protected function setUp()
     \ContextCore::getContext()->employee = new \Employee(1);
     $this->moduleManagerBuilder = ModuleManagerBuilder::getInstance();
     $this->moduleManager = $this->moduleManagerBuilder->build();
     $this->moduleNames = ['pscsx3241', 'pscsx32412'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get combination for a product
  * @param int $idProduct
  * @return array Combinations
 public function getProductCombinations($idProduct)
     $context = \ContextCore::getContext();
     //get product
     $product = new \ProductCore((int) $idProduct, false);
     if (!is_object($product) || empty($product->id)) {
         return false;
     $allCombinations = $product->getAttributeCombinations(1, false);
     $allCombinationsIds = array_map(function ($o) {
         return $o['id_product_attribute'];
     }, $allCombinations);
     $combinations = [];
     foreach ($allCombinationsIds as $combinationId) {
         $combinations[] = $product->getAttributeCombinationsById($combinationId, $context->employee->id_lang)[0];
     return $combinations;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get all Tax Rules Groups with rates
  * @return array TaxRulesGroup
 public function getTaxRulesGroupWithRates()
     $address = new \Address();
     $address->id_country = (int) \ContextCore::getContext()->country->id;
     $tax_rules_groups = $this->getTaxRulesGroups();
     $tax_rates = array(0 => array('id_tax_rules_group' => 0, 'rates' => array(0), 'computation_method' => 0));
     foreach ($tax_rules_groups as $tax_rules_group) {
         $id_tax_rules_group = (int) $tax_rules_group['id_tax_rules_group'];
         $tax_calculator = \TaxManagerFactoryCore::getManager($address, $id_tax_rules_group)->getTaxCalculator();
         $tax_rates[$id_tax_rules_group] = array('id_tax_rules_group' => $id_tax_rules_group, 'rates' => array(), 'computation_method' => (int) $tax_calculator->computation_method);
         if (isset($tax_calculator->taxes) && count($tax_calculator->taxes)) {
             foreach ($tax_calculator->taxes as $tax) {
                 $tax_rates[$id_tax_rules_group]['rates'][] = (double) $tax->rate;
         } else {
             $tax_rates[$id_tax_rules_group]['rates'][] = 0;
     return $tax_rates;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This fix is used to have a ready translation in the smarty 'l' function.
  * Called by AutoResponseFormatTrait in beforeActionSuggestResponseFormat().
  * So if you do not use this Trait, you must call this method by yourself in the action.
  * @param string $legacyController
 public function setupLegacyTranslationContext($legacyController = 'AdminTab')
     OldContext::getContext()->override_controller_name_for_translations = $legacyController;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function countAllProducts()
     $idShop = \ContextCore::getContext()->shop->id;
     $sqlSelect = array('id_product' => array('table' => 'p', 'field' => 'id_product'));
     $sqlTable = array('p' => 'product', 'sa' => array('table' => 'product_shop', 'join' => 'JOIN', 'on' => 'p.`id_product` = sa.`id_product` AND sa.id_shop = ' . $idShop));
     $sql = $this->compileSqlQuery($sqlSelect, $sqlTable);
     \Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql, true, false);
     $total = \Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT FOUND_ROWS();', true, false);
     $total = $total[0]['FOUND_ROWS()'];
     return $total;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to.
  * The array keys are event names and the value are a function name
  * that will be solved by magic __call(). The function contains data to extract: hookId, moduleId
  * TODO: add cache layer on $listeners
  * @return array The listeners array
 public static function getSubscribedEvents()
     $listeners = array();
     //Hack SF2 cache clear : if context not mounted, bypass legacy call
     $legacyContext = OldContext::getContext();
     if (!$legacyContext || empty($legacyContext->shop) || empty($legacyContext->employee)) {
         return $listeners;
     $hooks = \HookCore::getHooks();
     foreach ($hooks as $hook) {
         $name = $hook['name'];
         $id = $hook['id_hook'];
         $moduleListeners = array();
         $modules = array();
         //SF2 cache clear bug fix : call bqSQL alias function
         if (function_exists("bqSQL")) {
             $modules = \HookCore::getHookModuleExecList($name);
         if (is_array($modules)) {
             foreach ($modules as $order => $module) {
                 $moduleId = $module['id_module'];
                 $functionName = 'call_' . $id . '_' . $moduleId;
                 $moduleListeners[] = array($functionName, 2000 - $order);
             if (count($moduleListeners)) {
                 $listeners[$name] = $moduleListeners;
     return $listeners;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Generate preview URL deactivate
  * @param string $preview_url
  * @return string preview url deactivate
 public function getPreviewUrlDeactivate($preview_url)
     $context = \ContextCore::getContext();
     $token = \ToolsCore::getAdminTokenLite('AdminProducts');
     $admin_dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
     $admin_dir = substr($admin_dir, strrpos($admin_dir, '/') + 1);
     $preview_url_deactivate = $preview_url . (strpos($preview_url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'adtoken=' . $token . '&ad=' . $admin_dir . '&id_employee=' . (int) $context->employee->id;
     return $preview_url_deactivate;