Ejemplo n.º 1
 function check($str)
     // only check & warn once per transaction
     if (CoreLocal::get('cashDropWarned') == True) {
         return False;
     // checking one time
     CoreLocal::set('cashDropWarned', True);
     // cannot check in standalone
     if (CoreLocal::get('standalone') == 1) {
         return False;
     // lookup cashier total
     $db = Database::mDataConnect();
     $q = sprintf("SELECT sum(-total) FROM dtransactions WHERE\n            trans_subtype='CA' AND trans_status <> 'X' AND emp_no=%d", CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
     $r = $db->query($q);
     $ttl = 0;
     if ($db->num_rows($r) > 0) {
         $row = $db->fetch_row($r);
         $ttl = $row[0];
     if ($ttl > CoreLocal::get('cashDropThreshold')) {
         return True;
     } else {
         return False;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 protected function ajax()
     $decision = strtoupper(FormLib::get('input', 'CL'));
     $ret = array('dest_page' => MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php', 'endorse' => false, 'cleared' => false);
     $repeat_cmd = CoreLocal::get('strEntered');
     $requested_cmd = FormLib::get('cmd');
     if (!empty($requested_cmd)) {
         $repeat_cmd = $requested_cmd;
     if ($decision == "CL") {
         CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0);
         CoreLocal::set("lastRepeat", '');
         CoreLocal::set("toggletax", 0);
         CoreLocal::set("togglefoodstamp", 0);
         CoreLocal::set("RepeatAgain", false);
         $ret['cleared'] = true;
     } elseif (strlen($decision) > 0) {
         CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
         CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $repeat_cmd);
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
         CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $repeat_cmd);
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function tender_out($asTender)
     $ret = $this->default_json();
     if (CoreLocal::get("amtdue") <= 0.005) {
         CoreLocal::set("change", -1 * CoreLocal::get("amtdue"));
         $cash_return = CoreLocal::get("change");
         if ($asTender != "FS") {
             TransRecord::addchange($cash_return, 'CA');
         CoreLocal::set("End", 1);
         $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::printReceiptFooter();
         $ret['redraw_footer'] = true;
         $ret['receipt'] = 'full';
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set("change", 0);
         CoreLocal::set("fntlflag", 0);
         $ttl_result = PrehLib::ttl();
         TransRecord::debugLog('Tender Out (PrehLib): ' . print_r($ttl_result, true));
         TransRecord::debugLog('Tender Out (amtdue): ' . print_r(CoreLocal::get('amtdue'), true));
         $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::lastpage();
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function preprocess()
     $plugin_info = new QuickMenus();
     $this->plugin_url = $plugin_info->pluginUrl() . '/';
     $this->offset = isset($_REQUEST['offset']) ? $_REQUEST['offset'] : 0;
     if (count($_POST) > 0) {
         $output = "";
         if ($_REQUEST["clear"] == 0) {
             $value = $_REQUEST['ddQKselect'];
             if ($value === '') {
                 CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0);
                 CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", '');
             } else {
                 $output = CoreLocal::get("qmInput") . $value;
                 CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
                 CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $output);
                 CoreLocal::set("currentid", CoreLocal::get("qmCurrentId"));
             if (!FormLib::validateToken() && is_numeric($value)) {
                 CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0);
         if (substr(strtoupper($output), 0, 2) == "QM") {
             CoreLocal::set("qmNumber", substr($output, 2));
             return True;
         } else {
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         return False;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 5
   Input processing function
 function preprocess()
     // a selection was made
     if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) {
         $entered = strtoupper($_REQUEST['search']);
         if ($entered == "" || $entered == "CL") {
             // should be empty string
             // javascript causes this input if the
             // user presses CL{enter}
             // Redirect to main screen
             CoreLocal::set("tenderTotal", "0");
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
         if (!empty($entered)) {
             // built department input string and set it
             // to be the next POS entry
             // Redirect to main screen
             $input = CoreLocal::get("tenderTotal") . "CQ" . $entered;
             CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
             CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $input);
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   Suspends the current transaction
   If the remote server is available, it will be suspended
   there. Otherwise it is suspended locally.
   @return [string] transaction identifier
 public static function suspendorder()
     $query_a = "select emp_no, trans_no from localtemptrans";
     $db_a = Database::tDataConnect();
     $result_a = $db_a->query($query_a);
     $row_a = $db_a->fetch_array($result_a);
     $cashier_no = substr("000" . $row_a["emp_no"], -2);
     $trans_no = substr("0000" . $row_a["trans_no"], -4);
     $trans_num = ReceiptLib::receiptNumber();
     if (CoreLocal::get("standalone") == 0) {
         $db_a->add_connection(CoreLocal::get("mServer"), CoreLocal::get("mDBMS"), CoreLocal::get("mDatabase"), CoreLocal::get("mUser"), CoreLocal::get("mPass"), false, true);
         $cols = Database::getMatchingColumns($db_a, "localtemptrans", "suspended");
         $db_a->transfer(CoreLocal::get("tDatabase"), "select {$cols} from localtemptrans", CoreLocal::get("mDatabase"), "insert into suspended ({$cols})");
         $db_a->close(CoreLocal::get("mDatabase"), True);
     } else {
         $query = "insert into suspended select * from localtemptrans";
         $result = $db_a->query($query);
     /* ensure the cancel happens */
     $cancelR = $db_a->query("UPDATE localtemptrans SET trans_status='X',charflag='S'");
     CoreLocal::set("plainmsg", _("transaction suspended"));
     $recall_line = CoreLocal::get("standalone") . " " . CoreLocal::get("laneno") . " " . $cashier_no . " " . $trans_no;
       If the transaction is marked as complete but somehow did not
       actually finish, this will prevent the suspended receipt from
       adding tax/discount lines to the transaction
     CoreLocal::set('End', 0);
     return $trans_num;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function preprocess()
     if (isset($_REQUEST["selectlist"])) {
         /** generate XML based on menu choice **/
         switch ($_REQUEST['selectlist']) {
             case 'KC':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::keyChange();
                 $this->output = 'display';
             case 'PD':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::paramDownload();
                 $this->output = 'display';
             case 'KR':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::keyReport();
             case 'SR':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::statsReport();
             case 'DR':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::declineReport();
             case 'PR':
                 $this->xml = DatacapCaAdmin::paramReport();
             case 'CL':
                 return false;
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['xml-resp'])) {
         /** parse response XML and display a dialog box
             or print a receipt **/
         $xml = $_REQUEST['xml-resp'];
         $output = $_REQUEST['output-method'];
         $resp = DatacapCaAdmin::parseResponse($xml);
         if ($output == 'display' || $resp['receipt'] === false) {
             CoreLocal::set('boxMsg', '<strong>' . $resp['status'] . '</strong><br />' . $resp['msg-text']);
             CoreLocal::set('strRemembered', '');
             $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php');
             return false;
         } else {
             $print_class = CoreLocal::get('ReceiptDriver');
             if ($print_class === '' || !class_exists($print_class)) {
                 $print_class = 'ESCPOSPrintHandler';
             $PRINT_OBJ = new $print_class();
             $receipt_body = implode("\n", $resp['receipt']);
             $receipt_body .= "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
             $receipt_body .= chr(27) . chr(105);
             if (session_id() != '') {
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   Set up state and redirect if needed
   @return True or a URL to redirect
 public function preReqCheck()
     if ($this->tender_code == 'CC' && CoreLocal::get('store') == 'wfc') {
         CoreLocal::set('kickOverride', true);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
   Input processing function
 function preprocess()
     // a selection was made
     if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) {
         $entered = strtoupper($_REQUEST['search']);
         if ($entered == "" || $entered == "CL") {
             // should be empty string
             // javascript causes this input if the
             // user presses CL{enter}
             // Redirect to main screen
             CoreLocal::set("departmentAmount", "0");
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
         if (is_numeric($entered)) {
             // built department input string and set it
             // to be the next POS entry
             // Redirect to main screen
             $input = CoreLocal::get("departmentAmount") . "DP" . $entered . "0";
             $qty = CoreLocal::get("quantity");
             if ($qty != "" & $qty != 1 & $qty != 0) {
                 $input = $qty . "*" . $input;
             CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
             CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", $input);
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function parse($str)
     $ret = $this->default_json();
     if ($str == "FNTL") {
         $ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/fsTotalConfirm.php';
     } elseif ($str == "TETL") {
         $ret['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/requestInfo.php?class=Totals';
     } elseif ($str == "FTTL") {
     } elseif ($str == "TL") {
         CoreLocal::set('End', 0);
         $chk = PrehLib::ttl();
         if ($chk !== True) {
             $ret['main_frame'] = $chk;
     } elseif ($str == "MTL") {
         $chk = PrehLib::omtr_ttl();
         if ($chk !== True) {
             $ret['main_frame'] = $chk;
     } elseif ($str == "WICTL") {
         $ttl = PrehLib::wicableTotal();
         $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(_('WIC Total') . sprintf(': $%.2f', $ttl), '', true, DisplayLib::standardClearButton());
         // return early since output has been set
         return $ret;
     if (!$ret['main_frame']) {
         $ret['output'] = DisplayLib::lastpage();
         $ret['redraw_footer'] = True;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function preprocess()
     if (isset($_REQUEST["selectlist"])) {
         $input = $_REQUEST["selectlist"];
         if ($input == "CL") {
             CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 0);
             CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", "");
             CoreLocal::set("refundComment", "");
         } else {
             if ($input == "Other") {
                 return True;
             } else {
                 $input = str_replace("'", "", $input);
                 CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", CoreLocal::get("refundComment"));
                 // add comment calls additem(), which wipes
                 // out refundComment; save it
                 TransRecord::addcomment("PO: " . $input);
                 CoreLocal::set("refundComment", CoreLocal::get("strRemembered"));
                 CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1);
         $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         return False;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function preprocess()
     if (isset($_REQUEST["selectlist"])) {
         $parser = new PaycardDatacapParser();
         switch ($_REQUEST['selectlist']) {
             case 'WICON':
                 CoreLocal::set('WicMode', true);
                 $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php');
                 return false;
             case 'WICOFF':
                 CoreLocal::set('WicMode', false);
                 $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php');
                 return false;
             case 'WICT':
                 $plugin = new WicPlugin();
                 $this->change_page($plugin->pluginURL() . '/WicTenderPage.php');
                 return false;
             case 'CL':
         $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php');
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function preprocess()
     $this->upc = FormLib::get('upc');
     if (FormLib::get('reginput', false) !== false) {
         $inp = FormLib::get('reginput');
         if (strtoupper($inp) == 'CL') {
             $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php');
             return false;
         $dbc = Database::pDataConnect();
         $empP = $dbc->prepare('
             SELECT emp_no
             FROM employees
             WHERE EmpActive=1
                 AND frontendsecurity >= ?
                 AND (CashierPassword=? OR AdminPassword=?)');
         if ($dbc->getValue($empP, array(30, $inp, $inp)) !== false) {
             CoreLocal::set('strRemembered', $this->upc);
             CoreLocal::set('msgrepeat', 1);
             $arr = CoreLocal::get('WicOverride');
             if (!is_array($arr)) {
                 $arr = array();
             $arr[] = ltrim($this->upc, '0');
             CoreLocal::set('WicOverride', $arr);
             $this->change_page(MiscLib::baseURL() . 'gui-modules/pos2.php');
             return false;
         } else {
             $this->box_color = 'errorColoredArea';
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected function ajax()
     CoreLocal::set("cabReference", $_REQUEST['input']);
     $receipt = ReceiptLib::printReceipt('cab', CoreLocal::get('cabReference'));
     return 'Done';
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function preprocess()
     $me = CoreLocal::get('CashierNo');
     $this->security = Authenticate::getPermission($me);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
         if (!FormLib::validateToken()) {
             return false;
         if (empty($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
             $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
         } elseif ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'SUSPEND') {
             if (CoreLocal::get("LastID") == 0) {
                 CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("no transaction in progress"));
                 CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'));
                 $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php");
                 return False;
             } else {
                 // ajax call to end transaction
                 // and print receipt
                 $ref = SuspendLib::suspendorder();
                 $this->add_onload_command("\$.ajax({\n                        type:'post',\n                        url:'{$this->page_url}ajax-callbacks/ajax-end.php',\n                        cache: false,\n                        data: 'receiptType=suspended&ref={$ref}',\n                        dataType: 'json',\n                        success: function(data){\n                            \$.ajax({\n                            type:'post',\n                            url:'{$this->page_url}ajax-callbacks/ajax-transaction-sync.php',\n                            cache: false,\n                            success: function(data){\n                                location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n                            },\n                            error: function(e1){\n                                location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n                            }\n                            });\n                        },\n                        error: function(e1){\n                            location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n                        }\n                        });");
                 return True;
         } else {
             if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'RESUME') {
                 if (CoreLocal::get("LastID") != 0) {
                     CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("transaction in progress"));
                     CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'));
                     $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php");
                 } elseif (SuspendLib::checksuspended() == 0) {
                     CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("no suspended transaction"));
                     CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'));
                     CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", "");
                     $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php");
                 } else {
                     $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/suspendedlist.php");
                 return False;
             } else {
                 if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'TR') {
                     $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
                     return False;
                 } else {
                     if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'OTR' && $this->security >= 30) {
                         $this->change_page($this->page_url . 'gui-modules/requestInfo.php?class=AnyTenderReportRequest');
                         return False;
                     } elseif ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'UNDO' && $this->security >= 30) {
                         $this->change_page($this->page_url . 'gui-modules/undo.php');
                         return false;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 function parse($str)
     $json = $this->default_json();
     $arg = $this->left;
     CoreLocal::set("sc", 1);
     $staffID = substr($arg, 0, 4);
     $pQuery = "select staffID,chargecode,blueLine from chargecodeview where chargecode = '" . $arg . "'";
     $pConn = Database::pDataConnect();
     $result = $pConn->query($pQuery);
     $num_rows = $pConn->num_rows($result);
     $row = $pConn->fetch_array($result);
     if ($num_rows == 0) {
         $json['output'] = DisplayLib::xboxMsg(_("unable to authenticate staff ") . $staffID, DisplayLib::standardClearButton());
         CoreLocal::set("isStaff", 0);
         // apbw 03/05/05 SCR
         return $json;
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set("isStaff", 1);
         // apbw 03/05/05 SCR
         CoreLocal::set("memMsg", $row["blueLine"]);
         $tQuery = "update localtemptrans set card_no = '" . $staffID . "', percentDiscount = 15";
         $tConn = Database::tDataConnect();
         $chk = self::ttl();
         if ($chk !== True) {
             $json['main_frame'] = $chk;
             return $json;
         CoreLocal::set("runningTotal", CoreLocal::get("amtdue"));
         return self::tender("MI", CoreLocal::get("runningTotal") * 100);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function handle($upc, $json)
     $my_url = MiscLib::base_url();
     switch (ltrim($upc, '0')) {
         case '8006':
             if (CoreLocal::get("memberID") == 0) {
                 $json['main_frame'] = $my_url . 'gui-modules/memlist.php';
             } else {
                 if (CoreLocal::get("msgrepeat") == 0) {
                     CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<B>" . $total . " stock payment</B><BR>insert form<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>");
                     $ret["main_frame"] = $my_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php?endorse=stock&endorseAmt=" . $total;
         case '8005':
             if (CoreLocal::get("memberID") == 0) {
                 $json['main_frame'] = $my_url . 'gui-modules/memlist.php';
             } elseif (CoreLocal::get("isMember") == 0) {
                 $json['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(_("member discount not applicable"), '', false, DisplayLib::standardClearButton());
             } elseif (CoreLocal::get("percentDiscount") > 0) {
                 $json['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg(CoreLocal::get("percentDiscount") . "% discount already applied", '', false, DisplayLib::standardClearButton());
     // magic plu, but other conditions not matched
     if ($json['main_frame'] === false && empty($json['output'])) {
         $json['output'] = DisplayLib::boxMsg($upc . "<br />is not a valid item", '', false, DisplayLib::standardClearButton());
     return $json;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 function __construct()
     if (CoreLocal::get('fntlflag') == 0 && CoreLocal::get('End') != 1) {
         CoreLocal::set("fntlflag", 1);
         Database::setglobalvalue("FntlFlag", 1);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 function preprocess()
     $this->my_drawer = ReceiptLib::currentDrawer();
     $this->available = ReceiptLib::availableDrawers();
     $this->is_admin = false;
     $db = Database::pDataConnect();
     $sec = Authenticate::getPermission(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'));
     if ($sec >= 30) {
         $this->is_admin = true;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
         if (empty($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) {
             if (empty($this->available) && !$this->is_admin && $this->my_drawer == 0) {
                 // no drawer available and not admin
                 // sign out and go back to main login screen
                 Database::setglobalvalue("LoggedIn", 0);
                 CoreLocal::set("LoggedIn", 0);
                 CoreLocal::set("training", 0);
                 CoreLocal::set("gui-scale", "no");
                 $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/login2.php");
             } else {
                 $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
             return False;
         if (substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 0, 2) == 'TO' && $this->is_admin) {
             // take over a drawer
             $new_drawer = substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 2);
             if ($this->my_drawer != 0) {
                 // free up the current drawer if it exists
             // switch to the requested drawer
             ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $new_drawer);
             $this->my_drawer = $new_drawer;
         } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 0, 2) == 'SW') {
             // switch to available drawer
             $new_drawer = substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 2);
             foreach ($this->available as $id) {
                 // verify the requested drawer is available
                 if ($new_drawer == $id) {
                     if ($this->my_drawer != 0) {
                         // free up the current drawer if it exists
                     // switch to the requested drawer
                     ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $new_drawer);
                     $this->my_drawer = $new_drawer;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 function preprocess()
     if (isset($_REQUEST["selectlist"])) {
         CoreLocal::set("prefix", $_REQUEST["selectlist"]);
         $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php");
         return False;
     return True;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function handle($deptID, $amount, $json)
     if (CoreLocal::get('msgrepeat') == 0) {
         CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", "<b>A/R Payment Sale</b><br>remember to retain you<br>\n                reprinted receipt");
         CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Confirm [enter]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'\');submitWrapper();', 'Cancel [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();'));
         $json['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php?quiet=1';
     return $json;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 function parse($str)
     $ret = $this->default_json();
     if ($str == 'PCLOOKUP') {
         $info = new Paycards();
         $ret['main_frame'] = $info->pluginUrl() . '/gui/PaycardTransListPage.php';
         CoreLocal::set('strEntered', '');
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 23
   Store token in cache
   @return [boolean] true
 public static function setToken($token)
     $tokens = \CoreLocal::get('crsfTokens');
     if (!is_array($tokens)) {
         $tokens = array();
     $tokens[$token] = time();
     \CoreLocal::set('crsfTokens', $tokens);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 function parse($str)
     $remainder = "";
     $parts = explode('RF', $str, 2);
     foreach ($parts as $p) {
         $remainder .= $p;
     CoreLocal::set("refund", 1);
     return $remainder;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function handle($deptID, $amount, $json)
     if (CoreLocal::get('msgrepeat') == 0) {
         // invert has not happened yet
         CoreLocal::set('strEntered', 100 * $amount * -1 . 'DP' . $deptID);
         CoreLocal::set('msgrepeat', 1);
         $json['main_frame'] = MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/boxMsg2.php?autoconfirm=1';
     return $json;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public static function adminLoginCallback($success)
     if ($success) {
         CoreLocal::set('strRemembered', CoreLocal::get('strEntered'));
         CoreLocal::set('msgrepeat', 1);
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static function adminLoginCallback($success)
     if ($success) {
         CoreLocal::set('refundComment', CoreLocal::get('strEntered'));
         return MiscLib::base_url() . 'gui-modules/refundComment.php';
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set('refundComment', '');
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public static function adminLoginCallback($success)
     if ($success) {
         CoreLocal::set('InactiveMemList', array());
         return true;
     } else {
         CoreLocal::set('InactiveMemList', array());
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 function body_content()
     <div class="baseHeight">
     echo PaycardLib::paycard_msgBox(PaycardLib::PAYCARD_TYPE_GIFT, "Check Card Balance?", "If you proceed, you <b>cannot void</b> any previous action on this card!", "[enter] to continue<br>[clear] to cancel");
     CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 2);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function parse($str)
     $my_url = MiscLib::base_url();
     $split = explode("DP", $str);
     $dept = $split[1];
     $amt = $split[0];
     if (strstr($amt, '.')) {
         $amt = round($amt * 100);
     $ret = $this->default_json();
       This "if" is the new addition to trigger the
       department select screen
     if (empty($split[1])) {
         // no department specified, just amount followed by DP
         // maintain refund if needed
         if (CoreLocal::get("refund")) {
             $amt = "RF" . $amt;
         // save entered amount
         CoreLocal::set("departmentAmount", $amt);
         // go to the department select screen
         $ret['main_frame'] = $my_url . 'gui-modules/deptlist.php';
     } else {
         if (CoreLocal::get("refund") == 1 && CoreLocal::get("refundComment") == "") {
             if (CoreLocal::get("SecurityRefund") > 20) {
                 $ret['main_frame'] = $my_url . "gui-modules/adminlogin.php?class=RefundAdminLogin";
             } else {
                 $ret['main_frame'] = $my_url . 'gui-modules/refundComment.php';
             CoreLocal::set("refundComment", CoreLocal::get("strEntered"));
     /* apply any appropriate special dept modules */
     $deptmods = CoreLocal::get('SpecialDeptMap');
     $db = Database::pDataConnect();
     if (!is_array($deptmods) && $db->table_exists('SpecialDeptMap')) {
         $model = new \COREPOS\pos\lib\models\op\SpecialDeptMapModel($db);
         $deptmods = $model->buildMap();
         CoreLocal::set('SpecialDeptMap', $deptmods);
     $index = (int) ($dept / 10);
     if (is_array($deptmods) && isset($deptmods[$index])) {
         foreach ($deptmods[$index] as $mod) {
             $obj = new $mod();
             $ret = $obj->handle($dept, $amt / 100, $ret);
     if (!$ret['main_frame']) {
         $ret = PrehLib::deptkey($amt, $dept, $ret);
     return $ret;