function csp_po_ajax_handle_generate_mo_file(){
	load_plugin_textdomain(CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN, PLUGINDIR.'/codestyling-localization','codestyling-localization');
	$pofile = (string)$_POST['pofile'];
	$textdomain = (string)$_POST['textdomain'];
	$f = new CspTranslationFile();
	if (!$f->read_pofile($pofile)) {
		header('Status: 404 Not Found');
		header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
		echo sprintf(__("You do not have the permission to read the file '%s'.", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), $pofile);
	//lets detected, what we are about to be writing:
	$mo = substr($pofile,0,-2).'mo';

	$wp_dir = str_replace("\\","/",WP_LANG_DIR);
	$pl_dir = str_replace("\\","/",WP_PLUGIN_DIR);
	$plm_dir = str_replace("\\","/",WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR);
	$parts = pathinfo($mo);
	if (preg_match("|^".$wp_dir."|", $mo)) {
		//we are WordPress itself
		if (!empty($textdomain)) {
			$mo	= $parts['dirname'].'/'.$textdomain.'-'.$parts['basename'];
	}elseif(preg_match("|^".$pl_dir."|", $mo)|| preg_match("|^".$plm_dir."|", $mo)) {
		//we are a normal or wpmu plugin
		if (strpos($parts['basename'], $textdomain) === false) {
			preg_match("/([a-z][a-z]_[A-Z][A-Z]\.mo)$/", $parts['basename'], $h);
			if (!empty($textdomain)) {
				$mo	= $parts['dirname'].'/'.$textdomain.'-'.$h[1];
			}else {
				$mo	= $parts['dirname'].'/'.$h[1];
		//we are a theme plugin, could be tested but skipped for now.
	if (!$f->write_mofile($mo,$textdomain)) {
		header('Status: 404 Not Found');
		header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
		echo sprintf(__("You do not have the permission to write the file '%s'.", CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), $mo);

	header('Content-Type: application/json');
	filetime: '<?php echo date (__('m/d/Y H:i:s',CSP_PO_TEXTDOMAIN), filemtime($mo)); ?>'