public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ci()->load->model(['dropdown_models/dropdown_parent_model', 'dropdown_models/dropdown_item_model']); $this->dropdown_parent_model =& ci()->dropdown_parent_model; $this->dropdown_item_model =& ci()->dropdown_item_model; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if (setting('email-templates.required') == 'plain') { $this->rules['plain']['rules'] = 'required|' . $this->rules['plain']['rules']; } if (setting('email-templates.required') == 'html') { $this->rules['html']['rules'] = 'required|' . $this->rules['html']['rules']; } if (setting('email-templates.required') == 'plain & html') { $this->rules['plain']['rules'] = 'required|' . $this->rules['plain']['rules']; $this->rules['html']['rules'] = 'required|' . $this->rules['html']['rules']; } /* listen for update or insert and switch up the date/times */ ci()->event->register('database.addon_email_templates.before.update', function (&$method, &$primary_value, &$data, &$skip_validation) { if (!empty($data['active_from']) || !empty($data['active_to'])) { $data['active_from'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['active_from'])); $data['active_to'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['active_to'])); } }); ci()->event->register('database.addon_email_templates.before.insert', function (&$method, &$primary_value, &$data, &$skip_validation) { if (!empty($data['active_from']) || !empty($data['active_to'])) { $data['active_from'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['active_from'])); $data['active_to'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($data['active_to'])); } }); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ci()->validate->attach('must_be_1', function ($field_data, $field, $param, $validate_obj) { $validate_obj->set_message('must_be_1', 'The Trigger time format is not valid.'); return (int) $field_data['trigger_valid'] == 1; }); }
public function insert($data, $skip_validation = false) { $key = $this->config->item('encryption_key'); $data['created_on'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $data['register_key'] = substr(md5(rand() . microtime() . $key) . md5($key . microtime() . rand()), 3, 47); $data['timeout'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+' . setting('Register.Email Activation Expire') . ' minutes')); parent::insert($data, 'insert'); return $data['register_key']; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); /* used to flatten out the multi select array */ ci()->validate->attach('category_join', function (&$_field_data, &$field, &$param, &$validation) { if (is_array($field)) { $field = ' ' . implode(' ', $field) . ' '; } }); }
public function update($primary_value, $data, $skip_validation = false) { $this->flush_caches(); /* return FALSE on failure data validated & filtered */ $data = $this->validate($data, $skip_validation); $groups = $data['access']; if ($data !== FALSE) { unset($data['access']); /* passed by ref */ parent::protect_attributes($data); $result = $this->_database->where($this->primary_key, $primary_value)->set($data)->update($this->table); $this->log_last_query(); /* ok now update the groups - if any */ $this->o_role_access_model->save($primary_value, $groups); return $result; } return FALSE; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); ci()->validate->attach('save_as_file', function (&$_field_data, &$field, &$param, $validate) { $folder = __DIR__ . '/../saved'; if ($_field_data['is_file'] == 1) { if (is_writable(__DIR__ . '/..')) { @mkdir($folder, 0777); file_put_contents($folder . '/' . $_field_data['name'] . '.tmpl', $field); } } else { @unlink($folder . '/' . $_field_data['name'] . '.tmpl'); } }); ci()->event->register('database.cms_templates.after.get', function (&$method, &$result) { $filename = __DIR__ . '/../saved/' . $result->name . '.tmpl'; if ($result->is_file && file_exists($filename)) { $result->content = file_get_contents($filename); } }); }
public function delete($id = null) { $this->update($id, ['is_active' => 0], true); /* soft delete */ return parent::delete($id); }
public function delete($id = null) { $this->o_role_access_model->delete_by_access_id($id); return parent::delete($id); }
public function update($primary_value, $data, $skip_validation = false) { $return = parent::update($primary_value, $data, $skip_validation); $this->recalculate_urls(); return $return; }
public function update($primary_value, $data, $skip_validation = false) { $data['match'] = str_replace('/redirect/', '', $data['match']); $data['url'] = ltrim($data['url'], '/'); return parent::update($primary_value, $data, $skip_validation); }