Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Pack out a referral to a PPI client.
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $referral_id
  * @return void
 public function post_create_client($referral_id)
     // First, we must save the updated data
     // Need to make sure that if we are a 0 referral_id then we create a new referral.
     list($referral, $referral_id) = Controller_Crm_Ppi::save_current_post($referral_id);
     // Now create the client
     $referralData = $referral->values();
     $clientID = ClientClass::createClient($referralData);
     \log::write('Msg', 'Create Client: ' . (int) $clientID, 'post_create_client');
     if ($clientID > 0) {
         // -- Create a PPI account for the client
         // --------------------------------------
         $referralData['clientID'] = $clientID;
         $ppiClientID = \Crm\Ppi\Ppi_class::createPpiClient($referralData);
         $ppiReference = \Crm\Ppi\Ppi_class::forge($ppiClientID);
         // -- Create a partner if details have been supplied
         // -------------------------------------------------
         $partnerDetails = $referral->loadData();
         if (isset($partnerDetails['partner']) && is_array($partnerDetails['partner'])) {
             $partnerDetails['partner']['clientID'] = $clientID;
         list($driver, $user_id) = \Auth::get_user_id();
         $thisUser = \Model_User::find($user_id);
         \Log::write('Dispo', $thisUser->name . ' created a client from referral ID ' . $referral_id, 'Controller_Crm_Ppi::post_create_client()');
         $referralDetails = \DB::query("SELECT data FROM crm_referrals WHERE id='" . $referral_id . "';", \DB::select())->execute()->as_array();
         $data = unserialize($referralDetails[0]['data']);
         $letterConfig = \Crm\Ppi\Ppi_class::loadLettersList((int) $referralData['company_id']);
         if ((int) $referralData['company_id'] == 1) {
             $timeSlot = 1;
         } else {
             if ((int) $referralData['company_id'] == 3) {
                 $timeSlot = 2;
         // -- Persolvo Letters
         \Crm\Letter\Pack::forge($clientID, null, array(array('id' => $letterConfig['ppi_welcome_letter'], 'qty' => 1, 'tray_id' => 2)))->setOutputFilename('ppi_pack_coverletter_' . $clientID . '.pdf')->printLetter(2, 40)->timeSlot($timeSlot)->create();
         $pack = array(array('id' => $letterConfig['ppi_form_of_authority'], 'qty' => count($data['creditors']) > 0 ? count($data['creditors']) : 3, 'tray_id' => 1), array('id' => $letterConfig['recommand_a_friend'], 'qty' => 1, 'tray_id' => 1), array('id' => $letterConfig['terms_and_conditions_GAB'], 'qty' => 1, 'tray_id' => 1), array('id' => $letterConfig['terms_and_conditions_CUSTOMER'], 'qty' => 1, 'tray_id' => 1));
         if ((int) $referralData['company_id'] == 3) {
             $pack[] = array('id' => $letterConfig['ipad_questionnaire'], 'qty' => 1, 'tray_id' => 1);
         \Crm\Letter\Pack::forge($clientID, null, $pack)->setOutputFilename('ppi_pack_' . $clientID . '.pdf')->printLetter()->timeSlot($timeSlot)->create();
         \DB::query("UPDATE crm_ppi_clients SET pack_sent_date = NOW() WHERE client_id=" . $clientID . ";")->execute();
         // -- Set Correspondence to Pack Out
         // ---------------------------------
         $correspondence = \Crm\Ppi\Ppi_correspondence::forge($clientID);
         $correspondence->saveNew(0, 1, 1, 0, 'Client Created and Pack Sent Out');
         $this->response(array('status' => 'SUCCESS', 'referralID' => $referral_id, 'clientID' => $clientID, 'ppiID' => $ppiClientID));
     } else {
         $this->response(array('status' => 'FAIL', 'message' => 'No Client could be created. Oh dear!'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function createReferral($data = array())
     // -- Create a new Referral
     // ------------------------
     if (count($data) <= 0) {
     // -- Save Referral
     // ----------------
     #$data['user_id'] = $this->_user_id;
     $referralID = \Referrals_model::createReferral($data);
     $Referral = self::forge($referralID);
     // -- Set Disposition to Referred
     // ------------------------------
     // -- Set the Disposition HERE
     // ---------------------------
     // -- Check for duplicates in the referrals
     // ----------------------------------------
     $duplications = array();
     $duplications = \Referrals_model::duplicationCheck($data);
     // -- Loop through the duplicates so we can find if this is a client
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------
     if (count($duplications) > 0) {
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // -- Duplication referral found, this could be ok as the lead could be  --
         // -- for a different company or for a different product                 --
         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
         // -- Search for the client
         // ------------------------
         $dataSearch = array();
         isset($data['forename']) ? $dataSearch['forename'] = $data['forename'] : false;
         isset($data['surname']) ? $dataSearch['surname'] = $data['surname'] : false;
         isset($data['street_and_number']) ? $dataSearch['street_and_number'] = $data['street_and_number'] : false;
         isset($data['post_code']) ? $dataSearch['post_code'] = $data['post_code'] : false;
         isset($data['tel_home']) ? $dataSearch['tel_home'] = $data['tel_home'] : false;
         isset($data['tel_work']) ? $dataSearch['tel_work'] = $data['tel_work'] : false;
         isset($data['tel_mobile']) ? $dataSearch['tel_mobile'] = $data['tel_mobile'] : false;
         $clients = array();
         $DuplicateClient = \ClientClass::duplicateCheck($dataSearch);
         if (is_object($DuplicateClient)) {
             // -- Client found with the same details, now check to see if they already have the same product
             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             $clientProducts = array();
             $clientProducts = $DuplicateClient->clientProducts((int) $data['product_id']);
             if (count($clientProducts) > 0) {
                 // -- Client found to have a product with one of the companies, so return the list to the agent
                 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 // -- Set Disposition to Referred
                 // ------------------------------
         } else {
             // -- Lead doesn't exist yet as a Client, so return the Referral ID for product account creation
             // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     } else {
         // -- First time referred, so send stright to consolidation
         // --------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function post_search()
     // -- Search for a Client
     // ----------------------
     $this->template->title = 'Client Search';
     $data['titles'] = ClientClass::titleList();
     $data['countries'] = ClientClass::countryList();
     if (isset($_POST)) {
         $seachValues = array();
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if ($value != '' && $key != 'Search') {
                 $seachValues[$key] = $value;
         // -- Return search results
         // ------------------------
         $results = array();
         $results = \ClientModel::clientSearch($seachValues);
         // -- If results returned, then loop through and assign them to an array;
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         if (!empty($results) > 0) {
             $clients = array();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $clients[] = ClientClass::forge($result['id']);
     $this->template->content = View::forge(static::$_viewPath . '/index.php', $data);