Ejemplo n.º 1
<?php if(!defined('__MAGIC__')) exit;

$key = GV::Number($this->KN());
$board = Board::Inst($this->bo_id);
$v = $this->Sql('fetch', $key);
$comments = Comment::Inst(

// 파일 정보를 가져옴
$file = File::Inst()->wr_no($key)->Protection();

<div id="write_view">
<div class="title">
  <div class="title_bg_left">
  <div class="title_bg_right">
    <?php if($v['wr_category']) {?>
    <span class="category"><?php echo array_pop(explode('|',$v['wr_category']))?> | </span>
    <?php }?>
    <?php echo $v['wr_subject']?>
    <span class="hit">조회: <?php echo $v['wr_hit']?></span>
  <p class="writer">
    <span class="datetime"><?php echo $v['wr_datetime']?></span>
    <?php echo $v['wr_writer']?>
Ejemplo n.º 2
<?php if(!defined('__MAGIC__')) exit;

$key = GV::Number($this->KN());
$board = Board::Inst($this->bo_id);
$v = $this->Sql('fetch', $key);
$comments = Comment::Inst('mbasic'

// 파일 정보를 가져옴
$file = File::Inst()->wr_no($key);
<div data-role="navbar" data-iconpos="top">
<ul><?php include($this->path_view('buttons.php'))?></ul>

<h2><?php echo $v['wr_subject']?></h2>
<p class="right"><?php echo $v['wr_writer']?> <?php echo $v['wr_datetime']?></p>

<?php if(sizeof($file->Action('images', $this->Config('img_width')))!=0) {?>
<div style="margin-bottom:20px"><?php foreach ($file->Action('images', $this->Config('img_width')) as $vv) {?>
<div style="margin-bottom:5px">
<img src="<?php echo $vv['link']?>" width="<?php echo $vv['width']?>" height="<?php echo $vv['height']?>"/>
<?php }?></div>
<?php }?>

<div style="line-height:1.6;min-height:200px"><?php echo $v['wr_content']?></div>
Ejemplo n.º 3
<?php if(!defined("__MAGIC__")) exit; 

 * 게시글 목록을 불러옴
 * join을 통해서 댓글 갯수등을 파악함
 * 파일은 파일이 업로드 되었는지 아닌지만 파악하면 되기 때문에
 * 서브쿼리로 불러오고 있음
 * 공지사항과 비밀글은 비트연산을 통해서 결과를 얻어냄

$tbn = $this->TBN();
$tbn_file = File::Inst()->TBN();
$tbn_cmt = Comment::Inst()->TBN();
$tbn_tag = Tag::Inst()->TBN();

$mb_no = $this->Config('mb','no');
$key = GV::Number($this->KN());
$bo_no = $this->bo_no;
//$category = urldecode(GV::Category());

$plus1 = $att[1];
$rows = $this->Config('rows');
if($plus1) $rows+=$plus1;

$sql = "
			FROM {$tbn_file}
Ejemplo n.º 4
<?php if(!defined('__MAGIC__')) exit;

$breadcrumb = PageElement::Inst('breadcrumb')->html();

$key = GV::Number($this->KN());
$board = Board::Inst($this->bo_id);
$v = $this->Sql('fetch', $key);
$comments = Comment::Inst('dppia_blog'

$category = explode('|',$v['wr_category']);
$link_category = Url::Get(array('ca1'=>$category[0], 'ca2'=>$category[1]));

// 파일 정보를 가져옴
$file = File::Inst()->wr_no($key)->Protection();
$list = $this->Sql('list',1);

if(!function_exists('strcut_utf8')) {
  function strcut_utf8($str, $len, $checkmb=false, $tail='') {
    * UTF-8 Format
    * 0xxxxxxx = ASCII, 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx or 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
    * latin, greek, cyrillic, coptic, armenian, hebrew, arab characters consist of 2bytes
    * BMP(Basic Mulitilingual Plane) including Hangul, Japanese consist of 3bytes
    preg_match_all('/[\xE0-\xFF][\x80-\xFF]{2}|./', $str, $match); // target for BMP

    $m = $match[0];
Ejemplo n.º 5
    $category[$parent]['cnt'] += $cnt;

foreach($this->Sql('list_all') as $v) {
  if(!isset($archive[$v['wr_datetime_text']])) $archive[$v['wr_datetime_text']]=0;

// 공시사항
$notice = $this->Sql('list_notice');
// 최신댓글
$comment = Comment::Inst()->Sql('latest', $this->bo_no, 10);
// 최신글
$latest = Latest::Inst('blog_side', $this->bo_no)->html();
// 태그
$tags = Tag::Inst('basic', $this->bo_no)->SetConfig('hide_count','',1)->html();

if(!function_exists('strcut_utf8')) {
  function strcut_utf8($str, $len, $checkmb=false, $tail='') {
    * UTF-8 Format
    * 0xxxxxxx = ASCII, 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx or 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
    * latin, greek, cyrillic, coptic, armenian, hebrew, arab characters consist of 2bytes
    * BMP(Basic Mulitilingual Plane) including Hangul, Japanese consist of 3bytes
    preg_match_all('/[\xE0-\xFF][\x80-\xFF]{2}|./', $str, $match); // target for BMP
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * version 1.0
 * 사용자의 구미에 맞도록 초기설치 제어를 수행함
$cfg = array();
// 데이터베이스 정보
$cfg['dbinfo'] = array('host' => 'localhost', 'user' => '', 'password' => '', 'db' => '', 'prefix' => 'm3_');
// 관리자 정보
$cfg['admin_info'] = array('id' => 'admin', 'password' => '', 'password_confirm' => '', 'name' => '최고관리자');
// 홈페이지 기본정보
$cfg['hp_info'] = array('title' => '매직보드');
// data 폴더 목록
// '폴더명'=>'권한값'
$cfg['data_folder'] = array(Path::data() => 0707, Path::data_file() => 0707, Path::data('cache') => 0707, Path::data('zmLog') => 0707, Path::data('zmLogConnect') => 0755, Path::data('cheditor') => 0707, Path::data_member() => 0707);
// 설치 테이블 정보
// '테이블명'=>'설치모듈 인스턴스'
$cfg['tables'] = array('magic' => Magic::Inst(), 'config' => Config::Inst(), 'write' => Write::Inst(), 'board' => Board::Inst(), 'file' => File::Inst(), 'comment' => Comment::Inst(), 'member' => Member::Inst(), 'tag' => Tag::Inst(), 'widget' => Widget::Inst());
* 메뉴구성 및 기본 컨텐츠 설정
$cfg['default_data'] = "
kr:index				=widget:page=write:index.html
+메뉴얼:basic			=widget:page=write=widget:webclip:sub_title+=widget:page
++영문홈페이지:basic	=widget:page=write=widget:webclip:sub_title+=widget:page
++모바일홈페이지:basic	=widget:page=write=widget:webclip:sub_title+=widget:page
+게시판:basic			=widget:page=write=widget:webclip:sub_title+=widget:page
++공지사항:basic		=widget:page=write=widget:webclip:sub_title+=widget:write=board:공지

eng:index				=widget:page=write:index.html
+English Sample:basic	=widget:page=write
