Ejemplo n.º 1
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require '../../model-db-connection/config.php';
require '../../model/com.gogetrich.dao/CustomerDaoImpl.php';
require '../../model/com.gogetrich.service/CustomerService.php';
require '../../model/com.gogetrich.model/CustomerVO.php';
$configuration = (require '../../model-db-connection/GoGetRighconf.properties.php');
$cusDaoImpl = new CustomerDaoImpl();
$customerService = new CustomerService($cusDaoImpl);
$username = (string) filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'username');
$password = (string) filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'password');
$reuslt = $customerService->verfiUsernameAndPassword($username, md5($password));
$resultLogin = explode("||", $reuslt);
if ($resultLogin[0] == 503) {
    //invalid username and password
    echo "503:";
} else {
    if ($resultLogin[0] == 205) {
        //Force change password
        echo "205:" . $resultLogin[1];
    } else {
        $jsonValue = $resultLogin[1];
        $obj = json_decode($jsonValue);
        $_SESSION['expireFrontEnd'] = time() + 60 * $configuration['applicationTimeOut'];
        $_SESSION['usernameFrontEnd'] = $obj->{'CUS_USERNAME'};
        $_SESSION['userIdFrontEnd'] = $obj->{'CUS_ID'};
        $_SESSION['cusEmail'] = $obj->{'CUS_EMAIL'};