Ejemplo n.º 1
 function testFaqshow()
     global $t, $bx;
     $db_config = new mock_db_configure(1);
     $d = $this->_generate_records(array('question', 'answer'), 1);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 0);
     $db_config->add_record($d[0], 0);
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('faqshow', 778, array(&$db));
     $this->_checkFor_box_full($t->translate('Question') . '</B>: ' . $d[0]['question'], '<b>' . $t->translate('Answer') . '</b>: ' . $d[0]['answer']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function testDoco_show()
     global $bx;
     $d = $this->_generate_records(array('page', 'header', 'doco'), 1);
     $db_config = new mock_db_configure(1);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 0);
     $db_config->add_record($d[0], 0);
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('doco_show', 753, array(&$db));
     $this->_checkFor_box_full($d[0]['page'] . ': ' . $d[0]['header'], $d[0]['doco']);
Ejemplo n.º 3
} else {
    if (isset($license) && !empty($license)) {
        // Look if License is already in table
        $db->query("SELECT * FROM licenses WHERE license='{$license}'");
        if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
            if (isset($new_license)) {
                // If license in database and a new name is given, then rename
                if (!empty($new_license)) {
                    $db->query("SELECT proid,creation FROM developing WHERE " . "license = '{$license}'");
                    // All the affected projects are treated as modified
                    // BUT they are assigned to the new license!!!!
                    while ($db->next_record()) {
                        $creation = $db->f('creation');
                        $proid = $db->f('proid');
                        $db_rename = new DB_SourceAgency();
                        $db_rename->query("UPDATE developing SET license='{$new_license}'," . "creation='{$creation}' WHERE proid='{$proid}'");
                    $affected_projects = $db->num_rows();
                    $db->query("UPDATE licenses SET license='{$new_license}' WHERE " . "license='{$license}'");
                    if ($db->affected_rows() == 1) {
                        $bx->box_full($t->translate('Administration'), $t->translate('License') . ' ' . $license . ' ' . $t->translate('has been renamed to') . ' ' . $new_license . ' ' . $t->translate('affecting') . ' $affected_projects ' . $t->translate('projects'));
                } else {
                    // License is a blank line
                    $be->box_full($t->translate('Error'), $t->translate('License name not specified'));
            if (isset($new_url)) {
                // If license in database and a new url is given, then go for it
                if (!empty($new_url)) {
                    $db->query("UPDATE licenses SET url='{$new_url}' WHERE " . "license='{$license}'");
 function testContent_box_footer()
     global $bx, $db, $sess;
     $args = $this->_generate_records(array('proid', 'content_id', 'which_proposals'), 4);
     $dat = $this->_generate_records(array('content_id'), 4);
     $dat2 = $this->_generate_records(array('COUNT(*)'), 8);
     $db_config = new mock_db_configure(8);
     $q = array(0 => $this->queries['content_box_footer_1'], 1 => $this->queries['content_box_footer_2']);
     // test one, ensure that both if statements are false
     $dat[0]['content_id'] = $args[0]['which_proposals'];
     $dat2[1]['COUNT(*)'] = -1;
     // test two: ensure that both if statements are true
     $dat[1]['content_id'] = $args[1]['which_proposals'] . "DONT MATCH";
     $dat2[3]['COUNT(*)'] = 10;
     // test three: first if true, second if false
     $dat[2]['content_id'] = $args[2]['which_proposals'] . "DONT MATCH";
     $dat2[5]['COUNT(*)'] = -1;
     // test four: first if false, second if true
     $dat[3]['content_id'] = $args[3]['which_proposals'];
     $dat2[7]['COUNT(*)'] = 10;
     // test one
     $db_config->add_record($dat[0], 0);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[0], $args[0]['proid'], $args[0]['content_id']), 1);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[1], $args[0]['proid'], $args[0]['content_id']), 1);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[0], 1);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[1], 1);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 0);
     // test two
     $db_config->add_record($dat[1], 2);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[0], $args[1]['proid'], $args[1]['content_id']), 3);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[1], $args[1]['proid'], $args[1]['content_id']), 3);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[2], 3);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[3], 3);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 2);
     // test three
     $db_config->add_record($dat[2], 4);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[0], $args[2]['proid'], $args[2]['content_id']), 5);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[1], $args[2]['proid'], $args[2]['content_id']), 5);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[4], 5);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[5], 5);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 4);
     // test four
     $db_config->add_record($dat[3], 6);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[0], $args[3]['proid'], $args[3]['content_id']), 7);
     $db_config->add_query(sprintf($q[1], $args[3]['proid'], $args[3]['content_id']), 7);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[6], 7);
     $db_config->add_record($dat2[7], 7);
     $db_config->add_query('fubar', 6);
     // a global db object is required which has 'content_id' as
     // row value. (content_box_footer is called by show_content which
     // uses the global database).
     // test one: both if statements are false
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('content_box_footer', 852, $args[0]);
     $this->_checkFor_content_box_footer($args[0], $dat2[0], $dat2[1], $dat[0]);
     // test two: both if statements are true
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('content_box_footer', 1018, $args[1]);
     $this->_checkFor_content_box_footer($args[1], $dat2[2], $dat2[3], $dat[1]);
     // test three: first if true, second if false
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('content_box_footer', 925, $args[2]);
     $this->_checkFor_content_box_footer($args[2], $dat2[4], $dat2[5], $dat[2]);
     // test four: first if false, second if true
     $db = new DB_SourceAgency();
     $bx = $this->_create_default_box();
     $this->capture_call('content_box_footer', 945, $args[3]);
     $this->_checkFor_content_box_footer($args[3], $dat2[6], $dat2[7], $dat[3]);
Ejemplo n.º 5
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
echo "<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC \"-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN\"\n";
echo "           \"http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-0.91.dtd\">\n";
echo "<rss version=\"0.91\">\n";
echo "  <channel>\n";
echo "    <title>" . $sys_name . "</title>\n";
echo "    <link>" . $sys_url . "</link>\n";
echo "    <description>" . $sys_name . " - " . $sys_title . "</description>\n";
echo "    <language>en-us</language>\n";
echo "  <image>\n";
echo "    <title>" . $sys_name . "</title>\n";
echo "    <url>" . $sys_url . $sys_logo_image . "</url>\n";
echo "    <link>" . $sys_url . "</link>\n";
echo "    <description>" . $sys_name . " - " . $sys_title . "</description>\n";
echo "    <width>66</width>\n";
echo "    <height>73</height>\n";
echo "  </image>\n";
$db = new DB_SourceAgency();
$db->query("SELECT * FROM description,auth_user WHERE " . "description_user=username AND description.status>'1' " . "ORDER BY description_creation DESC limit 10");
$i = 0;
while ($db->next_record()) {
    echo "  <item>\n";
    echo "    <title>" . $db->f("project_title") . " " . $db->f("type") . "</title>\n";
    echo "    <link>" . $sys_url . "probyid.php?id=" . $db->f("proid") . "</link>\n";
    echo "    <description>" . wrap($db->f("description")) . "</description>\n";
    echo "  </item>\n";
echo "  </channel>\n";
echo "</rss>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 6
    echo $db->Host;
           <li> Database <b><?php 
    echo $db->Database;
           <li> User <b><?php 
    echo $db->User;
           <li> Password <b>??????</b>
    if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM auth_user")) {
            <li><font color="green">Created a DB_SourceAgency database connection successfully.</font></li>


<h3>PHPLIB Configuration</h3>
    <li>track_vars: <?php 
    echo status($track_vars);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    $bx->box_title($t->translate('Users') . ': ' . $t->translate($type));
    $bx->box_column('right', '5%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('No.') . '</b>');
    $bx->box_column('center', '25%', '', '<b>#&nbsp;' . $t->translate('Projects') . '</b>');
    $bx->box_column('center', '25%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Username') . '</b>');
    $bx->box_column('center', '25%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('Realname') . '</b>');
    $bx->box_column('center', '25%', '', '<b>' . $t->translate('E-Mail') . '</b>');
    $i = 1;
    $colors = array(0 => '#FFFFFF', 1 => '#DFDFDF');
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $bgcolor = $colors[$i % 2];
        $db2 = new DB_SourceAgency();
        $db2->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM description " . "WHERE description_user='******' AND status>'0'");
        $num = '[' . sprintf('%03d', $db2->f("COUNT(*)")) . ']';
        $bx->box_column('right', '', $bgcolor, $i);
        $bx->box_column('center', '', $bgcolor, $num);
        $user = $db->f('username');
        $bx->box_column('center', '', $bgcolor, sprintf("<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" . $g_dev_counter_url . "\">%s</a>", $user, $user));
        $bx->box_column('center', '', $bgcolor, $db->f('realname'));
        $bx->box_column('center', '', $bgcolor, html_link('mailto:' . $db->f('email_usr'), '', ereg_replace('@', ' at ', htmlentities($db->f('email_usr')))));
Ejemplo n.º 8
//    echo (' - '
//          .timestr(mktimestamp($db_summary->f('description_creation')))
//          ."</b>\n");
//    echo '<p>'.$db_summary->f('description');
//    echo '<p>type <b>'.$db_summary->f('type').'</b> volume <b>'
//      .$db_summary->f('volume')."</b>\n<br>";
//    echo '<hr>';
//  }
//  $bx->box_body_end();
//  $bx->box_end();
$bx->box_column_start('right', '35%', '');
$bx->box_title($t->translate('Recent Projects'));
$db_summary->query("SELECT * FROM description WHERE status > '0' ORDER " . "BY description_creation DESC LIMIT 10");
if ($db_summary->num_rows() > 0) {
    while ($db_summary->next_record()) {
        echo '<div class=newsind>&#149;&nbsp;' . html_link('summary.php', array('proid' => $db_summary->f('proid')), $db_summary->f('project_title')) . '<br>[' . timestr(mktimestamp($db_summary->f('description_creation'))) . ']</div>';
print "<br>\n";
$bx->box_title($t->translate('Developing Proposals Wanted'));
$db_summary->query("SELECT * FROM description,configure WHERE status = '2'" . " AND description.proid=configure.proid AND " . "other_developing_proposals='Yes' ORDER BY " . "description_creation DESC LIMIT 5");
if ($db_summary->num_rows() > 0) {
    while ($db_summary->next_record()) {
        echo '<div class=newsind>&#149;&nbsp;' . html_link('step2.php', array('proid' => $db_summary->f('proid')), $db_summary->f('project_title')) . '<br>[' . timestr(mktimestamp($db_summary->f('description_creation'))) . ']</div>';