Ejemplo n.º 1
function changemoney($unittype, $clientid, $money, $type)
    //$type =0表示应收 , 1表示应付
    //$unittype = 2 表示供应商,1代表客户
    //$clientid 往来单位id号
    $db = new DB_test();
    if ($type == 0) {
        $endmoney = $money;
    } else {
        $endmoney = -$money;
    $query = "select * from tb_ysyfmoney where fd_ysyfm_type = '{$unittype}'\n\t          and fd_ysyfm_companyid = '{$clientid}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldmoney = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_money);
        $listid = $db->f(fd_ysyfm_id);
        $newmoney = $oldmoney + $endmoney;
        $query = "update tb_ysyfmoney set fd_ysyfm_money = '{$newmoney}'\n\t\t         where fd_ysyfm_id = '{$listid}' ";
    } else {
        $query = "insert into tb_ysyfmoney(\n\t            fd_ysyfm_type     , fd_ysyfm_companyid , fd_ysyfm_money       \n\t            )values(\n\t            '{$unittype}'   , '{$clientid}'        , '{$endmoney}'    \n\t            )";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function checkstorage($batches, $commid, $endquantity, $cost, $listid, $listno, $listtype, $memo)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_sect_cost from tb_storagecost where fd_sect_commid = '{$commid}'  ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldcost = $db->f(fd_sect_cost);
    $query = "select sum(fd_skqy_quantity) as allquantity from tb_paycardstockquantity \n\t          where fd_skqy_commid = '{$commid}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldquantity = $db->f(allquantity);
        $newquantity = $oldquantity + $endquantity;
        if ($newquantity == 0) {
            $newmoney = $oldcost * $oldquantity + $cost * $endquantity;
        } else {
            $newmoney = 0;
    } else {
        $newmoney = 0;
    if ($newmoney != 0) {
        $formermoney = $oldcost * $oldquantity;
        $aftermoney = $cost * $endquantity;
        $query = "insert into tb_intocompensatory (\n  \t          fd_iocy_date       ,  fd_iocy_listid          ,  fd_iocy_listtype       , \n  \t          fd_iocy_paycardid     ,  fd_iocy_formermoney     ,  fd_iocy_aftermoney     , \n  \t          fd_iocy_memo       ,  fd_iocy_formercost      ,  fd_iocy_aftercost      ,\n  \t          fd_iocy_listno     ,  fd_iocy_formerquantity  ,  fd_iocy_afterquantity   \n  \t          )values(\n  \t          now()            ,  '{$listid}'           ,  '{$listtype}'        ,\n  \t          '{$paycardid}'        ,  '{$formermoney}'      ,  '{$aftermoney}'      ,\n  \t          '{$memo}'          ,  '{$oldcost}'          ,  '{$cost}'            ,\n  \t          '{$listno}'        ,  '{$oldquantity}'      ,  '{$endquantity}'     \n\t\t\t\n  \t          )";
    return $newmoney;
function basicnumber_update($listtype)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_basicnumber where fd_bcnr_typeid = '{$listtype}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $tmp_basicnumber = $db->f(fd_bcnr_design);
        $ltctcount = $db->f(fd_bcnr_count) + 1;
        $query = "update tb_basicnumber set\n\t              fd_bcnr_count = fd_bcnr_count+1\n\t              where fd_bcnr_typeid = '{$listtype}' ";
        if ($ltctcount < 10) {
            $endltctcount = "000" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 10000 and $ltctcount >= 1000) {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 1000 and $ltctcount >= 100) {
            $endltctcount = "0" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 100 and $ltctcount >= 10) {
            $endltctcount = "00" . $ltctcount;
        } else {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        $listno = str_replace("{list_number}", $endltctcount, $tmp_basicnumber);
    return $listno;
Ejemplo n.º 4
function order_creat_fplist($listid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db2 = new DB_test();
    $dberp = new DB_erp2();
    $query = "select * from web_invoicesq \n\t            left join tb_organmem on fd_organmem_id = fd_ivcsq_memberid\n\t            where fd_ivcsq_id = '{$listid}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $iecrid = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_fpcusid);
        $iecrno = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_fpcusno);
        $iecrname = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_fpcusname);
        $orderid = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_orderid);
        $fptype = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_fptype);
        $money = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_money);
        $memo = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_memo);
        $fpusename = $db->f(fd_organmem_comnpany);
        $fpuseid = $db->f(fd_ivcsq_memberid);
        if ($invoicetype == "普通发票") {
            $invoicetype = 1;
        } else {
            $invoicetype = 0;
        $s_orderid = implode(",", explode("@@@", $orderid));
        $query = "select * from web_order \n              where fd_order_id in ({$s_orderid}) ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $sdcrid = $db->f(fd_order_sdcrid);
            if ($sdcrid == 1) {
                $mscompanyid = 1;
            } else {
                if ($sdcrid == 2) {
                    $mscompanyid = 4;
                } else {
                    if ($sdcrid == 3) {
                        $mscompanyid = 13;
                    } else {
                        if ($sdcrid == 4) {
                            $mscompanyid = 9;
                        } else {
                            if ($sdcrid == 5) {
                                $mscompanyid = 11;
        $issue = date("Y", mktime()) . date("m", mktime());
        $listno = listnumber_update();
        $query = "insert into tb_invoiceapply(\n\t              fd_ieay_listno      ,   fd_ieay_iecrid     , fd_ieay_iecrno        ,\n\t              fd_ieay_iecrname    ,   fd_ieay_sporganid  , fd_ieay_date          , \n\t              fd_ieay_mscompanyid ,   fd_ieay_issue      , fd_ieay_staname       ,\n\t              fd_ieay_invoicetype ,   fd_ieay_sdcrid     , fd_ieay_cporganid     ,   \n\t              fd_ieay_xjmoney     ,   fd_ieay_yhmoney    , fd_ieay_spsdcrid      ,\n\t              fd_ieay_memo        ,   fd_ieay_dziecrid   , fd_ieay_sqinvoicetype ,\n\t              fd_ieay_sqmscid     ,   fd_ieay_sqyhmoney  , fd_ieay_sqxjmoney     ,\n\t              fd_ieay_websqid     ,   fd_ieay_fpuseid    , fd_ieay_fpusename\n\t              )values(\n\t              '{$listno}'           ,   '{$iecrid}'          , '{$iecrno}'             ,\n\t              '{$iecrname}'         ,   '1'                , now()                 ,\n\t              '{$mscompanyid}'      ,   '{$issue}'           , '网站'                ,\n\t              '{$invoicetype}'      ,   '{$sdcrid}'          , '1'                   ,   \n\t              '0'                 ,   '{$money}'            , '{$sdcrid}'            ,\n\t              '{$memo}'             ,   '{$iecrid}'          , '{$invoicetype}'        ,\n\t              '{$mscompanyid}'      ,   '0'                , '{$money}'              ,\n\t              '{$listid}'           ,   '{$fpuseid}'         , '{$fpusename}'\n\t              )";
function listnumber_update($listtype)
    //global $loginorganno ;
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_listnumber where fd_ltnr_typeid = '{$listtype}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $tmp_listnumber = $db->f(fd_ltnr_design);
        $isdateauto = $db->f(fd_ltnr_isdateauto);
        $datetype = $db->f(fd_ltnr_datetype);
        $year = date("Y", mktime());
        $month = date("m", mktime());
        $day = date("d", mktime());
        if ($isdateauto == 1) {
            $sqlwhere = " and fd_ltct_date = '{$year}-{$month}-{$day}' ";
        } else {
            $sqlwhere = " ";
        $ltctcount = 1;
        $query = "select * from tb_listcount where fd_ltct_ltnrtypeid = '{$listtype}' {$sqlwhere} ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $ltctcount = $db->f(fd_ltct_count) + 1;
            $ltctid = $db->f(fd_ltct_id);
            $query = "update tb_listcount set\n\t              fd_ltct_count = fd_ltct_count+1\n\t              where fd_ltct_id = '{$ltctid}' ";
        } else {
            $query = "insert into tb_listcount(\n\t              fd_ltct_count , fd_ltct_date , fd_ltct_ltnrtypeid\n\t              )values(\n\t              1             , now()        , '{$listtype}'\n\t              )";
        if ($ltctcount < 10) {
            $endltctcount = "00" . $ltctcount;
        } elseif ($ltctcount < 100 and $ltctcount >= 10) {
            $endltctcount = "0" . $ltctcount;
        } else {
            $endltctcount = $ltctcount;
        if ($datetype == 1) {
            $tmp_listnumber = str_replace("{listno_date}", $year . $month . $day, $tmp_listnumber);
        } else {
            $endyear = substr($year, 2, 2);
            $tmp_listnumber = str_replace("{listno_date}", $endyear . $month . $day, $tmp_listnumber);
        $listno = str_replace("{list_number}", $endltctcount, $tmp_listnumber);
    return $listno;
Ejemplo n.º 6
function addelete($dateid, $scatid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select *from tb_upload_category_list where fd_cat_dateid='{$dateid}' and fd_cat_scatid='{$scatid}'";
    $url = $db->f(fd_cat_url);
    $thumurl = $db->f(fd_cat_thumurl);
    $del = "delete from tb_upload_category_list  where fd_cat_dateid='{$dateid}' and fd_cat_scatid='{$scatid}'";
function getmemkpFilepath($fcatid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from tb_scategoty where fd_scat_fcatid='{$fcatid}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $arr_scatid[] = $db->f(fd_scat_id);
            $arr_fcatid[] = $db->f(fd_scat_fcatid);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_scatid); $i++) {
        $query = "select * from tb_category_list where fd_cat_scatid='{$arr_scatid[$i]}'";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            while ($db->next_record()) {
                $catid = $db->f(fd_cat_id);
                $filename = $db->f(fd_cat_name);
                $picname = $db->f(fd_cat_url);
                $thumrul = $db->f(fd_cat_thumurl);
                $display = $db->f(fd_cat_display);
                $arr_list[] = array("vid" => $catid, "scatid" => $arr_scatid[$i], "filename" => $filename, "picname" => $picname, "picurl" => $thumrul, "display" => $display);
        } else {
            $arr_list[] = array("vid" => "", "scatid" => $arr_scatid[$i], "filename" => "", "picname" => "", "picurl" => "", "display" => "");
    $returnarray = $arr_list;
    return $returnarray;
Ejemplo n.º 8
function kickbackcashglide($accountid, $allmoney, $chgememo, $chgelisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $cogetype, $kickbackid, $listdate)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $ishaverecord = 0;
    $query = "select * from tb_cashglide where fd_chge_accountid = '{$accountid}' \n\t          and fd_chge_listid = '{$kickbackid}' and fd_chge_listtype = '{$chgelisttype}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $ishaverecord = 1;
    if ($allmoney != 0 && $ishaverecord == 0) {
        $query = "SELECT MAX(fd_chge_id) as chge_id FROM tb_cashglide where \n                fd_chge_accountid = '{$accountid}' ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $maxchgeid = $db->f(chge_id);
            $query = "select fd_chge_balance from tb_cashglide \n                  where fd_chge_id = '{$maxchgeid}' ";
            if ($db->nf()) {
                $chgebalance = $db->f(fd_chge_balance);
            } else {
                $chgebalance = 0;
        } else {
            $chgebalance = 0;
        if ($allmoney != 0) {
            //金额不等于0 的才插进去。
            if ($cogetype == 0) {
                $endchgebalance = $chgebalance + $allmoney;
                $query = "insert into tb_cashglide(\n                    fd_chge_date   ,  fd_chge_accountid , fd_chge_listid     , \n                    fd_chge_listno ,  fd_chge_listtype  , fd_chge_addmoney   ,\n                    fd_chge_lessen ,  fd_chge_balance   , fd_chge_memo       ,\n                    fd_chge_makename, fd_chge_datetime  , fd_chge_iskickback ,\n                    fd_chge_listdate\n                    )values(\n                    now()          ,  '{$accountid}'      , '{$kickbackid}'    ,\n                    '{$listno}'      ,  '{$chgelisttype}'   , '{$allmoney}'      ,\n                    '0'            ,  '{$endchgebalance}' , '{$chgememo}'      ,\n                    '{$loginstaname}',  now()             , '2'              ,\n                    '{$listdate}'\n                    )";
            } else {
                $endchgebalance = $chgebalance - $allmoney;
                $query = "insert into tb_cashglide(\n                    fd_chge_date   ,  fd_chge_accountid , fd_chge_listid     , \n                    fd_chge_listno ,  fd_chge_listtype  , fd_chge_addmoney   ,\n                    fd_chge_lessen ,  fd_chge_balance   , fd_chge_memo       ,\n                    fd_chge_makename, fd_chge_datetime  , fd_chge_iskickback ,\n                    fd_chge_listdate\n                    )values(\n                    now()          ,  '{$accountid}'      , '{$kickbackid}'    ,\n                    '{$listno}'      ,  '{$chgelisttype}'   , '0'              ,\n                    '{$allmoney}'    ,  '{$endchgebalance}' , '{$chgememo}'      ,\n                    '{$loginstaname}',  now()             , '2'              ,\n                    '{$listdate}'\n                    )";
            $query = "update tb_cashglide set fd_chge_iskickback = 1 \n                   where fd_chge_listtype = '{$chgelisttype}' and fd_chge_listid = '{$listid}' \n                   and fd_chge_accountid = '{$accountid}'";
Ejemplo n.º 9
function autologin($username, $password)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db1 = new DB_test();
    $query = "select * from web_teller where fd_tel_name ='{$username}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $pass = $db->f(fd_tel_pass);
        $error = $db->f(fd_tel_error);
        $recsts = $db->f(fd_tel_recsts);
        $isin = $db->f(fd_tel_isin);
        $telid = $db->f(fd_tel_id);
        if ($pass != $password) {
            $errmsg = "密码错误!(请注意区分大小写)";
            $query = "update web_teller set fd_tel_error = fd_tel_error +1 where fd_tel_name ='{$username}'";
            $return = 2;
        if ($error >= 6) {
            $errmsg = "由于密码错误多次,禁止使用该用户!";
            $return = 3;
        if ($recsts == 1) {
            $errmsg = "该用户被停用!";
            $return = 4;
        if ($pass == $password and $return < 2) {
            // 密码正确
            $query = "update web_teller set \t\t\t           \n\t        \t\t  fd_tel_lasttime = fd_tel_intime, fd_tel_intime = now(),fd_tel_outtime = now(),\n\t        \t\t  fd_tel_error = 0,fd_tel_isin  = 1 , fd_tel_onlinetime = now()\n\t              where fd_tel_id ='{$telid}'";
            $return = 1;
    } else {
        $errmsg = "该用户不存在!";
        $return = 9;
    return $return;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * 获取商品单价
 * @access public
 * @param string $agencyid 机构id
 * @param string $sdcrid 商家id
 	 * @param string $produreid 商品id
 	 * @param string $producetype 商品类型id
 	 * @param string $storageid 商品仓库id
 	 * @param string $pricetype 价格类型 (0=本位价格,20=令价,21=吨价)
 * @return string 
 function getsdcrprice($agencyid, $sdcrid, $produreid, $producetype, $storageid, $pricetype = 0)
     global $g_lprice_point;
     global $g_dprice_point;
     $db = new DB_test();
     $query = "select fd_nbsepe_sdcrid,fd_nbsepe_produreid,fd_produre_catalog,fd_nbsepe_lingprice,fd_nbsepe_dunprice,fd_produre_unit\n\t\t\t  from tb_websaleprice left join tb_produre on fd_produre_id = fd_nbsepe_produreid\n\t\t\t  where  fd_nbsepe_iskc = '1'  and   fd_nbsepe_sdcrid = '" . $sdcrid . "'\n\t\t\t  and fd_nbsepe_produreid  = '" . $produreid . "' and fd_nbsepe_producetype  = '" . $producetype . "' \n\t\t\t  and fd_nbsepe_isshow='1'";
     // echo $query;
     if ($db->nf()) {
         while ($db->next_record()) {
             $areaid = $db->f(fd_nbsepe_sdcrid);
             $produreid = $db->f(fd_nbsepe_produreid);
             $boxprocaid = $db->f(fd_produre_catalog);
             $unitid = $db->f(fd_produre_unit);
             if ($unitid == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_lingprice) * 1.04, 3);
             if ($unitid == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_dunprice) * 1.04, 0);
             if ($pricetype == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_lingprice) * 1.04, 3);
             if ($pricetype == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = round($db->f(fd_nbsepe_dunprice) * 1.04, 0);
     $dbshop = new DB_shop();
     $query = "select fd_skqy_lingprice ,fd_skqy_dunprice,fd_skqy_unitid,\n\t\t\tfd_skqy_shopid,fd_skqy_commid  ,fd_skqy_rate \n\t\t\tfrom tb_shopkcquantity where fd_skqy_shopid = '{$sdcrid}' and fd_skqy_commid= '{$produreid}'\n\t\t\tand fd_skqy_producetype = '{$producetype}' and fd_skqy_storageid= '{$storageid}'\n\t\t\t";
     if ($dbshop->nf()) {
         while ($dbshop->next_record()) {
             $unitid = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_unitid);
             $vlingprice = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_lingprice);
             $vdunprice = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_dunprice);
             $rate = $dbshop->f(fd_skqy_rate);
             if ($unitid == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vlingprice * $rate, $g_lprice_point);
             if ($unitid == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vdunprice * $rate, $g_dprice_point);
             if ($pricetype == 20) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vlingprice * $rate, $g_lprice_point);
             if ($pricetype == 21) {
                 $returnvalue = formatprice($vdunprice * $rate, $g_dprice_point);
     return $returnvalue + 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
function getimageid($picurl)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_cat_id from tb_category_list where  fd_cat_url ='{$picurl}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $id = $db->f(fd_cat_id);
    return $id;
Ejemplo n.º 12
function kickbackcommglide($storageid, $commid, $quantity, $cogememo, $cogelisttype, $loginstaname, $listid, $listno, $cogetype, $kickbackid, $listdate)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $ishaverecord = 0;
    $query = "select * from tb_commglide where fd_coge_sotrageid = '{$storageid}' and fd_coge_commid = '{$commid}'\n\t          and fd_coge_listid = '{$kickbackid}' and fd_coge_listtype = '{$cogelisttype}' \n\t          and (fd_coge_addquantity = '{$quantity}' or fd_coge_lessen = '{$quantity}')";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $ishaverecord = 1;
    if ($ishaverecord == 0) {
        $query = "SELECT MAX(fd_coge_id) as coge_id FROM tb_commglide where \n              fd_coge_sotrageid = '{$storageid}' and fd_coge_commid = '{$commid}' ";
        if ($db->nf()) {
            $maxcogeid = $db->f(coge_id);
            $query = "select fd_coge_balance from tb_commglide \n                where fd_coge_id = '{$maxcogeid}' ";
            if ($db->nf()) {
                $cogebalance = $db->f(fd_coge_balance);
            } else {
                $cogebalance = 0;
        } else {
            $cogebalance = 0;
        if ($cogetype == 0) {
            $endcogebalance = $cogebalance + $quantity;
            $query = "insert into tb_commglide(\n                 fd_coge_date        ,  fd_coge_sotrageid , fd_coge_commid      , \n                 fd_coge_listno      ,  fd_coge_listtype  , fd_coge_addquantity ,\n                 fd_coge_lessen      ,  fd_coge_balance   , fd_coge_memo        ,\n                 fd_coge_listid      ,  fd_coge_makename  , fd_coge_datetime    ,\n                 fd_coge_iskickback  ,  fd_coge_listdate\n                 )values( \n                 now()          ,  '{$storageid}'      , '{$commid}'        ,\n                 '{$listno}'      ,  '{$cogelisttype}'   , '{$quantity}'      ,\n                 '0'            ,  '{$endcogebalance}' , '{$cogememo}'      ,\n                 '{$kickbackid}'  ,  '{$loginstaname}'   , now()            ,\n                 '2'            ,  '{$listdate}'\n                 )";
        } else {
            $endcogebalance = $cogebalance - $quantity;
            $query = "insert into tb_commglide(\n                 fd_coge_date       ,  fd_coge_sotrageid , fd_coge_commid      , \n                 fd_coge_listno     ,  fd_coge_listtype  , fd_coge_addquantity ,\n                 fd_coge_lessen     ,  fd_coge_balance   , fd_coge_memo        ,\n                 fd_coge_listid     ,  fd_coge_makename  , fd_coge_datetime    ,\n                 fd_coge_iskickback ,  fd_coge_listdate\n                 )values(\n                 now()          ,  '{$storageid}'      , '{$commid}'         ,\n                 '{$listno}'      ,  '{$cogelisttype}'   , '0'               ,\n                 '{$quantity}'    ,  '{$endcogebalance}' , '{$cogememo}'       ,\n                 '{$kickbackid}'  ,  '{$loginstaname}'   , now()             ,\n                 '2'            ,  '{$listdate}'\n                 )";
        $query = "update tb_commglide set fd_coge_iskickback = 1 \n              where fd_coge_listtype = '{$cogelisttype}' and fd_coge_listid = '{$listid}' \n              and fd_coge_commid = '{$commid}' and fd_coge_sotrageid = '{$storageid}'";
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function getggimg($scatid, $dateid)
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_img = explode("@@", $this->AutogetFileimg($scatid, $dateid));
     $query = "select fd_ggwgl_link from tb_upload_ggwgl where fd_ggwgl_id = '{$dateid}'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $ggurl = $db->f(fd_ggwgl_link);
     return $arr_img[0] . "@@" . $ggurl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
function changenbmoney($qkorganid, $money, $type, $organid, $sdcrid)
    //$type =0表示应收 , 1表示应付
    $tmpflag = 0;
    $db = new DB_test();
    if ($type == 0) {
        $endmoney = $money;
    } else {
        $endmoney = -$money;
    $query = "select * from tb_nbysyfmoney  where fd_nbysyfm_qkorganid = '{$qkorganid}'\n\t          and fd_nbysyfm_organid = '{$organid}' and fd_nbysyfm_sdcrid = '{$sdcrid}' ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldmoney = $db->f(fd_nbysyfm_money);
        $listid = $db->f(fd_nbysyfm_id);
        $newmoney = $oldmoney + $endmoney;
        $query = "update tb_nbysyfmoney set fd_nbysyfm_money = '{$newmoney}'\n\t\t         where fd_nbysyfm_id = '{$listid}' ";
        $tmpflag = 1;
    $query = "select * from tb_nbysyfmoney  where fd_nbysyfm_organid = '{$qkorganid}'\n\t          and fd_nbysyfm_qkorganid = '{$organid}' and fd_nbysyfm_sdcrid = '{$sdcrid}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $oldmoney = $db->f(fd_nbysyfm_money);
        $listid = $db->f(fd_nbysyfm_id);
        $newmoney = $oldmoney - $endmoney;
        $query = "update tb_nbysyfmoney set fd_nbysyfm_money = '{$newmoney}'\n\t\t         where fd_nbysyfm_id = '{$listid}' ";
        $tmpflag = 1;
    if ($tmpflag == 0) {
        $query = "insert into tb_nbysyfmoney(\n\t            fd_nbysyfm_qkorganid , fd_nbysyfm_money   ,\n\t            fd_nbysyfm_organid   , fd_nbysyfm_sdcrid\n\t            )values(\n\t            '{$qkorganid}'         , '{$endmoney}'     ,\n\t            '{$organid}'           , '{$sdcrid}'\n\t            )";
Ejemplo n.º 15
function getappname($appmnuid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    if (!$appmnuid) {
        $appmnuid = 0;
    $query = "select fd_appmnu_name from tb_appmenu where fd_appmnu_id in({$appmnuid})";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $appname .= $db->f('fd_appmnu_name') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    return $appname;
function getauqrzname($auqid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    if (!$auqid) {
        $auqid = 0;
    $query = "select fd_auq_name from tb_authorquali where fd_auq_id in({$auqid})";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $auqname .= $db->f('fd_auq_name') . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    return $auqname;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function readMyAccount()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = $arr_channelinfo['authorid'];
     $query = "select sum(fd_acc_money) as allaccmoney from tb_authoraccount where fd_acc_authorid = '{$authorid}' group by fd_acc_authorid ";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $allaccmoney = $db->f(allaccmoney);
     $query = "select sum(fd_couponsale_money) as allaccmoney from tb_couponsale where fd_couponsale_authorid = '{$authorid}'" . " and fd_couponsale_payrq = '00' group by fd_couponsale_authorid ";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $allaccmoney += $db->f(allaccmoney);
     $paytype = '非贷款';
     $paytype = u2g($paytype);
     $paytype1 = '抵用券';
     $paytype1 = u2g($paytype1);
     $query = "select 'recharge' as acctypeid ,'" . $paytype . "' as acctypename ,fd_acc_money as accmoney from tb_authoraccount  " . "where fd_acc_authorid = '{$authorid}'  " . " union all " . " select 'coupon' as acctypeid ,'" . $paytype1 . "' as acctypename ,sum(fd_couponsale_money) as couponmoney from \n\t\t\t       tb_couponsale where fd_couponsale_authorid = '{$authorid}' and fd_couponsale_payrq = '00'  and fd_couponsale_isagentpay = '0'  group by fd_couponsale_authorid ";
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['accallmoney'] = $allaccmoney;
     $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功!");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
Ejemplo n.º 18
function readsalebackdunshu($year, $month, $memid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $dberp = new DB_erp2();
    $query = "select * from tb_organmem where fd_organmem_id = '{$memid}'";
    $cusid = $db->f(fd_organmem_cusid);
    $month = $month + 0;
    $year = $year + 0;
    $query = "select \n              sum(fd_sebk_alldunshu) as allquantity,\n              fd_sebk_cusid\n              from tb_saleback \n              left join tb_salelist on fd_sebk_salelistid = fd_selt_id\n              where year(fd_selt_date) = '{$year}' and month(fd_sebk_date) = '{$month}' and fd_sebk_state = 1\n              and fd_sebk_iskickback = 0 and fd_sebk_organid = 1 and fd_sebk_cusid = '{$cusid}'\n              group by fd_sebk_cusid\n             ";
    $dunshu = $dberp->f(allquantity);
    return $dunshu;
Ejemplo n.º 19
function makeorderno($tablename, $fieldname, $preno = "pay")
    $db = new DB_test();
    $db2 = new DB_test();
    $year = trim(date("Y", mktime()));
    $month = trim(date("m", mktime()));
    $day = trim(date("d", mktime()));
    $strlenght = strlen($preno);
    $nowdate = $year . $month . $day;
    $query = "select fd_" . $fieldname . "_no as no from " . $tablename . "   order by fd_" . $fieldname . "_no  desc";
    if ($db2->nf()) {
        $orderno = $db2->f(no);
        $orderdate = substr($orderno, $strlenght, 8);
        if ($nowdate == $orderdate) {
            $newlenght = $strlenght + 11;
            $orderno = substr($orderno, $newlenght, 14) + 1;
            if ($orderno < 10) {
                $orderno = "00000" . $orderno;
            } else {
                if ($orderno < 100) {
                    $orderno = "0000" . $orderno;
                } else {
                    if ($orderno < 1000) {
                        $orderno = "000" . $orderno;
                    } else {
                        if ($orderno < 10000) {
                            $orderno = "00" . $orderno;
                        } else {
                            $orderno = $orderno;
            $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . $orderno;
        } else {
            $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . "000001";
    } else {
        $orderno = $preno . $nowdate . "000001";
    return $orderno;
Ejemplo n.º 20
function readproduct($commid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_kgweight_name,fd_produre_long,fd_produre_width,fd_produre_relation1,fd_produre_relation2,fd_produre_relation3 ,\n\t                  fd_guige_name\n\t           from tb_produre \n\t           left join tb_kgweight   on fd_kgweight_id = fd_produre_kgweight \n\t           left join tb_guige on fd_guige_id = fd_produre_spec \n\t           where fd_produre_id = '{$commid}'";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $kgweight = $db->f(fd_kgweight_name);
        $long = $db->f(fd_produre_long);
        $width = $db->f(fd_produre_width);
        $relation1 = $db->f(fd_produre_relation1);
        $relation2 = $db->f(fd_produre_relation2);
        $relation3 = $db->f(fd_produre_relation3);
        $spec = $db->f(fd_guige_name);
    return $kgweight . "@@@" . $long . "@@@" . $width . "@@@" . $relation1 . "@@@" . $relation2 . "@@@" . $relation3 . "@@@" . $spec;
Ejemplo n.º 21
function getshowpaycradid($tabname, $filename, $id)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = 'select  fd_' . $filename . '_paycardid  as paycardid from ' . $tabname . ' where fd_' . $filename . '_id="' . $id . '" ';
    if ($db->nf()) {
        $paycardid = $db->f(paycardid);
        $arr_paycardid1 = explode(",", $paycardid);
        foreach ($arr_paycardid1 as $va) {
            if ($strpaycardid) {
                $strpaycardid .= "," . "'{$va}'";
            } else {
                $strpaycardid = "'{$va}'";
    return $strpaycardid;
Ejemplo n.º 22
function move($fd_cat_id)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $query = "select fd_cat_dateid,fd_cat_name,fd_cat_scatid,fd_cat_url,fd_cat_thumurl ,fd_cat_cancel from tb_upload_category_list  where fd_cat_id='{$fd_cat_id}'";
    $fd_cat_dateid = $db->f(fd_cat_dateid);
    $fd_cat_scatid = $db->f(fd_cat_scatid);
    $fd_cat_name = $db->f(fd_cat_name);
    $fd_cat_url = $db->f(fd_cat_url);
    $fd_cat_thumurl = $db->f(fd_cat_thumurl);
    $fd_cat_cancel = $db->f(fd_cat_cancel);
    $query = "INSERT INTO tb_upload_old_image (\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_dateid  ,fd_cat_scatid , fd_cat_url,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_cancel ,fd_cat_time,  fd_cat_thumurl,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfd_cat_name\n\t\t\t\t\t   )VALUES (\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_dateid}'     ,'{$fd_cat_scatid}'   , '{$fd_cat_url}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_cancel}'     ,now()              , '{$fd_cat_thumurl}',\n\t\t\t\t\t   '{$fd_cat_name}'\n\t\t\t\t\t   )";
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function readcouponinfo()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = $arr_channelinfo['authorid'];
     $query = "select fd_coupon_id as couponid ,fd_coupon_money as couponmoney,fd_coupon_limitnum as couponlimitnum from tb_coupon where fd_coupon_active = '1'\n\t\t\t          order by fd_coupon_no";
     $arr_msg = auto_charset($db->getData('', 'msgbody'), 'gbk', 'utf-8');
     $query = "select fd_author_shopid from tb_author where fd_author_id = '{$authorid}'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $shopid = $db->f('fd_author_shopid');
     $arr_shopinfo = getauthorshop($shopid);
     $shopname = $arr_shopinfo['shopname'];
     if ($shopname) {
         $isshop = 1;
         $arr_message = array("result" => "success", "message" => "读取抵用券信息成功!");
         $retcode = "0";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     } else {
         $ishop = 0;
         $arr_message = array("result" => "failure", "message" => "还未开通商家,不允许购买抵用券!");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['shopname'] = $shopname;
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['isshop'] = $isshop;
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;
//$dbtj = new DB_test ;
$t = new Template('.', "keep");
$t->set_file("tb_payment_yearview", "tb_payment_yearview.html");
$t->set_block("tb_payment_yearview", "BXBK", "bxbks");
if ($bgcolor == "#FFFFFF") {
    $bgcolor = "#F1F4F9";
} else {
    $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
require "../report/getpaycardmenu.php";
$query = "select\n\t\tfd_agpm_paytype as paytype,\n\t\tdate_format(fd_agpm_paydate,'%Y') as paydate ,\n\t\tsum(fd_agpm_paymoney) as paymoney,\n\t\tsum(fd_agpm_sdcrpayfeemoney+fd_agpm_sdcragentfeemoney) as cbmoney,\n        sum(fd_agpm_payfee) as payfee,\n\t\tsum(fd_agpm_agentmoney) as agentmoney\t\t \n\t\tfrom tb_agentpaymoneylist \n\t\tleft join tb_appmenu on fd_appmnu_no = fd_agpm_paytype\t\n\t\twhere  fd_agpm_payrq='00' and  fd_appmnu_istabno = 1\n\t\t\tgroup by  paydate,fd_agpm_paytype\n\t\t\torder by fd_agpm_paydate desc";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $paytype = $db->f(paytype);
        $paydate = $db->f(paydate);
        $arr_paydate[] = $paydate;
        $arr_result[$paydate][$paytype]['paymoney'] = $db->f(paymoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate][$paytype]['cbmoney'] = $db->f(cbmoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate][$paytype]['payfee'] = $db->f(payfee);
        $arr_result[$paydate][$paytype]['agentmoney'] = $db->f(agentmoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate]['allyearpaymoney'] += $db->f(paymoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate]['allyearagentmoney'] += $db->f(agentmoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate]['allyearcbmoney'] += $db->f(cbmoney);
        $arr_result[$paydate]['allyearpayfee'] += $db->f(payfee);
$arr_paydate = array_unique($arr_paydate);
$count = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 25

$thismenucode = "";
require "../include/common.inc.php";
require "../include/log.php";
$db = new DB_test();
$db2 = new DB_test();
$t = new Template(".", "keep");
$gourl = "tb_salebackview_b.php";
$gotourl = $gourl . $tempurl;
$query = "SELECT * FROM tb_salelistback WHERE fd_selt_id = '{$listid}'";
$id = $db->f(fd_sebk_id);
$no = $db->f(fd_sebk_no);
$cusid = $db->f(fd_sebk_cusid);
$cusno = $db->f(fd_sebk_cusno);
$cusname = $db->f(fd_sebk_cusname);
$now = $db->f(fd_sebk_date);
$dept = $db->f(fd_dept_name);
$staid = $db->f(fd_sebk_staid);
Ejemplo n.º 26
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $authorid[] = $db->f(fd_author_id);
if ($authorid != '') {
    $arr_authorid = $authorid;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_authorid); $i++) {
        $dateid = $arr_authorid[$i];
        //echo $dateid."</br>";
        $getFileimg = new AutogetFile();
        //$propiclist  = explode("@@",$getFileimg->AutogetFileimg(1,$dateid));
        $query1 = "select * from tb_author where fd_author_id='{$dateid}'";
        if ($db1->nf()) {
            $protraname = $db1->f(fd_author_username);
            $tradindexrec = $db1->f(fd_procatrad_indexrec);
        $preprocaid .= "<input type='checkbox' checked='true' title='{$protraname}' name='arr_count[]' value='{$arr_authorid[$i]}' onclick='copyItem(\"previewItem\",\"previewItem\");same(this);'>" . $protraname;
        $thumrul = $propiclist[0];
        if ($thumrul != "") {
            $showtitle = $tradindexrec ? "<span style='color:#0000ff'>取消首页推荐</span>" : "<span style='color:red'>设为首页推荐</span>";
            $vpic = "<img src='" . $propiclist[0] . "' title='" . $protraname . "' alt='" . $protraname . "'\n\t\t\t\t               width='100' style='height:40px;'>";
            $vedit = '<a href="#" onClick="del_p(' . $propiclist[1] . ')">删除</a>|<a href="#" onclick="set_indexrec(' . $dateid . ',' . $tradindexrec . ')">' . $showtitle . '</a>';
        } else {
            $vpic = "<img src='' width='100'  title='" . $protraname . "' alt='" . $protraname . "' style='height:40px;'>";
            $vedit = '<input type=hidden name=uploadfile  id="uploadfile' . $dateid . '" value="">
				 <input type="button" class="buttonsmall" name="upmorefiles" value="上传图片" 
				 onclick=uploadimg("36","' . $dateid . '","' . $propiclist[1] . '","uploadfile","new","refeedback","preuploadfile",this);  >';
        $showselect = "none";
Ejemplo n.º 27
        if (empty($str_prgqx)) {
            $str_prgqx = $prg_shortcut[$i];
        } else {
            $str_prgqx .= "±" . $prg_shortcut[$i];
    $query = "update web_teller set fd_tel_shortcut = '{$str_prgqx}' where fd_tel_id = '{$loginuser}'";
$query = "select * from web_teller \n\t           left join web_usegroup on fd_usegroup_id = fd_tel_usegroupid\n\t           where fd_tel_id = '{$loginuser}' ";
if ($db->nf()) {
    $telqx = $db->f(fd_tel_doprg);
    $groupqx = $db->f(fd_usegroup_qx);
    $telname = $db->f(fd_tel_name);
    $shortcut = $db->f(fd_tel_shortcut);
    $arr_prgqx = explode("±", $groupqx);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr_prgqx); $i++) {
        $temp_arr = explode("@", $arr_prgqx[$i]);
        $tmpcode = $temp_arr[0];
        $prgqx_arr[$tmpcode] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 28
function getauthoruse($authorid, $scope, $scdmsetid)
    $db = new DB_test();
    $newdate = date("Y-m", time());
    $query = "select count(*) as paycount,sum(fd_agpm_paymoney) as paymoney,fd_agpm_paydate as paydate, date_format(fd_agpm_paydate,'%Y-%m') as newdate ,fd_paycard_scope as scope from tb_agentpaymoneylist left join tb_paycard on fd_agpm_paycardid=fd_paycard_id where fd_agpm_authorid='{$authorid}' and date_format(fd_agpm_paydate,'%Y-%m')='{$newdate}'  and fd_agpm_payrq='00' group by fd_agpm_paydate,scope";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $paydate = $db->f(paydate);
            $newdate = $db->f(newdate);
            $scope = $db->f(scope);
            $date_authorues[$paydate][$scope]['fd_scdmset_nallmoney'] = $db->f(paymoney) + 0;
            $date_authorues[$paydate][$scope][''] = '';
            $date_authorues[$paydate][$scope]['fd_scdmset_everycounts'] = $db->f(paycount) + 0;
            $date_authorues[$newdate][$scope]['fd_scdmset_sallmoney'] += $db->f(paymoney);
    $query = "SELECT date_format(fd_pmreq_reqdatetime,'%Y-%m-%d') AS reqdatetime ,date_format(fd_pmreq_reqdatetime,'%Y-%m') AS datetime ,SUM(fd_pmreq_reqmoney) AS repmoney ,fd_scdmset_scope AS scope FROM tb_slotcardmoneyreq LEFT JOIN tb_slotcardmoneyset ON fd_scdmset_id = fd_pmreq_paymsetid WHERE fd_pmreq_authorid='{$authorid}' AND fd_pmreq_paymsetid='{$scdmsetid}' AND date_format(fd_pmreq_reqdatetime,'%Y-%m') = '{$newdate}' AND fd_pmreq_state <>'0' GROUP BY reqdatetime,scope ";
    if ($db->nf()) {
        while ($db->next_record()) {
            $reqdatetime = $db->f(reqdatetime);
            $scope = $db->f(scope);
            $datetime = $db->f(datetime);
            $date_authorues[$reqdatetime][$scope]['fd_scdmset_neverymoney'] = $db->f(repmoney) + 0;
            $date_authorues[$datetime][$scope]['fd_scdmset_severymoney'] += $db->f(repmoney);
    return $date_authorues;
Ejemplo n.º 29
require "../include/common.inc.php";
$db = new DB_test();
$dbtj = new DB_test();
$gourl = "datetable_query.php";
$gotourl = $gourl . $tempurl;
$t = new Template('.', "keep");
$t->set_file("datetable_view", "datetable_view.html");
$t->set_block("datetable_view", "BXBK", "bxbks");
$begindate = date("Y/m/d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
$enddate = date("Y/m/d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year));
$query = "select sum(fd_selt_allmoney) as allmoney , sum(fd_selt_allcost) as allcost , fd_selt_date from tb_salelist where fd_selt_date >= '{$begindate}' and fd_selt_date <= '{$enddate}' and fd_selt_state =9 group by fd_selt_date";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $xsmoney = $db->f(allmoney);
        $listdate = $db->f(fd_selt_date);
        $xscost = $db->f(allcost);
        $arr_xsmoney[$listdate] += $xsmoney;
        $arr_xscost[$listdate] += $xscost;
$query = "select sum(fd_selt_allmoney) as allmoney , sum(fd_selt_allcost) as allcost, fd_selt_date from tb_salelistback where fd_selt_date >= '{$begindate}' and fd_selt_date <= '{$enddate}' and fd_selt_state =9 group by fd_selt_date";
if ($db->nf()) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $listdate = $db->f(fd_selt_date);
        $arr_xsmoney[$listdate] -= $db->f(allmoney);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function readAuBkCardInfo()
     $db = new DB_test();
     $arr_header = $this->arr_header;
     $arr_body = $this->arr_body;
     $arr_channelinfo = $this->arr_channelinfo;
     $authorid = trim($arr_channelinfo['authorid']);
     $arr_message = array("error_id" => "0", "result" => "success", "message" => "读取成功");
     $retcode = "0";
     //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $query = "select * from tb_author  where fd_author_id = '{$authorid}'";
     if ($db->nf()) {
         $arr_msg['msgbody']['aushoucardman'] = g2u($db->f(fd_author_shoucardman));
         $arr_msg['msgbody']['aushoucardphone'] = $db->f(fd_author_shoucardphone);
         $arr_msg['msgbody']['aushoucardno'] = $db->f(fd_author_shoucardno);
         $arr_msg['msgbody']['aushoucardbank'] = g2u($db->f(fd_author_shoucardbank));
         $arr_msg['msgbody']['aushoucardstate'] = $db->f(fd_author_shoucardstate) + 0;
     } else {
         $arr_message = array("error_id" => "1", "result" => "failure", "message" => "用户信息已失效,请重新登录");
         $retcode = "200";
         //反馈状态 0 成功 200 自定义错误
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['result'] = $arr_message['result'];
     $arr_msg['msgbody']['message'] = $arr_message['message'];
     $returnvalue = array("msgbody" => $arr_msg['msgbody']);
     $returnval = TfbxmlResponse::ResponsetoApp($retcode, $returnvalue);
     return $returnval;