Ejemplo n.º 1
 // Javier: now I use the native constructor
 // Javier: better to not use references
 //	$PageSize = array(0,0,$Page_Width,$Page_Height);
 //	$pdf = & new Cpdf($PageSize);
 class Cpdf1 extends Cpdf
     public function Footer()
         // Position at 15 mm from bottom
         //Set font and Page number
         $this->SetFont($UserPdfFont, 'I', 8);
         $this->Cell(0, 10, _('Page') . $this->getAliasNumPage() . '/' . $this->getAliasNbPages(), 0, false, 'C', 0, '', 0, false, 'T', 'M');
 $pdf = new Cpdf1('L', 'pt', 'LETTER');
 $pdf->addInfo('Creator', 'webERP http://www.weberp.org');
 $pdf->addInfo('Author', 'webERP ' . $Version);
 $pdf->addInfo('Title', _('Customer Packing Slip'));
 $pdf->addInfo('Subject', _('Packing slip for order') . ' ' . $_GET['TransNo']);
 /* Javier: I have brought this piece from the pdf class constructor to get it closer to the admin/user,
 	I corrected it to match TCPDF, but it still needs check, after which,
 	I think it should be moved to each report to provide flexible Document Header and Margins in a per-report basis. */
 // Javier: needs check.
 // Javier: I added this must be called before Add Page
 //	$this->SetLineWidth(1); 	   Javier: It was ok for FPDF but now is too gross with TCPDF. TCPDF defaults to 0'57 pt (0'2 mm) which is ok.
 $pdf->cMargin = 0;
 // Javier: needs check.