Ejemplo n.º 1
  *	...
 public function MakeSelectFilter($sClass, $aAllowedOrgs, $aSettings = array(), $sAttCode = null)
     if ($sAttCode == null) {
         $sAttCode = $this->GetOwnerOrganizationAttCode($sClass);
     if (empty($sAttCode)) {
         return $oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClass);
     $oExpression = new FieldExpression($sAttCode, $sClass);
     $oFilter = new DBObjectSearch($sClass);
     $oListExpr = ListExpression::FromScalars($aAllowedOrgs);
     $oCondition = new BinaryExpression($oExpression, 'IN', $oListExpr);
     if ($this->HasSharing()) {
         if ($sAttCode == 'id' && isset($aSettings['bSearchMode']) && $aSettings['bSearchMode']) {
             // Querying organizations (or derived)
             // and the expected list of organizations will be used as a search criteria
             // Therefore the query can also return organization having objects shared with the allowed organizations
             // 1) build the list of organizations sharing something with the allowed organizations
             // Organization <== sharing_org_id == SharedObject having org_id IN {user orgs}
             $oShareSearch = new DBObjectSearch('SharedObject');
             $oOrgField = new FieldExpression('org_id', 'SharedObject');
             $oShareSearch->AddConditionExpression(new BinaryExpression($oOrgField, 'IN', $oListExpr));
             $oSearchSharers = new DBObjectSearch('Organization');
             $oSearchSharers->AddCondition_ReferencedBy($oShareSearch, 'sharing_org_id');
             $aSharers = array();
             foreach ($oSearchSharers->ToDataArray(array('id')) as $aRow) {
                 $aSharers[] = $aRow['id'];
             // 2) Enlarge the overall results: ... OR id IN(id1, id2, id3)
             if (count($aSharers) > 0) {
                 $oSharersList = ListExpression::FromScalars($aSharers);
                 $oFilter->MergeConditionExpression(new BinaryExpression($oExpression, 'IN', $oSharersList));
         $aShareProperties = SharedObject::GetSharedClassProperties($sClass);
         if ($aShareProperties) {
             $sShareClass = $aShareProperties['share_class'];
             $sShareAttCode = $aShareProperties['attcode'];
             $oSearchShares = new DBObjectSearch($sShareClass);
             $sHierarchicalKeyCode = MetaModel::IsHierarchicalClass('Organization');
             $oOrgField = new FieldExpression('org_id', $sShareClass);
             $oSearchShares->AddConditionExpression(new BinaryExpression($oOrgField, 'IN', $oListExpr));
             $aShared = array();
             foreach ($oSearchShares->ToDataArray(array($sShareAttCode)) as $aRow) {
                 $aShared[] = $aRow[$sShareAttCode];
             if (count($aShared) > 0) {
                 $oObjId = new FieldExpression('id', $sClass);
                 $oSharedIdList = ListExpression::FromScalars($aShared);
                 $oFilter->MergeConditionExpression(new BinaryExpression($oObjId, 'IN', $oSharedIdList));
     // if HasSharing
     return $oFilter;