Ejemplo n.º 1
                echo 'checked="checked" ';
				<label for="show_expiry_all"><?php 
            echo T_('All comments');
        // comments_container value shows, current Item ID
        echo '<div id="comments_container" value="' . $Item->ID . '">';
        // display comments
        $CommentList->display_if_empty(array('before' => '<div class="bComment"><p>', 'after' => '</p></div>', 'msg_empty' => T_('No feedback for this post yet...')));
        require $inc_path . 'comments/views/_comment_list.inc.php';
        echo '</div>';
        // comments_container div
        if ($Item->can_comment()) {
            // User can leave a comment
			<!-- ========== FORM to add a comment ========== -->
            echo T_('Leave a comment');

            $Form = new Form($htsrv_url . 'comment_post.php', 'comment_checkchanges');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * b2evolution - {@link http://b2evolution.net/}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link http://b2evolution.net/about/gnu-gpl-license}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2015 by Francois Planque - {@link http://fplanque.com/}
 * @package evoskins
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
$CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog);
// Filter list:
$CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => get_inskin_statuses($Blog->ID, 'comment'), 'order' => 'DESC', 'comments' => $Blog->get_setting('latest_comments_num')));
// Get ready for display (runs the query):
$CommentList->display_if_empty(array('msg_empty' => T_('No replies yet...')));
if ($CommentList->result_num_rows > 0) {
<table class="bForums fixed_layout evo_content_block" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
		<th class="col1"><?php 
    echo T_('Author');
    echo T_('Message');
    while ($Comment =& $CommentList->get_next()) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Display CommentList with the given filters
 * @param integer Blog ID
 * @param integer Item ID
 * @param array Status filters
 * @param integer Limit
 * @param array Comments IDs string to exclude from the list
 * @param string Filterset name
 * @param string Expiry status: 'all', 'active', 'expired'
function echo_item_comments($blog_ID, $item_ID, $statuses = NULL, $currentpage = 1, $limit = 20, $comment_IDs = array(), $filterset_name = '', $expiry_status = 'active')
    global $inc_path, $status_list, $Blog, $admin_url;
    $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
    $Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
    global $CommentList;
    $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, $limit, 'CommentCache', '', $filterset_name);
    $exlude_ID_list = NULL;
    if (!empty($comment_IDs)) {
        $exlude_ID_list = '-' . implode(",", $comment_IDs);
    if (empty($statuses)) {
        $statuses = get_visibility_statuses('keys', array('redirected', 'trash'));
    if ($expiry_status == 'all') {
        // Display all comments
        $expiry_statuses = array('active', 'expired');
    } else {
        // Display active or expired comments
        $expiry_statuses = array($expiry_status);
    // if item_ID == -1 then don't use item filter! display all comments from current blog
    if ($item_ID == -1) {
        $item_ID = NULL;
    // set redirect_to
    if ($item_ID != null) {
        // redirect to the items full view
        param('redirect_to', 'url', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=items&blog=' . $blog_ID . '&p=' . $item_ID, '&'));
        param('item_id', 'integer', $item_ID);
        param('currentpage', 'integer', $currentpage);
        if (count($statuses) == 1) {
            $show_comments = $statuses[0];
        } else {
            $show_comments = 'all';
        param('comments_number', 'integer', generic_ctp_number($item_ID, 'comments', $show_comments));
        // Filter list:
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $statuses, 'expiry_statuses' => $expiry_statuses, 'comment_ID_list' => $exlude_ID_list, 'post_ID' => $item_ID, 'order' => 'ASC', 'comments' => $limit, 'page' => $currentpage));
    } else {
        // redirect to the comments full view
        param('redirect_to', 'url', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=comments&blog=' . $blog_ID . '&filter=restore', '&'));
        // this is an ajax call we always have to restore the filterst (we can set filters only without ajax call)
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback')));
    // Get ready for display (runs the query):
    $CommentList->display_if_empty(array('before' => '<div class="bComment"><p>', 'after' => '</p></div>', 'msg_empty' => T_('No feedback for this post yet...')));
    // display comments
    require $inc_path . 'comments/views/_comment_list.inc.php';
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @package evoskins
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
// Default params:
$params = array_merge(array('comment_template' => '_item_comment.inc.php', 'author_link_text' => 'name', 'link_to' => 'userurl>userpage', 'display_comment_avatar' => true, 'comment_avatar_position' => 'before_title', 'comment_start' => '<article class="evo_comment evo_content_block panel panel-default">', 'comment_end' => '</article></div>', 'comment_post_display' => true, 'comment_post_before' => '<div><h4 class="evo_comment_title panel-title">', 'comment_post_after' => '</h4>', 'comment_title_before' => '<h4 class="evo_comment_title panel-title">', 'comment_title_after' => '</h4></div><div class="panel-body">', 'comment_avatar_before' => '<div class="comments-wrapper"><div class="evo_comment_avatar">', 'comment_avatar_after' => '</div>', 'comment_rating_before' => '<div class="evo_comment_rating">', 'comment_rating_after' => '</div>', 'comment_text_before' => '<div class="evo_comment_text">', 'comment_text_after' => '</div>', 'comment_info_before' => '<footer class="evo_comment_info clear text-muted"><small>', 'comment_info_after' => '</small></footer></div>', 'comment_image_size' => 'fit-1280x720', 'comment_image_class' => 'img-responsive'), $params);
$CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog);
// Filter list:
$CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => get_inskin_statuses($Blog->ID, 'comment'), 'order' => 'DESC', 'comments' => $Blog->get_setting('latest_comments_num')));
// Run SQL query to get results depending on current filters:
// Get ready for display (runs the query):
echo '<div class="evo_content_block">';
while ($Comment =& $CommentList->get_next()) {
    // Loop through comments:
	<!-- ========== START of a COMMENT ========== -->
    // ------------------ COMMENT INCLUDED HERE ------------------
    skin_include($params['comment_template'], array('Comment' => &$Comment, 'comment_start' => $params['comment_start'], 'comment_end' => $params['comment_end'], 'comment_post_display' => $params['comment_post_display'], 'comment_post_before' => $params['comment_post_before'], 'comment_post_after' => $params['comment_post_after'], 'comment_title_before' => $params['comment_title_before'], 'comment_title_after' => $params['comment_title_after'], 'comment_avatar_before' => $params['comment_avatar_before'], 'comment_avatar_after' => $params['comment_avatar_after'], 'comment_rating_before' => $params['comment_rating_before'], 'comment_rating_after' => $params['comment_rating_after'], 'comment_text_before' => $params['comment_text_before'], 'comment_text_after' => $params['comment_text_after'], 'comment_info_before' => $params['comment_info_before'], 'comment_info_after' => $params['comment_info_after'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text'], 'link_to' => $params['link_to'], 'author_link_text' => $params['author_link_text'], 'image_size' => $params['comment_image_size'], 'image_class' => $params['comment_image_class']));
    // Note: You can customize the default item comment by copying the generic
    // /skins/_item_comment.inc.php file into the current skin folder.
    // ---------------------- END OF COMMENT ---------------------
	<!-- ========== END of a COMMENT ========== -->
Ejemplo n.º 5

<!-- Title for comments, tbs, pbs... -->
    echo implode(", ", $disp_title);

    $comments_per_page = !$Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments') ? $Blog->get_setting('comments_per_page') : 1000;
    $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog, $comments_per_page);
    // Filter list:
    $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => $type_list, 'statuses' => get_inskin_statuses($Blog->ID, 'comment'), 'post_ID' => $Item->ID, 'order' => $Blog->get_setting('comments_orderdir'), 'threaded_comments' => $Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments')));
    // Get ready for display (runs the query):
    $CommentList->display_if_empty(array('msg_empty' => sprintf(T_('No %s for this post yet...'), implode("/", $disp_title))));
    if ($Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments')) {
        // Array to store the comment replies
        global $CommentReplies;
        $CommentReplies = array();
    while ($Comment =& $CommentList->get_next()) {
        // Loop through comments:
        if ($Blog->get_setting('threaded_comments') && $Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID > 0) {
            // Store the replies in a special array
            if (!isset($CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID])) {
                $CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID] = array();
            $CommentReplies[$Comment->in_reply_to_cmt_ID][] = $Comment;
            // Skip dispay a comment reply here in order to dispay it after parent comment by function display_comment_replies()