Ejemplo n.º 1
 function testEmptySelectors()
     $src = '.test { font-weight: bold; }' . "\n" . '.empty { }' . "\n" . '.whatever { color: red }';
     $css = new CssFile('somefile.css');
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($css->getSource(), '.empty') == 0);
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($css->getSource(), '.whatever') > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function compileCssList($list, $minify = false, $version = false, $images_version = false)
    $compiled_css = '';
    foreach ($list as $source) {
        $css = file_get_contents($source);
        $c = new CssFile($css, $version, $images_version);
        $compiled_css .= $c->render($minify);
    return $compiled_css;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function saveCss()
     $params = json_decode($this->request->get('result'), true);
     $theme = $params['theme'];
     if (!$theme) {
         $theme = 'barebone';
     // save custom CSS
     $css = new CssFile('upload/css/' . $theme . '.css');
     // deleted rules
     foreach ($params['deletedRules'] as $file => $selectors) {
         $css = CssFile::getInstanceFromUrl($file, $theme);
         foreach ($selectors as $selector) {
     // deleted properties
     foreach ($params['deletedProperties'] as $file => $selectors) {
         $css = CssFile::getInstanceFromUrl($file, $theme);
         foreach ($selectors as $selector => $properties) {
             foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
                 $css->deleteProperty($selector, $property);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * ...
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
 * @package application.helper.smarty
 * @author Integry Systems
function smarty_function_includeCss($params, LiveCartSmarty $smarty)
    $fileName = $params['file'];
    $filePath = substr($fileName, 0, 1) != '/' ? ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.stylesheet.') . $fileName : ClassLoader::getRealPath('public') . $fileName;
    // fix slashes
    $filePath = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filePath);
    $filePath = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $filePath);
    if (!is_file($filePath) && !isset($params['external']) || substr($filePath, -4) != '.css') {
    $css = CssFile::getInstanceFromPath($filePath, $smarty->getApplication()->getTheme());
    $origFileName = $fileName;
    if ($css->isPatched()) {
        $filePath = $css->getPatchedFilePath();
        $fileName = $css->getPatchedFileRelativePath();
    if (isset($params['inline']) && $params['inline'] == 'true') {
        $path = 'stylesheet/' . str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $fileName) . '?' . filemtime($filePath);
        return '<link href="' . $path . '" media="screen" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" />' . "\n";
    } else {
        if (isset($params['external'])) {
            $smarty->_smarty_vars['INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_FILES_EXTERNAL'][] = $fileName;
        } else {
            $includedStylesheetTimestamp = $smarty->_smarty_vars['INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_TIMESTAMP'];
            if (!($includedStylesheetFiles = $smarty->_smarty_vars['INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_FILES'])) {
                $includedStylesheetFiles = array();
            if (in_array($filePath, $includedStylesheetFiles)) {
                if (isset($params['front'])) {
                    unset($includedStylesheetFiles[array_search($filePath, $includedStylesheetFiles)]);
                } else {
            $fileMTime = filemtime($filePath);
            if ($fileMTime > (int) $includedStylesheetTimestamp) {
                $smarty->_smarty_vars['INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_TIMESTAMP'] = $fileMTime;
            if (isset($params['front'])) {
                array_unshift($includedStylesheetFiles, $filePath);
            } else {
                if (isset($params['last'])) {
                    $includedStylesheetFiles['x' . (count($includedStylesheetFiles) + 200) * (int) $params['last']] = $filePath;
                } else {
                    array_push($includedStylesheetFiles, $filePath);
            $smarty->_smarty_vars['INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_FILES'] = $includedStylesheetFiles;
    foreach ($smarty->getApplication()->getConfigContainer()->getFilesByRelativePath('public/stylesheet/' . $origFileName, true) as $file) {
        if (realpath($file) == realpath($filePath)) {
        $file = substr($file, strlen(ClassLoader::getRealPath('public')));
        $params['file'] = $file;
        smarty_function_includeCss($params, $smarty);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Generate the build files for css and scripts.
  * @return void
 protected function _buildFiles()
     if (!empty($this->_buildFiles['css'])) {
         $Css = new CssFile();
         foreach ($this->_buildFiles['css'] as $target => $contents) {
             if (strpos($target, ':hash') === 0) {
                 $target = md5(implode('_', $contents));
             $this->out('Saving CSS file for ' . $target);
             $compress = $Css->process($contents);
             $Css->cache($target . '.css', $compress);
     if (!empty($this->_buildFiles['script'])) {
         $Js = new JsFile();
         foreach ($this->_buildFiles['script'] as $target => $contents) {
             if (strpos($target, ':hash') === 0) {
                 $target = md5(implode('_', $contents));
             $this->out('Saving Javascript file for ' . $target);
             $compress = $Js->process($contents);
             $Js->cache($target . '.js', $compress);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * ...
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
 * @package application.helper.smarty
 * @author Integry Systems
function smarty_function_compiledCss($params, Smarty_Internal_Template $smarty)
    $app = $smarty->getApplication();
    if (!$app->isBackend()) {
        if (!function_exists('smarty_function_includeCss')) {
            include_once 'function.includeCss.php';
        $last = 1000;
        $files = array('common.css');
        $theme = new Theme($smarty->getApplication()->getTheme(), $app);
        foreach ($theme->getAllParentThemes() as $parentTheme) {
            $files[] = CssFile::getTheme($parentTheme) . '.css';
        $files[] = CssFile::getTheme($smarty->getApplication()->getTheme()) . '.css';
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            smarty_function_includeCss(array('file' => '/upload/css/' . $file, 'last' => ++$last), $smarty);
    $includedStylesheetTimestamp = $smarty->getGlobal("INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_TIMESTAMP");
    $includedStylesheetFiles = $smarty->getGlobal("INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_FILES");
    if ($includedStylesheetFiles) {
        uksort($includedStylesheetFiles, 'strnatcasecmp');
    $out = '';
    if (isset($params['glue']) && $params['glue'] == true && !$smarty->getApplication()->isDevMode() && (!$smarty->getApplication()->isCustomizationMode() || $app->isBackend())) {
        $request = $smarty->getApplication()->getRequest();
        if (isset($params['nameMethod']) && 'hash' == $params['nameMethod']) {
            $names = array_values((array) $includedStylesheetFiles);
            $compiledFileName = md5(implode("\n", $names)) . '.css';
        } else {
            $compiledFileName = $request->getControllerName() . '-' . $request->getActionName() . '.css';
        $compiledFilePath = ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.cache.stylesheet.') . $compiledFileName;
        $baseDir = ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.stylesheet.');
        $publicDir = ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.');
        $compiledFileTimestamp = 0;
        if (!is_file($compiledFilePath) || filemtime($compiledFilePath) < $includedStylesheetTimestamp) {
            if (!is_dir(ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.cache.stylesheet'))) {
                mkdir(ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.cache.stylesheet'), 0777, true);
            // compile
            $compiledFileContent = "";
            foreach ($includedStylesheetFiles as $key => $cssFile) {
                $relPath = str_replace($publicDir, '', $cssFile);
                $relPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $relPath);
                $compiledFileContent .= "\n\n\n/***************************************************\n";
                $compiledFileContent .= " * " . $relPath . "\n";
                $compiledFileContent .= " ***************************************************/\n\n";
                $content = file_get_contents($cssFile);
                $pre = array('..', 'http', '/');
                foreach (array("'", '"', '') as $quote) {
                    foreach ($pre as $i) {
                        $content = str_ireplace('url(' . $quote . $i, 'url__(' . $quote . $i, $content);
                    $content = str_replace('url(' . $quote, 'url(' . $quote . dirname($relPath) . '/', $content);
                    foreach ($pre as $i) {
                        $content = str_replace('url__(' . $quote . $i, 'url(' . $quote . $i, $content);
                $content = str_replace('url(..', 'url(' . dirname($relPath) . '/..', $content);
                $content = str_replace('url(\'..', 'url(\'' . dirname($relPath) . '/..', $content);
                $content = str_replace('url("..', 'url("' . dirname($relPath) . '/..', $content);
                $content = str_replace('upload/css/"../../', '"', $content);
                $compiledFileContent .= $content;
            $compiledFileContent = preg_replace('/\\.(jpg|png|gif|bmp)/', '.$1?' . time(), $compiledFileContent);
            $compiledFileContent = preg_replace('/-moz-border-radius\\:([ \\.a-zA-Z0-9]+);/', '-moz-border-radius: $1; -khtml-border-radius: $1; border-radius: $1; ', $compiledFileContent);
            file_put_contents($compiledFilePath, $compiledFileContent);
            if (function_exists('gzencode')) {
                file_put_contents($compiledFilePath . '.gz', gzencode($compiledFileContent, 9));
        $compiledFileTimestamp = filemtime($compiledFilePath);
        $out = '<link href="' . $app->getPublicUrl('gzip.php') . '?file=' . $compiledFileName . '&amp;time=' . $compiledFileTimestamp . '" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css"/>';
    } else {
        if ($includedStylesheetFiles) {
            $includeString = "";
            $publicPath = ClassLoader::getRealPath('public.');
            foreach ($includedStylesheetFiles as $cssFile) {
                $urlPath = str_replace('\\', '/', str_replace($publicPath, '', $cssFile));
                $includeString .= '<link href="' . $app->getPublicUrl($urlPath) . '?' . filemtime($cssFile) . '" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css"/>' . "\n";
            $out = $includeString;
    if ($externalFiles = $smarty->getGlobal("INCLUDED_STYLESHEET_FILES_EXTERNAL")) {
        foreach ($externalFiles as $cssFile) {
            $out .= '<link href="' . $cssFile . '" rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css"/>' . "\n";
    return $out;