Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function action_getByName()
     $search = $this->request->post('search');
     if (Request::current()->is_ajax() && $search) {
         $criteria = new \DBCriteria();
         $criteria->addSearchCondition('name', $search, true, 'AND', 'LIKE');
         $data = \Model\Places::model()->findAll($criteria);
         $result = [];
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $result[$key]['item_id'] = $value->idplaces;
             $result[$key]['center_lat'] = $value->lat;
             $result[$key]['center_lng'] = $value->lng;
         $this->response->body(json_encode(['data' => $result]));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Validates the attribute of the object.
  * If there is any error, the error message is added to the object.
  * @param \Model $object    the object being validated
  * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated
  * @throws \Kohana_Exception if given table does not have specified column name
 protected function validateAttribute($object, $attribute)
     $value = $object->{$attribute};
     if ($this->allowEmpty && $this->isEmpty($value)) {
     if (is_array($value)) {
         // https://github.com/yiisoft/yii/issues/1955
         $this->addError($object, $attribute, '{attribute} is invalid.');
     $className = $this->className === null ? get_class($object) : Yii::import($this->className);
     $attributeName = $this->attributeName === null ? $attribute : $this->attributeName;
     $finder = $this->getModel($className);
     $table = $finder->getTableSchema();
     if (($column = $table->getColumn($attributeName)) === null) {
         throw new \Kohana_Exception('Table "{table}" does not have a column named "{column}".', ['{column}' => $attributeName, '{table}' => $table->name]);
     $columnName = $column->rawName;
     $criteria = new DBCriteria();
     if ($this->criteria !== []) {
     $tableAlias = empty($criteria->alias) ? $finder->getTableAlias(true) : $criteria->alias;
     $valueParamName = DbCriteria::PARAM_PREFIX . CDbCriteria::$paramCount++;
     $criteria->addCondition($this->caseSensitive ? "{$tableAlias}.{$columnName}={$valueParamName}" : "LOWER({$tableAlias}.{$columnName})=LOWER({$valueParamName})");
     $criteria->params[$valueParamName] = $value;
     if (!$finder->exists($criteria)) {
         $message = $this->message !== null ? $this->message : '{attribute} "{value}" is invalid.';
         $this->addError($object, $attribute, $message, ['{value}' => CHtml::encode($value)]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function userCustomHistory($sender_id, $receiver_id, $session, $limit = false, $condition = false)
     $criteria = new \DBCriteria();
     $criteria->select = ' cht.sendtime, cht.message, usr1.fio as sender_fio, usr2.fio as receiver_fio,
       usr1.id as sender_id, usr2.id as receiver_id, usr1.photo as sender_photo, usr2.photo as receiver_photo ';
     $criteria->mergeWith(array('join' => 'INNER JOIN user AS usr1 ON usr1.id = cht.sender_id
                  INNER JOIN user AS usr2 ON usr2.id = cht.receiver_id'));
     if ($limit) {
         $criteria->limit = $limit;
     if (!$limit) {
         $criteria->limit = 200;
         $criteria->offset = $this->user_messages;
     $criteria->order = ' cht.sendtime DESC ';
     if ($condition) {
         $criteria->condition = $condition;
     } else {
         $criteria->condition = ' ( cht.session = "' . $session . '" ) ';
     $criteria->params = [':sender_id' => $sender_id, ':receiver_id' => $receiver_id];
     $data = \Model\Chat::model()->findAll($criteria);
     // --------------Update Readed---------------//
     $criteria2 = new \DBCriteria();
     $criteria2->condition = ' receiver_id = :receiver_id ';
     $criteria2->params = [':receiver_id' => $sender_id];
     \Model\Chat::model()->updateAll(['read' => 1], $criteria2);
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function yaestaenuso()
     $criterio = new DBCriteria();
     $criterio->paramas = array(":servi" => $this->codserv);
     $registro = Desolpe::model()->find($criterio);
     return is_null($registro) ? false : true;