static function SendChatTranscripts($_custom = false)
     Server::InitDataBlock(array("INTERNAL", "INPUTS"));
     $defmailbox = Mailbox::GetDefaultOutgoing();
     $result = DBManager::Execute(false, "SELECT `voucher_id`,`subject`,`customs`,`internal_id`,`transcript_text`,`transcript_html`,`transcript_receiver`,`email`,`chat_id`,`fullname`,`group_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_type`=1 AND `endtime`>0 AND `closed`>0 AND `transcript_sent`=0 LIMIT 1;");
     if ($result) {
         while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
             DBManager::Execute(true, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` SET `transcript_sent`=1 WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "' LIMIT 1;");
             if (empty($row["transcript_html"]) && empty($row["transcript_text"])) {
             $tData = array($row["transcript_text"], $row["transcript_html"]);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($tData); $i++) {
                 if ($i == 1 && empty($tData[$i])) {
                 $tData[$i] = str_replace(array("%fullname%", "%efullname%"), $row["fullname"], $tData[$i]);
                 $tData[$i] = str_replace(array("%email%", "%eemail%"), $row["email"], $tData[$i]);
                 $tData[$i] = str_replace("%rating%", Feedback::GetRatingAVG($row["chat_id"]), $tData[$i]);
                 $subject = $row["subject"];
                 $customs = @unserialize($row["customs"]);
                 $fakeSender = "";
                 foreach (Server::$Inputs as $index => $input) {
                     if ($input->Active && $input->Custom && !isset(Server::$Groups[$row["group_id"]]->TicketInputsHidden[$index])) {
                         $cv = "";
                         if ($input->Type == "CheckBox") {
                             $cv = !empty($customs[$input->Name]) ? "<!--lang_client_yes-->" : "<!--lang_client_no-->";
                         } else {
                             if (!empty($customs[$input->Name]) || $input->Type == "ComboBox") {
                                 $cv = $input->GetClientValue(@$customs[$input->Name]);
                         $tData[$i] = str_replace("%custom" . $index . "%", $cv, $tData[$i]);
                 $tData[$i] = Server::Replace($tData[$i]);
                 $tData[$i] = Mailbox::FinalizeEmail($tData[$i], $i == 1);
             $mailbox = null;
             if (!empty($row["group_id"]) && isset(Server::$Groups[$row["group_id"]]) && !empty(Server::$Groups[$row["group_id"]]->ChatEmailOut)) {
                 $mailbox = Mailbox::GetById(Server::$Groups[$row["group_id"]]->ChatEmailOut);
             $mailbox = !empty($mailbox) ? $mailbox : $defmailbox;
             if ($mailbox != null && (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_soct"]) || $_custom) && !empty($row["transcript_receiver"])) {
                 Communication::SendEmail($mailbox, $row["transcript_receiver"], $mailbox->Email, $tData[0], $tData[1], $subject);
             if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_scto"]) && !$_custom) {
                 $receivers = array();
                 $resulti = DBManager::Execute(true, "SELECT `user_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_VISITOR_CHAT_OPERATORS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "' AND `ltime`=0;");
                 if ($resulti) {
                     while ($rowi = DBManager::FetchArray($resulti)) {
                         if (!empty(Server::$Operators[$rowi["user_id"]]) && !in_array($rowi["user_id"], $receivers)) {
                             $receivers[] = $rowi["user_id"];
                         } else {
                         Communication::SendEmail($mailbox, Server::$Operators[$receivers[count($receivers) - 1]]->Email, $mailbox->Email, $tData[0], $tData[1], $subject);
             if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_sctg"]) && !$_custom) {
                 Communication::SendEmail($mailbox, Server::$Groups[$row["group_id"]]->Email, $mailbox->Email, $tData[0], $tData[1], $subject);
             if (!empty($mailbox) && !empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_scct"])) {
                 if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_uvec"])) {
                     if (Mailbox::IsValidEmail($row["transcript_receiver"])) {
                         $fakeSender = $row["transcript_receiver"];
                     } else {
                         if (Mailbox::IsValidEmail($row["email"])) {
                             $fakeSender = $row["email"];
                 Communication::SendEmail($mailbox, Server::$Configuration->File["gl_scct"], $mailbox->Email, $tData[0], $tData[1], $subject, false, null, $fakeSender);
             if (!empty($row["voucher_id"])) {
                 $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher(null, $row["voucher_id"]);
     if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_rm_chats"]) && Server::$Configuration->File["gl_rm_chats_time"] == 0) {
         DBManager::Execute(true, "DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `transcript_sent` = '1';");
function processChatActions()
    global $INTERNAL, $RVISITOR;
    $count = 0;
    while (isset($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"])) {
        $type = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vd"];
        if ($type == "OperatorSignOff") {
            $op = $INTERNAL[$_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]];
        } else {
            if ($type == "SendChatTranscriptTo") {
                $value = 1;
                while (!empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_" . $value])) {
                    queryDB(true, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` SET `transcript_sent`=0,`transcript_receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]) . "' WHERE `transcript_sent`=1 AND `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_" . $value]) . "' LIMIT 1;");
            } else {
                if ($type == "CreatePublicGroup") {
                    $room = new UserGroup();
                    $room->IsDynamic = true;
                    $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                    $room->Descriptions["EN"] = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"];
                    $room->Owner = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"];
                    $room->AddMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"], !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]));
                } else {
                    if ($type == "DeletePublicGroup") {
                        $room = new UserGroup();
                        $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                    } else {
                        if ($type == "JoinPublicGroup") {
                            $room = new UserGroup();
                            $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                            $room->AddMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"], !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]));
                        } else {
                            if ($type == "QuitPublicGroup") {
                                $room = new UserGroup();
                                $room->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                                $room->RemoveMember($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                            } else {
                                if ($type == "StartOverlayChat") {
                                    $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                } else {
                                    if ($type == "AddVisitorComment") {
                                        $visitor = new Visitor($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                        $visitor->SaveComment(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                    } else {
                                        if ($type == "DownloadRecentHistory") {
                                            $RVISITOR = new Visitor($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                            $RVISITOR->LoadRecentVisits(true, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                        } else {
                                            if ($type == "SetTranslation") {
                                                $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                                $chat->ChatId = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"];
                                                $chat->SetTranslation($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($type == "SetChatTicketParam") {
                                                    $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher("", $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                    $ticket->SetVoucherParams(!empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_1"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_2"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_3"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_4"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_5"]), !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_6"]));
                                                } else {
                                                    if (strlen($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]) > 0 && strlen($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"]) > 0) {
                                                        $chat = new VisitorChat($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_va"], $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vb"]);
                                                        $chat->ChatId = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_vc"];
                                                        if ($type == "SetCallMeBackStatus") {
                                                            $chat->SetCallMeBackStatus($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                        } else {
                                                            if ($type == "JoinChatInvisible") {
                                                                $chat->JoinChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, true, !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]));
                                                            } else {
                                                                if ($type == "JoinChat") {
                                                                    $chat->JoinChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, false, !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]));
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if ($type == "SetPriority") {
                                                                        $chat->SetPriority($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        if ($type == "SetTargetOperator") {
                                                                            $chat->SetTargetOperator($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                        } else {
                                                                            if ($type == "SetTargetGroup") {
                                                                                $chat->SetTargetGroup($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                            } else {
                                                                                if ($type == "AcceptChat") {
                                                                                } else {
                                                                                    if ($type == "CloseChat") {
                                                                                    } else {
                                                                                        if ($type == "TakeChat") {
                                                                                            $chat->TakeChat(CALLER_SYSTEM_ID, $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_CHAT_ACTION . "_" . $count . "_ve_0"]);
                                                                                        } else {
                                                                                            if ($type == "DeclineChat") {
                                                                                            } else {
                                                                                                if ($type == "LeaveChat") {
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $html = str_replace("<!--voucher_id-->", base64UrlEncode($ticket->Id), $html);
    $html = str_replace("<!--server-->", LIVEZILLA_URL, $html);
    $ofc = !empty($_POST["form_ofc"]) ? "&amp;ofc=MQ__" : "";
    if (!empty($_POST["form_extends"]) && !empty($_POST["form_group"])) {
        $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", "&amp;co=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_extends"]) . "&amp;intgroup=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_group"]) . $ofc, $html);
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST["form_group"])) {
            $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", "&amp;intgroup=" . base64UrlEncode($_POST["form_group"]) . $ofc, $html);
        } else {
            $html = str_replace("<!--co-->", $ofc, $html);
} else {
    if (!empty($_GET["confirm"]) && $_GET["confirm"] == "1" && !empty($_GET["vc"]) && strlen(base64UrlDecode($_GET["vc"])) == 16) {
        require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
        $voucher = new CommercialChatVoucher("", base64UrlDecode($_GET["vc"]));
        if ($voucher->Load()) {
            if (PayProvValidatePayment($voucher->Price)) {
                $voucher->SetPaymentDetails(PayProvGetPaymentId(), PayProvGetPayerId(), PayProvGetPaymentDetails());
                if (empty($PAYMENTERROR)) {
                    $voucher->SetVoucherParams(!empty($voucher->Voided), true, false, false, false, true, base64UrlDecode($_GET[GET_EXTERN_GROUP]));
                } else {
                    $voucher->SetVoucherParams(!empty($voucher->Voided), false, false, false, false);
 public static function GetMatchingVoucher($_groupId, $_voucherid)
     global $CONFIG, $GROUPS;
     $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher("", $_voucherid);
     $result = queryDB(true, $d = "SELECT *,`t1`.`id` AS `voucherid`, SUM(`chat_time_max`) AS `chat_time_max`, SUM(`chat_time`) AS `chat_time`, SUM(`chat_sessions`) AS `chat_sessions`, SUM(`chat_sessions_max`) AS `chat_sessions_max`, MAX(`expires`) AS `expires` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_COMMERCIAL_CHAT_VOUCHERS . "` AS `t1` INNER JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_COMMERCIAL_CHAT_TYPES . "` AS `t2` ON `t1`.`tid`=`t2`.`id` WHERE `t1`.`id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_voucherid) . "' ORDER BY `created` ASC;");
     while ($row = @DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
         if (!empty($CONFIG["db"]["cct"][$row["tid"]])) {
             $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher($row);
             if (in_array($row["tid"], $GROUPS[$_groupId]->ChatVouchersRequired)) {
                 return $ticket;
     return null;
function sendChatTranscripts($_custom = false)
    initData(array("INTERNAL", "INPUTS"));
    $defmailbox = Mailbox::GetDefaultOutgoing();
    $result = queryDB(false, "SELECT `voucher_id`,`subject`,`customs`,`internal_id`,`transcript_text`,`transcript_receiver`,`email`,`chat_id`,`fullname`,`group_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `chat_type`=1 AND `endtime`>0 AND `closed`>0 AND `transcript_sent`=0 LIMIT 1;");
    if ($result) {
        while ($row = DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
            if (empty($row["transcript_text"])) {
            queryDB(true, "UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` SET `transcript_sent`=1 WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "' LIMIT 1;");
            $rcvs = str_replace(array("%fullname%", "%efullname%"), $row["fullname"], $row["transcript_text"]);
            $rcvs = str_replace(array("%email%", "%eemail%"), $row["email"], $rcvs);
            $rcvs = str_replace("%rating%", getRatingAVGFromChatId($row["chat_id"]), $rcvs);
            $subject = $row["subject"];
            $customs = @unserialize($row["customs"]);
            $fakeSender = "";
            foreach ($INPUTS as $index => $input) {
                if ($input->Active && $input->Custom && !isset($GROUPS[$row["group_id"]]->TicketInputsHidden[$index])) {
                    $cv = "";
                    if ($input->Type == "CheckBox") {
                        $cv = !empty($customs[$input->Name]) ? "<!--lang_client_yes-->" : "<!--lang_client_no-->";
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($customs[$input->Name]) || $input->Type == "ComboBox") {
                            $cv = $input->GetClientValue(@$customs[$input->Name]);
                    $rcvs = str_replace("%custom" . $index . "%", $cv, $rcvs);
            $rcvs = applyReplacements($rcvs);
            $rcvs = Mailbox::FinalizeEmail($rcvs . "\r\n\r\n<!--lz_ref_link-->");
            $mailbox = null;
            if (!empty($row["group_id"]) && isset($GROUPS[$row["group_id"]]) && !empty($GROUPS[$row["group_id"]]->ChatEmailOut)) {
                $mailbox = Mailbox::GetById($GROUPS[$row["group_id"]]->ChatEmailOut);
            $mailbox = !empty($mailbox) ? $mailbox : $defmailbox;
            if ((!empty($CONFIG["gl_soct"]) || $_custom) && !empty($row["transcript_receiver"])) {
                sendMail($mailbox, $row["transcript_receiver"], $mailbox->Email, $rcvs, $subject);
            if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_scto"]) && !$_custom) {
                $receivers = array();
                $resulti = queryDB(true, "SELECT `sender`,`receiver` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($row["chat_id"]) . "';");
                if ($resulti) {
                    while ($rowi = DBManager::FetchArray($resulti)) {
                        if (!empty($INTERNAL[$rowi["sender"]]) && !in_array($rowi["sender"], $receivers)) {
                            $receivers[] = $rowi["sender"];
                        } else {
                            if (!empty($INTERNAL[$rowi["receiver"]]) && !in_array($rowi["receiver"], $receivers)) {
                                $receivers[] = $rowi["receiver"];
                            } else {
                        sendMail($mailbox, $INTERNAL[$receivers[count($receivers) - 1]]->Email, $mailbox->Email, $rcvs, $subject);
            if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_sctg"]) && !$_custom) {
                sendMail($mailbox, $GROUPS[$row["group_id"]]->Email, $mailbox->Email, $rcvs, $subject);
            if (!empty($mailbox) && !empty($CONFIG["gl_scct"])) {
                if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_uvec"])) {
                    if (Mailbox::IsValidEmail($row["transcript_receiver"])) {
                        $fakeSender = $row["transcript_receiver"];
                    } else {
                        if (Mailbox::IsValidEmail($row["email"])) {
                            $fakeSender = $row["email"];
                sendMail($mailbox, $CONFIG["gl_scct"], $mailbox->Email, $rcvs, $subject, false, null, $fakeSender);
            if (!empty($row["voucher_id"])) {
                $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher(null, $row["voucher_id"]);
    if (!empty($CONFIG["gl_rm_chats"]) && $CONFIG["gl_rm_chats_time"] == 0) {
        queryDB(true, "DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_CHAT_ARCHIVE . "` WHERE `transcript_sent` = '1';");
 static function GetMatchingVoucher($_groupId, $_voucherid)
     Server::InitDataBlock(array("GROUPS", "DBCONFIG"));
     $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher("", $_voucherid);
     $result = DBManager::Execute(true, $d = "SELECT *,`t1`.`id` AS `voucherid`, SUM(`chat_time_max`) AS `chat_time_max`, SUM(`chat_time`) AS `chat_time`, SUM(`chat_sessions`) AS `chat_sessions`, SUM(`chat_sessions_max`) AS `chat_sessions_max`, MAX(`expires`) AS `expires` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_COMMERCIAL_CHAT_VOUCHERS . "` AS `t1` INNER JOIN `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_COMMERCIAL_CHAT_TYPES . "` AS `t2` ON `t1`.`tid`=`t2`.`id` WHERE `t1`.`id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_voucherid) . "' ORDER BY `created` ASC;");
     while ($row = @DBManager::FetchArray($result)) {
         if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->Database["cct"][$row["tid"]])) {
             $ticket = new CommercialChatVoucher($row);
             if (in_array($row["tid"], Server::$Groups[$_groupId]->ChatVouchersRequired)) {
                 return $ticket;
     return null;