Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function SendMail($EmailMessagge = '', $Emailto = '', $EmailSubject = '')
     $Emailfrom = \SKT_SITE_EMAIL;
     $smtp = new \CmsDev\Security\smtp\smtp();
     $smtp->host_name = "localhost";
     /* Change this variable to the address of the SMTP server to relay, like "smtp.myisp.com" */
     $smtp->host_port = 26;
     /* Change this variable to the port of the SMTP server to use, like 465 */
     $smtp->ssl = 0;
     /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires an secure connection using SSL */
     $smtp->http_proxy_host_name = '';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
     $smtp->http_proxy_host_port = 3128;
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
     $smtp->socks_host_name = '';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->socks_host_port = 1080;
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->socks_version = '5';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->start_tls = 0;
     /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires security by starting TLS during the connection */
     $smtp->localhost = "localhost";
     /* Your computer address */
     $smtp->direct_delivery = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to deliver directly to the recepient SMTP server */
     $smtp->timeout = 10;
     /* Set to the number of seconds wait for a successful connection to the SMTP server */
     $smtp->data_timeout = 0;
     /* Set to the number seconds wait for sending or retrieving data from the SMTP server.
        Set to 0 to use the same defined in the timeout variable */
     $smtp->debug = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to output the communication with the SMTP server */
     $smtp->html_debug = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to format the debug output as HTML */
     $smtp->pop3_auth_host = "";
     /* Set to the POP3 authentication host if your SMTP server requires prior POP3 authentication */
     $smtp->user = "";
     /* Set to the user name if the server requires authetication */
     $smtp->realm = "";
     /* Set to the authetication realm, usually the authentication user e-mail domain */
     $smtp->password = "";
     /* Set to the authetication password */
     $smtp->workstation = "";
     /* Workstation name for NTLM authentication */
     $smtp->authentication_mechanism = "PLAIN";
     /* Specify a SASL authentication method like LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, etc..
        Leave it empty to make the class negotiate if necessary */
     if ($smtp->SendMessage($Emailfrom, array($Emailto, $Emailfrom), array("X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "", "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit", "From: {$Emailfrom}", "To: {$Emailto}" . ";" . $Emailfrom, "Subject: " . $EmailSubject, "Date: " . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")), $EmailMessagge)) {
         include 'ValidateUserMessage1.php';
     } else {
         return "no";
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private function sendMailRegistration($User)
     $SKTDB = SKT_DB::connect();
     $User = $SKTDB->get_row("SELECT *\r\n                    FROM users as user join userprofile as profile \r\n                    ON user.id = " . \GetSQLValueString($User, 'int') . "\r\n                    WHERE user.id = profile.IDX \r\n            ");
     $username = $User->username;
     $activekey = $User->activekey;
     $resetkey = $User->resetkey;
     $md5 = $User->md5;
     $Name = $User->Name;
     $Surname = $User->Surname;
     $Company = $User->Company;
     $RUT = $User->RUT;
     $Position = $User->Position;
     $Address = $User->Address;
     $Phone = $User->Phone;
     $email = $User->email;
     $URLActivate = \SITE_SERVER . "/ValidateUser?codeValidate=" . $md5;
     $code = "";
     $Sitio = SITE_SERVER;
     $TemplateSite = SKT_TEMPLATE;
     $Logo = SERVER_DIR . SKTURL_TemplateSite . '/assets/img/logo.png';
     $Assets = \SITE_SERVER . '/_TemplateSite/NegociosEnRed/mails/assets/';
     //        $UrlProduct = isset($_POST['UrlProduct']) ? $_POST['UrlProduct'] : '';
     //        $UrlProductShort = isset($_POST['UrlProductShort']) ? $_POST['UrlProductShort'] : '';
     //        $NameProduct = isset($_POST['NameProduct']) ? $_POST['NameProduct'] : '';
     //        $description = isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : '';
     //        $idProduct = isset($_POST['idProduct']) ? $_POST['idProduct'] : '';
     //        if ($UrlProductShort != '') {
     //            $Product = '<tr>
     //                <th align="right" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#515050" style="color: #FFF !important;"><strong style="color: #FFF">Interesado en</strong></th>
     //                <td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#F5F5F5">
     //                  <h3><a href="' . $UrlProduct . '">' . $NameProduct . '</a></h3>
     //                </td>
     //              </tr>';
     //        }
     $Mail_ValidateRegistration = SKTPATH_CmsDev . 'Security' . DS . 'Mail_ValidateRegistration.php';
     $EmailMessagge = \file_get_contents($Mail_ValidateRegistration);
     $find = array('[Assets]', '[Sitio]', '[Logo]', '[URLActivate]', '[code]', '[username]', '[activekey]', '[resetkey]', '[md5]', '[Name]', '[Surname]', '[Company]', '[RUT]', '[Position]', '[Address]', '[Phone]', '[email]');
     $replace = array($Assets, $Sitio, $Logo, $URLActivate, $code, $username, $activekey, $resetkey, $md5, $Name, $Surname, $Company, $RUT, $Position, $Address, $Phone, $email);
     $EmailMessagge = str_replace($find, $replace, $EmailMessagge);
     $Emailfrom = SKT_SITE_EMAIL;
     $Emailto = $email;
     $EmailSubject = SKT_SITE_NAME . ' - Registro de usuario';
     $smtp = new \CmsDev\Security\smtp\smtp();
     $smtp->host_name = "localhost";
     /* Change this variable to the address of the SMTP server to relay, like "smtp.myisp.com" */
     $smtp->host_port = 26;
     /* Change this variable to the port of the SMTP server to use, like 465 */
     $smtp->ssl = 0;
     /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires an secure connection using SSL */
     $smtp->http_proxy_host_name = '';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
     $smtp->http_proxy_host_port = 3128;
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an HTTP proxy */
     $smtp->socks_host_name = '';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->socks_host_port = 1080;
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->socks_version = '5';
     /* Change this variable if you need to connect to SMTP server via an SOCKS server */
     $smtp->start_tls = 0;
     /* Change this variable if the SMTP server requires security by starting TLS during the connection */
     $smtp->localhost = "localhost";
     /* Your computer address */
     $smtp->direct_delivery = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to deliver directly to the recepient SMTP server */
     $smtp->timeout = 10;
     /* Set to the number of seconds wait for a successful connection to the SMTP server */
     $smtp->data_timeout = 0;
     /* Set to the number seconds wait for sending or retrieving data from the SMTP server.
        Set to 0 to use the same defined in the timeout variable */
     $smtp->debug = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to output the communication with the SMTP server */
     $smtp->html_debug = 0;
     /* Set to 1 to format the debug output as HTML */
     $smtp->pop3_auth_host = "";
     /* Set to the POP3 authentication host if your SMTP server requires prior POP3 authentication */
     $smtp->user = "";
     /* Set to the user name if the server requires authetication */
     $smtp->realm = "";
     /* Set to the authetication realm, usually the authentication user e-mail domain */
     $smtp->password = "";
     /* Set to the authetication password */
     $smtp->workstation = "";
     /* Workstation name for NTLM authentication */
     $smtp->authentication_mechanism = "PLAIN";
     /* Specify a SASL authentication method like LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, NTLM, etc..
        Leave it empty to make the class negotiate if necessary */
     if ($smtp->SendMessage($Emailfrom, array($Emailto, $Emailfrom), array("X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "", "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit", "From: {$Emailfrom}", "To: {$Emailto}" . ";" . $Emailfrom, "Subject: " . $EmailSubject, "Date: " . strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")), $EmailMessagge)) {
         include 'ValidateUserMessage1.php';
     } else {
         return "no";