function buildActionItem($action)
        require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php';
        require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/template.class.php';
        $uit = new UserInfoTable($this->db);
        $fbIds = $uit->getFbIdsForUsers(array($action->userid1));
        $fbId = $fbIds[0];
        if ($action->userid2) {
            $fbIds2 = $uit->getFbIdsForUsers(array($action->userid2));
            $fbId2 = $fbIds2[0];
        if (!$fbId) {
            // cant return anything or #&*$@! paging gets screwed
            //$code .= '<div class="hidden">No fbId found for userid '. $action->userid1 . '</div>';
            $this->db->log("Action Feed: No fbId found for userid {$action->userid1} performing {$action->action} on {$action->t}");
            return '';
        $ago .= self::getElapsedString(strtotime($action->t));
        switch ($action->action) {
            case 'completedChallenge':
                $code .= $this->fetchChallengeCompletedFeedItem($action, $fbId, false);
                // hack for now so the console can access it also
                //$ct = new ChallengeTable($this->db);
            case 'signup':
                /*$code .= template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') .' '. template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0])
                				.' joined the action team!';
                $code .= '<div class="profilePicLarger">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') . ' ' . '</div>
			                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
			                    <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' joined the ' . SITE_TEAM_TITLE . '!</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
			      		</div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
            case 'friendSignup':
                $code .= '<div class="profilePicLarger">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') . ' ' . '</div>
			                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
			                    <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' got credit for inviting ' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId2) . '!</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
			      		</div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
            case 'chatStory':
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
                $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
                $content = $contentTable->getRowObject();
                $contentid = $action->itemid;
                // hack: since jeff put the fbId in itemid2 for chatStory
                $fbId2 = $action->userid2;
                if ($content->load($contentid)) {
                    $code .= ' <div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedStoryImage($content->imageid, $contentid) . '</div>
				                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
				                	<div class="feed_poster">' . '<div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"  with="30" height="30"') . '</div>' . '<div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbId2, 'size="square"  with="30" height="30"') . '</div>' . '<h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' chatted with ' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbId2) . ' about the story ' . template::buildStoryLink($content->title, $contentid) . '</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
				                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
                //case 'acceptedInvite': // actually want to filter these?
                // yeah, dont show these
            //case 'acceptedInvite': // actually want to filter these?
            // yeah, dont show these
            case 'redeemed':
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/prizes.class.php';
                $prizeTable = new PrizeTable($this->db);
                $prize = $prizeTable->getRowObject();
                if ($prize->load($action->itemid) && !$prize->isWeekly && !$prize->isGrand) {
                    $indefarticle = template::getIndefiniteArticle($prize->title);
                    $code .= template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') .' '. template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0])
                    		." used {$prize->pointCost} points to get $indefarticle "
                    		. template::buildRewardLink($prize->title, $prize->id) .""
                    		. template::buildLinkedRewardPic($prize->id, $prize->thumbnail, $width=70);
                    //$code .= ' '. self::getElapsedString(strtotime($action->t));
                    $code .= '<div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedRewardPic($prize->id, $prize->thumbnail, $width = 70) . '</div>				           
				                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
				                	<div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square" with="30" height="30"') . '</div>
				                    	<h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' redeemed <span class="pointValue">' . $prize->pointCost . '<span class="pts"> points</span></span>.</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
				                    <p class="storyHead">' . template::buildRewardLink($prize->title, $prize->id) . ' </p>
				                    <p class="storyCaption"></p>                
				                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
                } else {
                    // debug:
                    //$code .= 'No prize found for id ' . $action->itemid;
            case 'wonPrize':
                // implement
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/prizes.class.php';
                $prizeTable = new PrizeTable($this->db);
                $prize = $prizeTable->getRowObject();
                if ($prize->load($action->itemid)) {
                    if ($prize->isWeekly) {
                        $winText = 'won a Weekly Prize!';
                    if ($prize->isGrand == 1) {
                        $winText = 'won the Grand Prize and made the planet green with envy!';
                    if ($prize->isGrand > 1) {
                        $winText = 'won a Runner-up Prize!';
                    $code .= '<div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedRewardPic($prize->id, $prize->thumbnail, $width = 70) . '</div>
		                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
		                <div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"  with="30" height="30"') . '</div>
		                    <h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' ' . $winText . ' ' . $ago . '</h3>
		                    <p class="storyHead">' . template::buildRewardLink($prize->title, $prize->id) . ' </p>
		                    <p class="storyCaption"></p>                
		                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
                } else {
                    // debug:
                    //$code .= 'No prize found for id ' . $action->itemid;
            case 'publishStory':
                // TODO ?
                //return '';
            // TODO ?
            //return '';
            case 'postBlog':
            case 'postStory':
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
                $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
                $content = $contentTable->getRowObject();
                $contentid = $action->itemid;
                if ($content->load($contentid)) {
                    /*$code .= template::buildLinkedStoryImage($content->imageid, $contentid);
                    		$code .= template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"') .' '. template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0])
                    				.' posted a story';
                    		$code .= '<p>' . template::buildStoryLink($content->title, $contentid)
                    $code .= ' <div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedStoryImage($content->imageid, $contentid) . '</div>
				                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
				                	<div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square"  with="30" height="30"') . '</div>
				                    	<h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' posted a story</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
				                    <p class="storyHead">' . template::buildStoryLink($content->title, $contentid) . ' </p>
				                    <p class="storyCaption">' . $this->templateObj->ellipsis(strip_tags($content->caption, 200)) . ' ' . template::buildStoryLink('...more', $contentid) . '</p>                
				                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>';
            case 'vote':
                // ignore
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
                $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
                $content = $contentTable->getRowObject();
                $contentid = $action->itemid;
                // grrrr
                if ($content->load($contentid)) {
                    $code .= ' <div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedStoryImage($content->imageid, $contentid) . '</div>
				                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
			                	<div class="feed_poster">' . '<h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' voted on the story ' . template::buildStoryLink($content->title, $contentid) . '</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
				                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>
            case 'comment':
                *  <li class="panel_block">
                                <div class="thumb"><a href=""><img src="{URL_BASE}/index.php?p=scaleImg&id=34608&x=185&y=130&fixed=x&crop" /></a>
                                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
                                    <h3><span class="bold"><a href="'.URL_CANVAS.'?p=profile&memberid=1180126201" onclick="return switchPage('profile', '', 1180126201);"><fb:name ifcantsee="Anonymous" uid="1180126201" capitalize="true" firstnameonly="false" linked="false" /></a> commented on the story <a href="#">It's Time to Aim Low</a></span> on Feb 2, 2009</h3>
                					<div class="quotes">
                						<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam dolor nunc, vehicula et, tristique sed, auctor et, massa.</p>
                						<p> Nam at purus vitae diam commodo venenatis. Ut leo enim, vestibulum eget, rhoncus in, suscipit laoreet, magna. Aliquam diam. Nunc tempor lorem eget nisl.</p>
                                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>
                // assume comment->siteContentId is what is stored...
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/comments.class.php';
                require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/video.class.php';
                $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
                $commentTable = new CommentTable($this->db);
                $videoTable = new VideoTable($this->db);
                $content = $contentTable->getRowObject();
                $comment = $commentTable->getRowObject();
                $video = $videoTable->getRowObject();
                $commentid = $action->itemid;
                // grr
                $contentid = $action->itemid2;
                // grrrr
                if ($comment->load($commentid) && $content->load($contentid)) {
                    if ($comment->videoid && $video->load($comment->videoid)) {
                        $quoteContents = '<div style="text-align:center;">' . videos::buildPlayerFromLink($video->embedCode, 160, 100) . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        $quoteContents = '<p>' . $this->templateObj->ellipsis(strip_tags($comment->comments), 200) . ' ' . template::buildStoryLink('...more', $contentid) . '</p>';
                    $code .= ' <div class="thumb">' . template::buildLinkedStoryImage($content->imageid, $contentid) . '</div>
				                <div class="storyBlockWrap">
			                	<div class="feed_poster"><div class="avatar">' . template::buildLinkedProfilePic($fbIds[0], 'size="square" height="30" width="30"') . '</div>
				                    	<h3><span class="bold">' . template::buildLinkedProfileName($fbIds[0]) . ' commented on the story ' . template::buildStoryLink($content->title, $contentid) . '</span> ' . $ago . '</h3>
				                    	<div class="quotes">' . $quoteContents . '</div>
				                </div><!__end "storyBlockWrap"__>
        return $code;
 function ajaxBanStoryPoster(&$app = null, $cid = 0, $userid = 0)
     // to do - make sure user is admin
     // cid - cid of user to ban
     $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
     $c = $contentTable->getRowObject();
     if ($c->userid != $userid) {
         $this->db->update("Content", "isBlocked=1", "userid=" . $c->userid);
         // block all stories by this user
         $this->db->update("Comments", "isBlocked=1", "userid=" . $c->userid);
         // block all comments by this user
         require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php';
         $uit = new UserInfoTable($this->db);
         $ut = new UserTable($this->db);
         $u = $ut->getRowObject();
         $ui = $uit->getRowObject();
         // block story
         $c->isBlocked = 1;
         // block user
         $u->isBlocked = 1;
         $facebook = $app->loadFacebookLibrary();
         $this->db->log('To Ban ' . $ui->fbId);
         // load facebook library - call ban api
         $code = 'Ban complete.';
     } else {
         $code = 'Error: Trying to ban yourself again, huh?';
     return $code;
 function remoteSerialize($data)
     // take comment from NewsCloud
     // look up postedById and get local userid
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/user.class.php';
     $userTable = new UserTable($this->db);
     $user = $userTable->getRowObject();
     if (!$user) {
         $userid = $user->userid;
     } else {
         $userid = 0;
     require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/content.class.php';
     $contentTable = new ContentTable($this->db);
     $content = $contentTable->getRowObject();
     $content->load($data[contentid], 'contentid');
     if (!$content) {
         $siteContentId = $content->siteContentId;
     } else {
         $siteContentId = 0;
     // look up contentid and get local siteContentId
     $data = $this->serialize(0, $data[commentid], $siteContentId, $data[contentid], $data[comments], $data[uid], $userid, $data[member_name], $data[date]);
     return $data;