Ejemplo n.º 1
function deanIds()
    $c = new Connection();
    $sql_dean = "SELECT stakeholder_id, Position\n                 FROM  stakeholderhasranks \n                 WHERE  Rank LIKE  'Associate Dean' \n                 OR\n                 Rank LIKE  'Dean'";
    $r = $c->query($sql_dean);
    if ($c->getNumRows($r) != 0) {
        while ($row = $c->getArray($r)) {
            $temp[] = $row;
    return $temp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id = addresses.Stakeholder_id
//                     LEFT JOIN phonenumbers
//                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id =  phonenumbers.Stakeholder_id
//                     JOIN emailaddresses
//                     LEFT JOIN educationhistory
//                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id =  educationhistory.Stakeholder_id
//                       WHERE
//                       stakeholders.ComputingID = TRIM('".$q_2."')";
//        }
//   }
//  elseif (isset($_REQUEST["seeq"])){
$lastname = $_REQUEST["lastname"];
$sql4 = "\n          SELECT max(Stakeholder_id) FROM stakeholders WHERE LastName LIKE TRIM('.{$lastname}.')\n           ";
$r = $c->query($sql4);
$col = count($c->getArray($r)) - 1;
if ($c->getNumRows($r) != 0) {
    while ($col) {
        $row1 = $c->getArray($r);
        $l = $row1;
        $col = $col - 1;
echo $l;
// else {
// $ar=array();
// $ar = explode('-',$q_2);
// $arrayLenght= count($ar)-1;
// $sthid= $ar[$arrayLenght];
Ejemplo n.º 3
$institution_name1 = $_REQUEST["institution_name"];
$institution_name2 = $_REQUEST["institution_name2"];
$institution_name3 = $_REQUEST["institution_name3"];
$institution_name_city_1 = $_REQUEST["institution_name_city_1"];
$institution_name_city_2 = $_REQUEST["institution_name_city_2"];
$institution_name_city_3 = $_REQUEST["institution_name_city_3"];
$country_edu_1 = $_REQUEST["country_edu_1"];
$country_edu_2 = $_REQUEST["country_edu_2"];
$country_edu_3 = $_REQUEST["country_edu_3"];
$currently_employed = $_REQUEST["currently_employed"];
$position = $_REQUEST["position"];
$prefer = "Yes";
//////////////////////////// To check is there exist a preferd  address or not/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$srt_add = "select Address_id from addresses where addresses.Stakeholder_id = '" . $sth_id . "' and addresses.Preferred = 'Yes' ";
$r57_add = $c->query($srt_add);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57_add) != 0) {
    while ($row_add = $c->getArray($r57_add)) {
        $tem_add[] = $row_add;
foreach ($tem_add as $name_add) {
    $hi_add['Address_id'] = $name_add['Address_id'];
if ($hi_add['Address_id'] > 1) {
    $sql7 = "UPDATE addresses SET  \n      Address1 = '{$address1}',\n      City = '{$city}',\n      Province = '{$state}',\n      Country = '{$country}',\n      PostalCode = '{$postal_code}',\n      moved_from = '{$moved_from}',\n      Type = '{$add_type}',\n      Preferred = '{$prefer}'\n      WHERE addresses.Stakeholder_id = '" . $sth_id . "' AND addresses.Preferred = 'Yes' ";
} else {
    $sql7 = "INSERT INTO addresses (Stakeholder_id,Address1,City,Province,Country,PostalCode,moved_from,Type,Preferred )" . " values ('{$sth_id}','{$address1}','{$city}','{$state}','{$country}','{$postal_code}','{$moved_from}','{$add_type}','{$prefer}')";
//echo "sql7=== ".$sql7;
//////////////////////////// To check is there exist a preferd emaill address or not/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Ejemplo n.º 4
            $(function() {
            $( "#payroll_start_date" ).val("12/12/12");
            $( "#payroll_start_date" ).datepicker();
            $( "#payroll_start_date" ).datepicker( "option", "showAnim", 'bounce');

$c = new Connection();
$sql = "\t\t\n                     select Name FROM bus_pad_lut where bus_pad_lut.Area = 'Area'";
$result = $c->query($sql);
if ($c->getNumRows($result) != 0) {
    while ($row = $c->getArray($result)) {
        $lisi[] = $row;
//                     $hint = "";
//                      foreach($lisi as $name) {
//                 $hint['Name'] = $name['Name'];
//                 }

<div class="col-md-3 "> 
 <label for = "department2"> Second Department </label>
Ejemplo n.º 5
if (!$access->allowAccessType($acess_array) && $access->IsInstructor()) {
} else {
//echo $_SESSION['sms_userComputingID'];
$sthid = $_SESSION['sms_userStakeholderID'];
//echo $_SESSION['sms_userName'];
// $sthid = 10159;
$sthid = 10724;
$c = new Connection();
$h = '';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM stakeholders WHERE stakeholder_id = '" . $sthid . "' ";
$result = $c->query($sql);
if ($c->getNumRows($result) == 0) {
    return false;
while ($row = $c->getArray($result)) {
    $h['LastName'] = $row['LastName'];
    $h['FirstName'] = $row['FirstName'];
/////////////////////////////////////////////  Start find department   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$count_deps = 0;
$sql_dep = "SELECT * \n                FROM  stakeholderhasranks sth\n                LEFT JOIN  bus_rank_has_pad brhp ON sth.ranks_id = brhp.rank_id\n                LEFT JOIN  bus_pad_lut bpl ON bpl.pad_id = brhp.pad_id \n                INNER JOIN bus_rank_lut AS brl ON sth.Rank = brl.Rank AND brl.EmploymentGroupNumNew = 1\n                WHERE sth.stakeholder_id = '" . $sthid . "' \n                    AND (DATE(NOW()) > sth.StartDate \n                       OR (sth.StartDate = '0000-00-00' )\n                       OR (sth.StartDate IS NULL )   )";
$results_dep = $c->query($sql_dep);
//		if($c->getNumRows($results_dep) == 0)
//			return false;
while ($rows = $c->getArray($results_dep)) {
    $h['Name' . $count_deps] = $rows['Name'];
    $h['PrimaryRank' . $count_deps] = $rows['PrimaryRank'];
Ejemplo n.º 6

include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/config.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_theme/Theme.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/UserAccessController.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Courses.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Contract-Teaching.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/helper.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/SimpleDataEntryController.php";
//$c = new Connection();
$c = new Connection();
#For a given date, identify the term it belongs to
//SELECT * FROM `terms_lut` WHERE '2015-06-03' BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate
$srt7 = "select * from stakeholderhasranks where stakeholderhasranks.stakeholder_id = '" . $s . "' ";
//echo $srt7;
$r57 = $c->query($srt7);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57) != 0) {
    while ($row97 = $c->getArray($r57)) {
        $temq2[] = $row97;
foreach ($temq2 as $name) {
    $hi97['ranks_id'] = $name['ranks_id'];
$sql = " INSERT INTO limited_term \n       (Stakeholder_id,department,department2) \nVALUES ('{$s}','{$department}','{$department2}')";
if ($c->query($sql) === TRUE) {
    //   echo "New record created successfully"."<br />".$_SESSION['sfuid']."<br />".$sql;
} else {
    //      echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $c->error;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// it searches by lastname and gives you stakeholder_id, if two people are same last name its your duty to tell which one is correct one!
// by checking sfu_id or email address
// .
///////////////////////////////////// First part search with last Name //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// In this file we send html tables and buttoms to the source file, so each button has id upon on his limited term id thus we can customize it (unable edditable or delete button) /////
$h = "";
if ($_REQUEST["srch_lmt"] != "") {
    //echo "1_____________________________________________________________________________________________";
    $ar = explode('-', trim($q_2));
    //    echo "sfu_id =".$ar[3];
    $stakeholder_id = "SELECT stakeholder_id,LastName,FirstName,Emplid  FROM stakeholders where stakeholders.Emplid = ('" . $ar[3] . "')";
    $res = $c->query($stakeholder_id);
    if ($c->getNumRows($res) != 0) {
        while ($row1 = $c->getArray($res)) {
            $list1[] = $row1;
    $hint1 = "";
    if ($stakeholder_id !== "") {
        foreach ($list1 as $name1) {
            $hint1['stakeholder_id'] = $name1['stakeholder_id'];
            $hint1['LastName'] = $name1['LastName'];
            $hint1['FirstName'] = $name1['FirstName'];
            $hint1['Emplid'] = $name1['Emplid'];
    $s_id = $hint1['stakeholder_id'];
    $_SESSION['sta_id'] = $s_id;
Ejemplo n.º 8
} else {
    if ($flag_noplid) {
        $sql2 = "INSERT INTO stakeholders (LastName,FirstName,PreferredFirstName, Citizenship , Gender, VisaExpireyDate, Residency,  CitizenshipStatus, MiddleName)" . "values ('" . $last_name . "', '" . $first_name . "', '" . $preferredFirstName . "','" . $citizenship . "'," . "'" . $gender . "','" . $visa . "','" . $Residency . "','" . $CitizenshipStatus . "','{$middle_name}')";
if ($c->query($sql2) === TRUE) {
    // echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
    //  echo "Error: " . $sq2 . "<br>" . $c->error;
/*followed by retriving the stakeholder_id */
$stakeholder_id = "SELECT MAX(stakeholder_id) FROM stakeholders ";
$list1 = '';
$res = $c->query($stakeholder_id);
if ($c->getNumRows($res) != 0) {
    while ($row1 = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
        //$row1 = $c->getArray($res);
        //   echo "  ".$n."=".$row1['MAX(stakeholder_id)'];
        $list1[] = $row1['MAX(stakeholder_id)'];
        // $list['LastName'];
        // echo "list= ".$list1[n];
$s_id = $list1[0];
// Insert address info into addresses table
//  $s_id = 973009081;
$sql4 = "INSERT INTO addresses (Stakeholder_id,Address1,City, Province,Country, PostalCode,Type,moved_from ) values ('{$s_id}','{$address1}','{$city}','{$address_state}','{$addrss_country}','{$postal_code}', '{$type}','{$moved_from}')";
$sql5 = "INSERT INTO phonenumbers (Stakeholder_id,Phonenumber) values ('{$s_id}','{$pn}')";
$sql6 = "INSERT INTO emailaddresses (Stakeholder_id,EmailAddress,Preferred) values ('{$s_id}','{$email}','Yes')";
if ($c->query($sql4) === TRUE && $c->query($sql5) === TRUE && $c->query($sql6) === TRUE) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
if (!$access->allowAccessType($acess_array) && $access->IsInstructor()) {
} else {
//echo $_SESSION['sms_userComputingID'];
$sthid = $_SESSION['sms_userStakeholderID'];
//echo $_SESSION['sms_userName'];
//$sthid = 10724;
// $sthid = 10724;
$c = new Connection();
$h = '';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM stakeholders WHERE stakeholder_id = '" . $sthid . "' ";
$result = $c->query($sql);
if ($c->getNumRows($result) == 0) {
    return false;
while ($row = $c->getArray($result)) {
    $h['LastName'] = $row['LastName'];
    $h['FirstName'] = $row['FirstName'];
/////////////////////////////////////////////  Start find department   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$count_deps = 0;
$sql_dep = "SELECT * \n                FROM  stakeholderhasranks sth\n                LEFT JOIN  bus_rank_has_pad brhp ON sth.ranks_id = brhp.rank_id\n                LEFT JOIN  bus_pad_lut bpl ON bpl.pad_id = brhp.pad_id \n                INNER JOIN bus_rank_lut AS brl ON sth.Rank = brl.Rank AND brl.EmploymentGroupNumNew = 1\n                WHERE sth.stakeholder_id = '" . $sthid . "' \n                    AND (DATE(NOW()) > sth.StartDate \n                       OR (sth.StartDate = '0000-00-00' )\n                       OR (sth.StartDate IS NULL )   )";
$results_dep = $c->query($sql_dep);
//		if($c->getNumRows($results_dep) == 0)
//			return false;
while ($rows = $c->getArray($results_dep)) {
    $h['Name' . $count_deps] = $rows['Name'];
    $h['PrimaryRank' . $count_deps] = $rows['PrimaryRank'];
Ejemplo n.º 10
 $arrayLenght = count($ar) - 1;
 $sthid = $ar[$arrayLenght];
 if (isset($_SESSION["sta_id"])) {
 //  I changed from $_Sessopm["sta_id"] = $sthid to below
 $_SESSION["sta_id"] = $sthid;
 // $sthid = 10754;
 $cosi['max(limited_term_id)'] = 0;
 $sql6 = "SELECT max(limited_term_id) FROM limited_term WHERE Stakeholder_id LIKE TRIM('{$sthid}')";
 //  $rese = ($c->query($limited_term_id));
 $rese = $c->query($sql6);
 if ($c->getNumRows($rese) != 0) {
     while ($rolin = $c->getArray($rese)) {
         $cosi[] = $rolin;
 $hmn = "";
 foreach ($cosi as $n) {
     $hmn['max(limited_term_id)'] = $n['max(limited_term_id)'];
 $lim_id = $hmn['max(limited_term_id)'];
 //   $lim_id = 386;
 //               foreach ($r as $trow)
 //               {
 //                   echo "ooooyoooooooooo".$trow['max(Stakeholder_id)'];
 //               }
 //                 $c->close()
Ejemplo n.º 11
$funding_source = $_REQUEST["funding_source"];
$details = $_REQUEST["details"];
$position = $_REQUEST["position"];
$position1 = $_REQUEST["position1"];
$position2 = $_REQUEST["position2"];
$highest_degree_1 = $_REQUEST["highest_degree_1"];
$jv = $_REQUEST["jv"];
$_SESSION["sta_id"] = $_REQUEST["sta_id"];
$s = $_SESSION["sta_id"];
$salary_step = $_REQUEST["salary_step"];
// Here we check whether this stackholder id is saved in our database or not
// final version of getting things from an array!!!!!!
$srt7 = "select * from stakeholderhasranks where stakeholderhasranks.stakeholder_id = '" . $s . "' ";
echo $srt7;
$r57 = $c->query($srt7);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57) != 0) {
    while ($row97 = $c->getArray($r57)) {
        $temq2[] = $row97;
foreach ($temq2 as $name) {
    $hi97['ranks_id'] = $name['ranks_id'];
if ($hi97['ranks_id']) {
    $sql_22 = "UPDATE stakeholderhasranks SET StartDate='" . $appointment_start_date . "' , EndDate='" . $appointment_end_date . "'  where stakeholderhasranks.stakeholder_id= '" . $s . "'";
    if ($c->query($sql_22) === TRUE) {
        echo "UPDATE ";
    } else {
        echo "Error: ";
} else {
Ejemplo n.º 12

include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/config.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_theme/Theme.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/UserAccessController.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Courses.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Contract-Teaching.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/helper.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/SimpleDataEntryController.php";
$stat = $_REQUEST['status_of_lmt'];
//echo "_____________".$stat."____________";
$arr = explode(", ", $stat);
$lmtID = TRIM($arr[1]);
$status = TRIM($arr[0]);
$c = new Connection();
$sql = "UPDATE limited_term SET limited_term.status_of_lmt= '{$status}'  WHERE limited_term.limited_term_id = '" . $lmtID . "' ";
$result = $c->query($sql);
echo $stat;
        $error['email'] = 'Please Enter Email';
        $error_flag = 1;
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    if (!eregi("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$", $email) && !empty($_POST['email'])) {
        $error['email'] = 'Please Enter Valid Email';
        $error_flag = 1;
    $msg = "";
    if ($error_flag == 0) {
        $connObj = new Connection($db->Host, $db->User, $db->Password, $db->Database);
        $strNewPassword = get_rand_id(6);
        $encryptPwd = $strNewPassword;
        // Check if email exists in the database
        $where = " where `uemail` = '" . $_POST['email'] . "'";
        $NumRows = $connObj->getNumRows(TBL_ADMIN, $where);
        if ($NumRows > 0) {
            $user = $connObj->getSingleRow(TBL_ADMIN, "where uemail='" . $_POST['email'] . "'");
            $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE " . TBL_ADMIN . " set password = '******' where uemail='" . $_POST['email'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());
            //Send email for notification
            sendmail($_POST['email'], $strNewPassword, $user['username'], $user['status']);
            $msg = "<div class='error'>Your password has been reset and mailed to you on your registered email id.</div>";
        } else {
            $msg = "<div class='error'>User not found. Please try again.</div>";
//generate random string
function get_rand_id($length)
    if ($length > 0) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/UserAccessController.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Courses.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Contract-Teaching.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/helper.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/SimpleDataEntryController.php";
//$c = new Connection();
$c = new Connection();
#For a given date, identify the term it belongs to
//SELECT * FROM `terms_lut` WHERE '2015-06-03' BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate
$leave_option_id = $_REQUEST['leave_option_id'];
$sth_id = $_REQUEST['sth_id'];
// this hardcode is only for test
//$sth_id = 10724;
$srt7 = "select * from bus_tp_journal where bus_tp_journal.Stakeholder_Id = '" . $sth_id . "' ";
$r57 = $c->query($srt7);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57) != 0) {
    while ($row97 = $c->getArray($r57)) {
        $temq2[] = $row97;
    $count_teaching = 0;
    foreach ($temq2 as $name) {
        $hi97['StartTerm'][] = $name['StartTerm'];
        // $hi97['EndTerm'][] = $name['EndTerm'];
        // $hi97['Code_Id'][] = $name['Code_Id'];
        //   echo "Type= ".gettype($name['StartTerm']);
        $year = substr($name['StartTerm'], 0, 3);
        $term = substr($name['StartTerm'], 3, 4);
        $term = intval($term);
        if ($term == 4) {
            $term = 2;
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 15
if (isset($_SESSION['sta_id_q2'])) {
if (isset($_SESSION['sta_id'])) {
$q_22 = $_REQUEST["q1_data"];
// echo nl2br("\n");
// if(strrpos($q_22, "sfu.ca") || strrpos($q_22, "SFU.CA")){
$q_22 = strstr($q_22, "@", true);
//$q_22 ="wuschke";
$srt7 = "select stakeholder_id from stakeholders where stakeholders.ComputingID = '" . $q_22 . "' ";
//echo $srt7;
$r57 = $c->query($srt7);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57) != 0) {
    while ($row97 = $c->getArray($r57)) {
        $temq2[] = $row97;
        //$_SESSION['sta_id']= $row97['stakeholder_id'];
foreach ($temq2 as $name) {
    $hi97['stakeholder_id'] = $name['stakeholder_id'];
$_SESSION['sta_id'] = $hi97['stakeholder_id'];
//$_SESSION['sta_id'] =  $hi97['stakeholder_id'];
//echo "session=".$_SESSION['sta_id'];
$sql = "\t\t\n                     select *\n                     From stakeholders    \n                     LEFT JOIN addresses \n                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id = addresses.Stakeholder_id \n                     LEFT JOIN phonenumbers\n                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id =  phonenumbers.Stakeholder_id\n                     JOIN emailaddresses\n                     LEFT JOIN educationhistory\n                     on stakeholders.Stakeholder_id =  educationhistory.Stakeholder_id    \n                       WHERE\n                       stakeholders.ComputingID = TRIM('" . $q_22 . "')";
$resultdata = $c->query($sql);
echo $sql;
$codata = count($c->getArray($resultdata)) - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
include_once "../sms/admin/_theme/Theme.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/UserAccessController.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Courses.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_models/Contract-Teaching.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_inc/helper.php";
include_once "../sms/admin/_controllers/SimpleDataEntryController.php";

$c = new Connection();
echo $_REQUEST["inher_lmt_id"];
$limited_termid = $_REQUEST["inher_lmt_id"];
$sql = "DELETE FROM limited_term WHERE limited_term.limited_term_id = " . $limited_termid . " ";
$result = $c->query($sql);
if ($c->getNumRows($result) != 0) {
    while ($row = $c->getArray($result)) {
        $list[] = $row;
// final version of getting things from an array!!!!!!
$srt7 = "select * from limited_term_letter_id where limited_term_letter.limited_term_id = '" . $limited_termid . "' ";
echo $srt7;
$r57 = $c->query($srt7);
if ($c->getNumRows($r57) != 0) {
    while ($row97 = $c->getArray($r57)) {
        $temq2[] = $row97;
foreach ($temq2 as $name) {
    $hi97['limited_term_letter_id'] = $name['limited_term_letter_id '];