Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Sets up the JavsScript cart
  * Searches all $themesPages elements for the first occurrence of the
  * "shopJsCart" template block.
  * Generates the structure of the Javascript cart, puts it in the template,
  * and registers all required JS code.
  * Note that this is only ever called when the JS cart is enabled in the
  * extended settings!
  * @access  public
  * @global  array   $_ARRAYLANG   Language array
  * @global  array   $themesPages  Theme template array
  * @return  void
  * @static
 static function setJsCart()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $themesPages;
     if (!\Cx\Core\Setting\Controller\Setting::getValue('use_js_cart', 'Shop')) {
     $objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma('.');
     $match = null;
     $div_cart = $div_product = '';
     foreach ($themesPages as $index => $content) {
         //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): Section $index");
         $objTemplate->setTemplate($content, false, false);
         if (!$objTemplate->blockExists('shopJsCart')) {
         //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): In themespage $index: {$themesPages[$index]}");
         // Set all language entries and replace formats
         if ($objTemplate->blockExists('shopJsCartProducts')) {
             $div_product = $objTemplate->get('shopJsCartProducts');
             //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): Got Product: $div_product");
             $objTemplate->replaceBlock('shopJsCartProducts', '[[SHOP_JS_CART_PRODUCTS]]');
         $div_cart = $objTemplate->get('shopJsCart');
         //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): Got Cart: $div_cart");
         if (preg_match('#^([\\n\\r]?[^<]*<.*id=["\']shopJsCart["\'][^>]*>)(([\\n\\r].*)*)(</[^>]*>[^<]*[\\n\\r]?)$#', $div_cart, $match)) {
             //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): Matched DIV {$match[1]}, content: {$match[2]}");
             $themesPages[$index] = preg_replace('@(<!--\\s*BEGIN\\s+(shopJsCart)\\s*-->.*?<!--\\s*END\\s+\\2\\s*-->)@s', $match[1] . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CART_IS_LOADING'] . $match[4], $content);
             // Template use won't work, because it kills the remaining <!-- blocks -->!
                             $objTemplate->setTemplate($content, false, false);
                             $themesPages[$index] = $objTemplate->get();
             //\DBG::log("Shop::setJsCart(): Out themespage $index: {$themesPages[$index]}");
         // One instance only (mind that there's a unique id attribute)
         self::$use_js_cart = true;
     if (!self::$use_js_cart) {
     \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable('TXT_SHOP_CART_IS_LOADING', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CART_IS_LOADING'], 'shop/cart');
     \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable('TXT_SHOP_COULD_NOT_LOAD_CART', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_COULD_NOT_LOAD_CART'], 'shop/cart');
     \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable('TXT_EMPTY_SHOPPING_CART', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EMPTY_SHOPPING_CART'], 'shop/cart');
     \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable("url", (string) \Cx\Core\Routing\URL::fromModuleAndCMd('Shop' . MODULE_INDEX, 'cart', FRONTEND_LANG_ID, array('remoteJs' => 'addProduct')), 'shop/cart');
     \JS::registerJS(substr(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getModuleFolderName() . '/Shop/View/Script/cart.js', 1));
     \JS::registerCode("cartTpl = '" . preg_replace(array('/\'/', '/[\\n\\r]/', '/\\//'), array('\\\'', '\\n', '\\/'), $div_cart) . "';\n" . "cartProductsTpl = '" . preg_replace(array('/\'/', '/[\\n\\r]/', '/\\//'), array('\\\'', '\\n', '\\/'), $div_product) . "';\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Sets up the Order statistics
  * @param   \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma     $objTemplate  The optional Template,
  *                                                by reference
  * @global  ADONewConnection        $objDatabase
  * @global  array                   $_ARRAYLANG
  * @todo    Rewrite the statistics in a seperate class, extending Order
  * @static
 static function view_statistics(&$objTemplate = null)
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG;
     if (!$objTemplate || !$objTemplate->blockExists('no_order')) {
         $objTemplate = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma(\Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseModulePath() . '/Shop/View/Template/Backend');
     // Get the first order date; if its empty, no order has been placed yet
     $time_first_order = Order::getFirstOrderTime();
     if (!$time_first_order) {
         return $objTemplate;
     $year_first_order = date('Y', $time_first_order);
     $month_first_order = date('m', $time_first_order);
     $start_month = $end_month = $start_year = $end_year = NULL;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['submitdate'])) {
         // A range is requested
         $start_month = intval($_REQUEST['startmonth']);
         $end_month = intval($_REQUEST['stopmonth']);
         $start_year = intval($_REQUEST['startyear']);
         $end_year = intval($_REQUEST['stopyear']);
     } else {
         // Default range to one year, or back to the first order if less
         $start_month = $month_first_order;
         $end_month = Date('m');
         $start_year = $end_year = Date('Y');
         if ($year_first_order < $start_year) {
             $start_year -= 1;
             if ($year_first_order < $start_year || $month_first_order < $start_month) {
                 $start_month = $end_month;
     $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_START_MONTH' => Shopmanager::getMonthDropdownMenu($start_month), 'SHOP_END_MONTH' => Shopmanager::getMonthDropdownMenu($end_month), 'SHOP_START_YEAR' => Shopmanager::getYearDropdownMenu($start_year, $year_first_order), 'SHOP_END_YEAR' => Shopmanager::getYearDropdownMenu($end_year, $year_first_order)));
     $start_date = date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_INTERNATIONAL_DATETIME, mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, 1, $start_year));
     // mktime() will fix the month from 13 to 01, see example 2
     // on http://php.net/manual/de/function.mktime.php.
     // Mind that this is exclusive and only used in the queries below
     // so that Order date < $end_date!
     $end_date = date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_INTERNATIONAL_DATETIME, mktime(0, 0, 0, $end_month + 1, 1, $end_year));
     $selectedStat = isset($_REQUEST['selectstats']) ? intval($_REQUEST['selectstats']) : 0;
     if ($selectedStat == 2) {
         // Product statistic
         $arrSql = \Text::getSqlSnippets('`B`.`id`', FRONTEND_LANG_ID, 'Shop', array('title' => Product::TEXT_NAME));
         $query = "\n                SELECT A.product_id AS id,\n                       A.quantity AS shopColumn2,\n                       A.price AS sum,\n                       B.stock AS shopColumn3,\n                       C.currency_id, " . $arrSql['field'] . "\n                  FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_items AS A\n                  JOIN " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders AS C\n                    ON A.order_id=C.id\n                  JOIN " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_products AS B\n                    ON A.product_id=B.id" . $arrSql['join'] . "\n                 WHERE C.date_time>='{$start_date}'\n                   AND C.date_time<'{$end_date}'\n                   AND (   C.status=" . Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED . "\n                        OR C.status=" . Order::STATUS_COMPLETED . ")\n                 ORDER BY shopColumn2 DESC";
     } elseif ($selectedStat == 3) {
         // Customer statistic
         $query = "\n                SELECT A.sum AS sum,\n                       A.currency_id AS currency_id,\n                       sum(B.quantity) AS shopColumn3,\n                       A.customer_id AS id\n                  FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders AS A\n                  JOIN " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_items AS B\n                    ON A.id=B.order_id\n                 WHERE A.date_time>='{$start_date}'\n                   AND A.date_time<'{$end_date}'\n                   AND (   A.status=" . Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED . "\n                        OR A.status=" . Order::STATUS_COMPLETED . ")\n                 GROUP BY B.order_id\n                 ORDER BY sum DESC";
     } else {
         // Order statistic (default); sales per month
         $query = "\n                SELECT SUM(A.quantity) AS shopColumn3,\n                       COUNT(A.order_id) AS shopColumn2,\n                       B.currency_id,\n                       B.sum AS sum,\n                       DATE_FORMAT(B.date_time, '%m') AS month,\n                       DATE_FORMAT(B.date_time, '%Y') AS year\n                  FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_items AS A,\n                       " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders AS B\n                 WHERE A.order_id=B.id\n                   AND B.date_time>='{$start_date}'\n                   AND B.date_time<'{$end_date}'\n                   AND (   B.status=" . Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED . "\n                        OR B.status=" . Order::STATUS_COMPLETED . ")\n                 GROUP BY B.id\n                 ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC";
     $arrayResults = array();
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return Order::errorHandler();
     $sumColumn3 = $sumColumn4 = 0;
     $sumColumn2 = '';
     if ($selectedStat == 2) {
         // Product statistc
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             // set currency id
             $key = $objResult->fields['id'];
             if (!isset($arrayResults[$key])) {
                 $arrayResults[$key] = array('column1' => '<a href="index.php?cmd=Shop' . MODULE_INDEX . '&amp;act=products&amp;tpl=manage&amp;id=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . '" title="' . $objResult->fields['title'] . '">' . $objResult->fields['title'] . '</a>', 'column2' => 0, 'column3' => $objResult->fields['shopColumn3'], 'column4' => 0);
             $arrayResults[$key]['column2'] += +$objResult->fields['shopColumn2'];
             $arrayResults[$key]['column4'] += +$objResult->fields['shopColumn2'] * Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
         if (is_array($arrayResults)) {
             foreach ($arrayResults as $entry) {
                 $sumColumn2 = $sumColumn2 + $entry['column2'];
                 $sumColumn3 = $sumColumn3 + $entry['column3'];
                 $sumColumn4 = $sumColumn4 + $entry['column4'];
     } elseif ($selectedStat == 3) {
         // Customer statistic
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $key = $objResult->fields['id'];
             if (!isset($arrayResults[$key])) {
                 $objUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser;
                 $objUser = $objUser->getUser($key);
                 $company = '';
                 $name = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND'];
                 if ($objUser) {
                     $company = $objUser->getProfileAttribute('company');
                     $name = $objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname') . ' ' . $objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname');
                 $arrayResults[$key] = array('column1' => '<a href="index.php?cmd=Shop' . MODULE_INDEX . '&amp;act=customerdetails&amp;customer_id=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . '">' . $name . '</a>', 'column2' => $company, 'column3' => 0, 'column4' => 0);
             $arrayResults[$key]['column3'] += $objResult->fields['shopColumn3'];
             $arrayResults[$key]['column4'] += Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
             $sumColumn3 += $objResult->fields['shopColumn3'];
             $sumColumn4 += Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
     } else {
         // Order statistic (default)
         $arrayMonths = explode(',', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MONTH_ARRAY']);
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $key = $objResult->fields['year'] . '.' . $objResult->fields['month'];
             if (!isset($arrayResults[$key])) {
                 $arrayResults[$key] = array('column1' => '', 'column2' => 0, 'column3' => 0, 'column4' => 0);
             $arrayResults[$key]['column1'] = $arrayMonths[intval($objResult->fields['month']) - 1] . ' ' . $objResult->fields['year'];
             $arrayResults[$key]['column2'] = $arrayResults[$key]['column2'] + 1;
             $arrayResults[$key]['column3'] = $arrayResults[$key]['column3'] + $objResult->fields['shopColumn3'];
             $arrayResults[$key]['column4'] = $arrayResults[$key]['column4'] + Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
             $sumColumn2 = $sumColumn2 + 1;
             $sumColumn3 = $sumColumn3 + $objResult->fields['shopColumn3'];
             $sumColumn4 = $sumColumn4 + Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
         krsort($arrayResults, SORT_NUMERIC);
     $i = 0;
     if (is_array($arrayResults)) {
         foreach ($arrayResults as $entry) {
             $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_ROWCLASS' => 'row' . (++$i % 2 + 1), 'SHOP_COLUMN_1' => $entry['column1'], 'SHOP_COLUMN_2' => $entry['column2'], 'SHOP_COLUMN_3' => $entry['column3'], 'SHOP_COLUMN_4' => Currency::formatPrice($entry['column4']) . ' ' . Currency::getDefaultCurrencySymbol()));
     $query_currency = "\n            SELECT currency_id, sum,\n                   DATE_FORMAT(date_time, '%m') AS month,\n                   DATE_FORMAT(date_time, '%Y') AS year\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders\n             WHERE status=" . Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED . "\n                OR status=" . Order::STATUS_COMPLETED . "\n             ORDER BY date_time DESC";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query_currency);
     if (!$objResult) {
         return Order::errorHandler();
     $totalSoldProducts = 0;
     $query_totalproducts = "\n            SELECT sum(A.quantity) AS shopTotalSoldProducts\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_order_items AS A,\n                   " . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_orders AS B\n             WHERE A.order_id=B.id\n               AND (   B.status=" . Order::STATUS_CONFIRMED . "\n                    OR B.status=" . Order::STATUS_COMPLETED . ")";
     $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit($query_totalproducts, 1);
     if ($objResult) {
         if (!$objResult->EOF) {
             $totalSoldProducts = $objResult->fields['shopTotalSoldProducts'];
     $totalOrderSum = 0;
     $totalOrders = 0;
     $bestMonthSum = 0;
     $bestMonthDate = '';
     $arrShopMonthSum = array();
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $orderSum = Currency::getDefaultCurrencyPrice($objResult->fields['sum']);
         if (!isset($arrShopMonthSum[$objResult->fields['year']][$objResult->fields['month']])) {
             $arrShopMonthSum[$objResult->fields['year']][$objResult->fields['month']] = 0;
         $arrShopMonthSum[$objResult->fields['year']][$objResult->fields['month']] += $orderSum;
         $totalOrderSum += $orderSum;
     $months = explode(',', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MONTH_ARRAY']);
     foreach ($arrShopMonthSum as $year => $arrMonth) {
         foreach ($arrMonth as $month => $sum) {
             if ($bestMonthSum < $sum) {
                 $bestMonthSum = $sum;
                 $bestMonthDate = $months[$month - 1] . ' ' . $year;
     $objTemplate->setVariable(array('SHOP_ROWCLASS' => 'row' . (++$i % 2 + 1), 'SHOP_TOTAL_SUM' => Currency::formatPrice($totalOrderSum) . ' ' . Currency::getDefaultCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_MONTH' => $bestMonthDate, 'SHOP_MONTH_SUM' => Currency::formatPrice($bestMonthSum) . ' ' . Currency::getDefaultCurrencySymbol(), 'SHOP_TOTAL_ORDERS' => $totalOrders, 'SHOP_SOLD_ARTICLES' => $totalSoldProducts, 'SHOP_SUM_COLUMN_2' => $sumColumn2, 'SHOP_SUM_COLUMN_3' => $sumColumn3, 'SHOP_SUM_COLUMN_4' => Currency::formatPrice($sumColumn4) . ' ' . Currency::getDefaultCurrencySymbol()));
     return true;