Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Build query
  * @param      array 		$filters
  * @return     query string
 public function buildQuery($filters = array(), $admin = false)
     $now = Date::toSql();
     $groupby = ' GROUP BY C.id ';
     $project = isset($filters['project']) && intval($filters['project']) ? $filters['project'] : "";
     $dev = isset($filters['dev']) && $filters['dev'] == 1 ? 1 : 0;
     $projects = isset($filters['projects']) && !empty($filters['projects']) ? $filters['projects'] : array();
     $mine = isset($filters['mine']) && $filters['mine'] ? $filters['mine'] : 0;
     $sortby = isset($filters['sortby']) ? $filters['sortby'] : 'title';
     $query = "FROM ";
     if (isset($filters['tag']) && $filters['tag'] != '') {
         $query .= "#__tags_object AS RTA ";
         $query .= "INNER JOIN #__tags AS TA ON RTA.tagid = TA.id AND RTA.tbl='publications', ";
     $query .= " #__publication_versions as V, #__projects as PP,\n\t\t\t\t  #__publication_master_types AS MT";
     if (isset($filters['author']) && intval($filters['author'])) {
         $query .= ", #__publication_authors as A ";
     $query .= ", {$this->_tbl} AS C ";
     $query .= "LEFT JOIN #__publication_categories AS t ON t.id=C.category ";
     $query .= " WHERE V.publication_id=C.id AND MT.id=C.master_type AND PP.id = C.project_id ";
     if ($dev) {
         $query .= " AND V.main=1 ";
         if (isset($filters['status']) && $filters['status'] != 'all') {
             if (is_array($filters['status'])) {
                 $squery = '';
                 foreach ($filters['status'] as $s) {
                     $squery .= "'" . $s . "',";
                 $squery = substr($squery, 0, strlen($squery) - 1);
                 $query .= " AND (V.state IN (" . $squery . ")) ";
             } else {
                 $query .= " AND V.state=" . intval($filters['status']);
         if ($mine) {
             if (count($projects) > 0) {
                 $p_query = '';
                 foreach ($projects as $p) {
                     $p_query .= "'" . $p . "',";
                 $p_query = substr($p_query, 0, strlen($p_query) - 1);
                 $query .= " AND (C.project_id IN (" . $p_query . ")) ";
             } else {
                 $query .= "AND C.created_by=" . intval($filters['mine']);
         // Individual assigned curator?
         if (isset($filters['curator'])) {
             if ($filters['curator'] == 'owner') {
                 $query .= " AND V.curator = " . User::get('id');
             if ($filters['curator'] == 'other') {
                 $query .= " AND V.curator != " . User::get('id');
         // Make sure we get the max version
         $query .= " AND V.id = (SELECT MAX(wv2.id) FROM `#__publication_versions` AS wv2 WHERE wv2.publication_id = C.id)";
     } else {
         $query .= " AND V.version_number = (SELECT MAX(version_number) FROM #__publication_versions\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE publication_id=C.id AND state=1 ) AND (V.state=1";
         if (count($projects) > 0) {
             $p_query = '';
             foreach ($projects as $p) {
                 $p_query .= "'" . $p . "',";
             $p_query = substr($p_query, 0, strlen($p_query) - 1);
             $query .= " OR (C.project_id IN (" . $p_query . ") AND V.state != 3 AND V.state != 2) ";
         $query .= ") ";
     $query .= $project ? " AND C.project_id=" . $project : "";
     // Category
     if (isset($filters['category']) && $filters['category'] != '') {
         if (is_numeric($filters['category'])) {
             $query .= " AND C.category=" . $filters['category'] . " ";
         } else {
             $query .= " AND t.url_alias='" . $filters['category'] . "' ";
     if (isset($filters['author']) && intval($filters['author'])) {
         $query .= " AND A.publication_version_id=V.id AND A.user_id=" . $filters['author'];
         $query .= " AND A.status=1 AND (A.role IS NULL OR A.role!='submitter') ";
     // Master type
     if (isset($filters['master_type']) && $filters['master_type'] != '') {
         if (is_array($filters['master_type']) && !empty($filters['master_type'])) {
             $tquery = '';
             foreach ($filters['master_type'] as $type) {
                 $tquery .= "'" . $type . "',";
             $tquery = substr($tquery, 0, strlen($tquery) - 1);
             $query .= " AND ((C.master_type IN (" . $tquery . ") ) ";
         } elseif (is_numeric($filters['master_type'])) {
             $query .= " AND (C.master_type=" . $filters['master_type'] . " ";
         } elseif (is_string($filters['master_type'])) {
             $query .= " AND (MT.alias='" . $filters['master_type'] . "' ";
         } else {
             $query .= " AND (1=1";
         $query .= " OR V.curator = " . User::get('id') . ") ";
     if (isset($filters['minranking']) && $filters['minranking'] != '' && $filters['minranking'] > 0) {
         $query .= " AND C.ranking > " . $filters['minranking'] . " ";
     if (!$dev) {
         $query .= " AND (V.published_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR V.published_up <= '" . $now . "') ";
         $query .= " AND (V.published_down IS NULL OR V.published_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR V.published_down >= '" . $now . "') ";
     if (isset($filters['startdate'])) {
         $query .= "AND V.published_up > " . $this->_db->quote($filters['startdate']) . " ";
     if (isset($filters['enddate'])) {
         $query .= "AND V.published_up < " . $this->_db->quote($filters['enddate']) . " ";
     if (isset($filters['search']) && $filters['search'] != '') {
         $words = array();
         $ws = explode(' ', $filters['search']);
         foreach ($ws as $w) {
             $w = trim($w);
             if (strlen($w) > 2) {
                 $words[] = $w;
         $text = implode(' +', $words);
         $text = addslashes($text);
         $text2 = str_replace('+', '', $text);
         $query .= " AND ((MATCH(V.title) AGAINST ('+{$text} -\"{$text2}\"') > 0) OR" . " (MATCH(V.abstract,V.description) AGAINST ('+{$text} -\"{$text2}\"') > 0)) ";
     // Do not show deleted
     if ($admin == false || isset($filters['status']) && $filters['status'] != 2) {
         $query .= " AND V.state != 2 ";
     if (!isset($filters['ignore_access']) || $filters['ignore_access'] == 0) {
         $query .= " AND (V.access != 2)  ";
     if (isset($filters['tag']) && $filters['tag'] != '') {
         include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_publications' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tags.php';
         $tagging = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($this->_db);
         $tags = $tagging->_parse_tags($filters['tag']);
         $query .= "AND RTA.objectid=C.id AND TA.tag IN ('" . implode("','", $tags) . "')";
         $groupby = " GROUP BY C.id HAVING uniques=" . count($tags);
     $query .= $groupby;
     if (!isset($filters['count']) or $filters['count'] == 0) {
         $query .= " ORDER BY ";
         $sortdir = isset($filters['sortdir']) && strtoupper($filters['sortdir']) == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
         switch ($sortby) {
             case 'date':
             case 'date_published':
                 $query .= 'V.published_up DESC';
             case 'date_oldest':
                 $query .= 'V.published_up ASC';
             case 'date_accepted':
                 $query .= 'V.accepted DESC';
             case 'date_created':
                 $query .= 'C.created DESC';
             case 'date_version_created':
                 $query .= 'V.created DESC';
             case 'date_modified':
                 $query .= 'V.modified DESC';
             case 'title':
                 $query .= 'V.title ' . $sortdir . ', V.version_number DESC';
             case 'id':
                 $query .= 'C.id ' . $sortdir;
             case 'mine':
                 $query .= 'PP.provisioned DESC, V.title ' . $sortdir . ', V.version_number DESC';
             case 'rating':
                 $query .= "C.rating DESC, C.times_rated DESC";
             case 'ranking':
                 $query .= "C.ranking DESC";
             case 'project':
                 $query .= "PP.title " . $sortdir;
             case 'version_ranking':
                 $query .= "V.ranking DESC";
             case 'popularity':
                 $query .= "stat DESC, V.published_up ASC";
             case 'category':
                 $query .= "C.category " . $sortdir;
             case 'type':
                 $query .= "C.master_type " . $sortdir;
             case 'status':
                 $query .= "V.state " . $sortdir;
             case 'random':
                 $query .= "RAND()";
             case 'submitted':
                 $query .= "V.submitted " . $sortdir;
     return $query;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Save a review
  * @return  void
 public function savereview()
     // Is the user logged in?
     if (User::isGuest()) {
     $publication =& $this->publication;
     // Do we have a publication ID?
     if (!$publication->exists()) {
         // No ID - fail! Can't do anything else without an ID
     $database = App::get('db');
     // Bind the form data to our object
     $row = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Review($database);
     if (!$row->bind($_POST)) {
     // Perform some text cleaning, etc.
     $row->id = Request::getInt('reviewid', 0);
     $row->state = 1;
     $row->comment = \Hubzero\Utility\Sanitize::stripAll($row->comment);
     $row->anonymous = $row->anonymous == 1 || $row->anonymous == '1' ? $row->anonymous : 0;
     $row->created = $row->created ? $row->created : Date::toSql();
     $row->created_by = User::get('id');
     // Check for missing (required) fields
     if (!$row->check()) {
     // Save the data
     if (!$row->store()) {
     // Calculate the new average rating for the parent publication
     // Process tags
     $tags = trim(Request::getVar('review_tags', ''));
     if ($tags) {
         $rt = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($database);
         $rt->tag_object($row->created_by, $publication->get('id'), $tags, 1, 0);
     // Get version authors
     $users = $publication->table('Author')->getAuthors($publication->get('version_id'), 1, 1, true);
     // Build the subject
     $subject = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATIONS_REVIEWS_CONTRIBUTIONS');
     // Message
     $eview = new \Hubzero\Plugin\View(array('folder' => 'publications', 'element' => 'reviews', 'name' => 'emails'));
     $eview->option = $this->_option;
     $eview->juser = User::getInstance();
     $eview->publication = $publication;
     $message = $eview->loadTemplate();
     $message = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $message);
     // Build the "from" data for the e-mail
     $from = array();
     $from['name'] = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('PLG_PUBLICATIONS_REVIEWS_CONTRIBUTIONS');
     $from['email'] = Config::get('mailfrom');
     // Send message
     if (!Event::trigger('xmessage.onSendMessage', array('publications_new_comment', $subject, $message, $from, $users, $this->_option))) {
     App::redirect(Route::url($publication->link('reviews')), $message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Process parsed data
  * @access public
  * @return string
 public function processRecord($item, &$out)
     // Create publication record
     if (!$item['publication']->store()) {
         return false;
     $pid = $item['publication']->id;
     // Create version record
     $item['version']->publication_id = $pid;
     $item['version']->version_number = 1;
     $item['version']->created_by = $this->_uid;
     $item['version']->created = Date::toSql();
     $item['version']->secret = strtolower(\Components\Projects\Helpers\Html::generateCode(10, 10, 0, 1, 1));
     $item['version']->access = 0;
     $item['version']->main = 1;
     $item['version']->state = 3;
     if (!$item['version']->store()) {
         // Roll back
         return false;
     $vid = $item['version']->id;
     // Build pub object
     $pub = new stdClass();
     $pub = $item['version'];
     $pub->id = $pid;
     $pub->version_id = $vid;
     // Build version object
     $version = new stdClass();
     $version->secret = $item['version']->secret;
     $version->id = $vid;
     $version->publication_id = $pid;
     // Create attachments records and attach files
     foreach ($item['files'] as $fileRecord) {
         $this->processFileData($fileRecord, $pub, $version);
     // Create author records
     foreach ($item['authors'] as $authorRecord) {
         $this->processAuthorData($authorRecord['author'], $pid, $vid);
     // Build tags string
     if ($item['tags']) {
         $tags = '';
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($item['tags'] as $tag) {
             $tags .= trim($tag);
             $tags .= $i == count($item['tags']) ? '' : ',';
         // Add tags
         $tagsHelper = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($this->database);
         $tagsHelper->tag_object($this->_uid, $pid, $tags, 1);
     // Display results
     $out .= '<p class="publication">#' . $pid . ': <a href="' . trim($this->site, DS) . '/publications/' . $pid . DS . '1" rel="external">' . $item['version']->title . ' v.' . $item['version']->version_label . '</a></p>';
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
					Ranking is calculated from a formula comprised of <a href="<?php 
        echo Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->option . '&id=' . $this->publication->id . '&active=reviews');
">user reviews</a> and usage statistics. <a href="about/ranking/">Learn more &rsaquo;</a>
    // Supported publication?
    $rt = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($database);
    $supported = $rt->checkTagUsage($this->config->get('supportedtag'), $this->publication->id);
    if ($supported) {
        $tag = new \Components\Tags\Tables\Tag($database);
        $sl = $this->config->get('supportedlink');
        if ($sl) {
            $link = $sl;
        } else {
            $link = Route::url('index.php?option=com_tags&tag=' . $tag->tag);
        echo '<p class="supported"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $tag->raw_tag . '</a></p>';
    // Show audience
    if ($this->params->get('show_audience')) {
        $ra = new \Components\Publications\Tables\Audience($database);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    echo Lang::txt('COM_PUBLICATIONS_NO_RESULTS');

$this->pageNav->setAdditionalUrlParam('tag', $this->filters['tag']);
$this->pageNav->setAdditionalUrlParam('category', $this->filters['category']);
$this->pageNav->setAdditionalUrlParam('sortby', $this->filters['sortby']);
echo $this->pageNav->render();
			<div class="clearfix"></div>
			</div><!-- / .container -->
		</div><!-- / .subject -->
		<div class="aside">
			<div class="container">
				<h3>Popular Tags</h3>
$rt = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($database);
echo $rt->getTopTagCloud(20, $this->filters['tag']);
echo Lang::txt('Click a tag to see only publications with that tag.');
		</div><!-- / .aside -->
	</section><!-- / .main section -->
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Get stats for publication(s) for a custom report
  * @param      string 	$from		Date from
  * @param      string 	$to			Date to
  * @param      array 	$data		Data to extract
  * @param      string 	$filter		Tag name to match
  * @return     void
 public function getCustomStats($from = NULL, $to = NULL, $exclude = array(), $filter = NULL)
     // Parse dates
     $parts = explode('-', $from);
     $fromY = substr($parts[0], -2, 2);
     $fromM = intval(end($parts));
     $parts = explode('-', $to);
     $toY = substr($parts[0], -2, 2);
     $toM = intval(end($parts));
     $datequery = $fromY == $toY ? "AND (L.year={$fromY} AND L.month>={$fromM} AND L.month<={$toM} )" : "AND ((L.year={$fromY} AND L.month >= {$fromM} ) OR (L.year={$toY} AND L.month <= {$toM}))";
     $citeFrom = Date::of($from)->toSql();
     $citeTo = Date::of($to)->toSql();
     $query = "SELECT V.publication_id as id, V.title, A.name as author,\n\t\t\t\t\tV.version_label as version, V.doi";
     $query .= ", (SELECT COALESCE( SUM(L.primary_accesses) , 0 )\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->_tbl} as L\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE L.publication_id=V.publication_id " . $datequery . ") AS downloads ";
     $query .= ", (SELECT COALESCE( SUM(L.page_views) , 0 )\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$this->_tbl} as L\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE L.publication_id=V.publication_id " . $datequery . ") AS views ";
     $query .= ", (SELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM #__citations as C\n\t\t\t\t\tJOIN #__citations_assoc as CA ON CA.cid=C.id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND tbl='publication'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE CA.oid=V.publication_id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND C.created <= " . $this->_db->quote($citeTo) . " ) AS citations ";
     $query .= "FROM ";
     if ($filter) {
         $query .= "#__tags_object AS RTA ";
         $query .= "INNER JOIN #__tags AS TA ON RTA.tagid = TA.id AND RTA.tbl='publications', ";
     $query .= " #__publications as C, #__publication_categories AS t, #__publication_versions as V ";
     $query .= " LEFT JOIN #__publication_authors as A\n\t\t\t\t\tON A.publication_version_id=V.id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND A.ordering=1 AND status=1";
     $query .= " WHERE C.id=V.publication_id AND V.state=1 AND C.category = t.id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND V.main=1 AND V.published_up < '" . Date::toSql() . "' ";
     if (!empty($exclude)) {
         $query .= " AND C.project_id NOT IN (";
         $tquery = '';
         foreach ($exclude as $ex) {
             $tquery .= "'" . $ex . "',";
         $tquery = substr($tquery, 0, strlen($tquery) - 1);
         $query .= $tquery . ") ";
     if ($filter) {
         include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_publications' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tags.php';
         $tagging = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($this->_db);
         $tags = $tagging->_parse_tags($filter);
         $query .= " AND RTA.objectid=C.id AND (TA.tag IN (";
         $tquery = '';
         foreach ($tags as $tagg) {
             $tquery .= "'" . $tagg . "',";
         $tquery = substr($tquery, 0, strlen($tquery) - 1);
         $query .= $tquery . "))";
     $query .= " GROUP BY V.publication_id ";
     $query .= " ORDER BY V.publication_id ASC ";
     return $this->_db->loadObjectList();
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Check completion status
  * @return  object
 public function getStatus($pub = NULL, $manifest = NULL, $elementId = NULL)
     // Start status
     $status = new \Components\Publications\Models\Status();
     $tagsHelper = new \Components\Publications\Helpers\Tags($this->_parent->_db);
     // Required?
     $required = $manifest->params->required;
     $count = $tagsHelper->countTags($pub->id);
     $status->status = $required && $count == 0 ? 0 : 1;
     $status->status = !$required && $count == 0 ? 2 : $status->status;
     return $status;