Ejemplo n.º 1
 function getCompany($companyID)
     $company = new Company();
     if ($company->selectRecord($companyID)) {
         return $company;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function Main()
     switch ($this->formArray["ownerType"]) {
         case "Person":
             $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "CompanyDetails", "CompanyDetailsBlock");
             $this->tpl->set_var("CompanyDetailsBlock", "");
             $person = new Person();
             $this->tpl->set_var("id", $person->getPersonID());
             $this->tpl->set_var("lastName", $person->getLastName());
             $this->tpl->set_var("firstName", $person->getFirstName());
             $this->tpl->set_var("middleName", $person->getMiddleName());
             $this->tpl->set_var("gender", $person->getGender());
             $this->tpl->set_var("birthday", $person->getBirthday());
             $this->tpl->set_var("maritalStatus", $person->getMaritalStatus());
             $this->tpl->set_var("tin", $person->getTin());
             $address = $person->addressArray[0];
             if (is_a($address, Address)) {
                 $this->tpl->set_var("fullAddress", $address->getFullAddress());
             $this->tpl->set_var("telephone", $person->getTelephone());
             $this->tpl->set_var("mobileNumber", $person->getMobileNumber());
             $this->tpl->set_var("email", $person->getEmail());
         case "Company":
             $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "PersonDetails", "PersonDetailsBlock");
             $this->tpl->set_var("PersonDetailsBlock", "");
             $company = new Company();
             $this->tpl->set_var("id", $company->getCompanyID());
             $this->tpl->set_var("companyName", $company->getCompanyName());
             $this->tpl->set_var("tin", $company->getTin());
             $this->tpl->set_var("telephone", $company->getTelephone());
             $this->tpl->set_var("fax", $company->getFax());
             $address = $company->addressArray[0];
             if (is_a($address, Address)) {
                 $this->tpl->set_var("fullAddress", $address->getFullAddress());
             $this->tpl->set_var("email", $company->getEmail());
             $this->tpl->set_var("website", $company->getWebsite());
             exit("No Person/Company selected. <a href='OwnerList.php" . $this->sess->url("") . "'>Click here</a> to go back to the Owner List.");
     $this->tpl->set_var("ownerType", $this->formArray["ownerType"]);
     $this->tpl->set_var("uname", $this->user["uname"]);
     $this->tpl->set_var("today", date("F j, Y"));
     $this->tpl->set_var("Session", $this->sess->url(""));
     $this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function getCompanyDetails($companyID)
     $company = new Company();
     if (!($domDoc = $company->getDomDocument())) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $xmlStr = $domDoc->dump_mem(true);
         return $xmlStr;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function selectRecords($condition = " ORDER BY TRIM(Company.companyName) ASC LIMIT 0,10")
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT(OwnerCompany.companyID) as companyID" . " FROM OwnerCompany,Company " . " WHERE OwnerCompany.companyID = Company.companyID " . " %s;", $condition);
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->arrayList[] = $company;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 function setCompanyList()
     $db = new DB_RPTS();
     $db1 = new DB_RPTS();
     $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT companyID from OwnerCompany inner join Owner on Owner.ownerID=OwnerCompany.ownerID where Owner.rptopID <> ''");
     $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "Company", "cBlk");
     for ($i = 0; $db->next_record(); $i++) {
         $companyID = $db->f("companyID");
         $company = new Company();
         if ($company->selectRecord($companyID)) {
             $this->tpl->set_var(companyName, $company->getCompanyName());
             $this->tpl->set_var(companyID, $companyID);
         $this->tpl->parse("cBlk", "Company", true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function getOwnerName($ownerType, $id)
     $ownerName = "";
     switch ($ownerType) {
         case "Person":
             $person = new Person();
             $ownerName = $person->getName();
             $this->tpl->set_var("openWin", "PersonDetails.php" . $this->sess->url("") . "&personID=" . $id . "&formAction=viewOnly");
         case "Company":
             $company = new Company();
             $ownerName = $company->getCompanyName();
             $this->tpl->set_var("openWin", "CompanyDetails.php" . $this->sess->url("") . "&companyID=" . $id . "&formAction=viewOnly");
     return $ownerName;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 function Main()
     if (is_array($this->formArray["personCompanyIDArray"])) {
         $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "Page", "PageBlock");
         foreach ($this->formArray["personCompanyIDArray"] as $personCompanyID) {
             $this->tpl->set_var("pageNumber", $this->pageNumber);
             switch ($this->formArray["ownerType"]) {
                 case "Company":
                     $company = new Company();
                     $nameList = $company->getCompanyName();
                 case "Person":
                     $person = new Person();
                     $nameList = $person->getName();
             $this->tpl->set_var("nameList", $nameList);
             $tdNumberList = "";
             $tdArray = $this->getTDArrayFromOwner($personCompanyID);
             if (is_array($tdArray)) {
                 foreach ($tdArray as $td) {
                     if ($tdNumberList != "") {
                         $tdNumberList .= "\n";
                     $tdNumberList .= $this->getTDNumberListLine($td);
             $this->tpl->set_var("tdNumberList", $tdNumberList);
             $this->tpl->parse("PageBlock", "Page", true);
     } else {
         exit("no owners selected");
     $this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate");
     $testpdf = new PDFWriter();
     $testpdf->setOutputXML($this->tpl->get("templatePage"), "test");
     if (isset($this->formArray["print"])) {
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 8
 function selectRecord($ownerID)
     if ($ownerID == "") {
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ownerID=%s;", OWNER_TABLE, $ownerID);
     if ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $this->ownerID = $this->db->f("ownerID");
         $this->rptopID = $this->db->f("rptopID");
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT personID FROM %s WHERE ownerID=%s;", OWNER_PERSON_TABLE, $ownerID);
         while ($this->db->next_record()) {
             $person = new Person();
             if ($person->selectRecord($this->db->f("personID"))) {
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT companyID FROM %s WHERE ownerID=%s;", OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE, $ownerID);
         while ($this->db->next_record()) {
             $company = new Company();
             if ($company->selectRecord($this->db->f("companyID"))) {
         $ret = true;
     } else {
         $ret = false;
     return $ret;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 function selectRecords($condition = " ORDER BY companyName ASC LIMIT 0,10")
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT(" . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID) as companyID, " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyName as companyName " . " FROM " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . "," . COMPANY_TABLE . " " . " WHERE " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID = " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID " . " %s;", $condition);
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->arrayList[] = $company;
     if (is_array($this->arrayList)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 function searchRecords($searchKey, $fields, $limit)
     $condition = "where (";
     foreach ($fields as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 0) {
             $condition = $condition . $value . " like '%" . $searchKey . "%'";
         } else {
             $condition = $condition . "or " . $value . " like '%" . $searchKey . "%' ";
     $sql = sprintf("select * from %s %s;", COMPANY_TABLE, $condition . ") ORDER BY companyName ASC " . $limit);
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->arrayList[] = $company;
     if (count($this->arrayList) > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 function selectRecords()
     foreach ($this->formArray["companyID"] as $companyID) {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->arrayList[] = $company;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 function Main()
     $this->formArray['currentDate'] = date("F d, Y");
     $MunicipalityCityDetails = new SoapObject(NCCBIZ . "MunicipalityCityDetails.php", "urn:Object");
     #test values
     if (!($xmlStr = $MunicipalityCityDetails->getMunicipalityCityDetails($this->formArray['municipalityCityID']))) {
         //exit("xml failed for municipality");
         header("Location: " . $this->sess->url("ViewSOA.php") . "&status=2");
     } else {
         if (!($domDoc = domxml_open_mem($xmlStr))) {
             echo "error xmlDoc";
         } else {
             $MunicipalityCity = new MunicipalityCity();
             $this->formArray['municipality'] = $MunicipalityCity->getDescription();
     #test values
     //			$this->displayOwnerList($this->formArray['ownerID']);
     #test values
     if ($this->formArray['personID'] != "") {
         $person = new Person();
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerName, $person->getFullName());
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerNo, $person->getTin());
         $address = $person->addressArray[0];
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress, $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . " " . $address->getBarangay() . " " . $address->getDistrict() . " " . $address->getMunicipalitycity() . " " . $address->getProvince());
         $db = new DB_RPTS();
         $sql = "SELECT rptopID FROM Owner inner join OwnerPerson on Owner.ownerID=OwnerPerson.ownerID WHERE Owner.rptopID <> '' AND OwnerPerson.personID=" . $this->formArray['personID'];
     } else {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerName, $company->getCompanyName());
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerNo, $company->getCompanyID());
         $address = $company->addressArray[0];
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress, $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . " " . $address->getBarangay() . " " . $address->getDistrict() . " " . $address->getMunicipalitycity() . " " . $address->getProvince());
         $db = new DB_RPTS();
         $sql = "SELECT rptopID FROM Owner inner join OwnerPerson on Owner.ownerID=OwnerPerson.ownerID WHERE Owner.rptopID <> '' AND OwnerPerson.personID=" . $this->formArray['companyID'];
     /*$person = new Person();
     		$address = $person->addressArray[0];
     		$this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress,$address->getNumber() ." ".$address->getStreet()." ".$address->getBarangay()." ".$address->getDistrict()." ".$address->getMunicipalitycity()." ".$address->getProvince());
     		$db = new DB_RPTS();
     		$sql = "SELECT rptopID FROM Owner inner join OwnerPerson on Owner.ownerID=OwnerPerson.ownerID WHERE Owner.rptopID <> '' AND OwnerPerson.personID=".$this->formArray['personID'];
     $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "ROW", "RowBlk");
     for ($i = 0; $db->next_record(); $i++) {
         $rptopID = $db->f("rptopID");
         $RPTOPDetails = new SoapObject(NCCBIZ . "RPTOPDetails.php", "urn:Object");
         if (!($xmlStr = $RPTOPDetails->getRPTOP($rptopID))) {
             //	exit("xml failed for RPTOP");
             header("Location: " . $this->sess->url("ViewSOA.php") . "&status=1");
         } else {
             //echo $xmlStr;
             if (!($domDoc = domxml_open_mem($xmlStr))) {
                 $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "OwnerListTable", "OwnerListTableBlock");
                 $this->tpl->set_var("OwnerListTableBlock", "error xmlDoc");
             } else {
                 $rptop = new RPTOP();
                 $td = new TD();
                 foreach ($rptop as $key => $value) {
                     $this->formArray['payableYear'] = $rptop->getTaxableYear();
                     $rptopID = $rptop->getRptopID();
                     if ($key == "tdArray") {
                         $tdCtr = 0;
                         if (count($value)) {
                             foreach ($value as $tkey => $tvalue) {
                                 $assessedValue = number_format($td->getAssessedValue(), 2, ".", "");
                                 $propertyType = $td->getPropertyType();
                                 $TaxDeclarationNumber = $td->getTaxDeclarationNumber();
                                 //										$this->tpl->set_var(kind,$propertyType);
                                 //										$this->tpl->set_var(currentTDNo,$TaxDeclarationNumber);
                                 /*									$dues = new Dues();
                                 									$dues->create($td->getTdID(), "","","","2003");
                                 									$totBasic += $dues->getBasic();
                                 									$totSEF += $dues->getSEF();
                                 									$totTaxDue += $dues->getSEF()+$dues->getBasic();*/
                                 $afsID = $td->getAfsID();
                                 $afs = new AFS();
                                 $od = new OD();
                                 $addr = $od->getLocationAddress();
                                 if (count($addr)) {
                                     $location = $addr->getFullAddress();
                                     //												$this->tpl->set_var(location,$addr->getFullAddress());
                                     $munCityID = $addr->getMunicipalityCityID();
                                     //											if($munCityID == $this->formArray['municipalityCityID'])
                                     //												$this->tpl->set_var(municipality,$addr->getMunicipalityCity());
                                 if (count($afs->landArray)) {
                                     foreach ($afs->landArray as $afsKey => $afsValue) {
                                         $actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
                                         $landActualUses = new LandActualUses();
                                         $Code = $landActualUses->getCode();
                                 if (count($afs->improvementsBuildingsArray)) {
                                     foreach ($afs->improvementsBuildingsArray as $afsKey => $afsValue) {
                                         $actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
                                         $improvementsBuildingsActualUses = new improvementsBuildingsActualUses();
                                         $Code = $improvementsBuildingsActualUses->getCode();
                                 //echo $afs->get
                                 //											echo $munCityID ."==". $this->formArray['municipalityCityID']."<br>";
                                 if ($munCityID == $this->formArray['municipalityCityID']) {
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(location, $location);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var("class", $Code);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(kind, $propertyType);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(currentTDNo, $TaxDeclarationNumber);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(municipality, $addr->getMunicipalityCity());
                                     $dues = new Dues();
                                     $dues->create($td->getTdID(), "", "", "", "2003");
                                     $totTaxDue += $dues->getSEF() + $dues->getBasic();
                                     $basic = number_format($dues->getBasic(), "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(basic, $basic);
                                     $totBasic += $basic;
                                     $sef = number_format($dues->getSEF(), "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(sef, $sef);
                                     $totSEF += number_format($sef, "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(total, number_format($sef + $basic, "2", ".", ""));
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(marketValue, number_format($afs->getTotalMarketValue(), 2));
                                     $totMarketValue += $afs->getTotalMarketValue();
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(assessedValue, number_format($afs->getTotalAssessedValue(), 2));
                                     $totAssessedValue += $afs->getTotalAssessedValue();
                                     $pIndexNo = $afs->getPropertyIndexNumber();
                                     if ($pIndexNo == "") {
                                         $pIndexNo = "No value specified";
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(pin, $pIndexNo);
                                     //echo $afs->getTotalMarketValue();
                                     /*									if(count($afs->landArray)){
                                     										foreach($afs->landArray as $afsKey => $afsValue){
                                     $this->tpl->parse("RowBlk", "ROW", true);
                                 //											$this->tpl->set_var("RowBlk","");
                                 //								}
                             #end foreach($value)
                         #end if coun value
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalMarketValue, number_format($totMarketValue, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalAssessedValue, number_format($totAssessedValue, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalBasic, number_format($totBasic, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalSEF, number_format($totSEF, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalTaxDue, number_format($totTaxDue, 2));
             //				$this->tpl->parse("RowBlk","ROW",true);
     //		$owner
     /*		$RPTOPDetails = new SoapObject(NCCBIZ."RPTOPDetails.php", "urn:Object");
     		if (!$xmlStr = $RPTOPDetails->getRPTOP($this->formArray["rptopID"])){
     			//exit("xml failed for RPTOP");
     			header("Location: ".$this->sess->url("ViewSOA.php")."&status=1");
     			//echo $xmlStr;
     			if(!$domDoc = domxml_open_mem($xmlStr)) {
     				$this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "OwnerListTable", "OwnerListTableBlock");
     				$this->tpl->set_var("OwnerListTableBlock", "error xmlDoc");
     			else {
     				$rptop = new RPTOP;
     				$td = new TD();
     				$status_report = "";
     				foreach($rptop as $key => $value){
     					$this->formArray['payableYear'] = $rptop->getTaxableYear();
     					$rptopID = $rptop->getRptopID();
     						$tdCtr = 0;
     							if (count($value)){	
     								foreach($value as $tkey => $tvalue){			
     									$assessedValue = number_format($td->getAssessedValue(),2,".","");
     									$propertyType = $td->getPropertyType();
     									$TaxDeclarationNumber = $td->getTaxDeclarationNumber();
     /*									$dues = new Dues();
     									$dues->create($td->getTdID(), "","","","2003");
     									$totBasic += $dues->getBasic();
     									$totSEF += $dues->getSEF();
     									$totTaxDue += $dues->getSEF()+$dues->getBasic();*/
     /*								$afsID = $td->getAfsID();
     									$afs = new AFS();
     									$od = new OD();
     									$addr = $od->getLocationAddress();
     									$munCityID = $addr->getMunicipalityCityID();
     										if($munCityID == $this->formArray['municipalityCityID'])
     										foreach($afs->landArray as $afsKey => $afsValue){
     											$actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
     											$landActualUses = new LandActualUses();
     										foreach($afs->improvementsBuildingsArray as $afsKey => $afsValue){
     											$actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
     											$improvementsBuildingsActualUses = new improvementsBuildingsActualUses();
     									//echo $afs->get
     									if($munCityID == $this->formArray['municipalityCityID']){
     									$dues = new Dues();
     									$dues->create($td->getTdID(), "","","","2003");
     									$totBasic += $dues->getBasic();
     									$totSEF += $dues->getSEF();
     									$pIndexNo = $afs->getPropertyIndexNumber();
     										$pIndexNo = "No value specified";	
     									$totMarketValue += $afs->getTotalMarketValue();
     									$totAssessedValue += $afs->getTotalAssessedValue();																
     									//echo $afs->getTotalMarketValue();
     /*									if(count($afs->landArray)){
     										foreach($afs->landArray as $afsKey => $afsValue){
     /*								$this->tpl->parse("RowBlk","ROW",true);
     								}#end foreach($value)						
     							}#end if coun value
     //				$this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate","STAT",sBlk);
     //				$this->tpl->set_var(status_report,$status_report);
     //				$this->tpl->parse(sBlk,"STAT",true);
     $this->tpl->set_var("Session", $this->sess->url(""));
     $this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 function Main()
     $this->formArray['currentDate'] = date("F d, Y");
     $MunicipalityCityDetails = new SoapObject(NCCBIZ . "MunicipalityCityDetails.php", "urn:Object");
     #test values
     if (!($xmlStr = $MunicipalityCityDetails->getMunicipalityCityDetails($this->formArray['municipalityCityID']))) {
         exit("xml failed for municipality");
         //header("Location: ".$this->sess->url("ViewSOA.php")."&status=2");
     } else {
         if (!($domDoc = domxml_open_mem($xmlStr))) {
             echo "error xmlDoc";
         } else {
             $MunicipalityCity = new MunicipalityCity();
             $this->formArray['municipality'] = $MunicipalityCity->getDescription();
     if ($this->formArray['personID'] != "") {
         $person = new Person();
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerName, $person->getFullName());
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerNo, $person->getTin());
         $address = $person->addressArray[0];
         if (is_object($address)) {
             $this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress, $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . " " . $address->getBarangay() . " " . $address->getDistrict() . " " . $address->getMunicipalitycity() . " " . $address->getProvince());
         } else {
             $this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress, "");
         $db = new DB_RPTS();
         $sql = "SELECT rptopID FROM Owner inner join OwnerPerson on Owner.ownerID=OwnerPerson.ownerID WHERE Owner.rptopID <> '' AND OwnerPerson.personID=" . $this->formArray['personID'];
     } else {
         $company = new Company();
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerName, $company->getCompanyName());
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerNo, $company->getCompanyID());
         $address = $company->addressArray[0];
         $this->tpl->set_var(ownerAddress, $address->getNumber() . " " . $address->getStreet() . " " . $address->getBarangay() . " " . $address->getDistrict() . " " . $address->getMunicipalitycity() . " " . $address->getProvince());
         $db = new DB_RPTS();
         $sql = "SELECT rptopID FROM Owner inner join OwnerPerson on Owner.ownerID=OwnerPerson.ownerID WHERE Owner.rptopID <> '' AND OwnerPerson.personID=" . $this->formArray['companyID'];
     $ypos = 325;
     $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "ROW", "RowBlk");
     for ($i = 0; $db->next_record(); $i++) {
         $rptopID = $db->f("rptopID");
         $RPTOPDetails = new SoapObject(NCCBIZ . "RPTOPDetails.php", "urn:Object");
         if (!($xmlStr = $RPTOPDetails->getRPTOP($rptopID))) {
             //	exit("xml failed for RPTOP");
             header("Location: " . $this->sess->url("ViewSOA.php") . "&status=1");
         } else {
             //echo $xmlStr;
             if (!($domDoc = domxml_open_mem($xmlStr))) {
                 $this->tpl->set_block("rptsTemplate", "OwnerListTable", "OwnerListTableBlock");
                 $this->tpl->set_var("OwnerListTableBlock", "error xmlDoc");
             } else {
                 $rptop = new RPTOP();
                 $td = new TD();
                 foreach ($rptop as $key => $value) {
                     $this->formArray['payableYear'] = $rptop->getTaxableYear();
                     $rptopID = $rptop->getRptopID();
                     if ($key == "tdArray") {
                         $tdCtr = 0;
                         if (count($value)) {
                             foreach ($value as $tkey => $tvalue) {
                                 $assessedValue = number_format($td->getAssessedValue(), 2, ".", "");
                                 $propertyType = $td->getPropertyType();
                                 $TaxDeclarationNumber = $td->getTaxDeclarationNumber();
                                 $afsID = $td->getAfsID();
                                 $afs = new AFS();
                                 $od = new OD();
                                 $addr = $od->getLocationAddress();
                                 if (count($addr)) {
                                     $location = strtoupper($addr->getNumber() . " " . substr($addr->getBarangay(), 0, 4) . " " . substr($addr->getMunicipalityCity(), 0, 3) . " " . substr($addr->getProvince(), 0, 3));
                                     $munCityID = $addr->getMunicipalityCityID();
                                 if (count($afs->landArray)) {
                                     foreach ($afs->landArray as $afsKey => $afsValue) {
                                         $actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
                                         $landActualUses = new LandActualUses();
                                         $Code = $landActualUses->getCode();
                                 if (count($afs->improvementsBuildingsArray)) {
                                     foreach ($afs->improvementsBuildingsArray as $afsKey => $afsValue) {
                                         $actualUse = $afsValue->getActualUse();
                                         $improvementsBuildingsActualUses = new improvementsBuildingsActualUses();
                                         $Code = $improvementsBuildingsActualUses->getCode();
                                 if ($munCityID == $this->formArray['municipalityCityID']) {
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(location, $location);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var("class", $Code);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(kind, strtoupper(substr($propertyType, 0, 4)));
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(currentTDNo, $TaxDeclarationNumber);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(municipality, $addr->getMunicipalityCity());
                                     //$dues = new Dues();
                                     //$totTaxDue += $dues->getSEF()+$dues->getBasic();
                                     $dues = new Dues($tvalue->getTdID(), $rptop->getTaxableYear(), $assessedValue);
                                     $paymentPeriod = $dues->getPaymentMode();
                                     $totalTaxDue = $dues->getPaidBasic($paymentPeriod) + $dues->getPaidSEF($paymentPeriod) + $dues->getPaidIdle($paymentPeriod);
                                     if ($dues->getAmnesty()) {
                                     } else {
                                         $totalTaxDue += $dues->getPenalty($paymentPeriod);
                                     if ($dues->getIsDiscount()) {
                                         $totalTaxDue -= $dues->getDiscount();
                                     $interest = $dues->getPctPenalty();
                                     if ($interest > 0 && $paymentPeriod != "Annual") {
                                         $paymentPeriod = "Annual";
                                     $basic = number_format($dues->getPaidBasic(), "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(basic, $basic);
                                     $totBasic += $basic;
                                     $sef = number_format($dues->getPaidSEF(), "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(sef, $sef);
                                     $totSEF += number_format($sef, "2", ".", "");
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(total, number_format($sef + $basic, "2", ".", ""));
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(marketValue, number_format($afs->getTotalMarketValue(), 2));
                                     $totMarketValue += $afs->getTotalMarketValue();
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(assessedValue, number_format($afs->getTotalAssessedValue(), 2));
                                     $totAssessedValue += $afs->getTotalAssessedValue();
                                     $pIndexNo = $afs->getPropertyIndexNumber();
                                     if ($pIndexNo == "") {
                                         $pIndexNo = "No value specified";
                                     $ypos = $ypos - 10;
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(ypos, $ypos);
                                     $this->tpl->set_var(pin, $pIndexNo);
                                     $this->tpl->parse("RowBlk", "ROW", true);
                             #end foreach($value)
                         #end if coun value
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalMarketValue, number_format($totMarketValue, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalAssessedValue, number_format($totAssessedValue, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalBasic, number_format($totBasic, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalSEF, number_format($totSEF, 2));
                         $this->tpl->set_var(totalTaxDue, number_format($totalTaxDue, 2));
     $this->tpl->set_var("Session", $this->sess->url(""));
     /*		$this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate");
     $this->tpl->parse("templatePage", "rptsTemplate");
     $rptrpdf = new PDFWriter();
     $rptrpdf->setOutputXML($this->tpl->get('templatePage'), "string");
Ejemplo n.º 14
 function selectCompanyRecords($condition = "")
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT(OwnerCompany.companyID) as companyID" . " FROM OwnerCompany,Company " . " WHERE OwnerCompany.companyID = Company.companyID " . " %s;", $condition);
     $companyRecords = new CompanyRecords();
     while ($this->db->next_record()) {
         $company = new Company();
         $companyRecords->arrayList[] = $company;
     if (is_array($companyRecords->arrayList)) {
         return $companyRecords;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 function getOwnerName($ownerID)
     $address1 = "";
     $address2 = "";
     $db = new DB_RPTS();
     // person
     $sql = "SELECT " . "Person.personID as personID " . ",Person.firstName as firstName " . ",Person.middleName as middleName " . ", Person.lastName as lastName " . "FROM" . " " . PERSON_TABLE . ", " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . " WHERE" . " " . PERSON_TABLE . ".personID = " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".personID" . " AND" . " " . OWNER_PERSON_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . $ownerID;
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         if ($db->f("middleName") != "") {
             $middleInitial = substr($db->f("middleName"), 0, 1) . ".";
             $fullName = $db->f("firstName") . " " . $middleInitial . " " . $db->f("lastName");
         } else {
             $fullName = $db->f("firstName") . " " . $db->f("lastName");
         $ownerNamesArray[] = $fullName;
         if ($address1 == "" && $address2 == "") {
             $personID = $db->f("personID");
             $person = new Person();
             $address = $person->addressArray[0];
             if (is_a($address, Address)) {
                 if ($address->getNumber() != "" && $address->getNumber() != " " && $address->getNumber() != "-" && $address->getNumber() != "--") {
                     $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getNumber();
                 if ($address->getStreet() != "" && $address->getStreet() != " " && $address->getStreet() != "-" && $address->getStreet() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= " " . $address->getStreet();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getStreet();
                 if ($address->getBarangay() != "" && $address->getBarangay() != " " && $address->getBarangay() != "-" && $address->getBarangay() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= ", " . $address->getBarangay();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getBarangay();
                 if ($address->getDistrict() != "" && $address->getDistrict() != " " && $address->getDistrict() != "-" && $address->getDistrict() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= ", " . $address->getDistrict();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getDistrict();
                 if ($address->getMunicipalityCity() != "" && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != " " && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != "-" && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != "--") {
                     $this->formArray["address2"] = $address->getMunicipalityCity();
                 if ($address->getProvince() != "" && $address->getProvince() != " " && $address->getProvince() != "-" && $address->getProvince() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address2"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address2"] .= ", " . $address->getProvince();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address2"] = $address->getProvince();
     $db = new DB_RPTS();
     // company
     $sql = "SELECT " . "Company.companyID as companyID " . ",Company.companyName as companyName " . "FROM" . " " . COMPANY_TABLE . ", " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . " WHERE" . " " . COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID = " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".companyID" . " AND" . " " . OWNER_COMPANY_TABLE . ".ownerID = " . $ownerID;
     while ($db->next_record()) {
         $ownerNamesArray[] = $db->f("companyName");
         if ($address1 == "" && $address2 == "") {
             $companyID = $db->f("companyID");
             $company = new Company();
             $address = $company->addressArray[0];
             if (is_a($address, Address)) {
                 if ($address->getNumber() != "" && $address->getNumber() != " " && $address->getNumber() != "-" && $address->getNumber() != "--") {
                     $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getNumber();
                 if ($address->getStreet() != "" && $address->getStreet() != " " && $address->getStreet() != "-" && $address->getStreet() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= " " . $address->getStreet();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getStreet();
                 if ($address->getBarangay() != "" && $address->getBarangay() != " " && $address->getBarangay() != "-" && $address->getBarangay() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= ", " . $address->getBarangay();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getBarangay();
                 if ($address->getDistrict() != "" && $address->getDistrict() != " " && $address->getDistrict() != "-" && $address->getDistrict() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address1"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] .= ", " . $address->getDistrict();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address1"] = $address->getDistrict();
                 if ($address->getMunicipalityCity() != "" && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != " " && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != "-" && $address->getMunicipalityCity() != "--") {
                     $this->formArray["address2"] = $address->getMunicipalityCity();
                 if ($address->getProvince() != "" && $address->getProvince() != " " && $address->getProvince() != "-" && $address->getProvince() != "--") {
                     if ($this->formArray["address2"] != "") {
                         $this->formArray["address2"] .= ", " . $address->getProvince();
                     } else {
                         $this->formArray["address2"] = $address->getProvince();
     if (is_array($ownerNamesArray)) {
         return implode(", ", $ownerNamesArray);
     } else {
         return false;