
         case MAX_FINANCE_CPC:
             if ($impressions != 0) {
                 $ecpm = $revenue * $clicks / $impressions * 1000;
             } else {
                 if (!$defaultClickRatio) {
                     $defaultClickRatio = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['priority']['defaultClickRatio'];
                 $ecpm = $defaultClickRatio * $revenue * 1000;
         case MAX_FINANCE_CPA:
             if ($impressions != 0) {
                 $ecpm = $revenue * $conversions / $impressions * 1000;
             } else {
                 if (!$defaultConversionRatio) {
                     $defaultConversionRatio = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['priority']['defaultConversionRatio'];
                 $ecpm = $defaultConversionRatio * $revenue * 1000;
         case MAX_FINANCE_MT:
             if ($impressions != 0) {
                 if ($startDate && $endDate) {
                     $daysInCampaign = new Date_Span();
                     $daysInCampaign->setFromDateDiff(new Date($startDate), new Date($endDate));
                     $daysSoFar = new Date_Span();
                     $daysSoFar->setFromDateDiff(new Date($startDate), new Date('Y-m-d'));
                     $ecpm = $revenue / $daysInCampaign->toDays() * $daysSoFar->toDays() / $impressions * 1000;
                 } else {
                     // Not valid without start and end dates.
                     $ecpm = 0.0;
             } else {
                 $ecpm = 0.0;
     return $ecpm;