Ejemplo n.º 1

define('ALLOW_ACCESS', true);
// allow access to this page
require_once "includes/header.php";
$db = new Database();
// $mainCatID = false;
if (isset($_GET["cat_id"])) {
    $mainCatID = $_GET["cat_id"];
    $subCategories = $db->getSubCategoriesArray($mainCatID, "CASE WHEN name = 'Other' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END,name ASC");
    require_once "../lib/includes/sanitize-all.php";
$mainCategories = $db->getMainCategoriesArray("case when name = 'Deleted' then 3 when name = 'Free Stuff' then 2 else 1 end,name desc");
$subCatID = NULL;
if (isset($_GET["sub_cat_id"])) {
    $subCatID = $_GET["sub_cat_id"];
    $db->query('SELECT id, slug, name, name_nor, type, count FROM attributes WHERE sub_cat_id = :subCatID ORDER BY name ASC');
    $db->bind(':subCatID', $subCatID);
    $attributes = $db->fetchAll();
if (isset($_GET["attr_id"])) {
    $attrID = $_GET["attr_id"];
    $db->query('SELECT id, name, name_nor, slug, count FROM specs WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT spec_id FROM product_specs WHERE attribute_id = :attrID ) ORDER BY name DESC ');
    // $db->query('SELECT id, name, slug, count FROM specs WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT spec_id FROM product_specs WHERE attribute_id = :attrID AND product_id IN (SELECT id FROM products WHERE sub_cat_id = :subCatID ) ) ORDER BY name DESC ');
    // $db->bind(':subCatID', $subCatID);
    $db->bind(':attrID', $attrID);
    $specifications = $db->fetchAll();
$change_attribute = false;
if (isset($_GET["change_attribute"])) {
    $change_attribute = $change_attribute;