Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function __construct(Am_Paysystem_Abstract $plugin, Am_Request $request, Zend_Controller_Response_Http $response, $invokeArgs)
     $DR = preg_replace("/\\s/", "+", $request->get('DR', $_GET['DR']));
     $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4($plugin->getConfig('secret', 'ebskey'));
     $QueryString = base64_decode($DR);
     $QueryString = split('&', $QueryString);
     foreach ($QueryString as $param) {
         $param = split('=', $param);
         $request->setParam($param[0], $param[1]);
     parent::__construct($plugin, $request, $request, $invokeArgs);
  *  Success response from Secure Ebs
  *  @return	  void
 public function successAction()
     if (isset($_GET['DR'])) {
         $DR = preg_replace("/\\s/", "+", $_GET['DR']);
         $secret_key = Mage::getSingleton('secureebs/config')->getSecretKey();
         // Your Secret Key
         $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4($secret_key);
         $QueryString = base64_decode($DR);
         $QueryString = split('&', $QueryString);
         $response = array();
         foreach ($QueryString as $param) {
             $param = split('=', $param);
             $response[$param[0]] = urldecode($param[1]);
     if ($response['ResponseCode'] == 0) {
         $session = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session');
         $order = $this->getOrder();
         if (!$order->getId()) {
         $order->addStatusToHistory($order->getStatus(), Mage::helper('secureebs')->__('Customer successfully returned from Secureebs'));
         //Changes by basant
         //		$order->sendNewOrderEmail();
         if ($order->canInvoice()) {
              * Create invoice
              * The invoice will be in 'Pending' state
             $invoiceId = Mage::getModel('sales/order_invoice_api')->create($order->getIncrementId(), array());
             $invoice = Mage::getModel('sales/order_invoice')->loadByIncrementId($invoiceId);
              * Pay invoice
              * i.e. the invoice state is now changed to 'Paid'
         //changes ends
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: zmf.php Proyecto: ph7pal/mei
 public static function jieMi($string)
     $key = zmf::config('authorCode');
     $plain_text = trim($string);
     require_once 'rc4crypt.php';
     $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4();
     $text = $plain_text;
     $x = $rc4->decrypt($text);
     return $x;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Deep scan
 private function deepscanAction()
     if (file_exists('tmp/corefiles.sql')) {
         bfLog::log('Found core files - marking them as such');
         $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
     if (file_exists('tmp/hashfailed.sql')) {
         bfLog::log('Found modified core files - adding to deepscan');
         $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
     try {
         // if we are not complete
         $this->db->setQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1');
         $queueCount = $this->db->loadResult();
         if ($queueCount == 0 && $this->deepscancomplete == TRUE) {
             // use known md5 100% certain positive hacker files database to flag even more
             $this->db->setQuery(sprintf('UPDATE bf_files
                                          SET suspectcontent = 1
                                          WHERE currenthash
                                          IN (%s)', file_get_contents('db/suspectfiles.txt')));
             $this->deepscancomplete = TRUE;
         if (!$queueCount && !$this->deepscancomplete) {
             bfLog::log('Adding files to the scan queue');
             $sql = "SELECT id FROM bf_files\n                            WHERE\n                                (\n                                  SIZE < 524288                                 -- 512k Limit\n                                AND\n                                  SIZE > 0                                      -- Must have content!\n                                )\n                            AND\n                                (\n                                  iscorefile = 0                                -- No Core Files\n                                OR\n                                  iscorefile IS NULL                            -- No Core Files - NULL !== 0 -- IDIOT PHIL!!!!\n                                OR\n                                  hashfailed = 1                                -- Or core files which hash has failed\n                                )\n                            AND                                                 -- Filter out the probably ok file extensions and other stuff we are 'fairly' happy to ignore\n                            (\n                                currenthash != 'f96aa8838dffa02a4a8438f2a8596025' -- ok blank index.html file\n                                AND currenthash != '86de3aeb6bd953d656a6994eaa495a6d' -- /libraries/fof/autoloader/component.php\n\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '/plugins/system/bfnetwork%' -- Our stuff\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.DS_Store%'         -- Mac finder files\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.zip'               -- cant preg_match inside a zip!\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.gzip'              -- cant preg_match inside a zip!\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.gz'                -- cant preg_match inside a zip!\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.doc'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.docx'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.xls'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.ppt'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.pdf'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.rtf'               -- never seen anything bad in a rtf\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.mno'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.ashx'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.png'               -- never seen anything bad in a png\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.psd'               -- Photoshop, normally a massive file too\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.wott'              -- font file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.ttf'               -- font file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.css'               -- plain text css, never seen Joomla hack in css file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.swf'               -- flash\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.flv'               -- flash\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.po'                -- language files\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.mo'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.pot'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.eot'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.ini'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.svg'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.mpeg'              -- No need to audit inside audio files, never seen a Joomla hack in these\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.mvk'               -- No need to audit inside audio files, never seen a Joomla hack in these\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.mp3'               -- No need to audit inside audio files, never seen a Joomla hack in these\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.less'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.sql'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.wsdl'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.woff'\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.xml'               -- never seen a hack in an xml file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.php_expire'        -- Expired cache file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%.jpa'               -- Akeeba backup files\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_json.php'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/administrator/components/com_akeeba/backup/akeeba_json'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_backend.id%.php'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_backend.php'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_backend.id%.log'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_backend.log'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_lazy.php'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/akeeba_frontend.php'           -- Akeeba json state file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%error_log'      -- PHP error logs, we alert to ALL these in another check\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/stats/webalizer.current'           -- Crappy file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/stats/usage_%.html'           -- Crappy file\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/components/libraries/cmslib/cache/cache__%' -- Massive folder of cache files\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/plugins/system/akgeoip/lib/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/%' -- Akeeba GeoIP Docs\n                                AND filewithpath NOT LIKE '%/components/com_jce/editor/tiny_mce/plugins/code/img/icons.gif' -- JCE Code icons\n                            )";
             if (method_exists($this->db, 'loadColumn')) {
                 $ids = $this->db->loadColumn();
             } else {
                 $ids = $this->db->loadResultArray();
             if (!count($ids)) {
                 bfLog::log('NO FILES TO DEEP SCAN = THIS CANNOT BE POSSIBLE RIGHT?');
                 $some = $this->db->query();
             } else {
                 $sql = "UPDATE bf_files SET queued = 1 WHERE id IN ( %s )";
                 if (strlen(sprintf($sql, implode(', ', $ids))) > $this->max_allowed_packet) {
                     $parts = $this->array_split($ids, 4);
                     $sqlToRun1 = sprintf($sql, implode(', ', $parts[0]));
                     bfLog::log('sql size 1= ' . strlen($sqlToRun1));
                     $sqlToRun2 = sprintf($sql, implode(', ', $parts[1]));
                     bfLog::log('sql size 2= ' . strlen($sqlToRun2));
                     $sqlToRun3 = sprintf($sql, implode(', ', $parts[2]));
                     bfLog::log('sql size 3= ' . strlen($sqlToRun3));
                     $sqlToRun4 = sprintf($sql, implode(', ', $parts[3]));
                     bfLog::log('sql size 4= ' . strlen($sqlToRun4));
                 } else {
                     $sql = "UPDATE bf_files SET queued = 1 WHERE id IN\n                        (\n                        " . implode(',', $ids) . "\n                        )";
             // DEQUEUE known clean files not changed
             bfLog::log('DONE Adding ' . count($ids) . ' files to the scan queue db table');
             // Cache our patterns
             $pattern = file_get_contents('tmp/tmp.pattern');
             if (file_exists('tmp/tmp.pattern.lastmd5')) {
                 $lastPatternmd5 = file_get_contents('tmp/tmp.pattern.lastmd5');
             } else {
                 $lastPatternmd5 = "";
             // if encrypted - decrypt
             if (substr($pattern, 0, 4) == 'RC4:') {
                 $pattern = base64_decode(substr($pattern, 4, strlen($pattern) - 4));
                 $RC4 = new Crypt_RC4();
                 // just to hide from other server side scanners
                 $pattern = $RC4->decrypt($pattern);
                 file_put_contents('tmp/tmp.pattern.lastmd5', md5($pattern));
                 //file_put_contents('tmp/tmp.pattern.unenc', $pattern);
                 bfLog::log('LAST PATTERN TEST =   ' . $lastPatternmd5 . '==' . md5($pattern));
                 if ($lastPatternmd5 == md5($pattern)) {
                     $doSpeedup = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     $doSpeedup = FALSE;
             // load up the false positives hashes
             $falsepositives = file_get_contents('./tmp/tmp.false');
             if ($doSpeedup && (_BF_SPEED == 'DEFAULT' || _BF_SPEED == 'FAST')) {
                 $this->db->setQuery('SHOW TABLES LIKE "bf_files_last"');
                 if ($this->db->loadResult()) {
                     $speedupSQL = 'UPDATE bf_files AS NEWTABLE
                             INNER JOIN  (
                                     bf_files_last.filewithpath, bf_files_last.suspectcontent,  bf_files_last.falsepositive,  bf_files_last.encrypted  FROM bf_files_last
                                 LEFT JOIN
                                     bf_files ON bf_files_last.filewithpath = bf_files.filewithpath
                                     bf_files_last.currenthash = bf_files.currenthash
                                     bf_files_last.filemtime = bf_files.filemtime
                                     bf_files_last.fileperms = bf_files.fileperms
                                     bf_files_last.filewithpath = bf_files.filewithpath
                             ) AS
                                 NEWTABLE.filewithpath = OLDTABLE.filewithpath
                                 NEWTABLE.filewithpath = OLDTABLE.filewithpath,
                                 NEWTABLE.suspectcontent = OLDTABLE.suspectcontent,
                                 NEWTABLE.falsepositive = OLDTABLE.falsepositive,
                                 NEWTABLE.encrypted = OLDTABLE.encrypted,
                                 NEWTABLE.queued = 0
                               OLDTABLE.suspectcontent != 1
                     file_put_contents('tmp/speedup.sql', $speedupSQL);
             // ok this took a lot of time, so to be careful we will re-tick
             $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
         $pattern = file_get_contents('tmp/tmp.pattern');
         // if encrypted - decrypt
         if (substr($pattern, 0, 4) == 'RC4:') {
             $pattern = base64_decode(substr($pattern, 4, strlen($pattern) - 4));
             $RC4 = new Crypt_RC4();
             // just to hide from other server side scanners
             $pattern = $RC4->decrypt($pattern);
         // load up the false positives hashes
         $falsepositives = file_get_contents('./tmp/tmp.false');
         if (file_exists('tmp/speedup.sql') && (_BF_SPEED == 'DEFAULT' || _BF_SPEED == 'FAST')) {
             bfLog::log('Found speedup sql files - removing files to deepscan');
             // force at least one file to be audited to prevent broken loop
             $this->db->setQuery('UPDATE bf_files SET queued = 1 WHERE filewithpath = "/configuration.php"');
             $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
         } else {
             if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp/speedup.sql')) {
                 @unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmp/speedup.sql');
         // A nice while loop while we have time left
         if (count($this->getmergedIds())) {
             $this->db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1 AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $this->getmergedIds()) . ")");
         } else {
             $this->db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1");
         while ($this->db->loadResult() > 0 && $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() > _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_TIMER_ONE) {
             // ok so we have a load of files....
             if (count($this->getmergedIds())) {
                 $this->db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1 AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $this->getmergedIds()) . ") ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT " . _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_COUNT_ONE);
             } else {
                 $this->db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT " . _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_COUNT_ONE);
             $files_to_scan = $this->db->loadObjectList();
             // still, while we have files and time left
             while (count($files_to_scan) && $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() > _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_TIMER_ONE) {
                 // get one file
                 $file_to_scan = array_pop($files_to_scan);
                  * If this is a large JS file like jquery.ui.src.js then we need more time dammit!
                  * Also need to do this on WSDL files for some reason
                 $size = filesize(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                 if ((strpos($file_to_scan->filewithpath, 'wsdl') || strpos($file_to_scan->filewithpath, 'jquery')) && $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() < 4 || $size > 100000 && (_BF_SPEED != 'DEFAULT' && _BF_SPEED != 'FAST') && $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() < 4) {
                     bfLog::log('Next file is a problematic JS/wsdl is of size ' . $size . ' and we only had ' . $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() . ' left so we are Zzz... and will come back next tick');
                     $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
                 // toggle if we can safely skip ip
                 $skip = FALSE;
                 // Is this a suspect file
                 $isSuspect = FALSE;
                 // Is this file encrypted
                 $encrypted = FALSE;
                 // Is this a false positive
                 $falsepositive = FALSE;
                 $file_extension = strtolower(pathinfo(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                 // If the file no longer exists then skip
                 if (!file_exists(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath)) {
                     bfLog::log('FILE WAS SKIPPED AS DOES NOT EXIST!!! ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     $skip = TRUE;
                 if ($skip == FALSE && $file_extension == 'gif') {
                     if ($this->is_ani(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath)) {
                         bfLog::log('FILE WAS ANIMATED GIF - skipping ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                         $skip = TRUE;
                 // example skip
                 if ($file_to_scan->filewithpath == '/backups/akeeba_json.php') {
                     bfLog::log('skipping ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     $skip = TRUE;
                 // example skip
                 if ($file_to_scan->filewithpath == '/stats/webalizer.current') {
                     bfLog::log('skipping ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     $skip = TRUE;
                 // example skip
                 if (preg_match('/\\/stats\\/usage_.*\\.html/', $file_to_scan->filewithpath)) {
                     bfLog::log('skipping ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     $skip = TRUE;
                 if ($skip == FALSE) {
                     // If this is in our known false positives list then skip it
                     $lookfor = md5($file_to_scan->filewithpath) . md5_file(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     if (preg_match('/' . $lookfor . '/', $falsepositives)) {
                         $skip = TRUE;
                         $falsepositive = TRUE;
                         bfLog::log('FILE WAS SKIPPED AS FALSE POSITIVE!!! ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                 if ($skip == FALSE && filesize(JPATH_BASE . $file_to_scan->filewithpath) > 524288) {
                     bfLog::log('FILE WAS OVER 1Mb - skipping ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                     $skip = TRUE;
                 if ($skip === TRUE) {
                     // mark it as false positive (-2) or skipped (-1)
                     $status = $falsepositive == TRUE ? "-2" : "-1";
                     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE bf_files SET queued = 0, suspectcontent = %s WHERE id = '%s'", $status, addslashes($file_to_scan->id));
                     // no more processing on this file - skipped
                 // cleanup
                 $fff = JPATH_BASE . stripslashes($file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                 // WINDOWS I HATE YOU! - bodge it
                 $fff = str_replace('\\:', '/:', $fff);
                 // need a @ to prevent access denied
                 $chunk = @file_get_contents($fff);
                 // remove stuff that is likely to be marked as suspect, when we are happy its not
                 $chunk = $this->applyStringExceptions($chunk, $file_to_scan);
                 // Not really a chunk now, as we load the whole file into memory
                 if (trim($chunk)) {
                     // Need at least 3 seconds to run the preg_match on
                     // average slow machine
                     if ($this->_timer->getTimeLeft() < _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_TIMER_TWO) {
                         $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
                     // hard to audit c99 clones
                     preg_match('/(auth_pass).*(default_use_ajax)/ism', $chunk, $matches);
                     if (count($matches) >= 3) {
                         $isSuspect = true;
                     } else {
                         // Test if suspect
                         bfLog::log('Auditing File: ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath . ' - ' . $file_to_scan->size . ' bytes');
                         $isSuspect = preg_match('/' . $pattern . '/ism', $chunk) ? TRUE : FALSE;
                     // Test If encrypted
                     $regex = "/OOO000000|if\\(!extension_loaded\\('ionCube\\sLoader'\\)\\)|<\\?php\\s@Zend;|This\\sfile\\swas\\sencoded\\sby\\sthe.*Zend Encoder/i";
                     $encrypted = preg_match($regex, $chunk) ? 1 : 0;
                 } else {
                     bfLog::log('FILE WAS EMPTY!!! ' . $file_to_scan->filewithpath);
                 // free up memory
                 $encrypted == (int) $encrypted;
                 $isSuspect = (int) $isSuspect;
                 if ($encrypted && $isSuspect) {
                     $this->_encryptedAndSuspectIds[] = $file_to_scan->id;
                 } else {
                     if ($encrypted) {
                         $this->_encryptedIds[] = $file_to_scan->id;
                     } else {
                         if ($isSuspect) {
                             $this->_suspectIds[] = $file_to_scan->id;
                         } else {
                             $this->_notencryptedAndSuspectIds[] = $file_to_scan->id;
                 if (_BF_SPEED == 'CRAPPYWEBHOST' || $this->_timer->getTimeLeft() < _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_TIMER_TWO) {
                     $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
             if ($this->_timer->getTimeLeft() < _BF_CONFIG_DEEPSCAN_TIMER_TWO) {
                 $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
             // needed to go back up to the top of the loop
             if (count($this->getmergedIds())) {
                 $this->db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1 AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $this->getmergedIds()) . ")");
             } else {
                 $this->db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1");
         if (count($this->getmergedIds())) {
             $this->db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1 AND id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $this->getmergedIds()) . ")");
         } else {
             $this->db->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bf_files WHERE queued = 1");
         if ($this->db->loadResult() == 0) {
             bfLog::log(' ======== deepscancomplete ========');
             $this->deepscancomplete = TRUE;
         } else {
             bfLog::log(' ======== deepscancomplete NOT COMPLETE========');
             $this->saveState(FALSE, __LINE__);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Just continue...
         if (!defined('_BF_LAST_BREATH')) {
             define('_BF_LAST_BREATH', $e->getMessage());
         bfLog::log(' ======== EXCEPTION =========' . $e->getMessage());
Ejemplo n.º 5

$secret_key = "7d7e206d9e5b4e491d087828736f4ea8";
// Your Secret Key
if (isset($_GET['DR'])) {
    require 'Rc43.php';
    $DR = preg_replace("/\\s/", "+", $_GET['DR']);
    $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4($secret_key);
    $QueryString = base64_decode($DR);
    $QueryString = split('&', $QueryString);
    $response = array();
    foreach ($QueryString as $param) {
        $param = split('=', $param);
        $response[$param[0]] = urldecode($param[1]);
<TITLE>Payment Made on E-Billing Solutions Pvt Ltd </TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
	h1       { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:24pt; color:#08185A; font-weight:100; margin-bottom:0.1em}
    h2.co    { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:24pt; color:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0.1em; margin-bottom:0.1em; font-weight:100}
    h3.co    { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:16pt; color:#000000; margin-top:0.1em; margin-bottom:0.1em; font-weight:100}
    h3       { font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:16pt; color:#08185A; margin-top:0.1em; margin-bottom:0.1em; font-weight:100}
    body     { font-family:Verdana,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; color:#08185A;}
	th 		 { font-size:12px;background:#015289;color:#FFFFFF;font-weight:bold;height:30px;}
	td 		 { font-size:12px;background:#DDE8F3}
	.pageTitle { font-size:24px;}
Ejemplo n.º 6
function sixscan_common_decrypt_string($encr_data, $key)
    if (class_exists('Crypt_RC4') == FALSE) {
        require_once SIXSCAN_PLUGIN_DIR . "modules/signatures/Crypt/RC4.php";
    $rc4_encr = new Crypt_RC4();
    return $rc4_encr->decrypt($encr_data);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Attempts to finalize an accepted transaction
  * @result string Should be 'accepted' unless something has gone quite wrong
 public function finalizeOrder($response)
     global $smarty, $cart, $cookie;
     require dirname(__FILE__) . '/Rc43.php';
     $DR = $response;
     $secret_key = Configuration::get('SECRET_KEY');
     if (isset($DR)) {
         $DR = preg_replace("/\\s/", "+", $DR);
         $rc4 = new Crypt_RC4($secret_key);
         $QueryString = base64_decode($DR);
         $QueryString = split('&', $QueryString);
         $response = array();
         foreach ($QueryString as $param) {
             $param = split('=', $param);
             $response[$param[0]] = urldecode($param[1]);
     $cartID = $response['MerchantRefNo'];
     $cart = new Cart($cartID);
     $deliveryAddress = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery);
     $op = $cod = 0;
     Carrier::getPreferredCarriers($deliveryAddress->postcode, $cod, $op);
     if ($op > 0) {
         $cart->id_carrier = (int) $op;
     if ($response['ResponseCode'] == 0) {
         $responseMsg = "Your Order has Been Processed";
     } else {
         $responseMsg = "Transaction Failed, Retry!!";
     $cart = new Cart(intval($response['MerchantRefNo']));
     //echo "<pre>";print_r($cart);
     //if (!$cart->id)
     //	return $this->l('Cart not found');
     if ($response['ResponseCode'] == 0) {
         $status = _PS_OS_PREPARATION_;
     } else {
         $status = Configuration::get('EBS_ID_ORDER_FAILED');
     $this->validateOrder($response['MerchantRefNo'], $status, $response['Amount'], $this->displayName, $this->l('EBS transaction ID: ') . $response['PaymentID'], $response['ResponseMessage']);
     $customer = new Customer((int) $cart->id_customer);
     if ($response['ResponseCode'] == 0) {
         Tools::redirectLink(__PS_BASE_URI__ . 'order-confirmation.php?key=' . $customer->secure_key . '&id_cart=' . (int) $cart->id . '&id_module=' . (int) $this->id . '&id_order=' . (int) $this->currentOrder);
     $smarty->assign(array('this_path' => $this->_path, 'responseMsg' => $responseMsg, 'this_path_ssl' => (Configuration::get('PS_SSL_ENABLED') ? 'https://' : 'http://') . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'modules/' . $this->name . '/'));