Ejemplo n.º 1
function addToCacheTable($id)
    global $server, $user, $pass, $database, $link;
    // get data
    $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT i.label AS label, i.description AS description, i.id_tree AS id_tree, i.perso AS perso, i.restricted_to AS restricted_to, i.login AS login, i.id AS id\n        FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " AS i\n        AND " . prefix_table("log_items") . " AS l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n        WHERE i.id = %i\n        AND l.action = %s", intval($id), at_creation);
    // Get all TAGS
    $tags = "";
    $data_tags = DB::query("SELECT tag FROM " . prefix_table("tags") . " WHERE item_id=%i", $id);
    foreach ($data_tags as $itemTag) {
        if (!empty($itemTag['tag'])) {
            $tags .= $itemTag['tag'] . " ";
    // form id_tree to full foldername
    /*$folder = "";
      $arbo = $tree->getPath($data['id_tree'], true);
      foreach ($arbo as $elem) {
          if ($elem->title == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $elem->nlevel == 1) {
              $elem->title = $_SESSION['login'];
          if (empty($folder)) {
              $folder = stripslashes($elem->title);
          } else {
              $folder .= " » ".stripslashes($elem->title);
    // finaly update
    DB::insert(prefix_table("cache"), array("id" => $data['id'], "label" => $data['label'], "description" => $data['description'], "tags" => $tags, "id_tree" => $data['id_tree'], "perso" => $data['perso'], "restricted_to" => $data['restricted_to'], "login" => $data['login'], "folder" => "", "restricted_to" => "0", "author" => "9999999"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
function addToCacheTable($id)
    global $server, $user, $pass, $database, $link;
    // get data
    $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT i.label AS label, i.description AS description, i.id_tree AS id_tree, i.perso AS perso, i.restricted_to AS restricted_to, i.login AS login, i.id AS id\n        FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " AS i\n        AND " . prefix_table("log_items") . " AS l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n        WHERE i.id = %i\n        AND l.action = %s", intval($id), at_creation);
    // Get all TAGS
    $tags = "";
    $data_tags = DB::query("SELECT tag FROM " . prefix_table("tags") . " WHERE item_id=%i", $id);
    foreach ($data_tags as $itemTag) {
        if (!empty($itemTag['tag'])) {
            $tags .= $itemTag['tag'] . " ";
    // finaly update
    DB::insert(prefix_table("cache"), array("id" => $data['id'], "label" => $data['label'], "description" => $data['description'], "tags" => $tags, "id_tree" => $data['id_tree'], "perso" => $data['perso'], "restricted_to" => $data['restricted_to'], "login" => $data['login'], "folder" => "", "author" => API_USER_ID, "renewal_period" => 0, "timestamp" => time(), "url" => 0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
function checkUser($userId, $userKey, $pageVisited)
    global $pagesRights;
    if (empty($userId) || empty($pageVisited) || empty($userKey)) {
        return false;
    if (!is_array($pageVisited)) {
        $pageVisited = array($pageVisited);
    include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/settings.php';
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/language/' . $_SESSION['user_language'] . '.php';
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/SplClassLoader.php';
    require_once 'main.functions.php';
    // Connect to mysql server
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php';
    DB::$host = $server;
    DB::$user = $user;
    DB::$password = $pass;
    DB::$dbName = $database;
    DB::$port = $port;
    DB::$encoding = $encoding;
    DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
    $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
    // load user's data
    $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT login, key_tempo, admin, gestionnaire FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id = %i", $userId);
    // check if user exists and tempo key is coherant
    if (empty($data['login']) || empty($data['key_tempo']) || $data['key_tempo'] != $userKey) {
        return false;
    // check if user is allowed to see this page
    if (empty($data['admin']) && empty($data['gestionnaire']) && !IsInArray($pageVisited, $pagesRights['user'])) {
        return false;
    } else {
        if (empty($data['admin']) && !empty($data['gestionnaire']) && !IsInArray($pageVisited, $pagesRights['manager'])) {
            return false;
        } else {
            if (!empty($data['admin']) && !IsInArray($pageVisited, $pagesRights['admin'])) {
                return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
         echo '[ { "status" : "none" } ]';
      * Open KB
  * Open KB
 case "open_kb":
     // Check KEY
     if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) {
         echo '[ { "error" : "key_not_conform" } ]';
     $ret = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT k.id AS id, k.label AS label, k.description AS description, k.category_id AScategory_id, k.author_id AS author_id, k.anyone_can_modify AS anyone_can_modify, u.login AS login, c.category AS category\n                FROM " . prefix_table("kb") . " AS k\n                INNER JOIN " . prefix_table("kb_categories") . " AS c ON (c.id = k.category_id)\n                INNER JOIN " . prefix_table("users") . " AS u ON (u.id = k.author_id)\n                WHERE k.id = %i", $_POST['id']);
     //select associated items
     $rows = DB::query("SELECT item_id FROM " . prefix_table("kb") . "_items WHERE kb_id = %i", $_POST['id']);
     $arrOptions = array();
     foreach ($rows as $record) {
         //echo '$("#kb_associated_to option[value='.$record['item_id'].']").attr("selected","selected");';
         array_push($arrOptions, $record['item_id']);
     $arrOutput = array("label" => $ret['label'], "category" => $ret['category'], "description" => $ret['description'], "anyone_can_modify" => $ret['anyone_can_modify'], "options" => $arrOptions);
     echo json_encode($arrOutput, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP);
      * Delete the KB
  * Delete the KB
Ejemplo n.º 5
     //CASE where to update the associated Function
 //CASE where to update the associated Function
 case "fonction":
     /* do checks */
     require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/checks.php';
     if (!checkUser($_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['key'], "manage_folders")) {
         $_SESSION['error']['code'] = ERR_NOT_ALLOWED;
         //not allowed page
         include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/error.php';
     // get values
     $val = explode(';', $_POST['valeur']);
     $valeur = $_POST['valeur'];
     //Check if ID already exists
     $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT authorized FROM " . prefix_table("rights") . " WHERE tree_id = %i AND fonction_id= %i", $val[0], $val[1]);
     if (empty($data['authorized'])) {
         //Insert into DB
         DB::insert(prefix_table("rights"), array('tree_id' => $val[0], 'fonction_id' => $val[1], 'authorized' => 1));
     } else {
         //Update DB
         if ($data['authorized'] == 1) {
             DB::update(prefix_table("rights"), array('authorized' => 0), "id = %i AND fonction_id=%i", $val[0], $val[1]);
         } else {
             DB::update(prefix_table("rights"), array('authorized' => 1), "id = %i AND fonction_id=%i", $val[0], $val[1]);
     // CASE where to authorize an ITEM creation without respecting the complexity
 // CASE where to authorize an ITEM creation without respecting the complexity
 case "modif_droit_autorisation_sans_complexite":
Ejemplo n.º 6
         $texte .= '<tr><td><input type=\'checkbox\' class=\'cb_deleted_item\' value=\'' . $reccord['id'] . '\' id=\'item_deleted_' . $reccord['id'] . '\' />&nbsp;<b>' . $reccord['label'] . '</b></td><td width=\\"100px\\" align=\\"center\\">' . date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'], $reccord['date']) . '</td><td width=\\"70px\\" align=\\"center\\">' . $reccord['login'] . '</td>' . $thisFolder . '</tr>';
     echo '[{"text":"' . $texte . '</table><div style=\'margin-left:5px;\'><input type=\'checkbox\' id=\'item_deleted_select_all\' />&nbsp;<img src=\\"includes/images/arrow-repeat.png\\" title=\\"' . $LANG['restore'] . '\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" onclick=\\"restoreDeletedItems()\\">&nbsp;<img src=\\"includes/images/bin_empty.png\\" title=\\"' . $LANG['delete'] . '\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" onclick=\\"reallyDeleteItems()\\"></div>"}]';
      * CASE admin want to restaure a list of deleted items
  * CASE admin want to restaure a list of deleted items
 case "restore_deleted__items":
     //restore FOLDERS
     if (count($_POST['list_f']) > 0) {
         foreach (explode(';', $_POST['list_f']) as $id) {
             $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT valeur\n                    FROM " . prefix_table("misc") . "\n                    WHERE type = 'folder_deleted'\n                    AND intitule = %s", $id);
             if ($data['valeur'] != 0) {
                 $folderData = explode(', ', $data['valeur']);
                 //insert deleted folder
                 DB::insert(prefix_table("nested_tree"), array('id' => $folderData[0], 'parent_id' => $folderData[1], 'title' => $folderData[2], 'nleft' => $folderData[3], 'nright' => $folderData[4], 'nlevel' => $folderData[5], 'bloquer_creation' => $folderData[6], 'bloquer_modification' => $folderData[7], 'personal_folder' => $folderData[8], 'renewal_period' => $folderData[9]));
                 //delete log
                 DB::delete(prefix_table("misc"), "type = %s AND intitule = %s", "folder_deleted", $id);
     //restore ITEMS
     if (count($_POST['list_i']) > 0) {
         foreach (explode(';', $_POST['list_i']) as $id) {
             DB::update(prefix_table("items"), array('inactif' => '0'), 'id = %i', $id);
             DB::insert(prefix_table("log_items"), array("id_item" => $id, "date" => time(), "id_user" => $_SESSION['user_id'], "action" => "at_restored"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
         $texte .= '<tr><td><input type=\'checkbox\' class=\'cb_deleted_item\' value=\'' . $reccord['id'] . '\' id=\'item_deleted_' . $reccord['id'] . '\' />&nbsp;<b>' . $reccord['label'] . '</b></td><td width=\\"100px\\" align=\\"center\\">' . date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'], $reccord['date']) . '</td><td width=\\"70px\\" align=\\"center\\">' . $reccord['login'] . '</td>' . $thisFolder . '</tr>';
     echo '[{"text":"' . $texte . '</table><div style=\'margin-left:5px;\'><input type=\'checkbox\' id=\'item_deleted_select_all\' />&nbsp;<img src=\\"includes/images/arrow-repeat.png\\" title=\\"' . $LANG['restore'] . '\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" onclick=\\"restoreDeletedItems()\\">&nbsp;<img src=\\"includes/images/bin_empty.png\\" title=\\"' . $LANG['delete'] . '\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" onclick=\\"reallyDeleteItems()\\"></div>"}]';
      * CASE admin want to restaure a list of deleted items
  * CASE admin want to restaure a list of deleted items
 case "restore_deleted__items":
     //restore FOLDERS
     if (count($_POST['list_f']) > 0) {
         foreach (explode(';', $_POST['list_f']) as $id) {
             $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT valeur\n                    FROM " . $pre . "misc\n                    WHERE type = 'folder_deleted'\n                    AND intitule = %s", $id);
             if ($data['valeur'] != 0) {
                 $folderData = explode(', ', $data['valeur']);
                 //insert deleted folder
                 DB::insert($pre . 'nested_tree', array('id' => $folderData[0], 'parent_id' => $folderData[1], 'title' => $folderData[2], 'nleft' => $folderData[3], 'nright' => $folderData[4], 'nlevel' => $folderData[5], 'bloquer_creation' => $folderData[6], 'bloquer_modification' => $folderData[7], 'personal_folder' => $folderData[8], 'renewal_period' => $folderData[9]));
                 //delete log
                 DB::delete($pre . "misc", "type = %s AND intitule = %s", "folder_deleted", $id);
     //restore ITEMS
     if (count($_POST['list_i']) > 0) {
         foreach (explode(';', $_POST['list_i']) as $id) {
             DB::update($pre . "items", array('inactif' => '0'), 'id = %i', $id);
             DB::insert($pre . "log_items", array("id_item" => $id, "date" => time(), "id_user" => $_SESSION['user_id'], "action" => "at_restored"));
Ejemplo n.º 8
$sOutput .= '"iTotalDisplayRecords": ' . $iFilteredTotal . ', ';
$sOutput .= '"aaData": ';
if ($iFilteredTotal > 0) {
    $sOutput .= '[';
foreach ($rows as $record) {
    $sOutput .= "[";
    $sOutput .= '"<img src=\\"includes/images/direction_arrow.png\\" onclick=\\"openKB(\'' . $record['id'] . '\')\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" />';
    if ($record['anyone_can_modify'] == 1 || $record['author_id'] == $_SESSION['user_id']) {
        $sOutput .= '<img src=\\"includes/images/direction_minus.png\\" onclick=\\"deleteKB(\'' . $record['id'] . '\')\\" style=\\"cursor:pointer;\\" />';
    $sOutput .= '",';
    $ret_cat = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT category FROM " . $pre . "kb_categories WHERE id = %i", $record['category_id']);
    $sOutput .= '"' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($ret_cat['category']), ENT_QUOTES) . '",';
    $sOutput .= '"' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($record['label']), ENT_QUOTES) . '",';
    $ret_author = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT login FROM " . $pre . "users WHERE id = %i", $record['author_id']);
    $sOutput .= '"' . html_entity_decode($ret_author['login'], ENT_NOQUOTES) . '"';
    //Finish the line
    $sOutput .= '],';
if (count($rows) > 0) {
    $sOutput = substr_replace($sOutput, "", -1);
    $sOutput .= '] }';
} else {
    $sOutput .= '[] }';
echo $sOutput;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 $return = "";
 //Get all tables
 $tables = array();
 $result = DB::query('SHOW TABLES');
 foreach ($result as $row) {
     $tables[] = $row["Tables_in_" . $database];
 //cycle through
 foreach ($tables as $table) {
     if (empty($pre) || substr_count($table, $pre) > 0) {
         $result = DB::queryRaw('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
         $mysqli_result = DB::queryRaw("SELECT *\n                    FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS\n                    WHERE table_schema = %s\n                    AND table_name = %s", $database, $table);
         $numFields = DB::count();
         // prepare a drop table
         $return .= 'DROP TABLE ' . $table . ';';
         $row2 = DB::queryfirstrow('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table);
         $return .= "\n\n" . $row2["Create Table"] . ";\n\n";
         //prepare all fields and datas
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++) {
             while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) {
                 $return .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES(';
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $numFields; $j++) {
                     $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]);
                     $row[$j] = preg_replace("/\n/", "\\n", $row[$j]);
                     if (isset($row[$j])) {
                         $return .= '"' . $row[$j] . '"';
                     } else {
                         $return .= 'NULL';
                     if ($j < $numFields - 1) {
                         $return .= ',';
Ejemplo n.º 10
 } else {
     $personal_sk = $_SESSION['my_sk'];
     // get data about pw
     $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT id, pw, pw_iv\n                FROM " . prefix_table("items") . "\n                WHERE id = %i", $_POST['currentId']);
     if (empty($data['pw_iv'])) {
         // check if pw encrypted with protocol #2
         $pw = decrypt($data['pw'], $_SESSION['my_sk']);
         if (empty($pw)) {
             // used protocol is #1
             $pw = decryptOld($data['pw'], $_SESSION['my_sk']);
             // decrypt using protocol #1
         } else {
             // used protocol is #2
             // get key for this pw
             $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT rand_key\n                        FROM " . prefix_table("keys") . "\n                        WHERE `sql_table` = %s AND id = %i", "items", $data['id']);
             if (!empty($dataItem['rand_key'])) {
                 // remove key from pw
                 $pw = substr($pw, strlen($dataTemp['rand_key']));
         // encrypt it
         $encrypt = cryption($pw, $personal_sk, "", "encrypt");
         // store Password
         DB::update(prefix_table('items'), array('pw' => $encrypt['string'], 'pw_iv' => $encrypt['iv']), "id = %i", $data['id']);
     } else {
         // already re-encrypted
 echo '[{"error" : ""}]';
Ejemplo n.º 11
         // launch query
         $rows = DB::query("SELECT *\n                    FROM " . prefix_table("log_system") . "\n                    WHERE type = %s AND field_1=%i\n                    ORDER BY date DESC\n                    LIMIT {$start}," . $_POST['nb_items_by_page'], "user_mngt", $_POST['id']);
     // generate data
     if (isset($counter) && $counter != 0) {
         $nb_pages = ceil($counter / $_POST['nb_items_by_page']);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb_pages; $i++) {
             $pages .= '<td onclick=\'displayLogs(' . $i . ',\\"user_mngt\\")\'><span style=\'cursor:pointer;' . ($_POST['page'] == $i ? 'font-weight:bold;font-size:18px;\'>' . $i : '\'>' . $i) . '</span></td>';
     $pages .= '</tr></table>';
     if (isset($rows)) {
         foreach ($rows as $record) {
             if ($_POST['scope'] == "user_mngt") {
                 $user = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT login from " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id=%i", $record['qui']);
                 $user_1 = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT login from " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id=%i", $_POST['id']);
                 $tmp = explode(":", $record['label']);
                 $logs .= '<tr><td>' . date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'] . " " . $_SESSION['settings']['time_format'], $record['date']) . '</td><td align=\\"center\\">' . str_replace(array('"', '#user_login#'), array('\\"', $user_1['login']), $LANG['login']) . '</td><td align=\\"center\\">' . $user['login'] . '</td><td align=\\"center\\"></td></tr>';
             } else {
                 $logs .= '<tr><td>' . date($_SESSION['settings']['date_format'] . " " . $_SESSION['settings']['time_format'], $record['date']) . '</td><td align=\\"center\\">' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $record['label']) . '</td><td align=\\"center\\">' . $record['login'] . '</td><td align=\\"center\\">' . $LANG[$record['action']] . '</td></tr>';
     echo '[ { "table_logs": "' . $logs . '", "pages": "' . $pages . '", "error" : "no" } ]';
      * Migrate the Admin PF to User
  * Migrate the Admin PF to User
Ejemplo n.º 12
 DB::$user = $user;
 DB::$password = $pass;
 DB::$dbName = $database;
 DB::$port = $port;
 DB::$encoding = $encoding;
 DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
 $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
 // check session validity
 $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT id, timestamp, code, item_id FROM " . prefix_table("otv") . "\n        WHERE code = %i", intval($_GET['code']));
 if ($data['timestamp'] == $_GET['stamp']) {
     // otv is too old
     if ($data['timestamp'] < time() - $_SESSION['settings']['otv_expiration_period'] * 86400) {
         $html = "Link is too old!";
     } else {
         $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT *\n                FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " as i\n                INNER JOIN " . prefix_table("log_items") . " as l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n                WHERE i.id = %i AND l.action = %s", intval($data['item_id']), 'at_creation');
         // get data
         $pw = cryption($dataItem['pw'], SALT, $dataItem['pw_iv'], "decrypt");
         $label = $dataItem['label'];
         $email = $dataItem['email'];
         $url = $dataItem['url'];
         $description = preg_replace('/(?<!\\r)\\n+(?!\\r)/', '', strip_tags($dataItem['description'], $k['allowedTags']));
         $login = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $dataItem['login']);
         // display data
         $html = "<div style='margin:30px;'>" . "<div style='font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;'>Welcome to One-Time item view page.</div>" . "<div style='font-style:italic;'>Here are the details of the Item that has been shared to you</div>" . "<div style='margin-top:10px;'><table>" . "<tr><td>Label:</td><td>" . $label . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>Password:</td><td>" . $pw . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>Description:</td><td>" . $description . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>login:</td><td>" . $login . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>URL:</td><td>" . $url . "</td</tr>" . "</table></div>" . "<div style='margin-top:30px;'>Copy carefully the data you need. This page is only visible once.</div>" . "</div>";
         // delete entry
         //DB::delete(prefix_table("otv"), "id = %i", intval($_GET['otv_id']));
         // display
         echo $html;
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 13
      * CASE
      * Free Item for Edition
  * CASE
  * Free Item for Edition
 case "delete_file":
     // Check KEY
     if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) {
         echo '[ { "error" : "key_not_conform" } ]';
     // get file info
     $result = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT file FROM " . prefix_table("files") . " WHERE id=%i", substr($_POST['uri'], 1));
     @unlink($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_upload_folder'] . '/' . $result['file'] . $_POST['file_suffix']);
      * CASE
      * Get list of users that have access to the folder
  * CASE
  * Get list of users that have access to the folder
 case "get_refined_list_of_users":
     // Check KEY
     if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) {
         echo '[ { "error" : "key_not_conform" } ]';
Ejemplo n.º 14
 DB::$encoding = $encoding;
 DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
 $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
 // check session validity
 $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT id, timestamp, code, item_id FROM " . prefix_table("otv") . "\n        WHERE code = %s", $_GET['code']);
 if ($data['timestamp'] == intval($_GET['stamp'])) {
     // otv is too old
     if ($data['timestamp'] < time() - $_SESSION['settings']['otv_expiration_period'] * 86400) {
         $html = "Link is too old!";
     } else {
         // get from DB
         $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT *\n                FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " as i\n                INNER JOIN " . prefix_table("log_items") . " as l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n                WHERE i.id = %i AND l.action = %s", intval($data['item_id']), 'at_creation');
         // is Item still valid regarding number of times being seen
         // Decrement the number before being deleted
         $dataDelete = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("automatic_del") . " WHERE item_id=%i", $data['item_id']);
         if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['enable_delete_after_consultation']) && $_SESSION['settings']['enable_delete_after_consultation'] == 1) {
             if ($dataDelete['del_enabled'] == 1) {
                 if ($dataDelete['del_type'] == 1 && $dataDelete['del_value'] >= 1) {
                     // decrease counter
                     DB::update($pre . "automatic_del", array('del_value' => $dataDelete['del_value'] - 1), "item_id = %i", $data['item_id']);
                 } elseif ($dataDelete['del_type'] == 1 && $dataDelete['del_value'] <= 1 || $dataDelete['del_type'] == 2 && $dataDelete['del_value'] < time()) {
                     // delete item
                     DB::delete($pre . "automatic_del", "item_id = %i", $data['item_id']);
                     // make inactive object
                     DB::update(prefix_table("items"), array('inactif' => '1'), "id = %i", $data['item_id']);
                     // log
                     logItems($data['item_id'], $dataItem['label'], OTV_USER_ID, 'at_delete', 'otv', 'at_automatically_deleted');
                     echo '<div style="padding:10px; margin:90px 30px 30px 30px; text-align:center;" class="ui-widget-content ui-state-error ui-corner-all"><i class="fa fa-warning fa-2x"></i>&nbsp;' . LANG['not_allowed_to_see_pw_is_expired'] . '</div>';
                     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
                        } else {
                            $ret .= "<tr><td><input class='pw_cb' type='checkbox' id='" . $record['id'] . "'></td><td id='old_" . $record['id'] . "'>" . $pw . "</td><td> -> </td><td id='new_" . $record['id'] . "'>" . $reduced_pw . "</td><td id='res_" . $record['id'] . "'></td></tr>";
                            $rowColor = true;
                    } else {
                        $pw = "";
                        $reduced_pw = "";
                        if ($rowColor == true) {
                            $ret .= "<tr class='alt' style='disabled:disabled;'><td></td><td id='old_" . $record['id'] . "'>Password error encoding</td><td> -> </td><td id='new_" . $record['id'] . "'>" . $reduced_pw . "</td><td id='res_" . $record['id'] . "'></td></tr>";
                            $rowColor = false;
                        } else {
                            $ret .= "<tr style='disabled:disabled;'><td></td><td id='old_" . $record['id'] . "'>Password error encoding</td><td> -> </td><td id='new_" . $record['id'] . "'>" . $reduced_pw . "</td><td id='res_" . $record['id'] . "'></td></tr>";
                            $rowColor = true;
            echo '[{"error":"", "result":"' . $ret . '", "index":"' . $_POST['index'] . '"}]';
        } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "tool_clean_1" && $_POST['prefix_len'] != "") {
            $data = DB::queryfirstrow('SELECT i.pw AS pw, k.rand_key AS rand_key
                FROM `' . $pre . 'items` as i
                LEFT JOIN ' . $pre . 'keys as k ON (k.id = i.id)
                WHERE i.id = %i', $_POST['id']);
            $pw = decrypt($data['pw']);
            $pw = substr($pw, strlen($data['rand_key']));
            $pw = $data['rand_key'] . substr($pw, $_POST['prefix_len']);
            DB::update($pre . "items", array('pw' => encrypt($pw)), "id = %i", $_POST['id']);
            echo '[{"error":"", "result":"' . $_POST['id'] . '"}]';
Ejemplo n.º 16
DB::$dbName = $database;
DB::$port = $port;
DB::$encoding = $encoding;
DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
$link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
// check user's token
$dataUser = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT key_tempo\n    FROM " . prefix_table("users") . "\n    WHERE id=%i", $_SESSION['user_id']);
if ($dataUser['key_tempo'] !== $_GET['key']) {
    $_SESSION['error']['code'] = ERR_NOT_ALLOWED;
    //not allowed page
    include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/error.php';
// get data about item
$dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT label, login, pw, pw_iv, url, auto_update_pwd_frequency\n    FROM " . prefix_table("items") . "\n    WHERE id=%i", $_GET['id']);
// decrypt password
$oldPwClear = cryption($dataItem['pw'], SALT, $dataItem['pw_iv'], "decrypt");
echo '
<div id="tabs">
        <li><a href="#tabs-1">' . $LANG['ssh_one_shot_change'] . '</a></li>
        <li><a href="#tabs-2">' . $LANG['ssh_scheduled_change'] . '</a></li>
    <div id="tabs-1">
            <label for="ausp_ssh_root">' . $LANG['ssh_user'] . ':</label>&nbsp;
            <input type="text" id="ausp_ssh_root" class="menu_250 text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="padding:3px;" value="' . $dataItem['login'] . '" />
            <label for="ausp_ssh_pwd">' . $LANG['ssh_pwd'] . ':</label>&nbsp;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    foreach ($server_cert['issuer'] as $key => $value) {
        $cert_issuer .= "/{$key}={$value}";
    if (isset($cert_name) && !empty($cert_name) && $cert_name != $cert_issuer) {
        if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
            header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=500');
            $_SESSION['error']['sts'] = 0;
    } elseif ($cert_name == $cert_issuer) {
        $_SESSION['error']['sts'] = 1;
if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && !empty($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
    // query on user
    $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT admin, gestionnaire, groupes_visibles, groupes_interdits, fonction_id FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id=%i_id", array('id' => $_SESSION['user_id']));
    //Check if user has been deleted or unlogged
    if (empty($data)) {
        // erase session table
        $_SESSION = array();
        // Kill session
        //redirection to index
        echo '
        <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        setTimeout(function(){document.location.href="index.php"}, 10);
    } else {
        // update user's rights
Ejemplo n.º 18
// connect to DB
require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php';
DB::$host = $server;
DB::$user = $user;
DB::$password = $pass;
DB::$dbName = $database;
DB::$port = $port;
DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
$link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
// manage action required
if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
    switch ($_POST['type']) {
        #CASE adding a new function
        case "del_fav":
            //Get actual favourites
            $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT favourites FROM " . $pre . "users WHERE id = %i", $_SESSION['user_id']);
            $tmp = explode(";", $data['favourites']);
            $favs = "";
            $tab_favs = array();
            //redefine new list of favourites
            foreach ($tmp as $f) {
                if (!empty($f) && $f != $_POST['id']) {
                    if (empty($favs)) {
                        $favs = $f;
                    } else {
                        $favs = ';' . $f;
                    array_push($tab_favs, $f);
            //update user's account
Ejemplo n.º 19
DB::$host = $server;
DB::$user = $user;
DB::$password = $pass;
DB::$dbName = $database;
DB::$port = $port;
DB::$encoding = $encoding;
DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
$link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
// manage action required
if (!empty($_POST['type'])) {
    switch ($_POST['type']) {
        #CASE adding a new function
        case "del_fav":
            //Get actual favourites
            $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT favourites FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id = %i", $_SESSION['user_id']);
            $tmp = explode(";", $data['favourites']);
            $favs = "";
            $tab_favs = array();
            //redefine new list of favourites
            foreach ($tmp as $f) {
                if (!empty($f) && $f != $_POST['id']) {
                    if (empty($favs)) {
                        $favs = $f;
                    } else {
                        $favs = ';' . $f;
                    array_push($tab_favs, $f);
            //update user's account
Ejemplo n.º 20
     if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['psk_authentication']) && $_SESSION['settings']['psk_authentication'] == 1 && !empty($data['psk'])) {
         $pskSet = true;
     } else {
         $pskSet = false;
     echo '[{"login" : "' . $userOk . '", "psk":"' . $pskSet . '"}]';
      * Make statistics on item
  * Make statistics on item
 case "item_stat":
     if (isset($_POST['scope']) && $_POST['scope'] == "item") {
         $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT view FROM " . prefix_table("statistics") . " WHERE scope = %s AND item_id = %i", 'item', $_POST['id']);
         $counter = DB::count();
         if ($counter == 0) {
             DB::insert(prefix_table("statistics"), array('scope' => 'item', 'view' => '1', 'item_id' => $_POST['id']));
         } else {
             DB::update(prefix_table("statistics"), array('scope' => 'item', 'view' => $data['view'] + 1), "item_id = %i", $_POST['id']);
      * Refresh list of last items seen
  * Refresh list of last items seen
 case "refresh_list_items_seen":
Ejemplo n.º 21
                DB::insert(prefix_table("items"), array('label' => $suggestion['label'], 'description' => $suggestion['description'], 'pw' => $suggestion['pw'], 'id_tree' => $suggestion['folder_id'], 'inactif' => '0', 'perso' => '0', 'anyone_can_modify' => '0', 'pw_iv' => $suggestion['pw_iv']));
                $newID = DB::insertId();
                if (is_numeric($newID)) {
                    // update log
                    DB::insert(prefix_table("log_items"), array('id_item' => $newID, 'date' => time(), 'id_user' => $suggestion['author_id'], 'action' => 'at_creation'));
                    // update cache table
                    updateCacheTable("add_value", $newID);
                    // delete suggestion
                    DB::delete(prefix_table("suggestion"), "id = %i", $_POST['id']);
                    echo '[ { "status" : "done" } ]';
                } else {
                    echo '[ { "status" : "error_when_creating" } ]';
        case "get_complexity_level":
            // Check KEY
            if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) {
                echo '[ { "error" : "key_not_conform" } ]';
            $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT valeur FROM " . $pre . "misc WHERE intitule = %s AND type = %s", $_POST['folder_id'], "complex");
            if (isset($data['valeur']) && (!empty($data['valeur']) || $data['valeur'] == 0)) {
                $complexity = $_SESSION['settings']['pwComplexity'][$data['valeur']][1];
            } else {
                $complexity = $LANG['not_defined'];
            echo '[ { "status" : "ok" , "complexity" : "' . $data['valeur'] . '" , "complexity_text" : "' . $complexity . '" } ]';
Ejemplo n.º 22
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 // Delete item
                 DB::delete(prefix_table("items"), "id = %i", $item['id']);
                 // log
                 DB::delete(prefix_table("log_items"), "id_item = %i", $item['id']);
         // rebuild tree
         $tree = new Tree\NestedTree\NestedTree($pre . 'nested_tree', 'id', 'parent_id', 'title');
     // update LOG
     logEvents('user_mngt', 'at_user_deleted', $_SESSION['user_id'], $_SESSION['login'], $_POST['id']);
 } else {
     // Get old data about user
     $oldData = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("users") . "\n                    WHERE id = %i", $_POST['id']);
     // manage account status
     $accountDisabled = 0;
     if ($account_status_action == "unlock") {
         $accountDisabled = 0;
         $logDisabledText = "at_user_unlocked";
     } elseif ($account_status_action == "lock") {
         $accountDisabled = 1;
         $logDisabledText = "at_user_locked";
     // update user
     DB::update(prefix_table("users"), array('login' => mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['login'])), 'name' => mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['name'])), 'lastname' => mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['lastname'])), 'email' => mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['email'])), 'disabled' => $accountDisabled, 'isAdministratedByRole' => $dataReceived['managedby'], 'groupes_interdits' => empty($dataReceived['forbidFld']) ? '0' : rtrim($dataReceived['forbidFld'], ";"), 'groupes_visibles' => empty($dataReceived['allowFld']) ? '0' : rtrim($dataReceived['allowFld'], ";"), 'fonction_id' => empty($dataReceived['functions']) ? '0' : rtrim($dataReceived['functions'], ";")), "id = %i", $_POST['id']);
     // update LOG
     if ($oldData['email'] != mysqli_escape_string($link, htmlspecialchars_decode($dataReceived['email']))) {
         logEvents('user_mngt', 'at_user_email_changed:' . $oldData['email'], intval($_SESSION['user_id']), $_SESSION['login'], intval($_POST['id']));
Ejemplo n.º 23
                $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . $pre . "categories \n                    WHERE parent_id = %i\n                    ORDER BY " . $pre . "categories.order ASC", $record['id']);
                if (count($rows) > 0) {
                    foreach ($rows as $field) {
                        array_push($arrCategories, array('2', $field['id'], $field['title'], $field['order'], "", ""));
            echo json_encode($arrCategories, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP);
        case "categoryInFolders":
            // update order
            if (!empty($_POST['foldersIds'])) {
                // delete all existing inputs
                DB::delete($pre . "categories_folders", "id_category = %i", $_POST['id']);
                // create new list
                $list = "";
                foreach (explode(';', $_POST['foldersIds']) as $folder) {
                    DB::insert($pre . 'categories_folders', array('id_category' => $_POST['id'], 'id_folder' => $folder));
                    // prepare a list
                    $row = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT title FROM " . $pre . "nested_tree WHERE id=%i", $folder);
                    if (empty($list)) {
                        $list = $row['title'];
                    } else {
                        $list .= " | " . $row['title'];
                echo '[{"list" : "' . $list . '"}]';
Ejemplo n.º 24
 DB::$encoding = $encoding;
 DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
 $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
 // check session validity
 $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT timestamp, code, item_id FROM " . prefix_table("otv") . "\n        WHERE id = %i", intval($_GET['otv_id']));
 if ($data['timestamp'] == $_GET['stamp'] && $data['code'] == $_GET['code'] && $data['item_id'] == $_GET['item_id']) {
     // otv is too old
     if ($data['timestamp'] < time() - $_SESSION['settings']['otv_expiration_period'] * 86400) {
         $html = "Link is too old!";
     } else {
         $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT *\n                FROM " . prefix_table("items") . " as i\n                INNER JOIN " . prefix_table("log_items") . " as l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n                WHERE i.id = %i AND l.action = %s", intval($_GET['item_id']), 'at_creation');
         // get data
         $pw = cryption($dataItem['pw'], SALT, $dataItem['pw_iv'], "decrypt");
         // get key for original pw
         $originalKey = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT rand_key FROM `" . prefix_table("keys") . "`\n                WHERE `sql_table` = %s AND `id` = %i", 'items', intval($_GET['item_id']));
         // unsalt previous pw
         $pw = substr($pw, strlen($originalKey['rand_key']));
         $label = $dataItem['label'];
         $email = $dataItem['email'];
         $url = $dataItem['url'];
         $description = preg_replace('/(?<!\\r)\\n+(?!\\r)/', '', strip_tags($dataItem['description'], $k['allowedTags']));
         $login = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $dataItem['login']);
         // display data
         $html = "<div style='margin:30px;'>" . "<div style='font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;'>Welcome to One-Time item view page.</div>" . "<div style='font-style:italic;'>Here are the details of the Item that has been shared to you</div>" . "<div style='margin-top:10px;'><table>" . "<tr><td>Label:</td><td>" . $label . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>Password:</td><td>" . $pw . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>Description:</td><td>" . $description . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>login:</td><td>" . $login . "</td</tr>" . "<tr><td>URL:</td><td>" . $url . "</td</tr>" . "</table></div>" . "<div style='margin-top:30px;'>Copy carefully the data you need. This page is only visible once.</div>" . "</div>";
         // delete entry
         //DB::delete(prefix_table("otv"), "id = %i", intval($_GET['otv_id']));
         // display
         echo $html;
 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 25
                $rows = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("categories") . "\n                    WHERE parent_id = %i\n                    ORDER BY " . $pre . "categories.order ASC", $record['id']);
                if (count($rows) > 0) {
                    foreach ($rows as $field) {
                        array_push($arrCategories, array('2', $field['id'], $field['title'], $field['order'], "", ""));
            echo json_encode($arrCategories, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP);
        case "categoryInFolders":
            // update order
            if (!empty($_POST['foldersIds'])) {
                // delete all existing inputs
                DB::delete($pre . "categories_folders", "id_category = %i", $_POST['id']);
                // create new list
                $list = "";
                foreach (explode(';', $_POST['foldersIds']) as $folder) {
                    DB::insert(prefix_table("categories_folders"), array('id_category' => $_POST['id'], 'id_folder' => $folder));
                    // prepare a list
                    $row = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT title FROM " . prefix_table("nested_tree") . " WHERE id=%i", $folder);
                    if (empty($list)) {
                        $list = $row['title'];
                    } else {
                        $list .= " | " . $row['title'];
                echo '[{"list" : "' . $list . '"}]';
Ejemplo n.º 26
             // already re-encrypted
     echo '[{"error" : ""}]';
     #CASE auto update server password
 #CASE auto update server password
 case "server_auto_update_password":
     if ($_POST['key'] != $_SESSION['key']) {
         echo '[{"error" : "something_wrong"}]';
     // decrypt and retreive data in JSON format
     $dataReceived = prepareExchangedData($_POST['data'], "decode");
     // get data about item
     $dataItem = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT label, login, pw, pw_iv, url\n            FROM " . prefix_table("items") . "\n            WHERE id=%i", $dataReceived['currentId']);
     // decrypt password
     $oldPwClear = cryption($dataItem['pw'], SALT, $dataItem['pw_iv'], "decrypt");
     // encrypt new password
     $encrypt = cryption($dataReceived['new_pwd'], SALT, "", "encrypt");
     // connect ot server with ssh
     $ret = "";
     stream_resolve_include_path($_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Authentication/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php');
     include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Authentication/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php';
     $parse = parse_url($dataItem['url']);
     if (!isset($parse['host']) || empty($parse['host']) || !isset($parse['host']) || empty($parse['host'])) {
         // error in parsing the url
         echo prepareExchangedData(array("error" => "Parsing URL failed.<br />Ensure the URL is well written!</i>", "text" => ""), "encode");
     } else {
         $ssh = new Net_SSH2($parse['host'], $parse['port']);
Ejemplo n.º 27
} else {
    require_once 'main.functions.php';
    // connect to DB
    include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/config/settings.php';
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php';
    DB::$host = $server;
    DB::$user = $user;
    DB::$password = $pass;
    DB::$dbName = $database;
    DB::$port = $port;
    DB::$encoding = $encoding;
    DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
    $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
    // get file key
    $result = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT file FROM " . prefix_table("files") . " WHERE id=%i", $_GET['fileid']);
    // Open the file
    $fp = fopen($_SESSION['settings']['path_to_upload_folder'] . '/' . $result['file'], 'rb');
    // should we decrypt the attachment?
    if (isset($_SESSION['settings']['enable_attachment_encryption']) && $_SESSION['settings']['enable_attachment_encryption'] == 1) {
        include $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/config/settings.php';
        // Prepare encryption options
        $iv = substr(md5("<X" . SALT, true), 0, 8);
        $key = substr(md5("-üØ" . SALT, true) . md5("-üÙ" . SALT, true), 0, 24);
        $opts = array('iv' => $iv, 'key' => $key);
        // Add the Mcrypt stream filter
        stream_filter_append($fp, 'mdecrypt.tripledes', STREAM_FILTER_READ, $opts);
    // Read the file contents
Ejemplo n.º 28
    <div id="tabs-2">
        <!-- Prepare a list of all folders that the user can choose -->
        <div style="margin-top:10px;" id="keypass_import_options">
            <label><b>' . $LANG['import_keepass_to_folder'] . '</b></label>&nbsp;
            <select id="import_keepass_items_to">
                <option value="0">' . $LANG['root'] . '</option>';
//Load Tree
$tree = new SplClassLoader('Tree\\NestedTree', './includes/libraries');
$tree = new Tree\NestedTree\NestedTree($pre . 'nested_tree', 'id', 'parent_id', 'title');
$folders = $tree->getDescendants();
// show list of all folders
foreach ($folders as $t) {
    if (in_array($t->id, $_SESSION['groupes_visibles'])) {
        if (is_numeric($t->title)) {
            $user = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT login FROM " . prefix_table("users") . " WHERE id = %i", $t->title);
            $t->title = $user['login'];
            $t->id = $t->id . "-perso";
        $ident = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        for ($x = 1; $x < $t->nlevel; $x++) {
            $ident .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        if (isset($_GET['folder_id']) && $_GET['folder_id'] == $t->id) {
            $selected = " selected";
        } else {
            $selected = "";
        if ($prevLevel < $t->nlevel) {
            echo '<option value="' . $t->id . '"' . $selected . '>' . $ident . $t->title . '</option>';
        } elseif ($prevLevel == $t->nlevel) {
Ejemplo n.º 29
 $texte .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
 //Display each folder with associated rights by role
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($tree as $node) {
     if (in_array($node->id, $_SESSION['groupes_visibles']) && !in_array($node->id, $_SESSION['personal_visible_groups'])) {
         $ident = "";
         for ($a = 1; $a < $node->nlevel; $a++) {
             $ident .= "&#8212;";
         //display 1st cell of the line
         $texte .= '<tr><td style=\'font-size:10px; font-family:arial;\' title=\'ID=' . $node->id . '\'>' . $ident . " " . $node->title . '</td>';
         foreach ($arrRoles as $role) {
             //check if this role has access or not
             // if not then color is red; if yes then color is green
             $role_detail = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT * FROM " . prefix_table("roles_values") . " WHERE folder_id = %i AND role_id = %i", $node->id, $role);
             if (DB::count() > 0) {
                 if ($role_detail['type'] == "W") {
                     $couleur = '#008000';
                     $allowed = "W";
                     $title = $LANG['write'];
                     $label = '<i class="fa fa-indent"></i>&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-eraser"></i>';
                 } elseif ($role_detail['type'] == "ND") {
                     $couleur = '#4E45F7';
                     $allowed = "ND";
                     $title = $LANG['no_delete'];
                     $label = '<i class="fa fa-indent"></i>&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-edit"></i>';
                 } elseif ($role_detail['type'] == "NE") {
                     $couleur = '#4E45F7';
                     $allowed = "NE";
                     $title = $LANG['no_edit'];
Ejemplo n.º 30
 * updateCacheTable()
 * Update the CACHE table
function updateCacheTable($action, $id = "")
    global $db, $server, $user, $pass, $database, $pre, $port, $encoding;
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/sources/SplClassLoader.php';
    //Connect to DB
    require_once $_SESSION['settings']['cpassman_dir'] . '/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php';
    DB::$host = $server;
    DB::$user = $user;
    DB::$password = $pass;
    DB::$dbName = $database;
    DB::$port = $port;
    DB::$encoding = $encoding;
    DB::$error_handler = 'db_error_handler';
    $link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);
    //Load Tree
    $tree = new SplClassLoader('Tree\\NestedTree', '../includes/libraries');
    $tree = new Tree\NestedTree\NestedTree(prefix_table("nested_tree"), 'id', 'parent_id', 'title');
    // Rebuild full cache table
    if ($action == "reload") {
        // truncate table
        DB::query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . $pre . "cache");
        // reload date
        $rows = DB::query("SELECT *\n            FROM " . $pre . "items as i\n            INNER JOIN " . $pre . "log_items as l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n            AND l.action = %s\n            AND i.inactif = %i", 'at_creation', 0);
        foreach ($rows as $record) {
            // Get all TAGS
            $tags = "";
            $itemTags = DB::query("SELECT tag FROM " . $pre . "tags WHERE item_id=%i", $record['id']);
            foreach ($itemTags as $itemTag) {
                if (!empty($itemTag['tag'])) {
                    $tags .= $itemTag['tag'] . " ";
            // form id_tree to full foldername
            $folder = "";
            $arbo = $tree->getPath($record['id_tree'], true);
            foreach ($arbo as $elem) {
                if ($elem->title == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $elem->nlevel == 1) {
                    $elem->title = $_SESSION['login'];
                if (empty($folder)) {
                    $folder = stripslashes($elem->title);
                } else {
                    $folder .= " » " . stripslashes($elem->title);
            // store data
            DB::insert($pre . "cache", array('id' => $record['id'], 'label' => $record['label'], 'description' => $record['description'], 'tags' => $tags, 'id_tree' => $record['id_tree'], 'perso' => $record['perso'], 'restricted_to' => $record['restricted_to'], 'login' => $record['login'] == null ? "" : $record['login'], 'folder' => $folder, 'author' => $record['id_user']));
        // UPDATE an item
    } elseif ($action == "update_value") {
        // get new value from db
        $data = DB::queryfirstrow("SELECT label, description, id_tree, perso, restricted_to, login\n            FROM " . $pre . "items\n            WHERE id=%i", $id);
        // Get all TAGS
        $tags = "";
        $itemTags = DB::query("SELECT tag FROM " . $pre . "tags WHERE item_id=%i", $id);
        foreach ($itemTags as $itemTag) {
            if (!empty($itemTag['tag'])) {
                $tags .= $itemTag['tag'] . " ";
        // form id_tree to full foldername
        $folder = "";
        $arbo = $tree->getPath($data['id_tree'], true);
        foreach ($arbo as $elem) {
            if ($elem->title == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $elem->nlevel == 1) {
                $elem->title = $_SESSION['login'];
            if (empty($folder)) {
                $folder = stripslashes($elem->title);
            } else {
                $folder .= " » " . stripslashes($elem->title);
        // finaly update
        DB::update($pre . "cache", array('label' => $data['label'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'tags' => $tags, 'id_tree' => $data['id_tree'], 'perso' => $data['perso'], 'restricted_to' => $data['restricted_to'], 'login' => $data['login'], 'folder' => $folder, 'author' => $_SESSION['user_id']), "id = %i", $id);
        // ADD an item
    } elseif ($action == "add_value") {
        // get new value from db
        $data = DB::queryFirstRow("SELECT i.label, i.description, i.id_tree as id_tree, i.perso, i.restricted_to, i.id, i.login\n            FROM " . $pre . "items as i\n            INNER JOIN " . $pre . "log_items as l ON (l.id_item = i.id)\n            WHERE i.id = %i\n            AND l.action = %s", $id, 'at_creation');
        // Get all TAGS
        $tags = "";
        $itemTags = DB::query("SELECT tag FROM " . $pre . "tags WHERE item_id = %i", $id);
        foreach ($itemTags as $itemTag) {
            if (!empty($itemTag['tag'])) {
                $tags .= $itemTag['tag'] . " ";
        // form id_tree to full foldername
        $folder = "";
        $arbo = $tree->getPath($data['id_tree'], true);
        foreach ($arbo as $elem) {
            if ($elem->title == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $elem->nlevel == 1) {
                $elem->title = $_SESSION['login'];
            if (empty($folder)) {
                $folder = stripslashes($elem->title);
            } else {
                $folder .= " » " . stripslashes($elem->title);
        // finaly update
        DB::insert($pre . "cache", array('id' => $data['id'], 'label' => $data['label'], 'description' => $data['description'], 'tags' => $tags, 'id_tree' => $data['id_tree'], 'perso' => $data['perso'], 'restricted_to' => $data['restricted_to'], 'login' => $data['login'], 'folder' => $folder, 'author' => $_SESSION['user_id']));
        // DELETE an item
    } elseif ($action == "delete_value") {
        DB::delete($pre . "cache", "id = %i", $id);