Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function executeMyLoans()
     $this->pagerSlidingSize = intval(sfConfig::get('dw_pagerSlidingSize'));
     $query = Doctrine::getTable('Loans')->getMyLoans($this->getUser()->getId());
     $count_q = clone $query;
     $count_q = $count_q->select('count(*)')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby')->limit(0);
     $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
     $counted->count_query = $count_q;
     $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->getRequestParameter('page', 1), 5);
     $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), $this->getController()->genUrl('widgets/reloadContent?category=board&widget=myLoans') . '/page/{%page_number}');
     $this->pagerLayout->setTemplate('<li><a href="{%url}">{%page}</a></li>');
     $this->pagerLayout->setSeparatorTemplate('<span class="pager_separator">::</span>');
     if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
         $this->loans = $this->pagerLayout->execute();
     $this->myTotalLoans = $this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getNumResults();
     $this->rights = Doctrine::getTable('LoanRights')->getEncodingRightsForUser($this->getUser()->getId());
     if (count($this->loans)) {
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($this->loans as $loan) {
             $ids[] = $loan->getId();
         if (!empty($ids)) {
             $this->status = Doctrine::getTable('LoanStatus')->getFromLoans($ids);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Method executed when searching an expedition - trigger by the click on the search button
  * @param SearchExpeditionForm $form    The search expedition form instantiated that will be binded with the data contained in request
  * @param sfWebRequest         $request Request coming from browser
  * @var   int                  $pagerSlidingSize: Get the config value to define the range size of pager to be displayed in numbers (i.e.: with a value of 5, it will give this: << < 1 2 3 4 5 > >>)
 protected function searchResults(IgsSearchFormFilter $form, sfWebRequest $request)
     if ($request->getParameter('searchExpeditionIgs', '') !== '') {
         // Bind form with data contained in searchExpedition array
         // Modify the s_url to call the searchResult action when on result page and playing with pager
         $this->s_url = 'expeditionsIgs/search?is_choose=false';
         // Test that the form binded is still valid (no errors)
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // Define all properties that will be either used by the data query or by the pager
             // They take their values from the request. If not present, a default value is defined
             $query = $form->getQuery()->orderby($this->orderBy . ' ' . $this->orderDir);
             $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->currentPage, $this->form->getValue('rec_per_page'));
             // Replace the count query triggered by the Pager to get the number of records retrieved
             $count_q = clone $query;
             // Remove from query the group by and order by clauses
             $count_q = $count_q->select('count( distinct expedition_ref, ig_ref)')->removeDqlQueryPart('groupby')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby');
             // Initialize an empty count query
             $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
             // Define the correct select count() of the count query
             $counted->count_query = $count_q;
             // And replace the one of the pager with this new one
             $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), $this->getController()->genUrl($this->s_url . $this->o_url) . '/page/{%page_number}');
             // Sets the Pager Layout templates
             // If pager not yet executed, this means the query has to be executed for data loading
             if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
                 $this->expeditions = $this->pagerLayout->execute();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function executeSearch(sfWebRequest $request)
     // Initialize the order by and paging values: order by collection_name here
     $this->setCommonValues('search', 'collection_name', $request);
     $this->form = new PublicSearchFormFilter();
     // If the search has been triggered by clicking on the search button or with pinned specimens
     if ($request->getParameter('specimen_search_filters', '') !== '') {
     if ($this->form->isBound() && $this->form->isValid() && !$request->hasParameter('criteria')) {
         // Get the generated query from the filter and add order criterion to the query
         $query = $this->form->getWithOrderCriteria();
         // Define the pager
         $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->form->getValue('current_page'), $this->form->getValue('rec_per_page'));
         // Replace the count query triggered by the Pager to get the number of records retrieved
         $count_q = clone $query;
         // Remove from query the group by and order by clauses
         $count_q = $count_q->select('count(*)')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby')->limit(0);
         // Initialize an empty count query
         $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
         // Define the correct select count() of the count query
         $counted->count_query = $count_q;
         // And replace the one of the pager with this new one
         // Define in one line a pager Layout based on a pagerLayoutWithArrows object
         // This pager layout is based on a Doctrine_Pager, itself based on a customed Doctrine_Query object (call to the getExpLike method of ExpeditionTable class)
         $params = $request->isMethod('post') ? $request->getPostParameters() : $request->getGetParameters();
         $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), 'search/search?specimen_search_filters[current_page]={%page_number}&' . http_build_query($params));
         // Sets the Pager Layout templates
         $this->pagerLayout->setTemplate('<li data-page="{%page_number}"><a href="{%url}">{%page}</a></li>');
         // If pager not yet executed, this means the query has to be executed for data loading
         if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
             $this->search = $this->pagerLayout->execute();
         $this->field_to_show = $this->getVisibleColumns($this->form);
         $ids = $this->FecthIdForCommonNames();
         $this->common_names = Doctrine::getTable('VernacularNames')->findAllCommonNames($ids);
         if (!count($this->common_names)) {
             $this->common_names = array('taxonomy' => array(), 'chronostratigraphy' => array(), 'lithostratigraphy' => array(), 'lithology' => array(), 'mineralogy' => array());
     if ($this->form->isBound() && $this->form->getValue('search_type', 'zoo') != 'zoo') {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function executeSearch(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->setCommonValues('loan', 'from_date', $request);
     $this->form = new LoansFormFilter(null, array('user' => $this->getUser()));
     $this->is_choose = $request->getParameter('is_choose', '') == '' ? 0 : intval($request->getParameter('is_choose'));
     if ($request->getParameter('loans_filters', '') !== '') {
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             $query = $this->form->getQuery()->orderBy($this->orderBy . ' ' . $this->orderDir);
             $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->currentPage, $this->form->getValue('rec_per_page'));
             $count_q = clone $query;
             $count_q = $count_q->select('count(*)')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby')->limit(0);
             $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
             $counted->count_query = $count_q;
             // And replace the one of the pager with this new one
             $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), $this->getController()->genUrl($this->s_url . $this->o_url) . '/page/{%page_number}');
             // Sets the Pager Layout templates
             // If pager not yet executed, this means the query has to be executed for data loading
             if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
                 $this->items = $this->pagerLayout->execute();
             $this->rights = Doctrine::getTable('loanRights')->getEncodingRightsForUser($this->getUser()->getId());
             $loan_list = array();
             foreach ($this->items as $loan) {
                 $loan_list[] = $loan->getId();
             $this->printable = Doctrine::getTable('Loans')->getPrintableLoans($loan_list, $this->getUser());
             $status = Doctrine::getTable('LoanStatus')->getStatusRelatedArray($loan_list);
             $this->status = array();
             foreach ($status as $sta) {
                 $this->status[$sta->getLoanRef()] = $sta;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Action executed when searching a specimen - trigger by the click on the search button
  * It's also the same action that is used to open a saved search reopened, a list of pinned specimens
  * or when clicking on the back to criterias button
  * @param sfWebRequest $request Request coming from browser
 public function executeSearch(sfWebRequest $request)
     $this->is_specimen_search = false;
     // Initialize the order by and paging values: order by collection_name here
     $this->setCommonValues('specimensearch', 'collection_name', $request);
     // Modify the s_url to call the searchResult action when on result page and playing with pager
     $this->s_url = 'specimensearch/search' . '?is_choose=' . $this->is_choose;
     // Initialize filter
     $this->form = new SpecimensFormFilter(null, array('user' => $this->getUser()));
     // If the search has been triggered by clicking on the search button or with pinned specimens
     if ($request->isMethod('post') && $request->getParameter('specimen_search_filters', '') !== '' || $request->hasParameter('pinned')) {
         // Store all post parameters
         $criterias = $request->getPostParameters();
         // If pinned specimens called
         if ($request->hasParameter('pinned')) {
             // Get all ids pinned
             $ids = implode(',', $this->getUser()->getAllPinned('specimen'));
             if ($ids == '') {
                 $ids = '0';
             $this->is_pinned_only_search = true;
             // Set the list of ids as criteria
             $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] = $ids;
         } elseif ($request->hasParameter('spec_search')) {
             // Get the saved search concerned
             $saved_search = Doctrine::getTable('MySavedSearches')->getSavedSearchByKey($request->getParameter('spec_search'), $this->getUser()->getId());
             // Forward 404 if we don't get the search requested
             $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] = $saved_search->getSearchedIdString();
             if ($criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] == '') {
                 $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] = '0';
             $this->is_specimen_search = $saved_search->getId();
     } elseif ($request->getParameter('search_id', '') != '') {
         // Get the saved search asked
         $saved_search = Doctrine::getTable('MySavedSearches')->getSavedSearchByKey($request->getParameter('search_id'), $this->getUser()->getId());
         // If not available, not found -> forward on 404 page
         if ($saved_search->getIsOnlyId()) {
             $this->is_specimen_search = $saved_search->getId();
         // Get all search criterias from DB
         $criterias = $saved_search->getUnserialRequest();
         // Transform all visible fields stored as a string with | as separator and store it into col_fields field
         $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['col_fields'] = implode('|', $saved_search->getVisibleFieldsInResult());
         // If data were set, in other terms specimen_search_filters array is available...
         if (isset($criterias['specimen_search_filters'])) {
             // Bring all the required/necessary widgets on page
             Doctrine::getTable('Specimens')->getRequiredWidget($criterias['specimen_search_filters'], $this->getUser()->getId(), 'specimensearch_widget');
             if ($saved_search->getisOnlyId() && $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] == '') {
                 $criterias['specimen_search_filters']['spec_ids'] = '0';
     if ($this->form->isBound()) {
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             // When criteria parameter is given, it means we go back to criterias
             if ($request->hasParameter('criteria')) {
                 // Bring all the required/necessary widgets on page
                 Doctrine::getTable('Specimens')->getRequiredWidget($criterias['specimen_search_filters'], $this->getUser()->getId(), 'specimensearch_widget');
             } else {
                 $this->spec_lists = Doctrine::getTable('MySavedSearches')->getListFor($this->getUser()->getId(), 'specimen');
                 $query = $this->form->getQuery()->orderby($this->orderBy . ' ' . $this->orderDir . ', id');
                 //If export is defined export it!
                 $this->field_to_show = $this->getVisibleColumns($this->getUser(), $this->form);
                 if ($request->getParameter('export', '') != '') {
                     $this->specimensearch = $query->limit(1000)->execute();
                     $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Pragma: private', true);
                     $this->getResponse()->setHttpHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="export.csv"');
                     $this->getResponse()->setContentType("application/force-download text/csv");
                 // Define in one line a pager Layout based on a pagerLayoutWithArrows object
                 // This pager layout is based on a Doctrine_Pager, itself based on a customed Doctrine_Query object (call to the getExpLike method of ExpeditionTable class)
                 $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->currentPage, $this->form->getValue('rec_per_page'));
                 // Replace the count query triggered by the Pager to get the number of records retrieved
                 $count_q = clone $query;
                 // Remove from query the group by and order by clauses
                 $count_q = $count_q->select('count(s.id)')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby')->limit(0);
                 if ($this->form->with_group) {
                     $count_q->select('count(distinct s.id)')->removeDqlQueryPart('groupby');
                 // Initialize an empty count query
                 $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
                 // Define the correct select count() of the count query
                 $counted->count_query = $count_q;
                 // And replace the one of the pager with this new one
                 $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), $this->getController()->genUrl($this->s_url . $this->o_url) . '/page/{%page_number}');
                 // Sets the Pager Layout templates
                 // If pager not yet executed, this means the query has to be executed for data loading
                 if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
                     $this->specimensearch = $this->pagerLayout->execute();
                 //Load Codes and Loans and related for each item
                 $this->field_to_show = $this->getVisibleColumns($this->getUser(), $this->form);
                 return $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ? $this->renderPartial('searchSuccess') : null;
     if (isset($criterias['specimen_search_filters'])) {
         Doctrine::getTable('Specimens')->getRequiredWidget($criterias['specimen_search_filters'], $this->getUser()->getId(), 'specimensearch_widget');
Ejemplo n.º 6
 protected function searchResults($form, $request)
     if ($request->getParameter('searchCatalogue', '') !== '') {
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $query = $form->getQuery()->orderBy($this->orderBy . ' ' . $this->orderDir);
             $pager = new DarwinPager($query, $this->currentPage, $form->getValue('rec_per_page'));
             // Replace the count query triggered by the Pager to get the number of records retrieved
             $count_q = clone $query;
             // Remove from query the group by and order by clauses
             $count_q = $count_q->select('count(id)')->removeDqlQueryPart('groupby')->removeDqlQueryPart('orderby')->removeDqlQueryPart('join');
             // Initialize an empty count query
             $counted = new DoctrineCounted();
             // Define the correct select count() of the count query
             $counted->count_query = $count_q;
             // And replace the one of the pager with this new one
             $this->pagerLayout = new PagerLayoutWithArrows($pager, new Doctrine_Pager_Range_Sliding(array('chunk' => $this->pagerSlidingSize)), $this->getController()->genUrl($this->s_url . $this->o_url) . '/page/{%page_number}');
             // Sets the Pager Layout templates
             // If pager not yet executed, this means the query has to be executed for data loading
             if (!$this->pagerLayout->getPager()->getExecuted()) {
                 $this->items = $this->pagerLayout->execute();