Ejemplo n.º 1
  * DateField::getField()
  * return the field
  * @return string: the field
  * @author Teye Heimans
  * @access public
 function getField()
     // view mode enabled ?
     if ($this->getViewMode()) {
         // get the view value..
         return $this->_getViewValue();
     $html = parent::getField();
     // when not OK, just return a datefield
     if (!$this->_isOk) {
         return $html;
     list($iStart, $iEnd) = $this->_getYearInterval();
     /* switch dates when in inverse */
     if ($iStart < $iEnd) {
         $tmp = $iEnd;
         $iEnd = -$iStart;
         $iStart = $tmp;
     // add the javascript needed for the js calendar field
     $this->_oForm->_setJS("// create popup calendar\n" . "if( document.getElementById('" . $this->_sName . "_span') ) \n" . "{\n" . "   var cal_" . $this->_sName . " = new CalendarPopup('" . $this->_sName . "_span');\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".setMonthNames('" . $this->_oForm->_text(1) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(2) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(3) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(4) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(5) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(6) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(7) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(8) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(9) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(10) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(11) . "','" . $this->_oForm->_text(12) . "');\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".setDayHeaders(" . $this->_oForm->_text(43) . ");\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".setWeekStartDay(" . FH_JSCALENDARPOPUP_STARTDAY . ");\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".setTodayText('" . addslashes($this->_oForm->_text(42)) . "');\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".showYearNavigation();\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".showYearNavigationInput();\n" . (FH_JSCALENDARPOPUP_USE_DROPDOWN ? "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".showNavigationDropdowns();\n" : "") . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".setReturnFunction('set" . $this->_sName . "Values');\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".addDisabledDates(null,'Dec 31, " . (date('Y') - $iStart - 1) . "');\n" . "   cal_" . $this->_sName . ".addDisabledDates('Jan 1, " . (date('Y') + $iEnd + 1) . "',null);\n" . "   function set" . $this->_sName . "Values(y,m,d) {\n" . "       document.forms['" . $this->_oForm->_name . "'].elements['" . $this->_sName . "_day'].value   = LZ(d);\n" . "       document.forms['" . $this->_oForm->_name . "'].elements['" . $this->_sName . "_month'].value = LZ(m);\n" . "       document.forms['" . $this->_oForm->_name . "'].elements['" . $this->_sName . "_year'].value  = y;\n" . "   }\n" . "}\n", 0, 0);
     $html .= "<a href='javascript:;' " . "onclick=\"if( cal_" . $this->_sName . " ) cal_" . $this->_sName . ".showCalendar('anchor_" . $this->_sName . "', getDateString('" . $this->_oForm->_name . "','" . $this->_sName . "_year', '" . $this->_sName . "_month', '" . $this->_sName . "_day')); return false;\" " . " name='anchor_" . $this->_sName . "' id='anchor_" . $this->_sName . "'>" . "<img src='" . FH_FHTML_DIR . "images/calendar.gif' border='0' alt='Select Date' " . FH_XHTML_CLOSE . "></a>\n" . "<span id='" . $this->_sName . "_span' " . " style='position:absolute;visibility:hidden;background-color:white;layer-background-color:white;'></span>\n";
     return $html;