Ejemplo n.º 1
  * fetches the settings, transformed into shortcode parameters, for a specific instance of a widget
  * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes
  * @return array New parameters for the shortcode (atts and content), or false if error or not found
 public function widget_fetch_settings($atts)
     global $wp_registered_widgets, $shortcode_tags;
     if (empty($atts) || !is_array($atts) || !array_key_exists('widget', $atts)) {
         return false;
     //the id must be numeric (and positive!) and I need the widget class and shortcode tags...
     if (!empty($atts['widget']) && is_numeric($atts['widget']) && class_exists(self::$widget_class) && !empty($shortcode_tags)) {
         $id = intval($atts['widget']);
         if ($id > 0) {
             //make the full id...
             $widget_id = 'custom-menu-wizard-' . intval($id);
             //get the widget instances for all sidebars...
             $sidebars_widgets = wp_get_sidebars_widgets();
             if (is_array($sidebars_widgets)) {
                 //by default, DON'T look in orphaned sidebars - but can be turned on...
                 $orphaned = array_key_exists('orphaned', $atts) && !empty($atts['orphaned']);
                 //by default, DO look in WP's inactive sidebar - but can be turned off...
                 $inactive = !array_key_exists('inactive', $atts) || !empty($atts['inactive']);
                 //search through all widget instances for one with our full id...
                 foreach ($sidebars_widgets as $sidebar => $widgets) {
                     //check whether we should be including inactive/orphaned sidebars in our search...
                     if (($inactive || $sidebar !== 'wp_inactive_widgets') && ($orphaned || substr($sidebar, 0, 16) !== 'orphaned_widgets') && is_array($widgets) && in_array($widget_id, $widgets) && isset($wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id])) {
                         //found it : get its option settings...
                         $settings = get_option($wp_registered_widgets[$widget_id]['callback'][0]->option_name);
                         if (!empty($settings) && array_key_exists($id, $settings) && !empty($settings[$id]) && is_array($settings[$id])) {
                             //seems we have a widget! :
                             //...create a regex pattern using WP's standard but replacing all shortcodes with just ours...
                             $repl = array_keys($shortcode_tags);
                             $repl = join('|', array_map('preg_quote', $repl));
                             $pattern = str_replace("({$repl})", '(cmwizard)', get_shortcode_regex());
                             //...sanitize the settings, create the equivalent shortcode, then match
                             //   against the modified pattern to get attributes and content...
                             if (preg_match("/{$pattern}/s", Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget::cmw_shortcode(Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget::cmw_settings($settings[$id])), $m) > 0) {
                                 //...and return them
                                 return array('atts' => shortcode_parse_atts(trim($m[3])), 'content' => isset($m[5]) ? $m[5] : null);
                         } else {
                             //seems there are no valid option settings for this widget instance!...
     return false;
  * hooked into custom_menu_wizard_encode_shortcode filter : converts a cmwizard shortcode into instance settings fit for 
  *                                                          the widget() method of Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget
  * it's important to note that a shortcode processed this way does *NOT* hit the filters that a cmwizard shortcode would
  * normally hit, namely custom_menu_wizard_shortcode_attributes & shortcode_atts_cmwizard
  * @param string $shortcode A full [cmwizard .../] shortcode
  * @return array|boolean Instance settings, or false if error
 public function encode_shortcode($shortcode = '')
     if (class_exists(self::$widget_class) && preg_match('/^cmwizard\\s?(.*)$/', rtrim(ltrim($shortcode, '[ '), '] /'), $m) > 0) {
         $instance = $this->shortcode_instance(shortcode_parse_atts(trim($m[1])), 'cmwizard');
         if (!empty($instance)) {
             $instance['cmwv'] = self::$version;
             $instance = Custom_Menu_Wizard_Widget::cmw_settings($instance, false, 'widget');
     return empty($instance) ? false : $instance;