Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Given index of a mosaic image, and a pixel position on that image handle a zoom
  * If the zoom level is 2, this needs to perform a redirect to the gridsquare page
  * otherwise, it reconfigures the instance for the zoomed in map
  * @access public
 function zoomIn($i, $j, $x, $y)
     //so where did we click?
     list($clickx, $clicky) = $this->getClickCoordinates($i, $j, $x, $y);
     $zoomindex = array_search($this->pixels_per_km, $this->scales);
     if ($zoomindex === FALSE) {
         $zoomindex = 0;
     if ($zoomindex > count($this->scales) || $this->pixels_per_km > 40) {
         //we're going to zoom into a grid square
         $square = new GridSquare();
         if ($square->loadFromPosition($clickx, $clicky)) {
             $images = $square->getImages(false, '', 'order by moderation_status+0 desc,seq_no limit 2');
             //if the image count is 1, we'll go straight to the image
             if (count($images) == 1) {
                 $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/photo/' . $images[0]->gridimage_id;
             } else {
                 //lets go to the grid reference
                 $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/gridref/' . $square->grid_reference;
         } else {
             require_once 'geograph/conversions.class.php';
             $conv = new Conversions();
             list($gr, $len) = $conv->internal_to_gridref($clickx, $clicky, 0);
             $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/gridref/' . $gr;
     } else {
         $scale = $this->scales[$zoomindex];
     //store the clicked position to make a better estimate at the required grid
     $this->old_centrex = $clickx;
     $this->old_centrey = $clicky;
     //size of new map in km
     $mapw = $this->image_w / $scale;
     $maph = $this->image_h / $scale;
     //here's the perfect origin
     $bestoriginx = $clickx - $mapw / 2;
     $bestoriginy = $clicky - $maph / 2;
     $this->setAlignedOrigin($bestoriginx, $bestoriginy);