Ejemplo n.º 1
 function _testXPath($xpath_expression)
     if (!class_exists('DOMDocument') || !class_exists('DOMXPath')) {
         if (function_exists('domxml_open_mem')) {
             $dom = domxml_open_mem($this->_response);
             if (!$dom) {
                 $this->fail('Error parsing doc');
                 return false;
             $xpath = $dom->xpath_init();
             $ctx = $dom->xpath_new_context();
             $result = $ctx->xpath_eval($xpath_expression);
             $return = new stdClass();
             $return->length = count($result->nodeset);
             return $return;
         $this->fail('No xpath support built in');
         return false;
     } else {
         if (extension_loaded('domxml')) {
             $this->fail('Please disable the domxml extension. Only php5 builtin domxml is supported');
             return false;
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     $node = $xpath->query($xpath_expression);
     return $node;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function process(&$article)
     $owner_uid = $article["owner_uid"];
     if (strpos($article["guid"], "bunicomic.com") !== FALSE || strpos($article["guid"], "buttersafe.com") !== FALSE || strpos($article["guid"], "whompcomic.com") !== FALSE || strpos($article["guid"], "extrafabulouscomics.com") !== FALSE || strpos($article["guid"], "happyjar.com") !== FALSE || strpos($article["guid"], "csectioncomics.com") !== FALSE) {
         if (strpos($article["plugin_data"], "af_comics,{$owner_uid}:") === FALSE) {
             // lol at people who block clients by user agent
             // oh noes my ad revenue Q_Q
             $res = fetch_file_contents($article["link"], false, false, false, false, false, 0, "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/6.0)");
             $doc = new DOMDocument();
             $basenode = false;
             if ($doc) {
                 $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
                 $basenode = $xpath->query('//div[@id="comic"]')->item(0);
                 if ($basenode) {
                     $article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode);
                     $article["plugin_data"] = "af_comics,{$owner_uid}:" . $article["plugin_data"];
         } else {
             if (isset($article["stored"]["content"])) {
                 $article["content"] = $article["stored"]["content"];
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
     * Constructs a new object object from DOM Document.
     * @param   DomDocument $dom the ReST fragment for this object
    public function __construct(DomDocument $dom)
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
        $result = $xpath->query('//result/weblog');
        if ($result->length == 1) {
            $this->_weblog = new Zend_Service_Technorati_Weblog($result->item(0));
        } else {
            // follow the same behavior of blogPostTags
            // and raise an Exception if the URL is not a valid weblog
            throw new Zend_Service_Technorati_Exception(
                "Your URL is not a recognized Technorati weblog");

        $result = $xpath->query('//result/url/text()');
        if ($result->length == 1) {
            try {
                // fetched URL often doens't include schema
                // and this issue causes the following line to fail
                $this->_url = Zend_Service_Technorati_Utils::normalizeUriHttp($result->item(0)->data);
            } catch(Zend_Service_Technorati_Exception $e) {
                if ($this->getWeblog() instanceof Zend_Service_Technorati_Weblog) {
                    $this->_url = $this->getWeblog()->getUrl();

        $result = $xpath->query('//result/inboundblogs/text()');
        if ($result->length == 1) $this->_inboundBlogs = (int) $result->item(0)->data;

        $result = $xpath->query('//result/inboundlinks/text()');
        if ($result->length == 1) $this->_inboundLinks = (int) $result->item(0)->data;

 function generate()
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->_doc);
     // enumes
     $enumNodes = $xpath->query("/xml/enums/enum");
     foreach ($enumNodes as $enumNode) {
     // classes
     $classNodes = $xpath->query("/xml/classes/class");
     foreach ($classNodes as $classNode) {
     $serviceNodes = $xpath->query("/xml/services/service");
     foreach ($serviceNodes as $serviceNode) {
     $this->addFile("KalturaClient.php", $this->getTextBlock());
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Constructs a new object from DOM Element.
  * @param   DomElement $dom the ReST fragment for this object
 public function __construct(DomElement $dom)
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom->ownerDocument);
     $result = $xpath->query('./firstname/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
     $result = $xpath->query('./lastname/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
     $result = $xpath->query('./username/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
     $result = $xpath->query('./description/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
     $result = $xpath->query('./bio/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
     $result = $xpath->query('./thumbnailpicture/text()', $dom);
     if ($result->length == 1) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
function parseResinImprFile($file_path)
    global $hostDict;
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $query = "//table[1]/tr[@class != 'first']/td[position() < 3]";
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
    $entries = $xpath->query($query);
    $index = 0;
    $key = "";
    $value = "";
    foreach ($entries as $entry) {
        if ($index % 2 == 0) {
            $key = $entry->nodeValue;
        } else {
            $value = $entry->nodeValue;
        if ($index != 0 and $index % 2 == 1) {
            if ($key == "AD_EXCHANGE.bidResult") {
                # 还不能区分bid 和 bidResult, 所以加到一起
                $key = "AD_EXCHANGE.bid";
            if (array_key_exists($key, $hostDict) && !in_array($value, $hostDict[$key])) {
                array_push($hostDict[$key], $value);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Convert dom node tree to array
  * @param \DOMDocument $source
  * @return array
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function convert($source)
     $output = [];
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($source);
     $indexers = $xpath->evaluate('/config/indexer');
     /** @var $typeNode \DOMNode */
     foreach ($indexers as $indexerNode) {
         $data = [];
         $indexerId = $this->getAttributeValue($indexerNode, 'id');
         $data['indexer_id'] = $indexerId;
         $data['primary'] = $this->getAttributeValue($indexerNode, 'primary');
         $data['view_id'] = $this->getAttributeValue($indexerNode, 'view_id');
         $data['action_class'] = $this->getAttributeValue($indexerNode, 'class');
         $data['title'] = '';
         $data['description'] = '';
         /** @var $childNode \DOMNode */
         foreach ($indexerNode->childNodes as $childNode) {
             if ($childNode->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
             /** @var $childNode \DOMElement */
             $data = $this->convertChild($childNode, $data);
         $output[$indexerId] = $data;
     return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Unserializes the property.
  * This static method should return a an instance of this object.
  * @param \DOMElement $prop
  * @param array $propertyMap
  * @return DAV\IProperty
 static function unserialize(\DOMElement $prop, array $propertyMap)
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($prop->ownerDocument);
     $xpath->registerNamespace('d', 'urn:DAV');
     // Finding the 'response' element
     $xResponses = $xpath->evaluate('d:response', $prop);
     $result = [];
     for ($jj = 0; $jj < $xResponses->length; $jj++) {
         $xResponse = $xResponses->item($jj);
         // Parsing 'href'
         $href = Href::unserialize($xResponse, $propertyMap);
         $properties = [];
         // Parsing 'status' in 'd:response'
         $responseStatus = $xpath->evaluate('string(d:status)', $xResponse);
         if ($responseStatus) {
             list(, $responseStatus, ) = explode(' ', $responseStatus, 3);
         // Parsing 'propstat'
         $xPropstat = $xpath->query('d:propstat', $xResponse);
         for ($ii = 0; $ii < $xPropstat->length; $ii++) {
             // Parsing 'status'
             $status = $xpath->evaluate('string(d:status)', $xPropstat->item($ii));
             list(, $statusCode, ) = explode(' ', $status, 3);
             $usedPropertyMap = $statusCode == '200' ? $propertyMap : [];
             // Parsing 'prop'
             $properties[$statusCode] = DAV\XMLUtil::parseProperties($xPropstat->item($ii), $usedPropertyMap);
         $result[] = new Response($href->getHref(), $properties, $responseStatus ? $responseStatus : null);
     return new self($result);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static function parse($html, $url)
     $recipe = RecipeParser_Parser_MicrodataSchema::parse($html, $url);
     // Turn off libxml errors to prevent mismatched tag warnings.
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
     $doc->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $html);
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     // Photo -- skip logo if it was used in place of photo
     if (strpos($recipe->photo_url, "FDC_Logo_vertical.png") !== false || strpos($recipe->photo_url, "FDC_share-logo.png") !== false) {
         $recipe->photo_url = '';
     if ($recipe->photo_url) {
         $recipe->photo_url = str_replace("/thumbs/", "/large/", $recipe->photo_url);
     // Yield
     $yield = '';
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[@class="yield"]');
     // Find as 'yield'
     if ($nodes->length) {
         $line = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
         $line = RecipeParser_Text::formatYield($line);
         $recipe->yield = $line;
         // Or as number of 'servings'
     } else {
         $nodes = $xpath->query('//*[@class="servings"]//*[@class="value"]');
         if ($nodes->length) {
             $line = $nodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
             $line = RecipeParser_Text::formatYield($line);
             $recipe->yield = $line;
     return $recipe;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * addEntriesFromFeed adds all the entries from a zotero api feed to the collection
  * @param $feed either a DOMDocument or string xml of the feed
 public function addEntriesFromFeed($feed)
     if (is_string($feed)) {
         $dom = new DOMDocument();
         //cleanup GET param separators in the links in the feed
         $feed = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $feed);
     } else {
         if (get_class($feed) == 'DOMDocument') {
             $dom = $feed;
             //$newFeedNode = $dom->importNode($feed, true);
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Entry must be either an XML string or an ATOM feed DOMNode');
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     $xpath->registerNamespace('zxfer', 'http://zotero.org/ns/transfer');
     $xpath->registerNamespace('atom', 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom');
     $entryNodes = $xpath->query('//atom:entry');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $entryNodes->length; $i++) {
         $newEntry = new phpZoteroEntry($entryNodes->item($i));
         $this->entries[$newEntry->itemUri] = $newEntry;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * load all app files for given path and build.xml document
  * @param string $path app base path
  * @param DOMDocument $build build.xml
  * @return boolean
 private function _doBuild($path, DOMDocument $build)
     $Classes = Classes::get();
     $x = new DOMXPath($build);
     $app = $x->query('/build/app');
     if ($app->length != 1) {
         throw new PException('App error!');
     $app = $app->item(0);
     if (!$app->hasAttribute('name')) {
         throw new PException('App name error!');
     $this->_apps[$app->getAttribute('name')] = $build;
     $files = $x->query('/build/files/file');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         if ($file->hasAttribute('class')) {
             $Classes->addClass($file->getAttribute('class'), $path . $file->nodeValue);
         if ($file->hasAttribute('include')) {
             if (!file_exists($path . $file->nodeValue)) {
             $this->_includes[] = $path . $file->nodeValue;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Handle a node
  * Handle / transform a given node, and return the result of the
  * conversion.
  * @param ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter
  * @param DOMElement $node
  * @param mixed $root
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(ezcDocumentElementVisitorConverter $converter, DOMElement $node, $root)
     $quote = $root->ownerDocument->createElement('blockquote');
     // Locate optional attribution elements, and transform them below the
     // recursive quote visiting.
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $attributionNodes = $xpath->query('*[local-name() = "attribution"]', $node);
     $attributions = array();
     foreach ($attributionNodes as $attribution) {
         $attributions[] = $attribution->cloneNode(true);
     // Recursively decorate blockquote, after all attribution nodes are
     // removed
     $quote = $converter->visitChildren($node, $quote);
     // Append attribution nodes, if any
     foreach ($attributions as $attribution) {
         $div = $root->ownerDocument->createElement('div');
         $div->setAttribute('class', 'attribution');
         $cite = $root->ownerDocument->createElement('cite', htmlspecialchars($attribution->textContent));
     return $root;
  * @param \DOMNode $node
  * @param string $selector
  * @return \DOMNodeList
 public function findAll($node, $selector)
     $domXPath = new \DOMXPath($node->ownerDocument);
     $converter = new CssSelectorConverter();
     $xpath = $converter->toXPath($selector);
     return $domXPath->query($xpath, $node);
 public function apply(KalturaRelatedFilter $filter, KalturaObject $parentObject)
     $filterProperty = $this->filterProperty;
     $parentProperty = $this->parentProperty;
     KalturaLog::debug("Mapping XPath {$parentProperty} to " . get_class($filter) . "::{$filterProperty}");
     if (!$parentObject instanceof KalturaMetadata) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE, get_class($parentObject));
     if (!property_exists($filter, $filterProperty)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::PROPERTY_IS_NOT_DEFINED, $filterProperty, get_class($filter));
     $xml = $parentObject->xml;
     $doc = new KDOMDocument();
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
     $metadataElements = $xpath->query($parentProperty);
     if ($metadataElements->length == 1) {
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = $metadataElements->item(0)->nodeValue;
     } elseif ($metadataElements->length > 1) {
         $values = array();
         foreach ($metadataElements as $element) {
             $values[] = $element->nodeValue;
         $filter->{$filterProperty} = implode(',', $values);
     } elseif (!$this->allowNull) {
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function patch($version, \DOMDocument $domct, \DOMDocument $domth, Connection $connbas, \unicode $unicode)
     if ($version == "") {
         $th = $domth->documentElement;
         $ct = $domct->documentElement;
         $th->setAttribute("id", "0");
         $xp = new DOMXPath($domth);
         $te = $xp->query("/thesaurus/te");
         if ($te->length > 0) {
             $te0 = $te->item(0);
             $th->setAttribute("nextid", $te0->getAttribute("nextid"));
             $te = $xp->query("te", $te0);
             $te1 = [];
             for ($i = 0; $i < $te->length; $i++) {
                 $te1[] = $te->item($i);
             foreach ($te1 as $tei) {
                 $this->fixThesaurus2($domth, $tei, 0, $unicode);
         $ct->setAttribute("version", $version = "2.0.0");
         $th->setAttribute("version", "2.0.0");
         $th->setAttribute("creation_date", $now = date("YmdHis"));
         $th->setAttribute("modification_date", $now);
         $version = "2.0.0";
     return $version;
  * Returns array, containing detailed results for any Google search.
  * @access       private
  * @param        string        $query      String, containing the search query.
  * @param        string        $tld        String, containing the desired Google top level domain.
  * @return       array                     Returns array, containing the keys 'URL', 'Title' and 'Description'.
 public static function googleArray($query)
     $result = array();
     $pages = 1;
     $delay = 0;
     for ($start = 0; $start < $pages; $start++) {
         $url = 'http://www.google.' . GOOGLE_TLD . '/custom?q=' . $query . '&filter=0' . '&num=100' . ($start == 0 ? '' : '&start=' . $start . '00');
         $str = SEOstats::cURL($url);
         if (preg_match("#answer=86640#i", $str)) {
             $e = 'Please read: http://www.google.com/support/websearch/' . 'bin/answer.py?&answer=86640&hl=en';
             throw new SEOstatsException($e);
         } else {
             $html = new DOMDocument();
             $xpath = new DOMXPath($html);
             $links = $xpath->query("//div[@class='g']//a");
             $descs = $xpath->query("//td[@class='j']//div[@class='std']");
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($links as $link) {
                 if (!preg_match('#cache#si', $link->textContent) && !preg_match('#similar#si', $link->textContent)) {
                     $result[] = array('url' => $link->getAttribute('href'), 'title' => utf8_decode($link->textContent), 'descr' => utf8_decode($descs->item($i)->textContent));
             if (preg_match('#<div id="nn"><\\/div>#i', $str) || preg_match('#<div id=nn><\\/div>#i', $str)) {
                 $pages += 1;
                 $delay += 200000;
             } else {
                 $pages -= 1;
     return $result;
  * Exclude some html parts by class inside content wrapped with TYPO3SEARCH_begin and TYPO3SEARCH_end
  * markers.
  * @param string $indexableContent HTML markup
  * @return string HTML
 public function excludeContentByClass($indexableContent)
     if (empty(trim($indexableContent))) {
         return html_entity_decode($indexableContent);
     $excludeClasses = $this->getConfiguration()->getIndexQueuePagesExcludeContentByClassArray();
     if (count($excludeClasses) === 0) {
         return html_entity_decode($indexableContent);
     $isInContent = Util::containsOneOfTheStrings($indexableContent, $excludeClasses);
     if (!$isInContent) {
         return html_entity_decode($indexableContent);
     $doc = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $doc->loadHTML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL . $indexableContent);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($doc);
     foreach ($excludeClasses as $excludePart) {
         $elements = $xpath->query("//*[contains(@class,'" . $excludePart . "')]");
         if (count($elements) == 0) {
         foreach ($elements as $element) {
     $html = $doc->saveHTML($doc->documentElement->parentNode);
     // remove XML-Preamble, newlines and doctype
     $html = preg_replace('/(<\\?xml[^>]+\\?>|\\r?\\n|<!DOCTYPE.+?>)/imS', '', $html);
     $html = str_replace(array('<html>', '</html>', '<body>', '</body>'), array('', '', '', ''), $html);
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 18
function ConsultarCEP($cep)
    $url = 'http://www.buscacep.correios.com.br/sistemas/buscacep/resultadoBuscaCepEndereco.cfm';
    $fields = array('relaxation' => urlencode(intval($cep)), 'tipoCEP' => urlencode('ALL'), 'semelhante' => urlencode('N'));
    $fields_string = '';
    foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
        $fields_string .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
    rtrim($fields_string, '&');
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $result = utf8_decode(curl_exec($ch));
    $doc = new DOMDocument();
    $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $doc->strictErrorChecking = false;
    $doc->recover = true;
    $doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($result, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
    $query = "//table[@class='tmptabela']//td";
    $entries = $xpath->query($query);
    $uf = explode('/', $entries->item(2)->nodeValue)[1];
    $cidade = explode('/', $entries->item(2)->nodeValue)[0];
    $bairro = substr($entries->item(1)->nodeValue, 0, -2);
    $logradouro = substr($entries->item(0)->nodeValue, 0, -2);
    $return = array('uf' => trim($uf), 'cidade' => trim($cidade), 'bairro' => trim($bairro), 'logradouro' => trim($logradouro));
    if (!empty($return)) {
        return $return;
    } else {
        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected function parseSpecificContributions(&$contribNode)
     if ($contribNode->nodeName != "actions") {
     $actionXpath = new DOMXPath($contribNode->ownerDocument);
     if (!isset($this->options["FTP_LOGIN_SCREEN"]) || $this->options["FTP_LOGIN_SCREEN"] != "TRUE" || $this->options["FTP_LOGIN_SCREEN"] === false) {
         // Remove "ftp_login" && "ftp_set_data" actions
         $nodeList = $actionXpath->query('action[@name="dynamic_login"]', $contribNode);
         if (!$nodeList->length) {
         $nodeList = $actionXpath->query('action[@name="ftp_set_data"]', $contribNode);
         if (!$nodeList->length) {
         $contribNode->removeChild($node = $nodeList->item(0));
     } else {
         // Replace "login" by "dynamic_login"
         $loginList = $actionXpath->query('action[@name="login"]', $contribNode);
         if ($loginList->length && $loginList->item(0)->getAttribute("auth_ftp_impl") == null) {
         $dynaLoginList = $actionXpath->query('action[@name="dynamic_login"]', $contribNode);
         if ($dynaLoginList->length) {
             $dynaLoginList->item(0)->setAttribute("name", "login");
             $dynaLoginList->item(0)->setAttribute("auth_ftp_impl", "true");
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Find all return tags that contain 'self' or '$this' and replace those
  * terms for the name of the current class' type.
  * @param \DOMDocument $xml Structure source to apply behaviour onto.
  * @return \DOMDocument
 public function process(\DOMDocument $xml)
     $this->log('Linking to license URLs in @license tags');
     $licenseMap = array('#^\\s*(GPL|GNU General Public License)((\\s?v?|version)?2)\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0', '#^\\s*(GPL|GNU General Public License)((\\s?v?|version)?3?)\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0', '#^\\s*(LGPL|GNU (Lesser|Library) (General Public License|GPL))' . '((\\s?v?|version)?2(\\.1)?)\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-2.1', '#^\\s*(LGPL|GNU (Lesser|Library) (General Public License|GPL))' . '((\\s?v?|version)?3?)\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0', '#^\\s*((new |revised |modified |three-clause |3-clause )BSD' . '( License)?)\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause', '#^\\s*((simplified |two-clause |2-clause |Free)BSD)( License)?\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause', '#^\\s*MIT( License)?\\s*$#i' => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT');
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml);
     $nodes = $xpath->query('//tag[@name="license"]/@description');
     /** @var \DOMElement $node */
     foreach ($nodes as $node) {
         $license = $node->nodeValue;
         // FIXME: migrate to '#^' . PHPDOC::LINK_REGEX . '(\s+(?P<text>.+))
         // ?$#u' once that const exists
         if (preg_match('#^(?i)\\b(?P<url>(?:https?://|www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.]' . '[a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\))+' . '(?:\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)|' . '[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))(\\s+(?P<text>.+))?$#u', $license, $matches)) {
             if (!isset($matches['text']) || !$matches['text']) {
                 // set text to URL if not present
                 $matches['text'] = $matches['url'];
             $node->parentNode->setAttribute('link', $matches['url']);
             $node->nodeValue = $matches['text'];
             // bail out early
         // check map if any license matches
         foreach ($licenseMap as $regex => $url) {
             if (preg_match($regex, $license, $matches)) {
                 $node->parentNode->setAttribute('link', $url);
                 // we're done here
     return $xml;
 function hook_article_filter($article)
     $owner_uid = $article["owner_uid"];
     if (strpos($article["guid"], "dilbert.com") !== FALSE) {
         if (strpos($article["plugin_data"], "dilbert,{$owner_uid}:") === FALSE) {
             $doc = new DOMDocument();
             $basenode = false;
             if ($doc) {
                 $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
                 $entries = $xpath->query('(//img[@src])');
                 // we might also check for img[@class='strip'] I guess...
                 $matches = array();
                 foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                     if (preg_match("/dyn\\/str_strip\\/.*zoom\\.gif\$/", $entry->getAttribute("src"), $matches)) {
                         $entry->setAttribute("src", rewrite_relative_url("http://dilbert.com/", $matches[0]));
                         $basenode = $entry;
                 if ($basenode) {
                     $article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode);
                     $article["plugin_data"] = "dilbert,{$owner_uid}:" . $article["plugin_data"];
         } else {
             if (isset($article["stored"]["content"])) {
                 $article["content"] = $article["stored"]["content"];
     return $article;
function xsl_transform($filename, $xslname = null)
    // Get the original XML document
    $xml = new DOMDocument();
    if ($xslname == null) {
        // extract bound stylesheet from embedded link
        $xp = new DOMXPath($xml);
        // use xpath to get the directive
        $pi = $xp->evaluate('/processing-instruction("xml-stylesheet")')->item(0);
        // extract the "data" part of it
        $data = $pi->data;
        // find out where the href starts
        $start = strpos($data, 'href=');
        // and extract the stylesheet name
        $xslname = XML_FOLDER . substr($data, $start + 6, -1);
    // load the XSL stylesheet
    $xsl = new DOMDocument();
    // prime the transform engine
    $xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
    // and away we go!
    return $xslt->transformToXml($xml);
Ejemplo n.º 23
     * Constructs a new object object from DOM Document.
     * @param   DomDocument $dom the ReST fragment for this object
    public function __construct(DomDocument $dom)
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

         * @see Zend_Service_Technorati_Author
        require_once 'Zend/Service/Technorati/Author.php';

        $result = $xpath->query('//result');
        if ($result->length == 1) {
            $this->_author = new Zend_Service_Technorati_Author($result->item(0));

         * @see Zend_Service_Technorati_Weblog
        require_once 'Zend/Service/Technorati/Weblog.php';

        $result = $xpath->query('//item/weblog');
        if ($result->length >= 1) {
            foreach ($result as $weblog) {
                $this->_weblogs[] = new Zend_Service_Technorati_Weblog($weblog);
Ejemplo n.º 24
	public function getNames($ids, &$names) {

		$result = false;
		$names = array();
		$onlinePlayers = 0;

		$params = array();
		$params["version"] = "2";
		$params["ids"] = implode(",", $ids);

		if ($this->request("/eve/CharacterName.xml.aspx", $params)) {

			$domPath = new DOMXPath($this->document);

			$nodes = $domPath->query("descendant::rowset[@name='characters']/row");

			foreach ($nodes as $node) {

				$id = $node->getAttribute("characterID");
				$name = $node->getAttribute("name");
				$names[$id] = $name;

			if (count($ids) == count($names))
				$result = true;

		return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function process(array $documents, &$context)
     $document = $documents[self::URL_MEDIA];
     $dom = self::getDOM($document);
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
     Database::delete('mediarelation', ['media_id' => $context->media->id]);
     $data = [];
     foreach ($xpath->query('//table[@class=\'anime_detail_related_anime\']/tr') as $node) {
         $typeMal = strtolower(Strings::removeSpaces($node->childNodes[0]->textContent));
         $type = Strings::makeEnum($typeMal, ['adaptation' => MediaRelation::Adaptation, 'alternative setting' => MediaRelation::AlternativeSetting, 'alternative version' => MediaRelation::AlternativeVersion, 'character' => MediaRelation::Character, 'full story' => MediaRelation::FullStory, 'other' => MediaRelation::Other, 'parent story' => MediaRelation::ParentStory, 'prequel' => MediaRelation::Prequel, 'sequel' => MediaRelation::Sequel, 'side story' => MediaRelation::SideStory, 'spin-off' => MediaRelation::SpinOff, 'summary' => MediaRelation::Summary], null);
         if ($type === null) {
             throw new BadProcessorDocumentException($document, 'unknown relation type: ' . $typeMal);
         $links = $node->childNodes[1]->getElementsByTagName('a');
         foreach ($links as $link) {
             $link = $link->getAttribute('href');
             if (preg_match('#^/(anime|manga)/([0-9]+)/#', $link, $matches)) {
                 $idMal = Strings::makeInteger($matches[2]);
                 if ($matches[1] === 'anime') {
                     $media = Media::Anime;
                 } elseif ($matches[1] === 'manga') {
                     $media = Media::Manga;
                 $data[] = ['media_id' => $context->media->id, 'mal_id' => $idMal, 'media' => $media, 'type' => $type];
     Database::insert('mediarelation', $data);
     $context->relationData = $data;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 function addTrustedClient($ip, $desc, $appId)
     $requestURI = $this->PIDS_SERVICE_BASE_URI . 'addClient';
     $requestURI .= "?ip=" . $ip . "&desc=" . $desc;
     $requestURI .= strlen($appId) == 40 ? "&appId=" . $appId : '';
     $response = file_get_contents($requestURI);
     $result_array = array();
     if (!$response) {
         $result_array['errorMessages'] = "Error whilst attempting to fetch from URI: " . $this->PIDS_SERVICE_BASE_URI;
     } else {
         $responseDOMDoc = new DOMDocument();
         $result = $responseDOMDoc->loadXML($response);
         if ($result) {
             $messageType = strtoupper($responseDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName("response")->item(0)->getAttribute("type"));
             if ($messageType == 'SUCCESS') {
                 $xPath = new DOMXPath($responseDOMDoc);
                 $nodeList = $xPath->query("//property[@name='appId']");
                 $appId = $nodeList->item(0)->getAttribute("value");
                 if (strlen($appId) == 40) {
                     $result_array['app_id'] = $appId;
                 } else {
                     $result_array['errorMessages'] = "Could not extract appId. Status of request unknown.<br/>";
             } elseif ($messageType == 'FAILURE') {
                 foreach ($responseDOMDoc->getElementsByTagName("response")->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("message") as $message) {
                     $result_array['errorMessages'] = $message->nodeValue . "<br/>";
         } else {
             $result_array['errorMessages'] = "Error whilst attempting to load XML response. Response could not be parsed.";
     return $result_array;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected function describeAnalysis(Analysis $analysis, array $options = array())
     $output = $options['output'];
     $xml = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($xml);
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $xml->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
     $pmd = $xml->createElement('pmd');
     $pmd->setAttribute('timestamp', $analysis->getEndAt()->format('c'));
     foreach ($analysis->getViolations() as $violation) {
          * @var $violation \SensioLabs\Insight\Sdk\Model\Violation
         $filename = $violation->getResource();
         $nodes = $xpath->query(sprintf('//file[@name="%s"]', $filename));
         if ($nodes->length > 0) {
             $node = $nodes->item(0);
         } else {
             $node = $xml->createElement('file');
             $node->setAttribute('name', $filename);
         $violationNode = $xml->createElement('violation', $violation->getMessage());
         $violationNode->setAttribute('beginline', $violation->getLine());
         $violationNode->setAttribute('endline', $violation->getLine());
         $violationNode->setAttribute('rule', $violation->getTitle());
         $violationNode->setAttribute('ruleset', $violation->getCategory());
         $violationNode->setAttribute('priority', $this->getPriority($violation));
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * get rendered menu and adds drop down markup
  * @param string $html rendered navigation
  * @param string $class css class to check for adding drop down
  * @return string
 public function __invoke($html, $class = 'toplevel', $toggle = false)
     $domDoc = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
     $domDoc->loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $html);
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($domDoc);
     foreach ($xpath->query('//a[starts-with(@class, "' . $class . '")]') as $item) {
         $result = $xpath->query('../ul', $item);
         if ($result->length === 1) {
             $ul = $result->item(0);
             $ul->setAttribute('class', 'dropdown-menu');
             $li = $item->parentNode;
             $li->setAttribute('id', substr($item->getAttribute('href'), 1));
             if (($existingClass = $li->getAttribute('class')) !== '') {
                 $li->setAttribute('class', $existingClass . ' dropdown');
             } else {
                 $li->setAttribute('class', 'dropdown');
             if ($toggle) {
                 $item->setAttribute('data-toggle', 'dropdown');
             if (($existingClass = $item->getAttribute('class')) !== '') {
                 $item->setAttribute('class', $item->getAttribute('class') . ' dropdown-toggle');
             } else {
                 $item->setAttribute('class', 'dropdown-toggle');
             $space = $domDoc->createTextNode(' ');
             $caret = $domDoc->createElement('b', '');
             $caret->setAttribute('class', 'caret');
     return $domDoc->saveXML($xpath->query('/ul')->item(0), LIBXML_NOEMPTYTAG);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Filter XHtml document
  * Filter for the document, which may modify / restructure a document and
  * assign semantic information bits to the elements in the tree.
  * @param DOMDocument $document
  * @return DOMDocument
 public function filter(DOMDocument $document)
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($document);
     // Find all tables
     $tables = $xpath->query('//*[local-name() = "table"]');
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         // Ignore tables, which again contain tables, as these most
         // probably contain the website content somehow.
         if ($xpath->query('.//*[local-name() = "table"]', $table)->length > 0) {
         // Extract all cells from the table and check what they contain
         $cells = $xpath->query('.//*[local-name() = "td"] | .//*[local-name() = "th"]', $table);
         $cellCount = $cells->length;
         $cellContentCount = 0;
         foreach ($cells as $cell) {
             $cellContentCount += (int) $this->cellHasContent($cell);
         // Completely remove table, if it does not meet the configured
         // expectations
         if ($cellContentCount / $cellCount < $this->threshold) {
         // Tables with only one column are most probably also used only for
         // layout. We remove them, too.
         if ($xpath->query('.//*[local-name() = "tr"]', $table)->length >= $cellCount) {
Ejemplo n.º 30
 function hook_article_filter($article)
     if (strpos($article["link"], "titanic-magazin.de") !== FALSE) {
         $doc = new DOMDocument();
         @$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding(fetch_file_contents($article["link"]), 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8"));
         $basenode = false;
         if ($doc) {
             $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
             // first remove advertisement + tracking stuff
             $stuff = $xpath->query('(//script)|(//noscript)|(//form)|(//a[@name="form"])|(//p)|(//a[@href="newsticker.html"])');
             foreach ($stuff as $removethis) {
                 if ($removethis->localName === "p") {
                     if ($removethis->textContent == "bezahlte Anzeige") {
                 } else {
             // now get the (cleaned) article
             $entries = $xpath->query('(//div[@class="tt_news-bodytext"])');
             foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                 $basenode = $entry;
             if ($basenode) {
                 $article["content"] = $doc->saveXML($basenode);
     return $article;