public function registerDiscount($id_customer, $register = false, $id_currency = 0)
     $configurations = Configuration::getMultiple(array('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE', 'REFERRAL_PERCENTAGE', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency));
     $cartRule = new CartRule();
     if ($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE'] == Discount::PERCENT) {
         $cartRule->reduction_percent = (double) $configurations['REFERRAL_PERCENTAGE'];
     } elseif ($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE'] == Discount::AMOUNT and isset($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency])) {
         $cartRule->reduction_amount = (double) $configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency];
     $cartRule->quantity = 1;
     $cartRule->quantity_per_user = 1;
     $cartRule->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $cartRule->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 31536000);
     // + 1 year
     $cartRule->code = $this->getDiscountPrefix() . Tools::passwdGen(6);
     $cartRule->name = Configuration::getInt('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION');
     $cartRule->id_customer = (int) $id_customer;
     $cartRule->id_currency = (int) $id_currency;
     if ($cartRule->add()) {
         if ($register != false) {
             if ($register == 'sponsor') {
                 $this->id_cart_rule_sponsor = (int) $cartRule->id;
             } elseif ($register == 'sponsored') {
                 $this->id_cart_rule = (int) $cartRule->id;
             return $this->save();
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function getInt($key, $id_shop_group = null, $id_shop = null)
     $r = parent::getInt($key, $id_shop_group, $id_shop);
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function registerDiscount($id_customer, $register = false)
     $configurations = Configuration::getMultiple(array('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE'));
     $discount = new Discount();
     $discount->id_discount_type = intval($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE']);
     $discount->value = floatval($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE']);
     $discount->quantity = 1;
     $discount->quantity_per_user = 1;
     $discount->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $discount->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 31536000);
     // + 1 year
     $discount->name = $this->getDiscountPrefix() . Tools::passwdGen(6);
     $discount->description = Configuration::getInt('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION');
     $discount->id_customer = intval($id_customer);
     if ($discount->add()) {
         if ($register != false) {
             if ($register == 'sponsor') {
                 $this->id_discount_sponsor = $discount->id;
             } elseif ($register == 'sponsored') {
                 $this->id_discount = $discount->id;
             return $this->save();
         return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function __construct()
     $this->name = 'referralprogram';
     $this->tab = 'Tools';
     $this->version = '1.4';
     $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('All sponsor and friends would be deleted. Do you really want to uninstall this module ?');
     $this->displayName = $this->l('Customer referral program');
     $this->description = $this->l('Integrate a referral program system to your shop.');
     $this->_configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array('REFERRAL_NB_FRIENDS', 'REFERRAL_ORDER_QUANTITY', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE'));
     $this->_configuration['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION'] = Configuration::getInt('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION');
     $path = dirname(__FILE__);
     if (strpos(__FILE__, 'Module.php') !== false) {
         $path .= '/../modules/' . $this->name;
     $this->_xmlFile = $path . '/referralprogram.xml';
     include_once $path . '/ReferralProgramModule.php';
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     $this->name = 'referralprogram';
     $this->tab = 'advertising_marketing';
     $this->version = '1.5';
     $this->author = 'PrestaShop';
     $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('All sponsors and friends will be deleted. Are you sure you want to uninstall this module?');
     $this->displayName = $this->l('Customer referral program');
     $this->description = $this->l('Integrate a referral program system into your shop.');
     if (Configuration::get('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE') == 1 and !Configuration::get('REFERRAL_PERCENTAGE')) {
         $this->warning = $this->l('Please specify an amount for referral program vouchers.');
     if ($this->id) {
         $this->_configuration = Configuration::getMultiple(array('REFERRAL_NB_FRIENDS', 'REFERRAL_ORDER_QUANTITY', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE'));
         $this->_configuration['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION'] = Configuration::getInt('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION');
         $this->_xmlFile = dirname(__FILE__) . '/referralprogram.xml';
 public function registerDiscount($id_customer, $register = false, $id_currency = 0)
     $configurations = Configuration::getMultiple(array('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE', 'REFERRAL_PERCENTAGE', 'REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency));
     $discount = new Discount();
     $discount->id_discount_type = (int) $configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE'];
     /* % */
     if ($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE'] == 1) {
         $discount->value = (double) $configurations['REFERRAL_PERCENTAGE'];
     } elseif ($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_TYPE'] == 2 and isset($configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency])) {
         $discount->value = (double) $configurations['REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_VALUE_' . (int) $id_currency];
     } else {
         $discount->value = 0;
     $discount->quantity = 1;
     $discount->quantity_per_user = 1;
     $discount->date_from = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $discount->date_to = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 31536000);
     // + 1 year
     $discount->name = $this->getDiscountPrefix() . Tools::passwdGen(6);
     $discount->description = Configuration::getInt('REFERRAL_DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION');
     $discount->id_customer = (int) $id_customer;
     $discount->id_currency = (int) $id_currency;
     if ($discount->add()) {
         if ($register != false) {
             if ($register == 'sponsor') {
                 $this->id_discount_sponsor = (int) $discount->id;
             } elseif ($register == 'sponsored') {
                 $this->id_discount = (int) $discount->id;
             return $this->save();
         return true;
     return false;
    public function getContent()
        $id_lang_default = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
        $languages = Language::getLanguages(false);
        $iso = $this->context->language->iso_code;
        $output = '';
        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitCustPrivMess')) {
            $message_trads = array();
            foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                if (preg_match('/custpriv_message_/i', $key)) {
                    $id_lang = preg_split('/custpriv_message_/i', $key);
                    $message_trads[(int) $id_lang[1]] = $value;
            Configuration::updateValue('CUSTPRIV_MESSAGE', $message_trads, true);
            $output = '<div class="conf confirm">' . $this->l('Configuration updated') . '</div>';
        $content = '';
        if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '') >= 0) {
            $content .= '
			<script type="text/javascript">	
				var iso = \'' . (file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/js/tiny_mce/langs/' . $iso . '.js') ? $iso : 'en') . '\' ;
				var pathCSS = \'' . _THEME_CSS_DIR_ . '\' ;
				var ad = \'' . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '\' ;
			<script type="text/javascript" src="' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
			<script type="text/javascript" src="' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'js/"></script>
			<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
				id_language = Number(' . $id_lang_default . ');
        } else {
            $content .= '
			<script type="text/javascript" src="' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
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					content_css : "' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . 'themes/' . _THEME_NAME_ . '/css/global.css",
					document_base_url : "' . __PS_BASE_URI__ . '",
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					font_size_style_values : "8pt, 10pt, 12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 24pt, 36pt",
					template_external_list_url : "lists/template_list.js",
					external_link_list_url : "lists/link_list.js",
					external_image_list_url : "lists/image_list.js",
					media_external_list_url : "lists/media_list.js",
					elements : "nourlconvert",
					entity_encoding: "raw",
					convert_urls : false,
					language : "' . (file_exists(_PS_ROOT_DIR_ . '/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/langs/' . $iso . '.js') ? $iso : 'en') . '"
				id_language = Number(' . $id_lang_default . ');
        $values = Configuration::getInt('CUSTPRIV_MESSAGE');
        $content .= $output;
        $content .= '
		<fieldset><legend><img src="../modules/' . $this->name . '/logo.gif" /> ' . $this->displayName . '</legend>
			<form action="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" method="post">				
				<label>' . $this->l('Customer data privacy message.') . '</label>
				<div class="margin-form">';
        foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $content .= '					
					<div id="ccont_' . $language['id_lang'] . '" style="display: ' . ($language['id_lang'] == $id_lang_default ? 'block' : 'none') . ';float: left;">
						<textarea class="rte" cols="70" rows="30" id="custpriv_message_' . $language['id_lang'] . '" name="custpriv_message_' . $language['id_lang'] . '">' . (isset($values[$language['id_lang']]) ? $values[$language['id_lang']] : '') . '</textarea>
        $content .= $this->displayFlags($languages, $id_lang_default, 'ccont', 'ccont', true) . '
					<div class="clear">
						' . $this->l('The customer data privacy message will be displayed in the account creation form.') . '<br />
						' . $this->l('Tip: If the customer privacy message is too long to be written directly in the form, you can add a link to one of your pages. This can easily be created via the "CMS" page under the "Preferences" menu.') . '
				<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>
				<div class="margin-form">
					<input type="submit" class="button" name="submitCustPrivMess" value="' . $this->l('Save') . '" />
        return $content;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public function getContent()
        $defaultLanguage = (int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT');
        $languages = Language::getLanguages(true);
        $this->_html = '';
        if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSettings')) {
            foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                if (preg_match('/LAW_MESSAGE_/i', $key)) {
                Configuration::updateValue($key, $value);
            $message_trads = array();
            foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                if (preg_match('/LAW_MESSAGE_/i', $key)) {
                    $id_lang = preg_split('/LAW_MESSAGE_/i', $key);
                    $message_trads[(int) $id_lang[1]] = $value;
            Configuration::updateValue('LAW_MESSAGE', $message_trads, true);
            $this->_html .= $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Success'));
        if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '>')) {
            $this->_html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery/plugins/jquery.colorpicker.js"></script>';
        } else {
            $this->_html .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/jquery/jquery-colorpicker.js"></script>';
        $this->_html .= '<h2>' . $this->displayName . '</h2>';
        $this->_html .= '<form action="' . Tools::safeOutput($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" method="post">';
        $this->_html .= '<fieldset>';
        $this->_html .= '<legend><img src="' . $this->_path . 'logo.gif" alt="" title="" />' . $this->l('Settings') . '</legend>';
        $values = Configuration::getInt('LAW_MESSAGE');
        # text
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Text') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        foreach ($languages as $language) {
            $this->_html .= '<div id="lawtext_' . $language['id_lang'] . '" style="display: ' . ($language['id_lang'] == $defaultLanguage ? 'block' : 'none') . ';float: left;">';
            $this->_html .= '<input class="translatable" size="75" type="text" id="LAW_MESSAGE_' . $language['id_lang'] . '" name="LAW_MESSAGE_' . $language['id_lang'] . '" value="' . (isset($values[$language['id_lang']]) ? $values[$language['id_lang']] : '') . '" />';
            $this->_html .= '</div>';
        $this->_html .= $this->displayFlags($languages, $defaultLanguage, 'lawtext', 'lawtext', true);
        $this->_html .= '</div><div class="clear"></div><script>id_language = Number(' . $defaultLanguage . ');</script>';
        $cms_pages = CMS::listCms();
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('CMS page for the "more informations" link') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<select name="COOKIE_LAW_CMS">';
        foreach ($cms_pages as $page) {
            $selected = Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_CMS') == $page['id_cms'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $this->_html .= '<option value="' . $page['id_cms'] . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $page['meta_title'] . '</option>';
        $this->_html .= '</select></div>';
        # background
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Background color') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="color" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_BG" data-hex="true" class="color mColorPickerInput" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_BG') . '" /></div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # text color
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Text color') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="color" name="COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_COLOR" data-hex="true" class="color mColorPickerInput" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_COLOR') . '" /></div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # opacity
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar opacity') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_OPACITY" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_OPACITY') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('from 0.1 to 1') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # width
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar width') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_WIDTH" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_WIDTH') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('in "%" or "px"') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # position
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar position') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<select name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_POSITION"">
							<option value="top" ' . (Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_POSITION') == 'top' ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $this->l('top of page') . '</option>
							<option value="bottom" ' . (Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_POSITION') == 'bottom' ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $this->l('bottom of page') . '</option>
						</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # padding
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar padding') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_PADDING" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_PADDING') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('spacing within the bar, in "px"') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # radius
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar border radius') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_RADIUS" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_RADIUS') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('bar rounding, in "px", higher value = more rounded') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # margins
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Bar margins') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_MARGIN" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_MARGIN') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('margins, in "px": top right bottom left, for eg. 20px 0 20px 0') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # text align
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Text align') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<select name="COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_ALIGN"">
							<option value="left" ' . (Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_ALIGN') == 'left' ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $this->l('left') . '</option>
							<option value="center" ' . (Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_ALIGN') == 'center' ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $this->l('center') . '</option>
							<option value="right" ' . (Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_TEXT_ALIGN') == 'right' ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $this->l('right') . '</option>
						</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        # margins
        $this->_html .= '<label>' . $this->l('Z-index (advanced users)') . '</label><div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="text" name="COOKIE_LAW_BAR_ZINDEX" value="' . Configuration::get('COOKIE_LAW_BAR_ZINDEX') . '" />
		<p style="clear:both;" class="preference_description">' . $this->l('z-index for imp_cookies layer, be carefull with modify this setting') . '</p>
		</div><div class="clear"></div>';
        $this->_html .= '<div class="margin-form">';
        $this->_html .= '<input type="submit" value="' . $this->l('Save') . '" name="submitSettings" class="button">';
        $this->_html .= '</div>';
        $this->_html .= '</fieldset>';
        $this->_html .= '</form>';
        $this->_html .= '<div style="width: 351px; margin: 20px auto">';
        $this->_html .= '<a href="" title="" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="' . $this->_path . 'impsolutions.png" /></a>';
        $this->_html .= '</div>';
        return $this->_html;