function DisplayForm($obj = '') { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; $isEdit = is_object($obj); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FAQQUESTION, $isEdit ? DCL_PERM_MODIFY : DCL_PERM_ADD)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $t =& CreateSmarty(); $t->assign('IS_EDIT', $isEdit); if ($isEdit) { $t->assign('VAL_SEQ', $obj->seq); $t->assign('VAL_QUESTIONTEXT', $obj->questiontext); $t->assign('VAL_TOPICID', $obj->topicid); $t->assign('VAL_QUESTIONID', $obj->questionid); } else { if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['topicid'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $t->assign('VAL_SEQ', ''); $t->assign('VAL_QUESTIONTEXT', ''); $t->assign('VAL_TOPICID', $id); } SmartyDisplay($t, 'htmlFaqquestionsForm.tpl'); }
function show() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ADMIN, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $objPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.htmlPersonnel'); $oDBPersonnel = CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel'); if ($oDBPersonnel->Load($GLOBALS['DCLID']) == -1) { return; } $t =& CreateSmarty(); $oSelect = CreateObject('dcl.htmlSelect'); $t->assign('CMB_USERS', $objPersonnel->GetCombo(0, 'responsible', 'lastfirst', 0, false)); $begindate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['begindate']); if ($begindate !== null) { $t->assign('VAL_BEGINDATE', $begindate); } else { $t->assign('VAL_BEGINDATE', ''); } $enddate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDate($_REQUEST['enddate']); if ($enddate !== null) { $t->assign('VAL_ENDDATE', $enddate); } else { $t->assign('VAL_ENDDATE', ''); } SmartyDisplay($t, 'htmlSecAuditBrowse.tpl'); }
function _SetActionFormOptions() { global $g_oSec; $aLinks = array(); if (($product_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product_id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCTMODULE, DCL_PERM_ADD)) { $aLinks[STR_CMMN_NEW] = menuLink('', 'menuAction=htmlProductModules.add&product_id=' . $product_id); } if ($g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCT, DCL_PERM_VIEW)) { $aLinks['Detail'] = menuLink('', 'menuAction=boProducts.view&id=' . $product_id); } $this->_SetVar('hActionLinkSetLinks', ''); $bFirst = true; foreach ($aLinks as $sText => $sLink) { if ($bFirst) { $bFirst = false; } else { $this->Template->parse('hActionLinkSetLinks', 'actionLinkSetSep', true); } $this->_SetVar('LNK_ACTIONVALUE', $sLink); $this->_SetVar('VAL_ACTIONVALUE', $sText); $this->Template->parse('hActionLinkSetLinks', 'actionLinkSetLink', true); } $this->Template->parse('hActionLinkSet', 'actionLinkSet'); $this->Template->parse('hActions', 'actions'); }
function ShowPage($sPage) { global $g_oSec, $dcl_info; commonHeader(); if (($productid = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCT, DCL_PERM_VIEW, $productid)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $this->oProduct =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProducts'); if ($this->oProduct->Load($productid) == -1) { trigger_error('Could not find a product with an id of ' . $productid, E_USER_ERROR); return; } $this->oSmarty->assign('VAL_ID', $this->oProduct->id); $this->oSmarty->assign('VAL_NAME', $this->oProduct->name); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_VIEWWO', $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_VIEW)); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_VIEWTCK', $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_TICKET, DCL_PERM_VIEW)); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_WIKI', $dcl_info['DCL_WIKI_ENABLED'] == 'Y' && $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCT, DCL_PERM_VIEWWIKI)); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_EDIT', $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCT, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_DELETE', $g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PRODUCT, DCL_PERM_DELETE)); $this->oSmarty->assign('PERM_VERSIONS', $dcl_info['DCL_BUILD_MANAGER_ENABLED'] == 'Y' && $this->oProduct->is_versioned == 'Y'); SmartyDisplay($this->oSmarty, $sPage); }
function DisplayForm($obj = '') { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; $isEdit = is_object($obj); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FAQTOPIC, $isEdit ? DCL_PERM_MODIFY : DCL_PERM_ADD)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $t =& CreateSmarty(); $t->assign('IS_EDIT', $isEdit); if ($isEdit) { $t->assign('VAL_SEQ', $obj->seq); $t->assign('VAL_NAME', $obj->name); $t->assign('VAL_DESCRIPTION', $obj->description); $t->assign('VAL_FAQID', $obj->faqid); $t->assign('VAL_TOPICID', $obj->topicid); } else { if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['faqid'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $t->assign('TXT_TITLE', STR_FAQ_ADDFAQTOPIC); $t->assign('VAL_SEQ', ''); $t->assign('VAL_NAME', ''); $t->assign('VAL_DESCRIPTION', ''); $t->assign('VAL_FAQID', $id); } SmartyDisplay($t, 'htmlFaqtopicsForm.tpl'); }
function ListVersions() { // FIXME: application/x-javascript for Opera header('Content-Type: application/json'); $product_id = @DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['product_id']); if ($product_id === null) { exit; } $oDB = CreateObject('dcl.dbProductVersion'); $aOptions = $oDB->GetOptions('product_version_id', 'product_version_text', 'active', isset($_REQUEST['active']) && $_REQUEST['active'] == 'Y', '', "product_id={$product_id}"); $bFirst = true; echo '{'; echo '"totalRecords":', count($aOptions), ','; echo '"data":['; for ($i = 0; $i < count($aOptions); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { echo ','; } echo '{'; echo '"id":', $aOptions[$i]['product_version_id'], ','; echo '"text":"', str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $aOptions[$i]['product_version_text'])), '"'; echo '}'; } echo ']}'; exit; }
function ListMainContacts($org_id) { if (($org_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($org_id)) === null) { return; } $sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT C.last_name, C.first_name, C.contact_id\n\t\t\t\tFROM dcl_contact C \n\t\t\t\t" . $this->JoinKeyword . " dcl_contact_type_xref CTX ON C.contact_id = CTX.contact_id \n\t\t\t\t" . $this->JoinKeyword . " dcl_contact_type CT ON CTX.contact_type_id = CT.contact_type_id\n\t\t\t\t" . $this->JoinKeyword . " dcl_org_contact OC ON C.contact_id = OC.contact_id \n\t\t\t\tWHERE OC.org_id = {$org_id}\n\t\t\t\tAND CT.contact_type_is_main = 'Y' \n\t\t\t\tORDER BY C.last_name, C.first_name, C.contact_id"; $this->Query($sSQL); }
function HasChecklists($id) { if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($id)) == NULL) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } return $this->ExecuteScalar('select count(*) from dcl_chklst where dcl_chklst_tpl_id = ' . $id) > 0; }
function submitModify() { global $g_oSession, $dcl_info, $g_oSec; if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_PREFS, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $bHasChanges = false; $o = CreateObject('dcl.dbPreferences'); $o->personnel_id = $GLOBALS['DCLID']; $o->preferences_data = $g_oSession->Value('dcl_preferences'); if (!isset($o->preferences_data) || !is_array($o->preferences_data) || count($o->preferences_data) < 1) { $o->preferences_data = array('DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET' => $dcl_info['DCL_DEF_TEMPLATE_SET'], 'DCL_PREF_LANGUAGE' => $dcl_info['DCL_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'], 'DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT' => 'N', 'DCL_PREF_CREATED_WATCH_OPTION' => 4); $o->Add(); $bHasChanges = true; } $sOldTpl = $o->preferences_data['DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET']; foreach ($_REQUEST as $pref => $setting) { if (substr($pref, 0, 9) != 'DCL_PREF_') { continue; } if ($pref == 'DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT') { $setting = DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($_REQUEST['DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT']); } if ($o->Value($pref) != $setting) { $bHasChanges = true; $o->Register($pref, $setting); } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT'])) { $bHasChanges = true; $o->Register('DCL_PREF_NOTIFY_DEFAULT', 'N'); } if ($bHasChanges) { $o->Edit(); $g_oSession->Register('dcl_preferences', $o->preferences_data); $g_oSession->Edit(); } // Template change? $sNewTpl = $o->preferences_data['DCL_PREF_TEMPLATE_SET']; if ($sNewTpl != $sOldTpl) { // Do we need to break out of frames? $menuAction = 'menuAction=htmlPreferences.modify'; $sNewIsFramed = file_exists(DCL_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php'); $sOldIsFramed = file_exists(DCL_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sOldTpl . '/frameset.php'); if ($sOldIsFramed) { if ($sNewIsFramed) { RefreshTop(menuLink(DCL_WWW_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php', $menuAction)); } else { RefreshTop(menuLink('', $menuAction)); } } else { if ($sNewIsFramed) { RefreshTop(menuLink(DCL_WWW_ROOT . 'templates/' . $sNewTpl . '/frameset.php', $menuAction)); } } } $this->modify(); }
function modify($aSource) { $aSource['active'] = @DCL_Sanitize::ToYN($aSource['active']); parent::modify($aSource); $oWSP = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkspaceProduct'); $oWSP->serialize($aSource['workspace_id'], $aSource['products'], false); $oWSU = CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkspaceUser'); $oWSU->serialize($this->oDB->workspace_id, $aSource['users'], false); }
function ListByOrg($org_id) { if (($org_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($org_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->SelectAllColumns() . ' FROM ' . $this->TableName . ' WHERE org_id = ' . $org_id; return $this->Query($sql); }
function HasSpecificRole($role_id) { // Checks the current user for specific role - should only be used by custom plugins if (($role_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($role_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return false; } $oDB =& CreateObject('dcl.dbUserRole'); return $oDB->HasSpecificRole($GLOBALS['DCLID'], $role_id); }
function GetPrimaryPhone($iOrgID) { if (($iOrgID = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($iOrgID)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } if ($this->Query("SELECT pt.phone_type_name, p.phone_number FROM dcl_org_phone p, dcl_phone_type pt WHERE p.phone_type_id = pt.phone_type_id AND p.org_id = {$iOrgID} AND preferred = 'Y'") != -1) { return $this->next_record(); } return false; }
function ListByContact($contact_id) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT a.contact_addr_id, a.contact_id, a.addr_type_id, a.add1, a.add2,, a.state,,, a.preferred, t.addr_type_name'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->TableName . ' a, dcl_addr_type t WHERE a.contact_id = ' . $contact_id . ' AND t.addr_type_id = a.addr_type_id'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY t.addr_type_name'; return $this->Query($sql); }
function ListByOrg($org_id) { if (($org_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($org_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT, op.org_id,'; $sql .= ' FROM dcl_org_product_xref op, products p WHERE op.org_id = ' . $org_id . ' AND = op.product_id'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY'; return $this->Query($sql); }
function ListByContact($contact_id) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT l.contact_license_id, l.contact_id, l.product_id, l.product_version, l.license_id, l.registered_on, l.expires_on, l.license_notes,'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->TableName . ' l, products p WHERE l.contact_id = ' . $contact_id . ' AND = l.product_id'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY, l.expires_on DESC, l.license_id'; return $this->Query($sql); }
function GetPrimaryEmail($iOrgID) { if (($iOrgID = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($iOrgID)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } if ($this->Query("SELECT et.email_type_name, e.email_addr FROM dcl_org_email e, dcl_email_type et WHERE e.email_type_id = et.email_type_id AND e.org_id = {$iOrgID} AND e.preferred = 'Y'") != -1) { return $this->next_record(); } return false; }
function GetPrimaryUrl($contact_id) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } if ($this->Query("SELECT ut.url_type_name, u.url_addr FROM dcl_contact_url u, dcl_url_type ut WHERE u.url_type_id = ut.url_type_id AND u.contact_id = {$contact_id} AND preferred = 'Y'") != -1) { return $this->next_record(); } return false; }
function ListByContact($contact_id) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT u.contact_type_id, u.contact_id, t.contact_type_name'; $sql .= ' FROM dcl_contact_type_xref u, dcl_contact_type t WHERE u.contact_id = ' . $contact_id . ' AND t.contact_type_id = u.contact_type_id'; $sql .= ' ORDER BY t.contact_type_name'; return $this->Query($sql); }
function GetPrimaryEmailByUserID($iUserID) { if (($iUserID = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($iUserID)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } if ($this->Query("SELECT et.email_type_name, e.email_addr FROM dcl_contact_email e, dcl_email_type et, personnel p WHERE p.contact_id = e.contact_id AND e.email_type_id = et.email_type_id AND = {$iUserID} AND e.preferred = 'Y'") != -1) { return $this->next_record(); } return false; }
function ShowResults() { global $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_ADMIN, DCL_PERM_MODIFY)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $begindate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDateTime($_REQUEST['begindate'] . ' 00:00:00.00'); $enddate = @DCL_Sanitize::ToDateTime($_REQUEST['enddate'] . ' 23:59:59.99'); $responsible = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['responsible']); if ($begindate === null || $enddate === null) { commonHeader(); trigger_error(STR_SEC_DATEERR, E_USER_ERROR); $this->Show(false); return; } $objDBPer =& CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel'); $objDBSA =& CreateObject('dcl.dbSecAudit'); $objDB = new DCLDb(); $sCols = ', ' . $objDBSA->ConvertTimestamp('SA.actionon', 'actionon') . ', SA.actiontxt, SA.actionparam'; $sCols .= ', ' . $objDBPer->SelectAllColumns('Pers.'); $sQuery = "SELECT {$sCols}\n\t\t\tFROM {$objDBSA->TableName} SA INNER JOIN {$objDBPer->TableName} Pers on \n\t\t\ = \n\t\t\tWHERE SA.actionon BETWEEN " . $objDBSA->DisplayToSQL($begindate) . ' and ' . $objDBSA->DisplayToSQL($enddate); if ($responsible == 0) { $respname = STR_SEC_ALLUSERS; } else { $objDBPer->Load($responsible); $respname = $objDBPer->short; $sQuery .= ' AND' . $responsible; } $sQuery .= ' ORDER BY SA.actionon'; $reportAr = null; if ($objDB->Query($sQuery) != -1) { if ($objDB->next_record()) { $idx = -1; do { $idx++; $reportAr[$idx][] = $objDB->f('short'); $reportAr[$idx][] = $objDB->FormatTimeStampForDisplay($objDB->f('actionon')); $reportAr[$idx][] = $objDB->f('actiontxt'); $reportAr[$idx][] = $objDB->f('actionparam'); } while ($objDB->next_record()); } else { trigger_error(STR_SEC_RPTNODATA, E_USER_ERROR); $this->Show(false); return; } } $obj =& CreateObject('dcl.htmlSecAudit'); if (!$obj->Render($reportAr, $begindate, $enddate, $respname)) { trigger_error(STR_SEC_RPTERROR, E_USER_ERROR); $this->Show(false); return; } }
function modify() { commonHeader(); if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $oPersonnel =& CreateObject('dcl.dbPersonnel'); if ($oPersonnel->Load($id) != -1) { $this->ShowEntryForm($oPersonnel); } }
function LoadMapForType($setid, $typeid) { if (($setid = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($setid)) == NULL || ($typeid = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($typeid)) == NULL) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $this->Clear(); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM attributesetsmap WHERE setid=' . $setid . ' AND typeid=' . $typeid . ' ORDER BY weight'; if (!$this->Query($sql)) { return -1; } return 1; }
function updateOrgs($contact_id, &$aOrgID) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $aOrgID = DCL_Sanitize::ToIntArray($aOrgID); if ($aOrgID === null || count($aOrgID) == 0) { $aOrgID = array("-1"); } $sOrgID = join(',', $aOrgID); $this->Execute("DELETE FROM dcl_org_contact WHERE contact_id = {$contact_id} AND org_id NOT IN ({$sOrgID})"); $this->Execute("INSERT INTO dcl_org_contact (org_id, contact_id, created_on, created_by) SELECT org_id, {$contact_id}, " . $this->GetDateSQL() . ", " . $GLOBALS['DCLID'] . " FROM dcl_org WHERE org_id IN ({$sOrgID}) AND org_id NOT IN (SELECT org_id FROM dcl_org_contact WHERE contact_id = {$contact_id})"); }
function CloseAllIncompleteTasksForWorkOrder($wo_id, $seq) { global $DCLID; if (($wo_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($wo_id)) === null || ($seq = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($seq)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.', E_USER_ERROR); return; } if ($this->GetCountIncompleteTasksForWorkOrder($wo_id, $seq) > 0) { $this->Execute("UPDATE dcl_wo_task SET task_complete = 'Y', task_complete_by = {$DCLID}, task_complete_dt = " . $this->GetDateSQL() . " WHERE wo_id = {$wo_id} AND seq = {$seq} AND task_complete = 'N'"); return true; } return false; }
function GetPrimaryAddress($iOrgID) { if (($iOrgID = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($iOrgID)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $sql = 'SELECT a.org_addr_id, a.org_id, a.addr_type_id, a.add1, a.add2,, a.state,,, a.preferred, t.addr_type_name'; $sql .= ' FROM ' . $this->TableName . ' a, dcl_addr_type t WHERE a.org_id = ' . $iOrgID . ' AND t.addr_type_id = a.addr_type_id'; $sql .= " AND a.preferred = 'Y'"; if ($this->Query($sql) != -1) { return $this->next_record(); } return false; }
function show() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; commonHeader(); if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER, DCL_PERM_REPORT)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } if (($type = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['type'])) === null || ($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $oSmarty =& CreateSmarty(); $oAudit =& CreateObject('dcl.boAudit'); switch ($type) { case DCL_ENTITY_WORKORDER: if (($id2 = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['id2'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $this->aAudit = $oAudit->LoadDiff('dbWorkorders', array('jcn' => $id, 'seq' => $id2)); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_ID', sprintf('%d-%d', $id, $id2)); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_SUMMARY', $this->oMeta->GetWorkOrder($id, $id2)); $oSmarty->assign('LNK_BACK', menuLink('', "menuAction=boWorkorders.viewjcn&jcn={$id}&seq={$id2}")); $oAccount =& CreateObject('dcl.dbWorkOrderAccount'); $this->aAuditAccount = $oAccount->AuditWorkOrderList($id, $id2); $oProject =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProjectmap'); $this->aAuditProject = $oProject->AuditWorkOrderList($id, $id2); break; case DCL_ENTITY_PROJECT: $this->aAudit = $oAudit->LoadDiff('dbProjects', array('projectid' => $id)); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_ID', $id); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_SUMMARY', $this->oMeta->GetProject($id)); $oSmarty->assign('LNK_BACK', menuLink('', "menuAction=boProjects.viewproject&wostatus=0&project={$id}")); $oProject =& CreateObject('dcl.dbProjectmap'); $this->aAuditWorkOrder = $oProject->AuditProjectList($id); break; case DCL_ENTITY_TICKET: $this->aAudit = $oAudit->LoadDiff('dbTickets', array('ticketid' => $id)); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_ID', $id); $oSmarty->assign('VAL_SUMMARY', $this->oMeta->GetTicket($id)); $oSmarty->assign('LNK_BACK', menuLink('', "menuAction=boTickets.view&ticketid={$id}")); break; } $this->prepareForDisplay(); $oSmarty->assign_by_ref('VAL_AUDITTRAIL', $this->aAudit); $oSmarty->assign_by_ref('VAL_AUDITACCOUNT', $this->aAuditAccount); $oSmarty->assign_by_ref('VAL_AUDITPROJECT', $this->aAuditProject); $oSmarty->assign_by_ref('VAL_AUDITWORKORDER', $this->aAuditWorkOrder); SmartyDisplay($oSmarty, 'htmlAuditTrail.tpl'); }
function ShowView() { commonHeader(); if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } $oDB = CreateObject('dcl.dbViews'); if ($oDB->Load($id) != -1) { $oView = CreateObject('dcl.boView'); $oView->SetFromURLString($oDB->viewurl); $this->Show($oView); } }
function GetFirstOrg($contact_id) { if (($contact_id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($contact_id)) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return -1; } $aRetVal = array(); $sSQL = 'SELECT O.org_id, FROM dcl_org O ' . $this->JoinKeyword . " dcl_org_contact OC ON O.org_id = OC.org_id WHERE OC.contact_id = {$contact_id} ORDER BY"; if ($this->LimitQuery($sSQL, 0, 1) != -1) { if ($this->next_record()) { $aRetVal = $this->Record; } } return $aRetVal; }
function modify() { global $dcl_info, $g_oSec; if (($id = DCL_Sanitize::ToInt($_REQUEST['dcl_chklst_tpl_id'])) === null) { trigger_error('Data sanitize failed.'); return; } if (!$g_oSec->HasPerm(DCL_ENTITY_FORMTEMPLATES, DCL_PERM_MODIFY, $id)) { return PrintPermissionDenied(); } $o = CreateObject('dcl.dbChklstTpl'); if ($o->Load($id) == -1) { return; } $this->showForm($o); }