Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Pulls the data from the underlying $record object into the field.
  * @param Dataface_Record &$record The Dataface_Record object from which the
  *			data is being pulled.
  * @param array &$field The field configuration array for the field being 
  *				pulled.
  * @param HTML_QuickForm &$form The form that is pulling the data.
  * @param string $formFieldName The name of the field within the form.
  * @param boolean $new Whether or not this is a new record form. In this
  *			case default values will be used.
  * @returns mixed PEAR_Error if there is an error. or true on success.
 function pullField(&$record, &$field, &$form, $formFieldName, $new = false)
     $element =& $this->getElement($form, $field, $formFieldName);
     // Reference to the form element that will contain the field's value
     if (PEAR::isError($element)) {
         return $element;
     // Step 1: Load references to objects that we will need to use
     $table =& $record->_table;
     if (!$table->hasField($field['name'])) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Table " . $table->tablename . " has no field {$field['name']} while trying to pull field value.", DATAFACE_E_NOTICE);
     // Reference to the table
     // Reference to the field descriptor array that we are pulling
     $widget =& $field['widget'];
     // See if there is a widgethandler registered for this widget type
     $widgetHandler =& $this->getWidgetHandler($widget['type']);
     if (isset($widgetHandler) and method_exists($widgetHandler, 'pullField')) {
         return $widgetHandler->pullField($record, $field, $form, $formFieldName, $new);
     // Reference to the widget descriptor
     if (!Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($record, array('field' => $field['name']))) {
         return Dataface_Error::permissionDenied(df_translate('scripts.Dataface.QuickForm.pullField.ERROR_NO_ACCESS_TO_FIELD', "No read access on field '{$field['name']}'", array('fieldname' => $field['name'])));
     $raw = $record->getValue($field['name']);
     // the raw value from the field
     $delegate =& $table->getDelegate();
     // Reference to the table's delegate object (may be null).
     // Step 2: Insert the value into the form element
     if ($delegate !== null and method_exists($delegate, $field['name'] . "__pullValue")) {
          * The delegate defines a conversion method that should be used.
         $method = $field['name'] . '__pullValue';
         $val = $delegate->{$method}($record, $element);
     } else {
         if (isset($widgetHandler) and method_exists($widgetHandler, 'pullValue')) {
             $val = $widgetHandler->pullValue($record, $field, $form, $element, $new);
         } else {
             $val = $record->getValueAsString($field['name']);
     $form->setDefaults(array($formFieldName => $val));
      * If we got this far, it must have been a success.  Return true.
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function test_basic_check_array()
     $pt =& Dataface_PermissionsTool::getInstance();
     $this->assertTrue($pt->checkPermission('view', array('view' => 'View')));
     $this->assertTrue(Dataface_PermissionsTool::checkPermission('view', array('view' => 'View')));
     $this->assertTrue(!$pt->checkPermission('view', array()));
     $this->assertTrue(!Dataface_PermissionsTool::checkPermission('view', array()));
     $this->assertTrue($pt->checkPermission('edit', array('view' => 'View', 'edit' => 'Edit')));
     $perms = array('view' => 'View');
     $perms = array('view' => 'View');
     $perms = array('edit' => 'Edit');
     $perms = array('edit' => 'Edit');
     $perms = array('delete' => 'Delete');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This method sits above "display" on the output stack for a field.
  * I.e. it wraps "display()" and adds some extra filtering to make the
  * output directly appropriate to be displayed as HTML.  In text fields
  * this will convert newlines to breaks, and in blob fields, this will output
  * either the full a-href tag or img tag depending on the type of content that
  * is stored.
  * @param $fieldname The name of the field to output
  * @param $params Associative array of html parameters that can optionally
  * be supplied.
  * Returns HTML string.
 function htmlValue($fieldname, $index = 0, $where = 0, $sort = 0, $params = array())
     $recid = $this->getId();
     $uri = $recid . '#' . $fieldname;
     $domid = $uri . '-' . rand();
     $delegate =& $this->_table->getDelegate();
     if (isset($delegate) && method_exists($delegate, $fieldname . '__htmlValue')) {
         $methodname = $fieldname . '__htmlValue';
         $res = $delegate->{$methodname}($this);
         //$res = call_user_func(array(&$delegate, $fieldname.'__htmlValue'), $this);
         if (is_string($res) and DATAFACE_USAGE_MODE == 'edit' and $this->checkPermission('edit', array('field' => $fieldname)) and !$this->_table->isMetaField($fieldname)) {
             $res = '<span id="' . $domid . '" df:id="' . $uri . '" class="df__editable">' . $res . '</span>';
         return $res;
     $parent =& $this->getParentRecord();
     if (isset($parent) and $parent->_table->hasField($fieldname)) {
         return $parent->htmlValue($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort, $params);
     $val = $this->display($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort);
     if ($this->secureDisplay and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($this, array('field' => $fieldname))) {
         $del =& $this->_table->getDelegate();
         if ($del and method_exists($del, 'no_access_link')) {
             $link = $del->no_access_link($this, array('field' => $fieldname));
             return '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '">' . $val . '</a>';
     $field = $this->_table->getField($fieldname);
     //if ( $field['widget']['type'] != 'htmlarea' ) $val = htmlentities($val,ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     if ($this->_table->isText($fieldname) and $field['widget']['type'] != 'htmlarea') {
         $val = nl2br($val);
     if ($this->_table->isBlob($fieldname) or $this->_table->isContainer($fieldname)) {
         if ($this->getLength($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort) > 0) {
             if ($this->isImage($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort)) {
                 $val = '<img src="' . $val . '"';
                 if (!isset($params['width']) and isset($field['width'])) {
                     $params['width'] = $field['width'];
                 foreach ($params as $pkey => $pval) {
                     $val .= ' ' . $pkey . '="' . $pval . '"';
                 $val .= '/>';
             } else {
                 $file_icon = df_translate($this->getMimetype($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort) . ' file icon', df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_URL) . '/images/document_icon.gif');
                 $val = '<img src="' . $file_icon . '"/><a href="' . $val . '" target="_blank"';
                 foreach ($params as $pkey => $pval) {
                     $val .= ' ' . $pkey . '="' . $pval . '"';
                 $val .= '>View Field Content In New Window (' . $this->getMimetype($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort) . ')</a>';
         } else {
             $val = "(Empty)";
     if (is_string($val) and DATAFACE_USAGE_MODE == 'edit' and $this->checkPermission('edit', array('field' => $fieldname)) and !$this->_table->isMetaField($fieldname)) {
         $val = '<span id="' . $domid . '" df:id="' . $uri . '" class="df__editable">' . $val . '</span>';
     return $val;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function display()
     if ($this->_resultSet->found() > 0 || $this->_new) {
         $res = $this->_build();
         if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
             return $res;
         } else {
             if (!$this->_new and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::edit($this->_record)) {
             if ($this->_new and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::checkPermission('new', $this->_table)) {
             $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance();
             if ($this->_new || Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($this->_record)) {
                 //echo $this->_renderer->toHtml();
                 echo $formTool->display($this);
             } else {
                 echo "<p>" . df_translate('scripts.GLOBAL.INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_TO_VIEW_RECORD', 'Sorry you have insufficient permissions to view this record.') . "</p>";
     } else {
         echo "<p>" . df_translate('scripts.GLOBAL.NO_RECORDS_MATCHED_REQUEST', 'No records matched your request.') . "</p>";
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @brief Returns an HTML-friendly value of a field.
  * @param string $fieldname The name of the field to return.
  * @param int $index For related fields indicates the index within the related list of the record to retrieve.
  * @param string $where Optional where clause to filter related list when retrieving a related field.
  * @param string $sort Optional sort clause when retrieving a related field.  Used to sort related list before 
  *  selecting the related record from which the value is to be returned.
  * @param array $params Optional additional parameters to customize the HTML output.  This may be passed to 
  *		include HTML attributes width and height to blob fields containing an image.
  * @return string The HTML string result.
  * @since 0.5
  * @section Synopsis
  * This method sits above "display" on the output stack for a field.
  * I.e. it wraps display() and adds some extra filtering to make the
  * output directly appropriate to be displayed as HTML.  In text fields
  * this will convert newlines to breaks, and in blob fields, this will output
  * either the full a-href tag or img tag depending on the type of content that
  * is stored.
  * @see display()
  * @see getValue()
  * @see getValueAsString()
 function htmlValue($fieldname, $index = 0, $where = 0, $sort = 0, $params = array())
     $recid = $this->getId();
     $uri = $recid . '#' . $fieldname;
     $domid = $uri . '-' . rand();
     $delegate =& $this->_table->getDelegate();
     if (isset($delegate) && method_exists($delegate, $fieldname . '__htmlValue')) {
         $methodname = $fieldname . '__htmlValue';
         $res = $delegate->{$methodname}($this);
         //$res = call_user_func(array(&$delegate, $fieldname.'__htmlValue'), $this);
         if (is_string($res) and DATAFACE_USAGE_MODE == 'edit' and $this->checkPermission('edit', array('field' => $fieldname)) and !$this->_table->isMetaField($fieldname)) {
             $res = '<span id="' . df_escape($domid) . '" df:id="' . df_escape($uri) . '" class="df__editable">' . $res . '</span>';
         return $res;
     $event = new StdClass();
     $event->record = $this;
     $event->fieldname = $fieldname;
     $event->index = $index;
     $event->where = $where;
     $event->sort = $sort;
     $event->params = $params;
     $event->out = null;
     Dataface_Application::getInstance()->fireEvent('Dataface_Record__htmlValue', $event);
     if (isset($event->out)) {
         return $event->out;
     $parent =& $this->getParentRecord();
     if (isset($parent) and $parent->_table->hasField($fieldname)) {
         return $parent->htmlValue($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort, $params);
     $val = $this->display($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort);
     $strval = $this->strval($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort);
     $field = $this->_table->getField($fieldname);
     if (!@$field['passthru'] and $this->escapeOutput) {
         $val = nl2br(df_escape($val));
     if ($this->secureDisplay and !Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($this, array('field' => $fieldname))) {
         $del =& $this->_table->getDelegate();
         if ($del and method_exists($del, 'no_access_link')) {
             $link = $del->no_access_link($this, array('field' => $fieldname));
             return '<a href="' . df_escape($link) . '">' . $val . '</a>';
     //if ( $field['widget']['type'] != 'htmlarea' ) $val = htmlentities($val,ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
     //if ( $this->_table->isText($fieldname) and $field['widget']['type'] != 'htmlarea' and $field['contenttype'] != 'text/html' ) $val = nl2br($val);
     if ($this->_table->isBlob($fieldname) or $this->_table->isContainer($fieldname)) {
         if ($this->getLength($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort) > 0) {
             if ($this->isImage($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort)) {
                 $val = '<img src="' . $val . '"';
                 if (!isset($parmas['alt'])) {
                     $params['alt'] = $strval;
                 if (!isset($params['width']) and isset($field['width'])) {
                     $params['width'] = $field['width'];
                 foreach ($params as $pkey => $pval) {
                     $val .= ' ' . df_escape($pkey) . '="' . df_escape($pval) . '"';
                 $val .= '/>';
             } else {
                 $file_icon = df_translate($this->getMimetype($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort) . ' file icon', df_absolute_url(DATAFACE_URL) . '/images/document_icon.gif');
                 $val = '<img src="' . df_escape($file_icon) . '"/><a href="' . $val . '" target="_blank"';
                 foreach ($params as $pkey => $pval) {
                     $val .= ' ' . df_escape($pkey) . '="' . df_escape($pval) . '"';
                 $val .= '>' . df_escape($strval) . ' (' . df_escape($this->getMimetype($fieldname, $index, $where, $sort)) . ')</a>';
         } else {
             $val = "(Empty)";
     if (is_string($val) and DATAFACE_USAGE_MODE == 'edit' and $this->checkPermission('edit', array('field' => $fieldname)) and !$this->_table->isMetaField($fieldname)) {
         $val = '<span id="' . df_escape($domid) . '" df:id="' . df_escape($uri) . '" class="df__editable">' . $val . '</span>';
     return $val;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Builds the form.
 function _build()
     if ($this->_built) {
         return true;
     $r =& $this->_relationship->_schema;
     $t =& $this->_parentTable;
     $fkCols = $this->_relatedRecord->getForeignKeyValues();
     if (PEAR::isError($fkCols)) {
         $fkCols->addUserInfo("Error getting foreign key columns while building Related Record Form");
         return $fkCols;
     //echo "<h1>fkcols</h1>";print_r($fkCols);
     //$cols =& $r['columns'];
     $cols =& $this->_fieldNames;
     $dummyRecords = array();
     // to hold records that will allow us to get permissions information form existing data.
     foreach ($cols as $col) {
         list($tablename, $fieldname) = explode('.', $col);
         if (!isset($dummyRecords[$tablename])) {
             $dummyRecords[$tablename] = new Dataface_Record($tablename, array());
     foreach (array_keys($dummyRecords) as $dummyTable) {
         if (isset($fkCols[$dummyTable])) {
     $quickForms = array();
     // array for each quickform object.. one for each table in relationship.
     //$permissions = $t->getRelationshipPermissions($this->_relationshipName);
     $permissions = $this->_record->getPermissions(array('relationship' => $this->_relationshipName));
     if (isset($permissions['add new related record']) and $permissions['add new related record']) {
         // We are allowed to add a new related record, so we will create a mask to allow this.
         $mask = array('edit' => 1, 'new' => 1, 'view' => 1);
     } else {
         $mask = array();
     $groupsStarted = array();
     $fieldDefs = array();
     foreach ($cols as $col) {
         $absFieldname = Dataface_Table::absoluteFieldName($col, $r['tables']);
         if (PEAR::isError($absFieldname)) {
             $absFieldname->addUserInfo("Error obtaining absolute field name for field '{$col}' while building Related Record Form ");
             return $absFieldname;
         list($tablename, $fieldname) = explode('.', $absFieldname);
         $thisTable =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
         //echo $absFieldname;
         if (array_key_exists($tablename, $fkCols) and array_key_exists($fieldname, $fkCols[$tablename])) {
             // This column is already specified by the foreign key relationship so we don't need to pass
             // this information using the form.
             // Actually - this isn't entirely true.  If there is no auto-incrementing field
             // associated with this foreign key, then
             if ($this->_relationship->isNullForeignKey($fkCols[$tablename][$fieldname])) {
                 $furthestField = $fkCols[$tablename][$fieldname]->getFurthestField();
                 if ($furthestField != $absFieldname) {
                     // We only display this field if it is the furthest field of the key
             } else {
         $field =& $this->_parentTable->getTableField($col);
         if (@$field['grafted'] && !@$field['transient']) {
         $fieldDefs[$absFieldname] =& $field;
     //foreach ($cols as $col){
     $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance();
     $groups = $formTool->groupFields($fieldDefs);
     $firstGroup = true;
     // Let's see if we need to use tabs
     foreach ($groups as $sectionName => $fields) {
         $firstField = reset($fields);
         if (!$firstField) {
         $thisTable =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($firstField['tablename']);
         $group =& $thisTable->getFieldgroup($sectionName);
         if (PEAR::isError($group)) {
             $group = array('label' => df_translate('scripts.Dataface_QuickForm.LABEL_EDIT_DETAILS', 'Edit Details'), 'order' => 1);
         $groupEmpty = true;
         // A flag to check when the group has at least one element
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $tablename = $field['tablename'];
             $fieldname = $field['name'];
             $absFieldname = $tablename . '.' . $fieldname;
             $thisTable =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
             if (isset($r[$thisTable->tablename]['readonly'])) {
             if (!isset($this->_quickForms[$tablename])) {
                 $this->_quickForms[$tablename] = new Dataface_QuickForm($tablename, '', '', '', true);
             if (isset($quickForm)) {
             $quickForm =& $this->_quickForms[$tablename];
             if (array_key_exists($tablename, $fkCols) and array_key_exists($fieldname, $fkCols[$tablename])) {
                 // This column is already specified by the foreign key relationship so we don't need to pass
                 // this information using the form.
                 // Actually - this isn't entirely true.  If there is no auto-incrementing field
                 // associated with this foreign key, then
                 if ($this->_relationship->isNullForeignKey($fkCols[$tablename][$fieldname])) {
                     $furthestField = $fkCols[$tablename][$fieldname]->getFurthestField();
                     if ($furthestField != $absFieldname) {
                         // We only display this field if it is the furthest field of the key
                 } else {
             //$field =& $this->_parentTable->getTableField($col);
             $widget =& $field['widget'];
             $perms = $dummyRecords[$tablename]->getPermissions(array('field' => $fieldname, 'recordmask' => $mask));
             if (!Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($perms)) {
             $el = $quickForm->_buildWidget($field, $perms);
             if (PEAR::isError($el)) {
                 error_log($el->toString() . "\n" . implode("\n", $el->getBacktrace()));
                 throw new Exception("Failed to build widget for {$fieldname}.  See error log for details.", E_USER_ERROR);
             if ($groupEmpty and @$field['widget']['type'] !== 'hidden') {
                 // This is the first field in the group, so we add a header for the
                 // group.
                 if (!$firstGroup) {
                     $this->addElement('submit', '', df_translate('save_button_label', 'Save'));
                 $headerel =& $this->addElement('header', $group['label'], $group['label']);
                 $groupEmpty = false;
                 $firstGroup = false;
             // set default value
             $defaultValue = $thisTable->getDefaultValue($fieldname);
             if (isset($defaultValue)) {
                 $defaults = array($fieldname => $defaultValue);
              * If there are any validation options set for the field, we must add these rules to the quickform
              * element.
             $validators = $field['validators'];
             foreach ($validators as $vname => $validator) {
                  * $validator['arg'] would be specified in the INI file.
                  * Example ini file listing:
                  * -------------------------
                  * [FirstName]
                  * widget:label = First name
                  * widget:description = Enter your first name
                  * validators:regex = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/"
                  * This would result in $validator['arg'] = "/[0-9a-zA-Z/" in this section
                  * and $vname == "regex".  Hence it would mean that a regular expression validator
                  * is being placed on this field so that only Alphanumeric characters are accepted.
                  * Please see documentation for HTML_QuickForm PEAR class for more information
                  * about QuickForm validators.
                 $this->addRule($fieldname, $validator['message'], $vname, $validator['arg'], 'client');
     $factory = new HTML_QuickForm('factory');
     $keyEls = array();
     $keyDefaults = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->_parentTable->keys()) as $key) {
         $keyEls[] = $factory->addElement('hidden', $key);
     $this->addGroup($keyEls, '__keys__');
     $keyvals = array();
     foreach (array_keys($this->_parentTable->keys()) as $key) {
         $keyvals[$key] = $this->_record->getValueAsString($key);
     $this->setDefaults(array('__keys__' => $keyvals));
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-table');
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-relationship');
     $this->addElement('hidden', '-action');
     $this->addElement('submit', '-Save', df_translate('save_button_label', 'Save'));
     $this->setDefaults(array('-table' => $this->_parentTable->tablename, '-relationship' => $this->_relationshipName, '-action' => "new_related_record"));
      * There may be some default values specified in the relationship schema.
     if (isset($r['new'])) {
     $this->_built = true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function build()
     $formTool =& Dataface_FormTool::getInstance();
     foreach ($this->getFieldDefs() as $uri => $fieldDef) {
         //$qf =& $this->getQuickForm($uri);
         $record =& $this->getRecord($uri);
          * If the user does not have permission to view this field, we should not generate this widget.
         if (!Dataface_PermissionsTool::view($record, array('field' => $fieldDef['name']))) {
         $el =& $formTool->buildWidget($record, $fieldDef, $this, $uri);
         if (PEAR::isError($el)) {
             trigger_error($el->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
         //$this->setDefaults(array( $uri => df_get($uri,'strval')));
     $this->addElement('submit', 'submit', 'Save');