Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function _compile_constraints()
     // Let the parent do their stuff first
     $constraints = parent::_compile_constraints();
     // Return the constraints
     return $constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function _compile_constraints()
     // Let the parent process the constraints first.
     // Defaults given for datetimes
     if (isset($this->default)) {
         // If the default is a valid date format, then quote it, otherwise leave it as is
         $constraints['default'] = strtotime($this->default) ? $this->table->database->quote($this->default) : $this->default;
     return $constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function _compile_constraints()
     // Let the parent do their bit first
     $constraints = parent::_compile_constraints();
     // If the field is set to auto_increment, then set it.
     if ($this->is_auto_increment) {
         $constraints[] = 'auto_increment';
     // Finally return the constraints
     return $constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Gets the database columns associated with the field.
  * @param	Sprig_Field	The sprig field.
  * @param	Database_Table	The parent database table.
  * @return	array
 private function _columns(Sprig_Field $field, Database_Table $table)
     // Foreign keys are represented as BelongTo relationships
     if ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_BelongsTo) {
         // Get the model the field references
         $references = $this->_model($field->model);
         // Get all the primary keys in the referenced model as an array
         $pks = is_array($references->pk()) ? $references->pk() : array($references->pk());
         // Prepare a column array
         $columns = array();
         // Loop through each primary key
         foreach ($pks as $pk) {
             // Get the foreign primary key field
             $foreign_field = $references->field($pk);
             // Generates a table column for that foreign field
             $column = current($this->_columns($foreign_field, $table));
             // Renames the column to the standard foreign key format
             $column->name = Inflector::singular($references->table()) . '_' . $pk;
             // If the column is an integer
             if ($column instanceof Database_Column_Int) {
                 // We must disable auto_increment
                 $column->auto_increment = FALSE;
             // Add the column to the column array
             $columns[] = $column;
         // No further processing is needed, so return the columns.
         return $columns;
     } elseif ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_Char) {
         // If the character field is a text field
         if ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_Text) {
             // Set the column to have a text datatype
             $column = Database_Column::factory('text');
             // TODO: Ugly hack, fix it. (Text datatypes dont take parameters).
         } else {
             // Create a new database column
             $column = Database_Column::factory('varchar');
             // Set the varchar's max length to a default of 45
             $column->max_length = isset($field->max_length) ? $field->max_length : 64;
     } elseif ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_Integer) {
         // Use the int datatype and create the column
         $column = Database_Column::factory('int');
         // If the field is Sprig_Field_Auto then auto_increment is set to true.
         $column->auto_increment = $field instanceof Sprig_Field_Auto;
     } elseif ($field instanceof Sprig_Field_Boolean) {
         // Very simply, a tinyint is a 0 or a 1
         $column = Database_Column::factory('tinyint');
     // Set the value of the column's name
     $column->name = $field->column;
     // Set the column's default value
     $column->default = $field->default;
     // The column is nullable if the field is not empty
     $column->nullable = !$field->empty;
     // Return the column as an array
     return array($column);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Gets the database columns associated with the field.
  * @param	Jelly_Field	The Jelly field.
  * @param	Database_Table	The parent database table.
  * @return	array
 private function _columns(Jelly_Field $field, Database_Table $table)
     // print_r($field);
     // Break If the column is not present in database
     if (!$field->in_db) {
     switch (TRUE) {
         // Strings
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_String:
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_File:
             // Saves file upload path
         // Saves file upload path
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Enum:
             // Handles lists.
             // all relationships below are extending the String field
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Slug):
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Email):
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Password):
             // Password is 40 char long Sha-1
             // Create a new database column
             $column = Database_Column::factory('varchar');
             // Set the varchar's max length to a default of 64
             // @todo More appropriate would be to check length before...
             if ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Email or $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Slug) {
                 $column->max_length = 255;
             } elseif ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Password) {
                 $column->max_length = 255;
             } elseif (empty($field->rules['max_length'][0])) {
                 $column->max_length = 64;
             } else {
                 $column->max_length = $field->rules['max_length'][0];
             // Integers
         // Integers
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Integer:
             // Use the int datatype and create the column
             $column = Database_Column::factory('int');
             // If the field is Jelly_Field_Auto then auto_increment is set to true.
             // Booleans
         // Booleans
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Boolean:
             $column = Database_Column::factory('bool');
             // Primary key -- can be an integer or string, but we presume its int
         // Primary key -- can be an integer or string, but we presume its int
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Primary:
             $column = Database_Column::factory('int');
             $column->auto_increment = TRUE;
             $column->unique = TRUE;
             // $column->primary = TRUE;
             // Texts
         // Texts
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Text:
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Serialized:
             // Handles serialized data
             if (isset($field->rules['max_length'][0])) {
                 $lenght = $field->rules['max_length'][0];
                 switch (TRUE) {
                     case $lenght <= 65535:
                         $column = Database_Column::factory('text');
                     case $lenght <= 16777215:
                         $column = Database_Column::factory('mediumtext');
                     case $lenght <= 4294967295:
                         $column = Database_Column::factory('longtext');
             } else {
                 $column = Database_Column::factory('text');
             // TODO: Ugly hack, fix it. (Text datatypes dont take parameters).
             // Timestamps
         // Timestamps
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Timestamp:
             $column = Database_Column::factory('timestamp');
             // Floats
         // Floats
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_Float:
             $column = Database_Column::factory('float');
             // Relationships
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Relationship):
             // all relationships below are extending this field:
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_ManyToMany):
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasMany):
             // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasOne):
         // Relationships
         // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_Relationship):
         // all relationships below are extending this field:
         // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_ManyToMany):
         // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasMany):
         // case ($field instanceof Jelly_Field_HasOne):
         case $field instanceof Jelly_Field_BelongsTo:
             $column = Database_Column::factory('int');
             $column->auto_increment = FALSE;
             $column->name = $field->column;
             if (!empty($field->default)) {
                 $column->default = $field->default;
             if (!empty($field->null)) {
                 $column->nullable = (bool) $field->null;
             * @todo It would be appropriate to add a contstraint :
             							ALTER TABLE `roles_users`
             						  ADD CONSTRAINT `roles_users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
             return array($column);
     // Set the remaining values of the column
     $column->name = $field->name;
     if (!empty($field->default)) {
         $column->default = $field->default;
     if (!empty($field->null)) {
         $column->nullable = (bool) $field->null;
     if (!empty($field->unique)) {
         $column->unique = $field->unique;
     if (!empty($field->auto_increment)) {
         $column->auto_increment = $field->auto_increment;
     // The column is nullable if the field is not empty
     // $column->nullable = $field->null;// ! $field->empty;
     // $column->unique = $field->unique;
     // Return the column as an array
     return array($column);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function reset()
     // Get a list of columns from the database for this table
     $columns = $this->database->list_columns($this->name);
     // Reset the column array
     $this->_columns = array();
     // Loop through each column, and add it to the column array
     foreach ($columns as $name => $column) {
         $this->_columns[$name] = Database_Column::instance($this, $name);