function table_row_add_extra($row, $row_key, $data, $class = "") { global $sess, $auth, $perm, $Path; $db = new DB_postfix(); echo "<td class='btable'>"; echo " <a href=\"" . $sess->url('postfix_mailbox.php') . $sess->add_query(array("domain" => $data["domain"])) . "\">mailboxes"; $db->query("select count(*) from postfix_mailbox where email like '%@" . $data["domain"] . "'"); if ($db->next_record()) { echo "(" . $db->f(0) . ")"; } echo "</a>"; echo " <a href=\"" . $sess->url('postfix_virtual.php') . $sess->add_query(array("domain" => $data["domain"])) . "\">aliases"; $db->query("select count(*) from postfix_virtual where email like '%@" . $data["domain"] . "'"); if ($db->next_record()) { echo "(" . $db->f(0) . ")"; } echo "</a>"; if ($perm) { if ($perm->have_perm("admin")) { echo " <a href=\"" . $sess->url('postfix_virtual_domains.php') . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Delete", "id" => $data["id"])) . "\">delete</a>"; } } if ($this->edit) { echo "<input type='submit' value='Save' name='submit' class='ipeh'> "; echo "<input type='hidden' value='" . $data["id"] . "' name='id'> "; } echo "</td>"; }
case "View": case "Delete": $f->freeze(); case "Add": case "Edit": echo "<font class=bigTextBold>{$cmd} postfix _sender _access</font>\n"; $f->display(); break; default: $cmd = "Query"; $t = new postfix_sender_accessTable(); $t->heading = 'on'; $t->add_extra = 'on'; $t->add_insert = 'my_postfix_sender_accessform'; $t->edit = 'my_postfix_sender_accessform'; $db = new DB_postfix(); //echo " <a href=\"".$sess->self_url() // .$sess->add_query(array("cmd"=>"Add"))."\">Add postfix _sender _access</a> \n"; //echo " <a href=\"".$sess->url("/index.php")."\">Home</a> \n"; echo "<br><font class=bigTextBold>Access Control by Sender (From) Email Address</font>\n"; // These fields will be searchable and displayed in results. // Format is "RealFieldName"=>"Field Name Formatted For Display", $t->fields = array("address", "access", "level"); $t->map_cols = array("address" => "address", "access" => "access", "level" => "level", "modified" => "modified", "notes" => "notes"); // When we hit this page the first time, // there is no . if (!isset($q)) { $q = new postfix_sender_access_Sql_Query(); // We make one $q->conditions = 1; // ... with a single condition (at first)
{ var $classname = "postfix_virtualTable"; function table_row_add_extra($row, $row_key, $data, $class = "") { global $sess, $auth, $perm; echo "<td><a href=\"" . $sess->self_url() . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "View", "id" => $data["id"])) . "\">view</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href=\"" . $sess->self_url() . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Edit", "id" => $data["id"])) . "\">edit</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href=\"" . $sess->self_url() . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Delete", "id" => $data["id"])) . "\">delete</a></td>"; } } $t = new postfix_virtualTable(); $t->heading = 'on'; $t->add_extra = 'on'; $t->add_insert = 'my_postfix_virtualform'; $t->edit = 'my_postfix_virtualform'; $db = new DB_postfix(); //echo "<br><a href=\"".$sess->self_url() // .$sess->add_query(array("cmd"=>"Add"))."\">Add postfix _virtual</a> \n"; echo "<br><font class=bigTextBold>User Alias - email addresses that are forwarded to new destination(s)</font>\n"; // These fields will be searchable and displayed in results. // Format is "RealFieldName"=>"Field Name Formatted For Display", $t->fields = array("email", "destination"); $t->map_cols = array("email" => "email", "destination" => "destination", "modified" => "modified", "notes" => "notes"); // When we hit this page the first time, // there is no . if (!isset($q)) { $q = new postfix_virtual_Sql_Query(); // We make one $q->conditions = 1; // ... with a single condition (at first) $q->translate = "on";
function ListDomains($db, $sql, $title) { global $sess; $db2 = new DB_postfix(); $db->query($sql); echo "<tr><td colspan=4><h3>{$title}</h3></td></tr>\n"; $count = 0; while ($db->next_record()) { if ($domain = $db->f(0)) { $count++; $db2->query("select count(*) from postfix_vacation where email like '%" . $domain . "'"); $db2->next_record(); $vacount = $db2->f(0); $db2->query("select count(*) from postfix_mailbox where domain='" . $domain . "'"); $db2->next_record(); $mbcount = $db2->f(0); $db2->query("select count(*) from postfix_virtual where email='@" . $domain . "'"); $db2->next_record(); $cacount = $db2->f(0); $db2->query("select count(*) from postfix_virtual where email like '%" . $domain . "'"); $db2->next_record(); $fwcount = $db2->f(0); $query = $sess->add_query(array("domain" => $domain)); printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td><a href=%s%s>Mailboxes (%d)</a></td>" . "<td><a href=%s%s>Forwards (%d)</a></td><td><a href=%s%s>Vacation (%d)</a></td>\n", $domain, $sess->url("postfix_mailbox.php"), $query, $mbcount, $sess->url("postfix_virtual.php"), $query, $fwcount, $sess->url("Vacation.php"), $query, $vacount); printf("<td><a href=%s>Logs</a></td>", $sess->url("postfix_logs.php") . $sess->add_query(array("domain" => $domain))); if ($cacount) { printf("<td> <a href=%s>Recipient Access</a></td>", $sess->url("postfix_recip_access.php") . $sess->add_query(array("domain" => $domain))); } echo "</tr>\n"; } } }
<?php include 'phplib/prepend.php'; page_open(array("sess" => "hotspot_Session", "auth" => "hotspot_Auth", "perm" => "hotspot_Perm")); echo "<script language=JavaScript src=/js/currency.js></script>\n"; echo "<script language=JavaScript src=/js/datefunc.js>\n//Parts taken from ts_picker.js\n//Script by Denis Gritcyuk:\n//Submitted to JavaScript Kit (\n//Visit for this script\n</script>\n<script language=JavaScript>\nfunction SetFields(f) { \n mailbox = f.mailbox.value;\n domain = f.domain[f.domain.selectedIndex].value;\n = mailbox+'@'+domain;\n f.maildir.value = domain+'/'+mailbox+'/Maildir/';\n url = 'find.php?MailboxExists='+mailbox+'%40';\n ajax(url,f.domain);\n}\nfunction DoCustomChecks(f) {\n if (f.bulk.value) {\n if (f.address.value=='') f.address.value=' ';\n if (f.access.value=='') f.access.value=' ';\n }\n m = f.mailbox.value;\n e = f.domain;\n if (e.selectedIndex==0) {\n alert('Please select domain');\n\t\te.focus();\n return false;\n }\n d = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;\n if (m=='') {\n alert('Please enter a value for mailbox part of the email address.');\n\t\tf.mailbox.focus();\n return false;\n } else {\n = m + '@' + d;\n }\n return true;\n}\n</script> \n"; include ""; class my_postfix_mailboxform extends postfix_mailboxform { var $classname = "my_postfix_mailboxform"; } $db = new DB_postfix(); $f = new my_postfix_mailboxform(); if ($submit) { switch ($submit) { case "Save": if ($id) { $submit = "Edit"; } else { $submit = "Add"; } case "Add": case "Edit": if (isset($auth)) { if (!$bulk and !$f->validate($result)) { $cmd = $submit; echo "<font class=bigTextBold>{$cmd} postfix _mailbox</font>\n"; $f->display(); page_close(); exit; } else {